The Day Womenfolk Collided With Menfolk – Part 2

The Day Womenfolk Collided With Menfolk – Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Continued from yesterday…

“I should not ask for respect right, but you can be asking for Ice cream and jewelry all the time, right? That was how you never allow me to touch you, always forming holiness!”

“So, you want to touch us before marriage, abi? So that you can taste us and sample us and then back out?”

“We are wiser now!” Pastor Dunamis said no wedding, no sex!”

“Is that even possible in this age? One man said? That pastor must be wicked”

“It is you who want to desecrate us that are wicked.” I love my pastor!”

Why did we allow these men to join us in this journey,” one woman said, getting tired already.

Her husband heard that and screamed, “You too? I have been waiting for you to speak since. We will meet at home.”

“Which home? Are we married?”

“Eh! These ones are sinners o, they are tasting something without getting married!”

“Was he not the one that convinced me that we would do our white wedding after we have sex just once and then the next thing was that my tummy shot out?”

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“Kai! Wicked man!” Another woman said.

“But you didn’t tell them that you were begging me to marry you and you packed your things into my house before the wedding!”

“Is that what you would say? You are an ingrate, upon all the pot of stews I cooked for you with my money.”

“Your money? What about the laptop and the iPhone X I bought for you when I saw you were using an android?”

“Say it and let everybody hear now, shameless man! iPhone X nonsense that was always freezing when other men were buying Pro Max for their wives!”

“By the way, my wife changes her phones every month and I take care of the bill.” Another man said.

“Who wants the phones?” His wife replied.

“I want you! Today, you are in Japan, tomorrow, you are in China, I never knew I was getting married to the traveling secretary of the astronauts.”

They ranted on and on….and in the end, stopped their journey and turned back home.

They discovered that what one wife wants was already another woman’s problem and what the other doesn’t want is exactly what another is praying for. 

They had to make decisions.

Tomorrow, we will be looking at the decisions they took.

Don’t miss it.

I will respect my partner at all times

Lord Jesus, lead me to the rightful person for me

After all, we don’t want to unwittingly give Satan an opening for yet more mischief – we’re not oblivious to his sly ways! (2Co 2:11 MSG)

Decide to do it God’s way

1 Thes 5


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Three Ways To Keep Your Marriage Alive

Three Ways To Keep Your Marriage Alive

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Marriage, like any living thing, must be kept alive by taking certain actions on a regular basis. It has to be regular because consistency is necessary if we will make a success of our marriage. We have to learn to pay attention to it. Whatever we pay attention to grows and increases.

We see and hear of successful couples who have been happily married for 30years or more doing the same things over and over again.

It is not the big things we do that makes our marriage great but it is the little things we have learnt to do on a consistent basis that makes our marriage work and become better and more intimate.

Here are 3 simple things we can do as a matter of routine.

1. Play

Couples should learn to play together. Marriage grows stale and monotonous if we don’t take time to play. We could as well be a house or flatmate. One out of the two spouses will be more playful. Please be responsive whenever your playful spouse makes advances, even when you don’t feel like. There is nothing as frustrating as been giving a cold treatment each time a spouse what’s to play.

For the serious or not so playful mate, you can always learn to play. The benefits of playing are so much. You look and feel younger and it is a good therapy against worry.

2. Pray

It is true that whosoever you pray for and play with every day, you love more and get to be fond of more.

Let every couple take time daily to pray for each other. Even if you cannot pray together, maybe because of different schedules, you should pray for each other.

Each of us has twenty-four hours. Let us take some moment out every day to thank God for our spouses and then pray.

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If we have a scripture we pray on a daily basis for our spouses, the better. We can be sure that they are saved from the hands of the enemy daily.

Imagine you praying every day for your spouse for 20 years. How beautiful will it be? When you pray for your spouse, you are saying that you know your spouse is weak but divine intervention will help them.

3. Pay

Let being married to your spouse cost you something. Don’t let their birthdays pass you without you spending money to celebrate and appreciate them. Make every day special. Buy little stuff for your spouse. Pay their bills. Don’t be married and yet your purse is not. Let your purse know that you are married.

Being married means you can’t buy things only for yourself. You can’t pay for your food at the restaurant, it has to be for at least two.

As a husband, when you see something on any lady you admire, buy it for your wife also.

I believe if we can do these 3 things on a daily basis, our marriage will improve.

God bless your marriage.

I will work at making my marriage the best

Lord, help me to pray for my spouse daily

Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; – Eph 5:19 

Take your spouse out 

Eph 5


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Hello Dear, Can We Talk About Money? – Part 2

Hello Dear, Can We Talk About Money? – Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Yesterday, we started talking about money. I explained to us how money can be a defence in our marriage and shield us from several things.

This morning, I’ll love to point out a few areas we can discuss with our spouse about our finances.

1. Being transparent about our income.

Be as open and sincere as possible about letting your spouse know about our income.

2. Discuss paying of tithe.

Let it be an established rule in your home.

3. Discuss your family budget

Have a budget your home and family run on. Let every single aspect of your marriage be under a budget. The kids, parents, projects…etc

Did you miss out on yesterday’s devotional, we’ve got you covered kindly go HERE. For KHC video Devotionals kindly go HERE

4. Discuss about saving

This is so important. A particular percentage should be set aside regularly as savings.

5. Discuss about how to improve and make more money.

Start looking at having multiple streams of income.

6. Discuss about investments.

In the parable of the talent, the servant that invested his master’s money was commended. Get information about investment opportunities. Search the internet about money making ideas.

7. Discuss about your needs

When a woman’s needs are not met, she has a tendency of trying to sort herself.

8. Discuss about contentment.

This is very important. We are believers and our lives must be guided by scripture. Our lives do not consist of what we have. Let your spouse know that money is not everything. We have to learn to trust in God and not in riches. Let our driving force not be money but God, His kingdom and using whatever we have for His glory.

God bless our marriages

We have money. Money doesn’t have us. We are rich.

Lord, give us wisdom to know how to multiply whatever amount of money we have in Jesus name.

Ecc 10:19 A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry: but money answereth all things

Discuss the points with your spouse

Eccl 10


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Hello Dear, Can We Talk About Money?

Hello Dear, Can We Talk About Money?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

We know money is a major part of our lives as married couples. In fact, we make about 70% of our decision based on finances.

The house we live in, the area we stay in, how many kids we have, what school they go to, what type of clothes they wear, the type of food they eat, how comfortable the house we live in is, do we rent an apartment or buy one, what work we do, where we work, what part of the country we live in, what type of friends we have, the type of car(s) we have, what church we attend, our spiritual level…and it goes on and on.

Money is so important that it appears 123 times in the Bible.

Did you miss out on yesterday’s devotional, we’ve got you covered kindly go HERE. For KHC video Devotionals kindly go HERE

The only thing that can compete with God in our hearts is mammon or money. Every sin of covetousness, especially of material things is traceable to money issues.

Most Adulteries and fornications are basically traceable to money. For example, a beautiful lady or handsome who you get attracted to is attractive because she/he can afford expensive things that make her beautiful.

No one is attracted to an ugly and poor fellow.

Money is a defence! It can defend our spouse and marriage from falling if properly used

For wisdom is a defence, and money is a defence: but the excellency of knowledge is, that wisdom giveth life to them that have it. – Ecc 7:12

So as couples, it is important we talk about finances and guard against its adverse effect on our marriage because we can make money serve us at whatever level we are in. Money will answer and solve the majority of our marital problems.

A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry: but money answereth all things. – Ecc 10:19 

To be continued…

We have money. Money doesn’t have us. We are rich.

Lord, give us the wisdom to know how to multiply whatever amount of money we have in Jesus name.

Ecc 10:19 A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry: but money answereth all things

Discuss the points with your spouse

Eccl 10


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The Difference Between Love Language and Greed

The Difference Between Love Language and Greed

Reading Time: 2 minutes

First of all, there is a difference between one’s love language being “gifts” and when one is just being covetous or greedy.

If your fiancé/fiancée/spouse’s love language is gifts, what it means is that until you start appreciating him or her with gifts in a consistent manner, he or she will not feel loved.

How do you know if someone is not just being greedy?

1. Do or Die?

He will not always demand gifts in a do-or-die manner.

2. Love Gives

When you are in a relationship, and no gifts are forthcoming, there may be an issue there because love gives.

What if he or she has no money or has no job? As I said, a gift is a gift and it doesn’t have to be expensive. Writing her a poem is a gift!

Buying him one tiny little chocolate is a gift! What is important is not the gift itself, it is the gesture that brings assurance of being loved and cared for.

When you are able to give gifts in the midst of not too much provision, you will also be able to do so when you eventually have more income.

Your giving spirit is more of an attitude than spending power.

Did you miss out on yesterday’s devotional, we’ve got you covered. Kindly go HERE. For KHC video Devotionals, kindly go HERE

3. Love is patient

He will not back out just because gifts are not forthcoming. She will not break the relationship because you are not financially buoyant.

4. He will not just be a receiver

He will not just be demanding while he folds his arms and never gives back. Love gives.

5. Giving Back

He will give away gifts too because that is the language he understands and that is what he craves. She would want to give back gifts as well.

6. Gift is not Payment

When a lady gives out her body for money, that is not about love language because what she gets is no longer ‘gifts’ it has become an illegal payment for services rendered and that is not God’s order.

7. Conclusion

In conclusion, and in expressing this language, let God’s word guide you and keep you within godly boundaries.

Don’t borrow to give gifts. Don’t take a loan just to impress someone. Don’t start what you cannot sustain. Don’t spend the money you don’t have to buy things that are not needed in order to impress people that are not looking.

May God grant more understanding!

I am not greedy.

Lord, help me to love correctly.

Joh 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes, should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Give genuinely

John 3


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