What Is a Good Marriage: A Few Thoughts

What Is a Good Marriage: A Few Thoughts

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. – Heb 13:4 (KJV)

Marriage is an institution that has existed for thousands of years. It’s a union between two people who commit themselves to one another in the most intimate and personal way possible. The fact that it’s lasted this long suggests there is something about marriage itself that we value. But what, exactly?

Here are a few thoughts on what makes a good marriage.

A good marriage is based on respect

A good marriage is based on respect. Respect is a two-way street. It means that each partner respects the other person’s feelings and opinions, as well as their own.

This doesn’t mean that couples are never at odds with one another. Conflict is inevitable in any healthy relationship, but it should never be allowed to escalate into disrespect of one another.

The partners need to be open to speaking frankly with one another, while also listening attentively to one another and understanding the other person’s perspective or point of view.

Communication is key

It sounds very cliché, but it’s true: communication is key to achieving a good marriage. You have to talk to each other and work on the problems together.

There’s nothing worse than being married and not knowing what your spouse feels like because they don’t talk to you.

One of the most important aspects of a successful marriage is good communication.

There are many ways to communicate, but it’s particularly important for both parties to share their feelings and thoughts with one another.

For example, if one partner feels neglected and begins to withdraw from the relationship, it’s vital that they tell the other person how they feel.

Communication creates understanding and can help prevent problems before they escalate.

To have a good marriage, you need to be committed

The commitment is the key ingredient for a good marriage. Successful marriages are about two people who are willing to commit to one another and work together through the good times and bad times.

It’s also so important that both partners are committed to the relationship. If one person isn’t committed, then it could doom the marriage from the start.

A good marriage isn’t perfect

The first thing to keep in mind about marriage is that it’s not perfect. Even when two people are deeply committed to one another, there will be times where you disagree and times where you might feel unhappy. But with a good marriage, these disagreements are just part of the process.

In fact, research suggests that a marriage can grow stronger after a disagreement has taken place because the couple knows they have each other’s back. This type of relationship is better able to withstand the inevitable challenges life throws at it.

Marriage is work

Marriage is work. It’s not just a piece of paper you sign to make it valid. Marriage takes commitment and sacrifice – but the rewards are worth it.

You have to make time for one another

Marriage is all about commitment, and making time for one another is a big part of it. Too many couples put everything else in their lives ahead of their significant others. That’s not what marriage is about! You need to make time for your spouse or you will lose them.

Love is also an important aspect of a good marriage. If you don’t love each other, get divorced. Marriage should be about more than just living together and having kids. It should be about loving each other unconditionally and doing whatever you can to make the other person happy.

Lastly, take care of yourself as well as your spouse, do things that make you happy without feeling guilty!

This will help ensure that your marriage lasts longer because it won’t feel like a burden or obligation anymore.

My marriage is a blessing

Oh Lord, do a miracle in my marriage today.

Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. – Heb 13:4 (KJV)

Put the above points to use.

Heb 13


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Few Things Every Couple Must Hold Dear

Few Things Every Couple Must Hold Dear

Reading Time: 2 minutes

There are some things every couple must not joke with in the marriage. They must constantly ensure these things are present in their marriage no matter what happens.

Marriage is for two mature people that are whole. Each person brings his or her wholeness to the marriage to form a whole marriage.

In the natural, it is half plus half that makes whole but in a godly marriage, the equation is different. It is whole plus whole that makes one or whole. In fact, it is whole plus whole plus God that makes a whole entity in marriage.

So let’s look into these few things.

1. Agreement

Do two walk together except they make an appointment and have agreed? – Amo 3:3 

There must be an agreement between the couple. They must ensure they always come to a place of agreement. It takes a lot of maturity, respect, and understanding to do that.

I remember when my husband first told me we will be praying online every day 5:30 am to 6:00 am. On that first morning, my body wanted to resist. I had to put my body under and be in agreement for us to do the will of God. And now my body clock has adjusted.

In such a way, we must be in agreement so we can achieve great feats in our lives.

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2.  Effective Communication

Your relationship started in the first place because you were able to effectively communicate to your lady that you love her and that you want her to marry you. You made your intentions known to her.

This communication must be an essential tool throughout your marriage and you must be skillful in using it.

Both men and women need to be skillful in communicating. Timing is also important in communication. There are certain times to say certain things. There is the best time when your husband will listen to what you have to say.

There is also the ‘how’, talking about the presentation of what you have to say. There is always a better way to arrange your points, especially if your husband is pretty smart, intelligent, and not too patient.  You want to present the most important issues first and sandwich it with accolades.

God bless our marriage

I am in agreement with my spouse in all areas.

Lord, teach me to be supportive of my spouse in Jesus name.

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; 1Ti 2:1

Begin to look at areas you can give your support and begin to give it.

1Tim 3


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How To Stay Committed In Marriage

How To Stay Committed In Marriage

Reading Time: 2 minutes

A person is said to be committed when he or she is pledged or bound to a certain course or policy, when he or she is devoted to a task or purpose, exclusively allocated to or intended for a particular purpose.

So a person is committed to his/her spouse when he/she is bound or pledged to the course of the marriage covenant.

First, being committed to your spouse is a thing of the heart. You must have it settled in your heart that you have the best spouse given to you by God.

You may have to work hard at achieving being the best. Being committed to your marriage vows is doing everything possible to keep the bond of peace.

There will always be differences but the ability to handle our differences in a mature way is love.

A good understanding of what is expected of you as a married couple is very important. You must have a personal vision for your marriage.

It shows you are 100% committed to your spouse when you give him/her your undivided support. Some are giving their support but it is not full support.

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Some are committed and in the marriage as long as their feathers are not rough and everything is fine.

Job’s wife was not totally committed. Our commitment is revealed more during the hard times. I believe that is why the marriage vows says ‘ ….for better for worse, for richer for poorer’ that is 100% commitment.

Ruth is a good example of a wife that is committed. Her commitment was even unto death and way after death.

Ask yourself are you like Ruth or Jobs wife?

In these days when husbands and wives commitment to each other are just on border line. We ask God to give us Christian homes and make us Christ like husbands and wives, whose commitment is 100%

God bless our marriage.

I am committed to my marriage.

Lord, help me to be committed to my marriage

1 Corinthians 13:7 Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.

Pray for your spouse

1 cor 13


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