What Every Woman Desires in Her Partner

What Every Woman Desires in Her Partner

Reading Time: 2 minutes

What Every Woman Desires in Her Partner

Every woman, regardless of her spiritual inclinations, has certain expectations from her partner. Today, we’ll explore a few of them.

  1. She seeks a companion who knows how to play.
    Within every woman, there resides an inner child yearning for playful interactions with her partner. In every lady, there is a little girl who always wants to play with the little boy in her lover. In your relationship, remember to engage in playtime. Don’t be overly serious all the time; make her laugh, play games, and enjoy movies together.
  1. She craves a mentor, not a lecturer.
    Every woman desires guidance rather than lectures. There’s a vast difference between the two. Avoid lecturing or sermonizing her; you’re not her teacher or pastor. Don’t quote scriptures angrily at her, it doesn’t work that way. Instead, mentor her with compassion, as it’s more effective and impactful.

What Every Woman Desires in Her Partner

  1. She values honesty.
    Honesty is a cornerstone of trust in any relationship. Be truthful, as dishonesty can lead to cheating and heartache. It is the same heart that tells lies that will cheat. With truthfulness, you know you are on safe grounds. Commit to always being honest, as a truthful partner contributes to a truthful family. If he is an impulsive liar, don’t walk down the aisle with him.
  1. She wants the freedom to express herself.
    Every woman appreciates the opportunity to express herself. Encourage her to share her thoughts and feelings, even if you don’t always agree. Don’t shut her up. Allowing her to talk is an emotional release, and it’s important not to belittle her or make her feel like an idiot.

What Every Woman Desires in Her Partner

  1. She anticipates financial responsibility.
    Financial responsibility is a crucial aspect of any partnership. A financially irresponsible partner can lead to stress and frustration. Therefore, strive to be financially responsible, as it will greatly contribute to the well-being of the relationship.

In summary, understanding and respecting these desires can help create a strong relationship and marriage


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Arrows From The Single Years – Part 3

Arrows From The Single Years – Part 3

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Continued from yesterday…

As they sat before me in the office, I counseled them and then explained a few things.

1. While you were on campus, you gave access to the devil in your life when you flouted the rules of the fellowship. That deception was the loophole that the devil capitalized on to have an inroad into your life. You see, one degree away from truth is falsehood. When you start telling lies, you are dancing on the terrain of the devil because he is that father of all lies.

2. You had no mentor or pastor over your relationship. There will always be issues you wouldn’t be able to handle alone. Mentors are supposed to save you from the tormentors of life.

3. God is never mocked. All the time you combined ministering with deceptive lifestyle, it was only the mercy of God that kept you alive. You were sowing the wrong seeds that would later haunt you.

4. The compromise you had then has destroyed trust between the two of you. And up till now, that trust is still missing. You now need to do something about it so that you don’t crash your marriage eventually. No marriage will survive without trust.

5. You asked God for forgiveness and He forgave you, but both of you have refused to forgive yourselves.

6. You need to forgive yourselves and allow the trust to be rebuilt again in your life. If you keep on being victims of your past, your past will control you.

7. As a married couple, find someone to mentor both of you.

8. And now, an important point. Consciously build trust again. You do that by constant communication. Never hide anything from each other again. Be open; be naked and not ashamed.  Don’t allow secrets to be discovered. That will rupture trust the more. If anybody is disturbing you, open up immediately. If he or she has to discover, then trust is ruptured the more.

9. Pray together regularly. You cannot ignore that.

10. Relax together. Talk a lot. Go on outings together. Spend time together and rebuild that trust!

I see you come out victorious.

I will not be a victim of the past arrows

Pray that God will help you to heal from wounds of past arrows

Eph 1:18 [GW] Then you will have deeper insight. You will know the confidence that he calls you to have and the glorious wealth that God’s people will inherit.

Pray against arrows

Rom 4


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Here Is What It Takes To Build A Home

Here Is What It Takes To Build A Home

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Here Is What It Takes To Build A Home. There is a popular scripture I love so much. It is in the book of proverbs

Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands. – Pro 14:1 

From this scripture, it is seen that the building of homes is directly the responsibility of the woman. But not just any type of woman, the woman has to be wise. It takes wisdom to build.

So that means there is wisdom to build, and there is the foolishness that plucks down or tears down. How is this wisdom acquired? If it just read a woman, we will know that once you are born a female, then you automatically possess this wisdom to build.

That means there are some women who do not have the wisdom to build their marriages and homes. There are no two ways to do it. It is either you are building your home or you are tearing it down. There is no middle way to it.

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If you have wisdom, then you have it and if you don’t have it, you don’t have it.

The question we need to ask ourselves is; am I a wise woman?

The bible gave us the blueprint of asking for wisdom. We have a right to ask God for wisdom

My mentor told me how she will go about eating Suya and one day, a car almost hit her. The incident was reported to her husband who out of anger said she was behaving stupidly.

She felt slighted and offended. She talked to the Holy Spirit about the matter, and the Holy Spirit confirmed what her husband said. The Holy Spirit told her she is not only stupid but also foolish and not operating in wisdom. She was shocked at this and almost couldn’t believe her ears. She then decided to ask God for wisdom.

Until you consciously ask God for wisdom, don’t assume you have wisdom. Until you can say for sure when you were given wisdom by God, don’t assume you have wisdom.

My mentor prayed for wisdom for six months, every day for 3 hours. No wonder she had an encounter with the spirit of wisdom.

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. – Jas 1:5 

We have to ask and keep on asking. There are over 223 scriptures in the Bible where the word wisdom appears. We can take one aspect of wisdom and pray it into our life.

There are different aspects of wisdom. There is wisdom to deal wisely in the affairs of life. Wisdom is worth praying for because if you don’t have wisdom, you are left with foolishness, and foolishness tears down.

May we not out of foolishness, tear down that which we have built.

May God help us!

God bless our marriage in Jesus name.

I love my spouse wholeheartedly.

Lord, give me the wisdom to build my house.

Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands. Pro 14:1 

Decide to be more committed in your marriage.

Pro 14


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Questions You Need To Ask Him Before Saying Yes – Part 3

Questions You Need To Ask Him Before Saying Yes – Part 3

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Today, we will continue by looking at more questions.

These questions are not the ultimate deciders, but just to simply guide you on how to engage a prospective lover, and they are better asked before falling head over heels in love.

Once you fall in love, the reasoning capacity to tender questions becomes weak, judgments are beclouded and love shields from reality.

It is even worse when sex is involved, the capacity to ask questions is dead, the mind becomes convoluted, intricately folded into confusion weaves.

This confusion of the soul often works in consonance with soul ties, and it can really make a person take the unwisest decisions ever, only to start regretting later.

Ladies, never proceed into a love adventure without asking questions, for after you have started, the power to ask resets to zero because his pursuit is over, value diminishes and the hunter in him hangs the bow and arrow.

He now owns you!

Did you miss out on yesterday’s devotional, we’ve got you covered. Kindly go HERE. For KHC video Devotionals, kindly go HERE

Let’s go.

6. Mentors
Does he have mentors? Who are his mentors? If he doesn’t have mentors before now, why? Is it more of ignorance on mentoring benefits or defiance and arrogance on needlessness of mentoring?

This has to be sorted.  Assuming he never had, is he willing to get one?

In his response being a Yes, is it a quick answer because he quickly wants to get past your questions, or is he genuine in his response?

This is where you need the Holy Spirit to read in-between the lines, to trust God to help you expose any lying and deceptive spirit.

If he says No, he doesn’t need a mentor, then you should know there would be issues. He is not ready to take counsel, he is averse to authority figures over him.

The issue is when he misbehaves, who do you report him to?


To be continued…

I will marry rightly. I will ask the right questions.

Lord, lead me to the right person for me.

Isaiah  30:21 [KJV] And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left.

Pray in the spirit.

Isaiah 30


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How To Love God and Love Your Partner As Well

How To Love God and Love Your Partner As Well

Reading Time: 2 minutes

1. Do not pass the night in his house
If you do, you can end up pleasing him and offending God. Losing God’s support and favor is not what anybody should experience

2. Do not succumb to any sexual pressures
Stay sane.
Stay strong.
Do not melt like stew every time someone touches you.
You are not a sexual toy.
You are not a sexual object.
Relationships that are sex driven do not last.

3. Do not double date
Don’t welcome deception into your heart.
It is a dangerous visitor.
The capacity to cheat on him or her is a capacity that ends in destruction.
Be faithful.

4. Do not fall into comparison traps
We are all unique.
We will not all take off at the same time and sure enough arrival points will be different.

2Co 10:12 (KJV)
For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.

5. Do not sow seed of bitterness
Avoid use of wrong words.
Words are spirits!
Let go of abusive words, vulgar words and curse words.
Speak healthy words

6. Encourage him in that which is good
Be an encourager.
Be a helper.
Seek his advancement.

7. Seek God together and for each other
Pray a lot for him.
Seek for God and do it with all your heart.

Jer 29:13 (KJV)
And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.

8. Pay attention to your spiritual life

Ask questions when you are in the presence of great people.

9. Get a mentor over your relationship.
Mentors will fence off tormentors of destinies.
Stay connected.

10. Avoid strife completely
Strife ushers in dryness.
Avoid it like a plague.
Confusion lies on the bosom of strife.

Jas 3:16 (KJV)
For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work.

May God grant more understanding on how to love God.

The Lord is my helper

Pray for grace to love God.

Psa 3:3 (KJV)  
But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.

Praise God today

Romans 1 -3


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