Causes of Marital Delay 

Causes of Marital Delay 

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Causes of Marital Delay. When I mean delay, I mean those that have been waiting for a while.

For some, nobody is showing up at all. For some, a few people are showing up and for some, too many people are showing up, just that they don’t seem to be the right people. For some others, it is always “un-marriageable” people. Here are a few scenarios that you need to check to know that all is well from your end.

Causes of Marital Delay 

1. You are looking for the perfect person

If you are looking for the perfect person, there will always be some form of delay. You want that person that is totally packaged from heaven, spiritual, sound, can dissect the scriptures, can quote the scriptures and can engage you in spiritual discourse.

The reality is that you will never be able to know that perfect spiritual person because everybody is a project in the making. Knowing a spiritual person is not by the tongues such a person is speaking or by the activities in the church, all that can be successfully staged.

Again, there are many people who sound and appear spiritual as singles but become the most carnally minded after marriage because of the pressures that come with marriage.

Your judgment of who is spiritual and who is not may cause delays, because people usually come as raw materials and not finished products.

This is not to say that you should settle for an unbeliever, but if you are going to eliminate this tendency, you will need to appreciate the people that God sends into your life and not discard them like a piece of paper because they fell short in a certain area.

I still remember the brother who broke up with a sister because all her tongue was “sandal, sandal, sandal… the brother wondered when she will get to buy shoes!

Causes of Marital Delay 

2. You are looking for the handsome or beautiful person

Attraction is necessary for deciding who to marry and I always say you should make sure you are attracted to the person you will eventually marry. 

But when you are looking for that perfect person in terms of appearance that you have in your mind, you can actually delay yourself.

You see, there is a downside to everybody. Nobody will perfectly fit into the exact picture and definition of “completely handsome” or completely beautiful” in your mind. You will need to eventually drop some of your “stiff and strict” qualities if you really want to get married. After all, it is not as if you are perfect in your own appearance as well.

I will give you an example. You have always wanted a tall and fair lady. Now God sends Sister Sube into your life and she is tall and fair. She matches exactly the picture you have in mind, but the only thing is that she doesn’t fit into one of your desired qualities, which is the fact that she doesn’t have a straight nose. Her nose is flat, but you wanted somebody whose nose is straight like the lady you saw in that film as a teenager! For that reason, you concluded it is not God’s will. You may be wrong!

Another example, Brother Zerubabbel is the exact picture of the husband you’ve been praying for. He is spiritual, he has a hunger for knowledge, he can pray, he is a graduate, he has a good job, he has the exact height you want, he is dark and you have become close friends. The only thing is that his pronunciation is not polished. For example, He pronounces “three” as “tiri” and that irritates you. He pronounces “computer” as “kon-poo-taa” and that irritates you more. For that reason, you said it couldn’t be God!

Well, you may be wrong! Insignificant issues that can be conquered with some learning, polishing, fine-tuning, and adjustments should not be turned into gargantuan reasons for not getting married to a particular person

I will conclude on the Causes of Marital Delay tomorrow. Good morning!

Singles Conference 2022 is some weeks away! Ensure you are around. The spirit causing the delay will be crushed! And we will be teaching you things you need to do from your end as well. The Spirit of Grace will come upon you and make things easy for you. Find links to register below!


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The Five Steps To Breaking The Yokes of Delay and Stagnation Part 2

The Five Steps To Breaking The Yokes of Delay and Stagnation Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Yesterday, we identified two steps to breaking delay and stagnation.

Let’s continue…

Step 3: Change Your Actions

The third step is to change your actions. This may seem simple, but it’s important.

If you want to be in a different place in life, then you need to take action and do something about it. If you want something different from your life, then maybe it’s time to do something differently too.

It can be easy to fall into the routine of doing the same things over and over again, but that isn’t going to make your dreams come true. You have to start doing something different in order for anything else to happen.

Take some time today and write down what you want from your life, both professionally and personally. What are your goals? What would make you happy? And commit yourself now to taking some time each day to work on reaching them.

Step 4: Build a Better Future for Yourself

The fourth step for breaking the yokes of delay and stagnation is to build a better future for yourself. When you’re facing difficulty in your current situation, it can be hard to imagine a better future. But with a little creativity and imagination, you can start building that better future right now.

For example, if your job is unsatisfying or you aren’t getting paid enough, see what opportunities are out there in other fields. You could research different careers that appeal to you and see which one would be the best fit. Maybe you’ve always loved social work or writing? Or maybe this opportunity will open an entirely new door for you.

The point is that by building a better future for yourself, you’ll have more power over your life. And when we have more control over our lives, we tend to feel happier and more satisfied with our current situation.


The way you think, what you do, and what you create now will determine your future.

You can break the yokes of delay and stagnation and create a better future for yourself. If you feel like you are stuck, stuck, stuck and can’t get out, it is time to take action and break through. Get restless!

No more delays. My wedding is happening soonest.

I bind the spirit of delay in my life in Jesus name.

Is it not yet a very little while, and Lebanon shall be turned into a fruitful field, and the fruitful field shall be esteemed as a forest? – Isaiah 29:17 (KJV)

Start preparing for your marriage now.

Isaiah 29


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The Five Steps To Breaking The Yokes of Delay and Stagnation

The Five Steps To Breaking The Yokes of Delay and Stagnation

Reading Time: 2 minutes

It’s possible you have been waiting for certain things to happen. You may be waiting for your business to take off, waiting for that next big raise, or waiting for a new job. It can be easy to get stuck in a rut of disappointment, and it can seem like the only way out is to wait for something better to come along. But what if there was a different way? What if you could break the yokes of delay and stagnation by making small changes in your life?

Delay is a yoke. Stagnation is a yoke. That looks like a bad news! But you know what? There is also good news! The yoke of delay and stagnation can be broken!

Let’s take a look at the scriptures.

And by thy sword shalt thou live, and shalt serve thy brother; and it shall come to pass when thou shalt have the dominion, that thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck. – Gen 27:40 (KJV)

Take a look at The Message Translation.

You’ll live by your sword, hand-to-mouth, and you’ll serve your brother. But when you can’t take it any more you’ll break loose and run free. – Gen 27:40 (MSG)

What steps do you take to break off these yokes?

Step 1: Get restless. Be angry.

Get to the point when you can’t take it anymore. When you get to this point, you are getting ready to break loose from the yokes of delay and stagnation.

Recognize the problem. The first step to breaking the yokes of delay and stagnation is recognizing you have a problem. The first step to solving your problem is admitting that it exists.

Recognizing what’s holding you back from success can be a difficult process, but it’s necessary if you want to move forward.

Step 2: Identify Your Thoughts and Beliefs

One of the most important steps to breaking the yokes of delay and stagnation is identifying your thoughts and beliefs.

What are you thinking? How are you feeling? What do you think about this situation? Noticing what your thoughts and beliefs are can help you change the way you approach your situation.

Sometimes, when things don’t work out, we make it seem like it’s because of something that someone else did or didn’t do. But really, it came down to how we were thinking.

If we want to break the yokes of delay and stagnation, one thing we can start with is noticing our thoughts. Once you identify what your thoughts are, it may be easier to change them into something more empowering.

For example: “I’m a failure because I haven’t reached my goal yet” becomes “I’m doing everything I can to reach my goals.” This could be just enough to break free from the negative thought pattern that’s keeping us stuck in our rut!

To be continued…

No more delays. My wedding is happening soonest.

I bind the spirit of delay in my life in Jesus name.

Is it not yet a very little while, and Lebanon shall be turned into a fruitful field, and the fruitful field shall be esteemed as a forest? – Isaiah 29:17 (KJV)

Start preparing for your marriage now.

Isaiah 29


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How To Break The Yokes Of Delays and Stagnation

How To Break The Yokes Of Delays and Stagnation

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Today, every form of delays, stagnation, unrealized dreams, dashed hopes, they are destroyed in Jesus name!

I really don’t care if they originated from family lineage or if there is any family curse, what I know is that they are broken in Jesus name!

Now, listen to me, God will not punish you with delay that never seems to end. When you make mistakes and and bring self imposed delays, the moment you run back to God, He forgives and forgets!

There are times that God allows delays as well in order to accomplish His purpose, but listen to me, delay is not denial.

God will not bring delays in marriage till you have crossed menopause! That is not God because He cannot contradict Himself! He already said you should be fruitful.

Now, no delay is permitted to be everlasting in your life. A delay that God allows because of your disobedience or stubbornness is always for A WHILE once you repent!

A demonic delay seeks to become everlasting! There seems to be no end in sight. It brings ridicule to you and your God!

Now, I declare, the backbone of every demonic delay is broken in your life in Jesus name!

Delay in getting jobs, ten years after graduation, enduring hunger and borrowing all over the place is not God.

Delay in getting married, with every relationship ending in shambles is not God, unless you are living in habitual sins and disobedience.
You have to refuse every demonic delays with every fiber of your being!

Delay is for a while!

For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry. – Hebrews 10:37

Waiting for a spouse should be a while, not all your youthful life! You have to rebel against such trend from within you. Get restless and break the yoke.

Take a look at the Message Translation:

It won’t be long now, he’s on the way; he’ll show up most any minute. – Hebrews 10:37 (MSG)

I prophesy over you as God’s servant, your desired spouse is showing up this year in Jesus name!

I forbid broken promises in your life this year! No more teary eyes and lonely nights in Jesus name!

Is it not yet a very little while, and Lebanon shall be turned into a fruitful field, and the fruitful field shall be esteemed as a forest? – Isaiah 29:17 (KJV)

It is for a little while! Don’t allow the devil to tell you that your Lebanon will not become a fruitful field!

Go ahead and speak in tongues a while now.

The Message Translations says

And then before you know it, and without you having anything to do with it, Wasted Lebanon will be transformed into lush gardens, and Mount Carmel reforested. – Isaiah 29:17 (MSG)

This year, before you know it, and without you having to run from pillar to post, God will intervene in your situation in Jesus name!

For thus saith the LORD of hosts; Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land; [7]  And I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory, saith the LORD of hosts. – Haggai 2:6-7 (KJV)

Yes! Your desire will come in a little while.

But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you. – 1 Peter 5:10 (KJV)

From today, you are not permitted to suffer unnecessarily.

The tears are dried off your face supernaturally this morning in Jesus name!

I curse every delay in your life today!

The Message Translation says

The suffering won’t last forever. It won’t be long before this generous God who has great plans for us in Christ—eternal and glorious plans they are!—will have you put together and on your feet for good. – 1 Peter 5:10 (MSG)

That situation is not forever. Don’t accept any lie from the devil.

That delay has an expiry day, and today is the expiry day!

Let hope come alive, let faith come to your heart now.

You have suffered a while, now I prophesy unto you according to 1 Peter 5:10,

God will perfect all that concerns you from today!

God will establish you from today!

God will strengthen you from today!

God will SETTLE you from today in Jesus name!

No more delays! No more, not me!

So shall it be for you!

No more delays. My wedding is happening soonest.

I bind the spirit of delay in my life in Jesus name.

Is it not yet a very little while, and Lebanon shall be turned into a fruitful field, and the fruitful field shall be esteemed as a forest? – Isaiah 29:17 (KJV)

Start preparing for your marriage now.

Isaiah 29


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Wisdom From The Proverbs 31 Woman – Part 3

Wisdom From The Proverbs 31 Woman – Part 3

Reading Time: 2 minutes

It’s possible to be a proverbs 31 woman, join us as we unravel her qualities and what made her stand out in her generation

14. She overlooks offenses and labels them as distractions

It is wisdom to overlook offenses. She has mastered the art of knowing how to treat offenses and anything that causes bitterness.

15. She is unstoppable even with a delay

She knows how to ride upon the wind of delay to make progress in life. She realizes that delay is not denial.

16. She is generational in thinking. Not living for today

She understands that her seeds are meant to be generational. Her seeds of time, money, service and work of her hands are to go into her future to cause a change.

17. She stands with her husband in thick and thin.

She has learnt how to abase and abound. She does not leave her husband when the wind is contrary. She is faithful and committed to her husband. She is the angel sent to her husband.

Did you miss out on yesterday’s devotional, we’ve got you covered kindly go HERE. For KHC video Devotionals kindly go HERE

18. She is Royalty personified in looks and words.

She makes Jesus attractive to all that see and hear her. She carries herself with dignity and honor. In everything she does, royalty is part of her.

19. She sees to the welfare of her parents because she knows this can affect her own marriage negatively

She balances her love life between her parents, her children, and her husband. Everybody has a fair share of her love

20. She loves her children through her husband and not vice versa. She is first a good wife before being a good mother.

She knows the right order of things in God. She knows her calling is first to her husband before her children

21. She is a team player who knows how to keep her boundaries

She knows very well her complementary roles and functions in it well. She understands boundaries and knows how to keep them.

May God give you more understanding.

God bless your marriage.

I am a virtuous woman

Lord Jesus, help me to be an award-winning woman

Proverbs 31:11[NLT]Her husband can trust her, and she will greatly enrich his life.

Study Proverbs 31

Prov 31


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