Are You Single Or Married?

Are You Single Or Married?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Are You Single Or Married?

I want to quickly identify some things to take note of regarding marriage. Singles and newly married, take note of the following 

1. You can not live like a bachelor or spinster in marriage

There are some lifestyles that are associated with a single life.

You must be ready to let go of such lifestyles. For example, you were keeping late nights or hanging out with friends for long hours.

Before you say ‘I do’, you must be ready to part with your old lifestyles.

You cannot combine the two. You cannot put new wine into old wine skin.

The problem is that some people want to enjoy the benefits of marriage but want to live a single life.

As a wife, you are good with cornflakes and noodles, but as a wife, if your husband says he wants really good food, you have to do that.

Yes, there should be compromise sometimes when you help each other or eat out especially when both of you have been at work all-day

But essentially, it’s no longer about you alone, it’s now the two of you!

Are You Single Or Married?

2. You must be responsible

Marriage life requires responsibility. It’s a life of being responsible.

You don’t live for yourself alone. You think about your spouse and your family’s well-being.

You think and carry the thoughts of your family everywhere you go.

That will inform your decision at the time. You don’t just wake up one morning and decide to travel for three weeks.

Your life as a married man or woman must reflect responsibility in all areas.

That’s why society frowns at it if a married woman or man dresses seductively because that is not expected of him/her. A married person is expected to be responsible.

God bless you this morning! Have a fantastic day ahead!

Are You Single Or Married?


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Here Are Ten Wrong Reasons For Getting Married Part 2

Here Are Ten Wrong Reasons For Getting Married Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

5. Getting married because a pastor or parent said so

Yes, pastors and parents can advise and give a go-ahead. But you also have to be convinced by yourself. Your parent or pastor will not live in the marriage with you. Marry because there is peace, purpose, attraction, and compatibility. Hear God for yourself.

6. Getting married to someone you cannot submit to

Wives are called to ultimately submit to their own husbands. However, submission in marriage is also mutual. Never marry someone you are not ready or willing to submit to.

7. Getting married when you are not ready to love as Christ loves the church

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Christ is the perfect example of love; the God kind of love that is without selfish motive. If you cannot love sacrificially, don’t marry that person.

8. Getting married just because you are from the same tribe or have things in common

You are not marrying because of your tribe or home town. You are marrying that person because you want to fulfill purpose and destiny together.

9. Getting married because people advised or counsel you to do so

People’s advice and counsel can very well be wrong and misleading. Only God leads well and right. God will not ask the people, He will ask you. Be answerable for your own destiny. Don’t marry solely out of people’s advice.

10. Getting married because of the present alone

Don’t marry a person because of his/her present situation alone. Have deep consideration for his/her future too. Is he rich now but on his way to being poor because he lacks the power to sustain and multiply wealth? That is one of the pertinent questions to ask.

Have a great day!

I will marry rightly.

Lord, lead me to the right person for me.

Isaiah 30:21 [KJV] And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left.

Pray in the spirit.

Isaiah 30


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Here Are Ten Wrong Reasons For Getting Married

Here Are Ten Wrong Reasons For Getting Married

Reading Time: 2 minutes

It is amazing that there are many unrealistic, funny, and illogical reasons why people often get married. A lot of people don’t have the slightest idea of what marriage entails. People get married when they are not fully prepared for it.

These ten reasons will help differentiate the right reasons and wrong reasons for getting married. The list is not exhaustive, but will at least help you to some extent.

1. Getting married because of pity

This is a wrong reason to want to get married to someone. Marriage is a covenant journey that requires mutual agreement, commitment, and willingness of both parties involved. Marriage should never be out of pity. You don’t marry because you want to help or solve someone’s problems. It has never worked and will never work.

2. Getting married because you feel you don’t have any other option.

Some ladies feel helpless and feel they don’t have any other option than to marry a particular person. Nothing can be far from the truth than this. Yes, you have many other options. Allow God to lead you, He won’t lead you wrong. Putting yourself in a tight corner and getting married blindly when all the dangers are explicit enough is not the way to go.

Did you miss out on yesterday’s devotional, we’ve got you covered. Kindly go HERE. For KHC video Devotionals, kindly go HERE

3. Getting married because you don’t want to break someone’s heart.

It is better there is a broken heart that can be healed than for there to be a broken, unfulfilled life and an unaccomplished destiny. A broken heart is way still better than a broken life. May your life not be broken in Jesus name.

4. Getting married because God said so.

You need to hear God as well. God is the ultimate authority, but you have to also be in agreement with God’s decision. You have to love the person with your whole heart in addition to God leading you and telling you the right person to marry.

You find some people say they are marrying a certain person they really detest, because God said so. God will never lead you wrong. God is not an author of confusion. He will not lead you to someone that you loathe and hate.

May God grant you more understanding.

To be continued tomorrow…

I will marry rightly. I will not marry for the wrong reasons.

Lord, lead me to the right person for me.

Isaiah  30:21 [KJV] And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left.

Pray in the spirit.

Isaiah 30


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Lessons Singles Should Pay attention To

Lessons Singles Should Pay attention To

Reading Time: 3 minutes

1. Singles have all the time in this world. They don’t know the meaning of “busy.” When I hear singles say they are busy, I just smile. They should wait till they are married. A married couple lives busy lives, especially when the kids start arriving.

Lesson – Do all you want to do now, don’t postpone anything. Stop making statements like you will serve God more after marriage. You are going to get busier. I read the whole Bible many times over as a single in one or two months. As a married man, it takes me like six months to do that, and not as frequently as I used to do it. Married couples, make sure you strike a balance in your life. God first, your family, and then your work.

2. Most of the time, singles simply live for themselves. They are accountable to no one and they can go anywhere when they want. An ideal couple lives for each other, placing each other’s desires above all. There has to be a lot of plans and consultations.

Lesson – Singles, live deliberately and not irresponsibly. Make sure you have a mentor or an authority figure you defer to. Married couples, learn to carry along one another in decisions, you are no longer single.

3. Singles who have jeru trip constantly end up confused in their soul and get the relationship broken, because they are violating God’s principles. When God’s principles are violated, the soul enters into confusion. Married people who have jeru trip constantly WITH EACH OTHER and who remain faithful to each other are bonded the more. Jeru trip within marital sanctity is healthy for a couple and it is a marital glue.

Lesson – Singles, don’t slow yourself down with jeru trip or any other sexual sin. Don’t dip your hands into sin, only to come and conclude that there is a generational curse somewhere. Married couples, never deny each other, don’t unwittingly open up yourselves for devil’s attacks in your sexual life.

4. Singles who abstain from jeru trip before marriage and stay clean in other areas of their lives will have God’s favour, blessing, and grace working for them. They will know the true joy and blessings that follow obedient children of God. Married people who deny each other jeru trip or use it as punishment or reward are outrightly living in disobedience and God will not answer their prayers.

Lesson – Singles, there is a blessing in following God. There is a blessing in refusing to compromise. God will honour you for that. Married couples, you can keep the devil at bay by being faithful to your spouse.

5. Singles who double date are rehearsing for adultery. Whatever you rehearse for a long time, you become an expert at.

They are sowing wrong seeds into their lives, and the harvest would not be desirable. Married couples who are adulterous or into extra marital are deceived, and they are sowing seeds of regrets and pain. Adultery is not only sinful, see what the scriptures say about it:

Pro 6:32 AMP But whoever commits adultery with a woman lacks heart and understanding (moral principle and prudence); he who does it is destroying his own life.

Here is Message translation

Pro 6:32 MSG Adultery is a brainless act, soul-destroying, self-destructive;

Be wise and let these lessons sink!

I am a wise single. I learn all the lessons I need for my advancement.

Ask for wisdom to apply all the above lessons rightly.

Prov 6:32 (GW) Whoever commits adultery with a woman has no sense. Whoever does this destroys himself.

Take these lessons to heart

Prov 6


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Practical Ways To Show Respect In Marriage

Practical Ways To Show Respect In Marriage

Reading Time: 2 minutes

This is a continuation of yesterday’s article where we talked about practical ways to show respect to your spouse in marriage

Here are practical ways to do this.

1. Know that your spouse is so very special before God. He/ she is costly and bought with the precious blood of Jesus. Jesus would have come to die for your spouse.

2. Do not yell at your spouse. You may be angry but never yell.

3. Allow freedom of expression. It is okay to be different; that is why you married in the first place. Men and women are meant to be different.

4. Let your spouse feel safe, secure and trusted by building mutual respect.

5. When you have opposing opinions which will happen most times, you listen. Your listening shows respect.

6. Respect that your spouse is worth listening to. He/ she has something vital to bring to the table.

7. Allow healthy space when it is needed, it shows respect. Let your spouse be by him/herself, have her own friends, her own things et cetera

8. Do not control one another. Your relationship is unhealthy when there is the slightest control. God asked us to love, not control. Jesus never controlled the church.

9. Both spouses should admit once they are wrong and sincerely seek for forgiveness. Swallow your pride and admit you are wrong and apologize.

10. Never treat one another shabbily, in private or public. Show appreciation for every little thing your spouse does. Don’t take each other for granted.

What other ways can you show respect to your spouse?

I will be expecting your replies in the comment box.

God bless our marriage.

I am submitted to my spouse.

Lord, teach me how to submit to my own spouse.

Ephesians 5:21(KJV) Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.

Are you submitted?

Eph 5


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