How To Send The Devil Away From Your Love Life

How To Send The Devil Away From Your Love Life

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Gen 3:1 KJV
Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

Gen 3:1 AMP
NOW THE serpent was more subtle and crafty than any living creature of the field which the Lord God had made. And he [Satan] said to the woman, Can it really be that God has said, You shall not eat from every tree of the garden?

The tactics the devil uses, even till today doesn’t change. It is important we get conversant with his tactics so that we can better prepare ourselves and safeguard our destinies by the help of the Holy Spirit from falling into his traps.

That is why the scripture says

2Co 2:11 KJV
Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.

Amplified version says:

2Co 2:11 AMP
To keep Satan from getting the advantage over us; for we are not ignorant of his wiles and intentions.

We must by the Spirit of God protect ourselves so that he does not get advantage over us in our relationships and marriage.

In verse one of the above verse, he said:
“Yea, hath God said…”
He still does the same today. What he does is to challenge the truth of God’s word in your heart.

He did the same thing for Jesus Christ!
The temptations of Jesus Christ were crafted to challenge the word of God. That was why the moment Jesus Christ responded with “It is written…,” he won!

Why would the devil always challenge God’s word?
The reason is obvious. The moment he makes you to doubt God’s word or to reject God’s word, he would have a foothold to operate.

So he comes and says things like:
“Did God really say we should not have pre-marital sex?”
“But everybody is compromising! Why should I be different?”
“Can I really marry someone without ‘testing’ that person on bed?”

Sometimes, he even comes quoting scripture and misapplying it. He says things like:

“The scriptures says we must be wise as serpent, so I don’t think it is wrong to fight for my job at work place by sleeping with my boss”
“Is it really wrong to be involved in adultery? David was adulterous, and yet God still said He is a man after His heart. Did God not approve adultery there? If God hates my adulterous life, He would have killed me!”

He comes and tells two people who are in courtship:
“See, there is nothing wrong in kissing and petting. It is something we should do in order to express our love since we are sure of getting married!”

He tells another:
“There is nothing wrong in masturbation. We must find a way to relive the pressure, in as much as we did not fornicate. Even one Pastor said it is okay…”

He tells a married person:
“Your spouse is a mistake. You don’t need to divorce him/her, but you can just have affairs outside and God will understand that it is not easy!”

It goes on and on. The underlying thing I want you to see is that the moment God’s word is being challenged on any level; know that the devil is at work. The Holy Spirit will never come to counteract God’s word or to debunk it; He only comes to expound it.

Never yield ground to the devil. Resist him like the Jesus Christ did and he will flee.
Adam and Eve yielded to the devil and lost the fullness of God’s plan.
Jesus came to restore that loss, but he would have failed if he yielded to the devil when he was being tempted.

Every compromise you cooperate with alters something in the spirit realm. Make up your mind this coming month to resist the devil every day and consciously with the help of the Holy Spirit.

You cannot be yielding to your flesh and the devil every time if you want to go far! You cannot be saying some girl seduced you all the time while you sleep around recklessly. You cannot be saying a man forced you into compromise with his money.

The devil is not that powerful. He is as powerful as you allow him in your life. He needs your permission before he can trip you and trap you. Never allow him again. Don’t give him an inch!

Do it God’s way. There will no longer be delays in Jesus name. God will perfect everything in your relationship and marriage as you make up your mind to resist the devil.

Never forget this, if you can keep feeding your spirit with God’s word daily and consistently, and you believe His word, that same word of the Lord will keep you!
That is why we have created this online Club for you! Visit it daily and keep learning all you can. Keep encouraging each other! Stay on your toes and be alert.

I pray that you will have a higher revelation of the person and the principles of our Lord Jesus Christ! Victory is yours!

In all things I give thanks. I will not allow the devil, pride, pressures of life and ignorance to steal this gracious act from me.

Lord, give me your wisdom to be a good spouse

Heb 12:28 MSG
Do you see what we’ve got? An unshakable kingdom! And do you see how thankful we must be? Not only thankful, but brimming with worship, deeply reverent before God. For God is not an indifferent bystander.

Make up your mind to stand strong in God

Gen 12-15


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How To Love Your Fiancée With Tender Loving Care

How To Love Your Fiancée With Tender Loving Care

Reading Time: 3 minutes

There is nothing wrong with loving your wife or wife-to-be. There is nothing wrong with thinking about her. In fact, the scripture advises you to do that. Before you say hurray, however, there is a way you love your fiancée and there is a way you love your wife.

Let thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy youth. Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou ravished always with her love (Proverbs 5:18-19 KJV)

This is talking to married people and not singles in courtship. It didn’t say, rejoice with the fiancée of thy youth or with your wife to be…

So verse 19 clearly establishes that God does not want you fondling and caressing each other. That is always the beginning of compromise.

When two people who are genuinely in love start petting each other, they will always do more and more each time they meet until they find themselves entangled in the web of compromise. It is called the law of progression and it happens all the time.

I know how your body feels when you are in love. I was once in love back then on the campus in the early nineties, and oh my God! Your body is mostly on fire!

You can continue to spiritualize it and deceive yourself that nothing can happen until you find yourself messing up. Or you can tell your fiancée, please, you have got to help me. I am in love with you and this is how my body feels. We must not compromise. Always caution me, if I am being inappropriate! And sometimes, it is the lady that needs to say that to the guy!

You see, when you do that, you are consciously protecting your destiny and preserving your relationship with God, which is what will make your relationship work out and lead to marriage!

How do you love a lady appropriately?

1. You are the protector of her body and her virtue
A good man will say from the very first day, “I love you dearly and because of that, I have a strong physical desire each time I see you, but we will not compromise. We will obey God’s principles in order that our courtship is protected. We will put our bodies under.

I will not allow my body to take charge and give me direction, I will allow my spirit to gain ascendancy and I will not lose my testimony. You make up your mind to wait and not compromise. That way, trust will be established and your intending marriage will be founded on a good foundation.

2. Never lift your hands against her
I have heard cases of singles in courtship that have been beaten severely by their fiancé. I have also had a few cases of ladies who slap the guys.

Well, you shouldn’t cope with any form of physical abuse on any level in your courtship. Don’t suffer silently thinking it will get better after marriage.

Deliver yourself like a bird and fly! If he is used to donating a few slaps here and there for you, and you still cling to him in sexual lust, something is seriously wrong. It is either he controls you with his money or there is a soul tie effected through pre-marital sex.

Whichever way, you need to deliver yourself quickly! Don’t go through all of life been treated like a doormat. You have a destiny to fulfill and don’t allow anybody to play the role of “God” in your life.

I am not being inappropriate. I know how to love my fiancee

Pray that God will give you the grace to always put your body under

For the ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord, and he pondereth all his goings. (Proverbs 5:21 KJV)

Decide how you want to love your fiancee

Num 3-4


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Avoiding In Marriage A Lover On Fire But Cold Later

Avoiding In Marriage A Lover On Fire But Cold Later

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The issue above is one of the commonest statements of regret from several people that I counsel every other month. Avoiding in marriage a lover on fire today but cold later is possible.

“Pastor, he has changed…”

“Pastor, I never knew he was like this…”

“Pastor, before we got married, he was a leader in the fellowship, but now, he doesn’t go to church…”

“Pastor, during our courtship, he was so sweet, but now, he beats me up!

“Pastor, I never knew him because our courtship was a distant one…”

…And so on and so forth…

Well, what went wrong along the way?

2Pe 2:20-22 (MSG) If they’ve escaped from the slum of sin by experiencing our Master and Savior, Jesus Christ, and then slid back into that same old life again, they’re worse than if they had never left. [21] Better not to have started out on the straight road to God than to start out and then turn back, repudiating the experience and the holy command. [22] They prove the point of the proverbs, “A dog goes back to its own vomit,” and, “A scrubbed-up pig heads for the mud.”

Here are a few things to note.

  1. There are pretenders out there. There are people who will feign being in the faith just to get a ‘good’ girl that will not give them ‘problems’ in marriage. This is where Christian pre-marriage counseling comes in.

2. That you met somebody in church does not guarantee that he or she is a true child of God or that you are avoiding in marriage all troubles. Anybody and everybody can attend church services for different purposes. Always seek counsel before you get involved with anybody.

3. Not everybody in the church setting is looking for God. That is why phones and personal effects get missing in church. An angel didn’t steal them. They were stolen by people with whom you worship but with ulterior motives.

4. Let the leadership of the church be involved in your relationship and marriage. There are some churches that have marriage guidance councils, these are not instituted to control you or spy into your private life but to guide you appropriately. Let your pastor be in the know. This is important because the pastor usually knows the committed ones and those who are insincere to an extent.

5. Learn all you can learn. Get marriage tips and free Christian advice online for avoiding chaos in marriage. On Kisses and Huggs Club, for example, we offer free Christian advice for singles and married couples and you can get advice on marriage issues on our daily devotionals, daily discussions and several other materials online. Don’t walk into a marriage ignorantly and so naïve that you fall for anything.

6. As a marriage counselor for some years, I can rightly say that it is true some people really love the Lord, but along the way, there is a turn around. Avoiding in marriage such people is what this post is about. This can be due to negative influence, change of environment, pressure that comes with marriage, choice of career and so on. Whatever it is, when you find yourself in this kind of scenario, you need to quickly find a marriage counselor to talk to.

I will stop here today and conclude on this topic tomorrow.

Be blessed.

I have divine wisdom from God to make decisions.

Pray and ask God to show you what you don’t know about your life

Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.
(Jeremiah 33:3 KJV)

Take an inventory of all the relationships in your life

Ps 66-68


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A Symptom In A Relationship That Might Crash

A Symptom In A Relationship That Might Crash

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Over the years, from counseling experiences, and even from the scriptures, one guaranteed reason a relationship or marriage will crash is when there is no form of mentoring or tutelage, or better put, when there is no accountability!

The kingdom of God is so orchestrated in such a way that you are not supposed to stay in isolation. Isolation will usually dovetail to desolation.

Here is God’s word:

God setteth the solitary in families: he bringeth out those which are bound with chains: but the rebellious dwell in a dry land. (Psalms 68:6 KJV)

God in His wisdom has surrounded us with not only physical families but also spiritual families. You have to be able to identify your spiritual family and stay there. There is a man or woman that God has placed over you from whom you can access wisdom and who will be able to speak into your life in the times of storms.

There are times that you face some issues, and yet the solution to that storm is just a sentence or two away in the mouth of an anointed servant of God.

This is why I am often scared of couples that have nobody they are accountable to. I am often scared of couples that have no mentors over them. Somebody has rightly said that you need mentors to avoid tormentors of life!

Singles, beware of getting into a relationship with a person who is accountable to no one! The moment he or she begins to tell you that God is his mentor, something is wrong somewhere.

Now, I will tell you why it is so important that you get married to somebody who is accountable.

There are some times that couples call in for counseling and upon listening to them, there would only be one way to move forward.

So, I would ask the question,

“Who is your husband’s mentor?”

It is always sad when the answer is
“Nobody sir!”

So, I would usually reframe the question,
“Who does your husband respect? Who can talk to him?”

And then, a sadder answer comes
“Nobody sir!”

Then I would make one more attempt,
“What about his parents?”

“He does not listen to his parents! Nobody can talk to him!”

At this point, the situation actually looks bleak… because you can hardly help an isolated and disenfranchised person!

One of the pertinent things to be sure of in considering marriage is the issue of accountability!

Don’t get involved with someone who says you don’t need a mentor. That would be risky!

Let me conclude with this scripture:

Without counsel purposes are disappointed: but in the multitude of counsellors they are established. (Proverbs 15:22 KJV)

Purposes can be genuine, but when they are without counsel, they can be frustrated and disappointed.

See it in Message translation:

Refuse good advice and watch your plans fail; take good counsel and watch them succeed. (Proverbs 15:22 Message)

I have the wisdom of God. I am not isolated. My relationship will not crash.

Lord, show me who you have appointed to speak into my life so that my relationship will not crash.

The empty–headed treat life as a plaything; the perceptive grasp its meaning and make a go of it. (Proverbs 15:21 Message)

Discuss and decide on who will be your mentor

Prov 15

Ten Things To Do For Your Fiance/Fiancee Regularly

Ten Things To Do For Your Fiance/Fiancee Regularly

Reading Time: 3 minutes

A lot of singles and married couples are often caught up in the hustles and bustles of life and become distracted. Here is a reminder list of what you should do regularly to each other and how to go about it.

1. Pray for him. Pray for her.

Let it be genuine. This helps you to harness the help of God to come to bear for you. Genuine prayers for each other will go a long way to keep you together. Minimize the quarrels and maximize the times for prayers.

2. Call each other daily.

Whether you will see each other later in the day is not the issue, the issue is that communication is the live wire of any relationship or marriage that will survive. Keep in touch. Send SMS. Use chats.

3. Exchange gifts regularly.

It doesn’t have to be expensive! But let it be touching. Notice what I wrote, exchange gifts; not collect gifts! Those little gestures help to keep the fire of your relationship and marriage aflame.

4. Share with him or her what God is dealing with you in His word.

Whatever God tells you in your devotion or in your personal walk with God, will also bless him or her as long as it blesses you. You don’t have to make it look like you are in another service when you want to do that, but you make it as natural as possible.

5. Encourage one another.

You are his number one fan. You are her number one fan. Don’t discourage each other. Don’t dissipate your energy on criticism. Be aware that your input goes a long way because you are the closest person.

6. Forgive each other so that your heavenly father will forgive you also.

You are not perfect, are you? So don’t become a judge, rather lovingly overlook and forget any mistakes that are meant to show up.

7. Let corrections be done in love.

Do you know it takes up to nine affirming statements to be able to accommodate and see one criticism as it should be seen? But you know what people do is give nine brutally critical statements and one or none of affirming statements. It will not yield any positive result like that.

8. Seek to help each other in obeying God’s instructions.

You are the greatest influence. Don’t encourage him or her to sin. Stand on the path of truth and help him or her to resist temptations.

9. Don’t feed each other’s weaknesses.

Rather, you should balance him or her out, because you will always have the strength and in areas where he or she is weak. Be available to help him stand. Be there to help her say No to iniquity. Don’t be seen as a partner in crime, or partner in iniquity. Let him or her be able to say, I trust my fiancé/fiancée/spouse; he will never compromise. Trust one another and protect your trust.

10. Make sure you have a mentor you talk to from time to time.

Sometimes, the very intense issues and disagreements are dissolved with a few statements. Well, that is the grace of God upon our lives and upon this ministry; to provide positive intervention in crisis-laden marriages and to provide godly counsels for those in courtship.

Accountability to those who have done what you are trying to do is a lot of wisdom. Stay close with these devotionals that have been a succor to a lot of marriages and relationships across the world, discuss it from time to time and keep on making adjustments! So help us God!

I will apply discretion in every area of my relationship and marriage as God helps me. I seek help regularly.

Lord, I ask that you give me wisdom and understanding in my relationship and in Jesus name.

Colossians 3:15 MSG
Let the peace of Christ keep you in tune with each other, in step with each other. None of this going off and doing your own thing. And cultivate thankfulness.

Learn to discuss regularly with your fiance/fiancee

Ps 24


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