COUPLES – How To Make Your Wife Happy And Love You Forever
Mr. John is heavily frustrated. His wife is never happy. He has exhausted all the wisdom and skills in his arsenals, yet no hope. All his romantic antics have been displayed, all to no avail. He feels so incapable. What else can I do to make this woman happy?
Pleasing a woman really is not so much about doing so many things but doing what appeals to your wife specifically. Why do you need to ensure she is happy anyway? You need each other’s agreement to have spiritual potency. You need each other’s help to forge ahead as a couple. When she is happy, the home will be great too.
You see, the moment you prefer to hang out with the ‘boys’ rather than your wife, and you deliberately go home late, you are no longer in good terms with your wife and the devil can take advantage of that to bring all kinds of attacks, especially adultery.
Let thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy youth. (Pro 5:18 KJV)
1. Listen to what she is really saying.
Don’t watch television or read newspapers while she is talking to you. For your wife, attention means a lot to her.
Women are not logical, rather, they are emotional. So her discourse with you might seem illogical, but if you want to make your wife happy and your home great, you must make time to listen to her.
This is very important! In some countries, there are people who work as ‘listeners’ and all they do is listen to women talk and they are paid on an hourly basis. This is to let you know how important it is. If you allow the driver or cook to become the listener, a love affair might erupt over time. Spend time with her a lot.
CONFESSION FOR THE DAY I love my spouse dearly. I will honour my spouse in all ways.
PRAYERS FOR THE DAY I receive grace to love my spouse dearly and to be faithful to him/her.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY And did not he make one? Yet had he the residue of the spirit. And wherefore one? That he might seek a godly seed. Therefore take heed to your spirit, and let none deal treacherously against the wife of his youth. (Mal 2:15 KJV)
ACTION PLAN FOR THE DAY Surprise your spouse today by doing one of those things you use to do that made him/her happy when you were courting.
SINGLES – What Do You Do When Speed Becomes An Enemy
Continued from yesterday, when we talked about speed as an enemy.
We all have a destination and a desire for our home and marriage. You’ll only get there when you follow His step-by-step guidance. And if you miss “the particular junction” you can never reach that destination until you retrace your steps.
That particular junction for you might be,” Be Born Again”, Don’t Marry an unbeliever,” ‘Stop that kissing,” “Don’t Masturbate,” “Stop the Pornography,” and the likes. Sexual intercourse before marriage is a no-go area, don’t even think about it. And until you retrace your steps back there – it is the wrong way! You might just be wasting time, energy, and resources because a wrong way is a wrong way’. You cannot change that; you can only retrace your steps, and be on the right track.
I encourage you to retrace your steps this morning. There is no need to keep on driving in the wrong direction. Change! Switch! Where is the strength? You may ask? The strength comes from God as you take time to feed your spirit with his word, your inner man will be strengthened to say ‘No’ to every form of iniquity and forge ahead in God!
Your destiny and future are bright! That is why the devil has fought you that much. The enemy only fights who he fears! He knows if you can just get it right, he is in trouble. He knows if you can just stop that lustful lifestyle if you can just cut off that sinful relationship if you can just stay more in God’s word…whatever it takes to take charge of your life by His Spirit, decide to do it this morning.
Whoever hath ears, let him hear what the Spirit of God is saying this morning!
CONFESSION FOR THE DAY The Holy Spirit is leading me today. His word is a lamp unto my feet. God’s word is life and light for me. I take the right decisions in my relationship. Speed will not be an enemy for me.
PRAYERS FOR THE DAY Lord, hold me by the right hand and let your word guide me daily.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Listen for GOD’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track. Pro 3:6 MSG
ACTION PLAN FOR THE DAY Check the major areas of your life; relationships, family, finances, business, career, spiritual life, etc. Are you on the right track? If not, get back on the right track by asking God to forgive you of all misdeeds and asking for His help and direction.
“Hullo dear, have you slept?” “No, I have not, I am listening! I heard the last thing you said.” The truth is that you have dozed off.
It has happened to me many times, and I am sure it has happened to you as well. My wife is talking to me on the bed, and I have dozed off. I am trying to listen to her because it is a legitimate need of hers, but the son of man is tired!
Somebody said women speak more words than men. A man speaks an average of ten thousand words in a day, but a woman speaks about twenty-five thousand words! There are exceptions, though.
The man is back from work and he has probably exhausted his 10,000 quota since he derives his self-esteem and fulfillment from work.
By the time he is coming back home, he is done for the day, words have been spoken with friends, colleagues, clients, employers, employees, on the phone and so on. He wants to come back home, eat, listen to news, check a few mails, make love to his wife and sleep!
The wife too has probably exhausted 10,000 words at work, but by the time she is home, she still has 15,000 words bubbling in her! It is even worse if she is a housewife! She has nobody to talk to and so people around her say she nags, making repetitions and all that. The fact is that she needs to talk!
So the wife asks her husband “How was work today?” He answers “Fine!” If he is in a good mood, he adds a few more words like, “oh baby, my day was cool, Thank God!”
She is worried he is not talking, but the guy is in no mood to talk.
The husband asks the wife, “how has your day been? And he regrets afterwards! That was all she needs to unleash the words that have been brewing in her like a molten magma. The volcanic eruption of words is so massive; the guy wants to walk away. So she starts from when she woke up, and goes on and on, and the man is wondering: “What did I ask, what is she narrating!”
You see, that is a woman for you and you must not mute her or shut her up! Let her talk! Don’t make a mistake of shouting her down all the time or quieting her! It is a legitimate need of hers.
When a woman has no fear of God and this legitimate need of hers has not been met, she might succumb to the traps of the devil and get that legitimate need met through illegitimate means, which of course will be detrimental to the marriage and the home!
There are people out there who are waiting to capitalize on your insensitivity to your wife and take advantage of that emotional gully created by lack of communication.
You see, a lady becomes emotionally connected to the person she talks to!
To be continued…
CONFESSION FOR THE DAY My mouth is full of right words. The opening of my mouth is unto wisdom and grace.
PRAYERS FOR THE DAY Spirit of God, fill my mouth with right words over my spouse, children and family
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY (Pro 18:4) The words of a man’s mouth are as deep waters, and the wellspring of wisdom as a flowing brook.
ACTION PLAN FOR THE DAY Fix a time for a hearty discussion
One of the foundational ingredients of a successful marriage is being under authority. By authority, I mean good authority because it is possible for someone to be under a negative authority.
It is good when your spouse has someone or people (not too many) that he/she listens to. The importance of this cannot be overemphasized. You should at least have a spiritual authority figure that can speak into your lives as a couple.
When you have questions or you have hot arguments, there must be someone you can run to, someone who loves you enough to correct your wrong and give you the right direction.
This has been the undoing of so many marriages. They have decided to live like an island. There are no custom-made issues in marriage. The problems in marriage are common to all marriages. They may come in a different flavor but basically, they are the same things.
You take the pressure off your marriage when you have someone you can talk to and most importantly, LISTEN to.
The person has to be considered a mentor because he/ she is considered older, more experienced, and more spiritual.
Did you miss out on yesterday’s devotional, we’ve got you covered kindly go HERE. For KHC video Devotionals kindly go HERE
Your mentors may not be your parents because it has been discovered that parents could be sentimental in their judgments.
You don’t have to learn from experience. Learn by the wisdom of your mentors. There are a lot of things we assume we know, but we do not know as we ought to know.
So many marriages are achieving below their marital potential. They have denied themselves their great destiny potential because they feel they can handle stuff by themselves.
Even Jesus had to grow, had to be subject to his parents, had to be taught, and had teachers.
I remember an issue we had a while ago. It was so knotty, it was as if the devil was ready to throw in confusion and disagreement into our home. Thank God for our mentors, it was not so much of what was said, it was their intercession for us that solved the issue.
So don’t be afraid of sharing your problems. Some think they have not solved their own problems before they are solving other people’s problems. That’s being childish. Is like saying a doctor is not qualified to help the sick because he has malaria himself.
A doctor is graced and anointed with the wisdom and knowledge to help the sick. Of course, if he doesn’t apply the same principles he is giving to the sick to himself, he will be sick and have to use the same medicine he is prescribing to his patient.
God bless your marriage
CONFESSION FOR THE DAY I am humbled to listen to the counsel of my mentors.
PRAYER FOR THE DAY God give a listening ear and a receiving heart
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Pro 24:6 For by wise counsel thou shalt make thy war: and in multitude of counsellors there is safety.
ACTION PLAN FOR THE DAY Register for KHC Camp meeting
How songs Can make or mar you. Your ears are wonderful organs given by God for listening and also for balance. What you listen to can affect you. Songs, words, instrumentals, poetry, and so on all have the power of touching you.
When you hear a great Christian song, you either pause to soak it in or sing along just because you can identify with the words. So, also when you listen to songs that don’t glorify God or cause you to feel or do what you are not supposed to do.
Songs that use vulgar or harmful words aren’t good for you. They are songs that glorify evil and immorality. Listening to songs like that only teaches you bad words and how to use them. Over time you become well versed in them till they become part of you.
Apart from songs, people can also use bad and foul words around you. Are your friends or mates at school using vulgar words around you? Speak to them about using such words, and if they don’t listen, stay away from them, because they will only teach you to be like them.
Listening to Godly and inspiring songs helps to lift your spirit and connects you with the Holy Spirit which leads you into worship, praise, petition, exaltation, revelation, and more.
Also, people can pass influence with their words either to do good or bad. Watch out for the elderly people around you. What are they saying? Are they speaking hateful words to others? Words that inspire you to hate others? Do not listen to such words for they are ungodly.
Tune your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding.
Prov. 2:2 NLT
Listen to wisdom (good, life-giving, helpful, loving, et cetera words) so that you will concentrate on who God has made you to be, should be, and can be. In other words, listening to wisdom will help stay holy before God.