Two Things You Shouldn’t Ask A Lady

Two Things You Shouldn’t Ask A Lady

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Two Things You Shouldn’t Ask A Lady Firstly, do not ask her to stay over before the wedding. Secondly, do not ask her for money repeatedly. In every kingdom, there are lifestyles and there are ethics that go with them When you adhere to these ethics, you don’t get into trouble. When you flout them, there will be consequences. It is the same way in the scriptures.

Here are Two Things You Shouldn’t Ask A Lady

1. Do not ask her to stay over before the wedding

When you have a relationship with a lady, either dating or in courtship, you should not put pressure on her to come and pass the night in your place. You are meant to “leave” before you “cleave, ” but when you invite her over, you are trying to “cleave” without “leaving.” That is the wrong order. Destinies will be clipped when you cleave before you leave.

Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. (Genesis 2:24 KJV)
When you go over to pass the night in his place, it is like trapping yourself. You are on his territory and anything can happen. Amnon couldn’t carry out his lustful thoughts on Tamar, but the moment she was in his room, the equation changed. He bolted the door and raped her!
When you are in a guy’s house you are not married to, the stage is set for compromise and because of the way a man’s body is wired, something will usually happen.
What if nothing happens? Are the angels clapping for you? I doubt! You have misrepresented Christ in a way, and you are passing the wrong message across. Your life is meant to be an example. Your lifestyle is meant to be a living gospel, so you need to be careful of how you behave.
On the other hand in marriage and for couples. do not stay outside your matrimonial home because of some quarrels. Do not ask your wife to leave the house because of some little provocation.

“I will send you back to your father’s house!”
That is a statement or thought you should not dance with under any circumstance!

Taking it further, do not leave your bedroom and go spend the night elsewhere. Stay in your bedroom regardless of what is happening. Resolve it rather than prolonging it. 

Two Things You Shouldn’t Ask A Lady
2. Do not ask her for money repeatedly

There is nothing wrong in giving your fiance money if he is not financially disposed like you and you are in a position to help, but it is quite wrong to ask for money from her every other opportunity.

In fact, you may be seen as a leech at the end of the day who is only trying to manipulate the emotions of ladies to get what you want. This even becomes more intense when the relationship doesn’t end in a marriage. The lady will feel used and will end up hurt.

It is also not good for a man to keep borrowing money he has no intention of returning. That bothers on integrity and insincerity. It doesn’t matter if you are born again. There is nothing like holy fraud. Fraud is fraud!

It is also very wrong to keep collecting money from someone you intend to dump later. Life is about seed, time, and harvest and you don’t want to be sowing that kind of seed into your future.
It is the height of irresponsibility, for a man to ask all the time without reciprocating. If she gives you out of love, it is okay, if you ask her once out of a blue moon to sort something urgently, it is okay, but when you ask every other time and come up with one story or the other, it is not healthy for both of you!
On the other hand, in marriage, do not allow your wife to ask for money all the time before you make it available. There is nothing like “my money” again in marriage. The money belongs to both of you and it should be seen that way, irrespective of who is making it or making the most.

Never use money to control each other in your marriage. Do not give access to mammon spirit in your home. If you try to control her with money, she may end up trying to make “her own money” in desperate ways, which of course might be counterproductive to the marriage and the home. These are the Two Things You Shouldn’t Ask A Lady.

I have God’s wisdom in my relationship/marriage

Lord, grant me more wisdom and grace in my relationship/marriage

Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity. (1 Timothy 4:12 KJV)

Have a discussion with your loved one if there is need to make amends.

John 13


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The Holy Spirit and You

The Holy Spirit and You

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Let’s examine Tola’s story as we seek to understand the concept of the Holy Spirit and you. After successfully stealing some money from her mother’s purse, Tola felt good knowing that she had money to spend with her friends at school.

Her friends always had lots of money to spend at school and she didn’t want to be any different.

But she kept having a feeling. As much as she was happy, the feelings of happiness were slowly dwindling.

What could it be, she wondered. Soon, she began to feel bad about taking the money. 

A voice kept telling her it was wrong of her to have taken the money. It kept telling her she had stolen the money.

But I didn’t steal the money, Tola said to herself. It’s my mother’s money and she has lots of it. 

Tola was hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit.

When you sin, the Holy Spirit convicts you of it. He speaks to your heart and tells you what you did wrong.

When the Holy Spirit speaks to you and can convict you to the point where you change your ways or confess your wrongdoings, you are still in a safe zone. You still have a conscience.

Tola didn’t spend the money at school that day or went with her friends to buy things. She felt bad about taking the money and knew what she had to do – tell her mother the truth, ask for her forgiveness, and never steal again in her life. 

May the Holy Spirit give you a healthy conscience. Amen.

Sweet Spirit of God, thank you for the power to convict me of all sins. Please give me a heart that will listen and obey you in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Action point: 
Has the Holy Spirit ever spoken to you about something wrong you did? How did you respond? Did you do what He said or not? Decide to always listen to and obey His instructions.

My conscience is not seared. I listen and obey the Holy Spirit. 

Read yesterday’s article here


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Dear Single, Where Are You Going? – Part 2

Dear Single, Where Are You Going? – Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Continued from yesterday…

Is he or she insisting on pre-marital sex? That is a distraction! You are surely not going to the same place and there is no point holding on in that kind of relationship.

You see, you have to know that except the Lord build a house, they labour in vain that build. If you don’t do it God’s way, all your ‘investments’ of time, money and energy on that relationship will go down the drain. Without God, there would be agony and heartache. A home without God is a playground for the devil and his cohorts.

As singles, you need to know it does not only take money or business acumen to run a marriage. It takes money, yes, plus a lot of wisdom and tact founded on a solid relationship with God. It takes a lot of prayers and determination to love your spouse always!

I pray for you this morning that every distraction on the path of your destiny is destroyed in Jesus name. God will strengthen you and give you all-round victory in Jesus name. May the eyes of your understanding be enlightened to see what you need to know to take you to the next level in God!

I receive grace to cut away from relationships that will distract and pull me back.

Lord, help me today to choose to walk with people who are in agreement with my destiny.

When two of you get together on anything at all on earth and make a prayer of it, my Father in heaven goes into action. Mat 18:19 MSG

Write the names of your 10 closest friends. Strikeout the names of those who are not going in the same direction as you are going.

Jer 26-29


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Why You Can’t Keep Asking Him for Money

Why You Can’t Keep Asking Him for Money

Reading Time: 2 minutes

SINGLES – Why You Can’t Keep Asking Him for Money
There is nothing wrong in asking your fiancé for money or for financial assistance during courtship, if you are really in a fix, but this should never become a habit.

You are not married, yet, so you shouldn’t abandon yourself into his hands like a sheep being led to the slaughter!

I once met a lady who told me that she has many guys who are her friends and that they are for different purposes.

One supplies laptops, another supplies phones, and another gets fresh fish and so on and so forth. This is an irresponsible way of living! 

That is nothing more like eating your cake and trying to have it. I have always told ladies, there are no nice guys, and nobody wants to sow seeds without expecting some returns.

You see a guy who is an unbeliever and you keep taking things from him, one day he is going to take something from you, and by the time he asks, your capacity would have been weakened to say NO, because you have received too many gifts.

There is a saying in Yoruba language that says you shouldn’t eat what will get stuck in your throat!

The scripture aptly warns that:

A man’s gift maketh room for him… (Proverbs 18:16 KJV)

This is also applicable here. Taking too many inappropriate gifts creates a vacancy in you.

There are gifts that you take, and you wish you hadn’t some few months after. A married man buys you a car, and he has not bought one for his wife and you are happy? You should run for your life, because there are too many ritualists out there.

There are some circles where a believer should not be found. It is not everything you get that is really a testimony. Not every act can be seen as God’s favour.

That is why the scripture warns:

Favour is deceitful… (Proverbs 31:30 KJV)

God is your Jehovah, not man. Stop putting all your trust in a man, because man will surely disappoint. Learn to use your faith to meet your needs and stop putting yourself in compromised positions because of financial favours from men.

There are still men that God can send your way and help to bail you out or to favour you, but let God work it out in His own way. When you try to be smart, you can get more than you bargained for.

We live in selfish world where people may want you to exchange your body for a favour. If you are involved in that kind of racket, please, run from such.

Your body is never designed to be a commodity or a tool for trade by barter, your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and it should be honoured as such. 

The Lord is my shepherd, it didn’t say, your boyfriend. When you put a man in a spot where only God can occupy, there will be trouble! 

I have God’s wisdom to handle money

Lord, help me to say “No” when necessary

A gift gets attention; it buys the attention of eminent people (Proverbs 18:16 Message)

Focus on God to meet your needs, especially when money is involved

Psalms 1-2


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How To Have A Successful Relationship – Part 2

How To Have A Successful Relationship – Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes


continued from yesterday

In preparing for a successful marriage, money is not the most important thing. 

Receive my instruction, and not silver; and knowledge rather than choice gold. – Pro 8:10 KJV

When you have instruction, money will eventually come.

Take fast hold of instruction; let her not go: keep her; for she is thy life. – Pro 4:13 KJV

Another translation says:

Hold tight to good advice; don’t relax your grip. Guard it well–your life is at stake! – Pro 4:13 MSG

Dear couples to be, hold on tight to wisdom, because your marriage is at stake. 

Dear wife to be, beauty is not the only thing you need. Beauty without gumption is ugliness! Sound practical knowledge is essential.

As a jewel of gold in a swine’s snout, so is a fair woman which is without discretion. – Pro 11:22 KJV

Message translation says

Like a gold ring in a pig’s snout is a beautiful face on an empty head. – Pro 11:22 MSG

Now that you are still single, keep on developing yourself. The Bible says ‘he that findeth a wife…’
Not he that findeth a sister or babe! He that finds a wife!

How do you become a wife without being asked out? By developing yourself and knowing what it takes to be a wife. A wife material is what every man is looking for.

Dear husband to be, you will eventually become the head of the house and give direction to your wife and ultimately your children. Are you ready? Are you currently learning? Are you ready to give the necessary and right leadership not only to your future wife but to your future children as well?

There is no special anointing that comes on you on your wedding day…but you have a whole life on your hands from that day! Keep at self-development.

I pray for you this morning, that the heavens be opened over you and that every door that seem closed, may it open this day of its own accord in Jesus name!

I keep at self development. I search for knowledge daily

Lord, give me a heart that pants after your word daily.

Pro 13:18 KJV Poverty and shame shall be to him that refuseth instruction: but he that regardeth reproof shall be honoured.

Decide to build a Marriage library. Get books and materials on marriage and learn as much as you can.

John 7-8


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