Reading Time: 2 minutes

Marriage, like any living thing, must be kept alive by taking certain actions on a regular basis. It has to be regular because consistency is necessary if we will make a success of our marriage. We have to learn to pay attention to it. Whatever we pay attention to grows and increases.

We see and hear of successful couples who have been happily married for 30years or more doing the same things over and over again.

It is not the big things we do that makes our marriage great but it is the little things we have learnt to do on a consistent basis that makes our marriage work and become better and more intimate.

Here are 3 simple things we can do as a matter of routine.

1. Play

Couples should learn to play together. Marriage grows stale and monotonous if we don’t take time to play. We could as well be a house or flatmate. One out of the two spouses will be more playful. Please be responsive whenever your playful spouse makes advances, even when you don’t feel like. There is nothing as frustrating as been giving a cold treatment each time a spouse what’s to play.

For the serious or not so playful mate, you can always learn to play. The benefits of playing are so much. You look and feel younger and it is a good therapy against worry.

2. Pray

It is true that whosoever you pray for and play with every day, you love more and get to be fond of more.

Let every couple take time daily to pray for each other. Even if you cannot pray together, maybe because of different schedules, you should pray for each other.

Each of us has twenty-four hours. Let us take some moment out every day to thank God for our spouses and then pray.

Did you miss out on yesterday’s devotional, we’ve got you covered kindly go HERE. For KHC video Devotionals kindly go HERE

If we have a scripture we pray on a daily basis for our spouses, the better. We can be sure that they are saved from the hands of the enemy daily.

Imagine you praying every day for your spouse for 20 years. How beautiful will it be? When you pray for your spouse, you are saying that you know your spouse is weak but divine intervention will help them.

3. Pay

Let being married to your spouse cost you something. Don’t let their birthdays pass you without you spending money to celebrate and appreciate them. Make every day special. Buy little stuff for your spouse. Pay their bills. Don’t be married and yet your purse is not. Let your purse know that you are married.

Being married means you can’t buy things only for yourself. You can’t pay for your food at the restaurant, it has to be for at least two.

As a husband, when you see something on any lady you admire, buy it for your wife also.

I believe if we can do these 3 things on a daily basis, our marriage will improve.

God bless your marriage.

I will work at making my marriage the best

Lord, help me to pray for my spouse daily

Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; – Eph 5:19 

Take your spouse out 

Eph 5


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