Reading Time: 2 minutes

God wants and desires husband and wife to naked and not ashamed. The covenant of marriage is meant to be 100% transparency.

God is honored when the husband and wife see themselves in the light of what God ordained marriage to be.

Sincerity in marriage could be defined as the absence of pretense, deceit or hypocrisy.

We do so many things in marriage that doesn’t add up to being sincere. There are lots of half-truth, outright lies, insincerity, hiding things, pretense and being hypocritical.

When there are lies, we build our marriage on falsehood. One degree away from the truth is falsehood and this can be dangerous to the wellbeing of the union.

It is the truth that sets free. The degree of openness is the degree to which there is power available for the couples to be in agreement.

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. – Joh 8:32 

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It is high time couples learn to be sincere with themselves. Let truth be said in all things. Let’s have zero tolerance for insincerity.

If anything happens, we should be courageous enough to say it as it is. Let’s cast out the spirit of fear from our lives. It is fear of what your spouse will say or do or how he or she will feel disappointed that most of the time, keeps us from saying the truth.

You can ask yourself this simple question; ‘If you say the truth, will he or she kill you?’ He /she may be angry at first but I am sure he/ she will respect you more for the truth you said.

By saying the truth, you shut the door on the devil to keep you bound. You set yourself free. The problem with lies is that you will need more lies to cover up the first lie.

The most distressing thing to do is to be insincere. You belabor yourself trying to hide and cover up.

Another reason we need to be careful of lies in our marriage and home is because lies is in the domain of the devil. Jesus called the devil the liar and the father of all lies.

Let’s learn to say the truth always. It is the truth that sets free!

Little children, let us not love [merely] in theory or in speech but in deed and in truth (in practice and in sincerity). – 1Jn 3:18

May God help us all!

God bless our marriage.

I am truthful at all times

Reject the operations of the devil in your marriage

After all, we don’t want to unwittingly give Satan an opening for yet more mischief – we’re not oblivious to his sly ways! (2Co 2:11 MSG)

Decide to be truthful no matter what

1 John 3


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