Is he or she focused? Where is his passion? A visionless man is so easy to identify. His speech will betray him because the mouth speaks out of the abundance of the heart. Once you know a particular friendship is getting deepened, ask a lot of questions when you can still reason well before emotions take over.
The world is full of people who will readily compromise and who lack focus. You haven’t been together for long and he or she is already asking for sex? That is gross irresponsibility. Run from such people, they are not your friends!
Jesus said; “What a generation! No sense of God! No focus to your lives!” -Luke 9:41a (MSG)
You ask him what his job is, and he says “He is planning to travel out of the country.”
“Since when?”
“Well, for like three years now.”
Is that a job? Why must a young person stop his or her life because of plans to travel?
4. The Test of Sincerity.
That is openness. Is he sincere about his faults, weaknesses, feelings? Is she willing to talk about them or does she pretend?
It is dangerous to walk with someone who lives in a delusion of grandeur. Some of the most dangerous sets of people are those who are self-deceptive. They can abort twenty times and simply use some scriptures to cover up. If it was done in ignorance, that is another thing, because God cleanses you and you can start your life all over again when you genuinely repent.
But I am talking of those who have successfully combined this sinful lifestyle with serving God alongside. I don’t care if he is a pastor or she is a minstrel, if he or she uses scriptures to justify a habitual sin that even an unbeliever will often refrain from, you should run from such people and not be joined in their unrepentant sinful adventures.
An insincere guy will lure you into sexual sin and then turn around to say you seduced him. What are you doing with such people? An insincere lady will offer her body to get some money and then turn back to say you forced her. That is nothing short of wickedness. Those are not friends! He says he is a pastor and he slides his hands into your blouse each time you visit his office.
I don’t care how much ‘anointing’ you think he has, he is a charlatan! What counseling are you looking for with such people, run for your life because there are counsels that can cancel destinies.
To be continued…
CONFESSION FOR THE DAY I have the Spirit of wisdom to discern and choose that which is good for my destiny.
PRAYERS FOR THE DAY Holy Spirit, fill me afresh with your wisdom in the affairs of my relationship.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Careful planning puts you ahead in the long run; hurry and scurry puts you further behind. – Proverbs 21:5 (MSG)
ACTION PLAN FOR THE DAY Commit your ways unto the Lord
God wants and desires husband and wife to naked and not ashamed. The covenant of marriage is meant to be 100% transparency.
God is honored when the husband and wife see themselves in the light of what God ordained marriage to be.
Sincerity in marriage could be defined as the absence of pretense, deceit or hypocrisy.
We do so many things in marriage that doesn’t add up to being sincere. There are lots of half-truth, outright lies, insincerity, hiding things, pretense and being hypocritical.
When there are lies, we build our marriage on falsehood. One degree away from the truth is falsehood and this can be dangerous to the wellbeing of the union.
It is the truth that sets free. The degree of openness is the degree to which there is power available for the couples to be in agreement.
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. – Joh 8:32
It is high time couples learn to be sincere with themselves. Let truth be said in all things. Let’s have zero tolerance for insincerity.
If anything happens, we should be courageous enough to say it as it is. Let’s cast out the spirit of fear from our lives. It is fear of what your spouse will say or do or how he or she will feel disappointed that most of the time, keeps us from saying the truth.
You can ask yourself this simple question; ‘If you say the truth, will he or she kill you?’ He /she may be angry at first but I am sure he/ she will respect you more for the truth you said.
By saying the truth, you shut the door on the devil to keep you bound. You set yourself free. The problem with lies is that you will need more lies to cover up the first lie.
The most distressing thing to do is to be insincere. You belabor yourself trying to hide and cover up.
Another reason we need to be careful of lies in our marriage and home is because lies is in the domain of the devil. Jesus called the devil the liar and the father of all lies.
Let’s learn to say the truth always. It is the truth that sets free!
Little children, let us not love [merely] in theory or in speech but in deed and in truth (in practice and in sincerity). – 1Jn 3:18
May God help us all!
God bless our marriage.
CONFESSION FOR THE DAY I am truthful at all times
PRAYER FOR THE DAY Reject the operations of the devil in your marriage
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY After all, we don’t want to unwittingly give Satan an opening for yet more mischief – we’re not oblivious to his sly ways! (2Co 2:11 MSG)
ACTION PLAN FOR THE DAY Decide to be truthful no matter what
We started this topic yesterday by looking at how Apostle Peter admonished all wives to be devoted to their husbands. He also encouraged wives to avoid nagging as it doesn’t work.
Let’s glean more wisdom from those verses.
Verse 2
1Pe 3:2 For when they observe your pure, godly life before God, it will impact them deeply.
Here, Peter talks about wives being concerned about what they do, rather than any other thing. Wives are to live holy, pure, and godly lives. No lies, deception, emotional affairs, etc.
Verse 3-4
1Pe 3:3 (3-4) Let your true beauty come from your inner personality, not a focus on the external. For lasting beauty comes from a gentle and peaceful spirit, which is precious in God’s sight and is much more important than the outward adornment of elaborate hair, jewelry, and fine clothes.
This deals with the issue of beauty and all that surrounds it. A woman’s life can be so engrossed in fashion and beauty. It could even be an obsession, with the so many beauty products available. The Bible tells wives that to be priceless before your husband and before God, you have to pay utmost attention to your heart (inward personality) of having a quiet and peaceable spirit. Sincerity and openness of heart are very good virtues.
To be continued…
CONFESSION FOR THE DAY I receive strength to be who God has made me to be
PRAYERS FOR THE DAY Pray for a submissive heart
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY After all, we don’t want to unwittingly give Satan an opening for yet more mischief – we’re not oblivious to his sly ways! (2Co 2:11 MSG)
ACTION PLAN FOR THE DAY Read the bible passage in other translations
We are still learning how to make restitution appropriately, and we are still on the story of Mr. Zacchaeus the tax collector.
This morning, let us examine one more thing that made making restitution easy for him.
Luke 19:8 [TLB] Meanwhile, Zacchaeus stood before the Lord and said, “Sir, from now on I will give half my wealth to the poor, and if I find I have overcharged anyone on his taxes, I will penalize myself by giving him back four times as much!”
One thing is evident here. He was sincere. He didn’t try defending what he had done. He wasn’t going to beat around the bush. He didn’t try to blame the system or the government, as some would have done.
Little children, God wants and expects you to be sincere. The moment you are at fault, admit it.
So I am posing this question to you this morning;
Have you wronged someone before?
Have you cheated on a friend?
Have you unjustly used someone before?
If you are still trying to justify why you did what you did, you haven’t gotten the drift yet.
Now is the time to make amends.
Walk up to that friend and do the needful. If you need to involve your parents or guardians, by all means, do.
May God strengthen you as you decide to do things right, Amen.
Prayer: Lord, help me to make amends where necessary.
Action Point: Are there areas you need to make restitution? List them out.
Declaration: I am living for Jesus so I do things right!