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What Every Woman Desires in Her Partner

Every woman, regardless of her spiritual inclinations, has certain expectations from her partner. Today, we’ll explore a few of them.

  1. She seeks a companion who knows how to play.
    Within every woman, there resides an inner child yearning for playful interactions with her partner. In every lady, there is a little girl who always wants to play with the little boy in her lover. In your relationship, remember to engage in playtime. Don’t be overly serious all the time; make her laugh, play games, and enjoy movies together.
  1. She craves a mentor, not a lecturer.
    Every woman desires guidance rather than lectures. There’s a vast difference between the two. Avoid lecturing or sermonizing her; you’re not her teacher or pastor. Don’t quote scriptures angrily at her, it doesn’t work that way. Instead, mentor her with compassion, as it’s more effective and impactful.

What Every Woman Desires in Her Partner

  1. She values honesty.
    Honesty is a cornerstone of trust in any relationship. Be truthful, as dishonesty can lead to cheating and heartache. It is the same heart that tells lies that will cheat. With truthfulness, you know you are on safe grounds. Commit to always being honest, as a truthful partner contributes to a truthful family. If he is an impulsive liar, don’t walk down the aisle with him.
  1. She wants the freedom to express herself.
    Every woman appreciates the opportunity to express herself. Encourage her to share her thoughts and feelings, even if you don’t always agree. Don’t shut her up. Allowing her to talk is an emotional release, and it’s important not to belittle her or make her feel like an idiot.

What Every Woman Desires in Her Partner

  1. She anticipates financial responsibility.
    Financial responsibility is a crucial aspect of any partnership. A financially irresponsible partner can lead to stress and frustration. Therefore, strive to be financially responsible, as it will greatly contribute to the well-being of the relationship.

In summary, understanding and respecting these desires can help create a strong relationship and marriage


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