Communication Between Lovers 

Communication Between Lovers 

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Communication Between Lovers 

This is Part 2 of Communicating better with your lover. If you missed Part 1, check it here:

Non-Verbal Communication

Communication goes beyond words; non-verbal cues play a crucial role in conveying feelings and emotions. 

Pay attention to your body language, facial expressions, and gestures when communicating with your partner.

Maintain good eye contact, smile often, and use affirmative gestures to create a positive and warm atmosphere during your conversations. Liars are known to evade eye contact.

Communication Between Lovers 

Time and Space

In a fast-paced world, finding quality time to communicate can be a challenge. However, allocating time for each other is vital for building a stronger connection. Create a space that is free from distractions where you can truly focus on one another.

Designate “unplugged” time, during which you and your partner can engage in meaningful conversations without the interruption of screens or other distractions.

This has to be done deliberately 

Communication Between Lovers 

Empathy and Understanding

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. It’s a fundamental aspect of effective communication. To communicate better in your relationship, put yourself in your partner’s shoes and try to understand their perspective.

When your partner expresses their feelings or concerns, validate their emotions and show understanding. This helps build trust and connection.

Communication Between Lovers

Conflict Resolution

No relationship is without its conflicts. However, how you deal with these conflicts can make all the difference. 

Learning effective conflict-resolution strategies is essential for maintaining a healthy and communicative relationship.

When conflicts arise, focus on the issue at hand rather than resorting to personal attacks. Practice active listening and compromise to find solutions that work for both of you.

Honesty and Transparency

Honesty is the bedrock of trust in any relationship. Open and transparent communication is essential for building a strong and lasting bond with your partner.

Be honest about your feelings, thoughts, and concerns. Sharing your vulnerabilities can lead to a deeper and more authentic connection.

Build trust through sincerity and you will enjoy yourselves more! When trust is broken down in a marriage, it’s like a house whose fence is broken. It would be invaded easily!

May God give us more understanding 


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How Not To Lose Your Spouse Before Losing Them 

How Not To Lose Your Spouse Before Losing Them 

Reading Time: 2 minutes

How Not To Lose Your Spouse Before Losing Them 

How Not To Lose Your Spouse Before Losing Them. A lot of folks actually lose their loved ones before losing them in relationships and marriages.

Crisis doesn’t just show up from the blues. Storms don’t just erupt from nowhere, no, they have been brewing and getting ready for a long time, we don’t just pay attention to them or we just ignore them.

Every issue we ever face, either as singles in relationships or couples in marriage, would always give us warning signs!

We never fall into the marital pit in an instant, it’s always a descent, a gradual slide, and sometimes foolishly, an obvious one! 

Our ego and pride would always conflict, seeing things are going down the drain and yet trying to prove a point that is really unnecessary 

How Not To Lose Your Spouse Before Losing Them

Do you want to know how?

Do not under any circumstance stop communicating! 

If you can keep talking, there is hope of resolving whatever situation or storm that might be raging!

The moment you keep quiet, you open the doors for the devil to come in with his assumptions, and we all know that assumptions are the lowest form of knowledge.

When you stop talking, you open your thought life to all kinds of suggestions, which are mostly untrue.

When you stop communicating, you begin to judge every movement, every body language and the reality is that you are mostly wrong at such times!

Once the devil gets you muted and shut out, know he has you exactly where he wants you!

So, what do you want to do? You want to keep talking! You want to keep talking till you eventually resolve that issue! That is how not to lose your spouse before losing them! 

Hope you are blessed this morning.

God bless your relationships and marriage! Have a fantastic day ahead of you in Jesus’ name! 


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Communication Is So Important In Marriage

Communication Is So Important In Marriage

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Communication Is So Important In Marriage. I started writing yesterday on things that should be present in every marriage and we looked at one thing yesterday. Today we look at four more things. 

The second thing that must be present in every marriage that will succeed has to do with communication.

Communication Is So Important In Marriage. Constant Communication. A man was once asked what the three most important things in a marriage are.

His response:

1. Communication
2. Communication
3. Communication

Do I agree? Yes, I fully do!

When communication dies, assumptions, suspicions, lies, and deception will take over.

There is nothing as beautiful as a marriage where both parties can fully express themselves.
Hear each other out!

When a man talks, his goal may be a logical explanation, but when a woman talks, it is more than an explanation, it is a release; an emotional release.

So every time she is muted, there are pent-up tensions being stored up for a later time. 

It is akin to the molten magma within, nothing shows on the surface much, but one day, the magma can no longer hold still, and there will be a volcanic eruption causing untold havoc!

Unexplained hurts, unexpressed bitterness, are all like the molten magma in the belly of the ground.

So, when you tell your spouse to “shut up” continually, and it looks as though you are in charge and winning, well, you are not really winning, you are actually losing!

Allow free expression in your matrimonial home.

When a lady is also reluctant to talk or communicate, it shows some deeper issues as well.

Both husband and wife have to be committed to communication. The excuse of temperaments should not be brought in.

Well, people at work, in church, or elsewhere can look at you and say you are a quiet person, but your spouse should be able to say “you are not quiet to them!” This shows they are friends!

Make the commitment to be friends and to keep talking. Communication Is So Important In Marriage.

I will keep communicating with my spouse

Lord, help me to work on areas where I am lacking 

Mat 12:35 (MSG) A good person produces good deeds and words season after season. An evil person is a blight on the orchard.

Have a time out with your spouse 

Matthew 12


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Help Pastor, We Don’t Communicate Well in Marriage

Help Pastor, We Don’t Communicate Well in Marriage

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Help Pastor, We Don’t Communicate Well in Marriage! Communication is so important in marriage. Just as you can do for long without food, the same way, you cannot do without communication in marriage.

There must be good communication between a husband and wife.

A husband and wife must talk about everything and anything. They must not be secretive and they must not hide anything for one another.

Never allow your communication to degenerate into mono-syllable answers, where it seems only one party is doing the talking.

Communication is so important that whole cities and countries have been brought down simply because the two parties involved cannot understand one another.

This is this story of Tower of Babel. They had a great goal; to build a city whose top will reach unto the heavens, God attested to their feat that they would do it.

The only way for God to stop their ambition is to touch their language and they could not understand each other.

Their language became confounded. Once that happened, their project was brought to an abrupt  end.

May I dare say that a lot of opportunities have been truncated because the husband and wife are busy fighting and throwing tantrums, and withdrawing from themselves.

Help Pastor, We Don’t Communicate Well in Marriage! Learn to talk in your marriage.

For communication to take place, there must be a person who is willing to receive and another who is willing to share.

When either party does not want to share and at the same time doesn’t want to receive, that may be a major issue there.

Help Pastor, We Don’t Communicate Well in Marriage! If you are the quiet one in your marriage, then you must consciously encourage your spouse when he or she is talking or joking.

Also, deliberately respond to your spouse and don’t just shake your head. Your spouse is not a Radio station which talks alone most of the time.

Be deliberate about good communication. I pray that God grant you more wisdom. Be blessed! 

I am helped in my marriage. Our communication is getting better.

Lord, strengthen me in my are of weaknesses

Gen 11:7 (MSG) Come, we’ll go down and garble their speech so they won’t understand each other.”

Decide to initiate a meaningful conversation between you and your spouse

Genesis 11


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Levels of Communication in Marriage – Part 5

Levels of Communication in Marriage – Part 5

Reading Time: 2 minutes


Continued from yesterday…

We have been considering several levels of communication in the last few days. We have looked at

1. The Hallway talker

2. Reporter’s Talk

3. Intellectual Talk

4. Emotional Talk.

This morning, we will be considering the last and highest level of Communication.

5. Loving, Genuine Truth Talk

‘Let’s Be Honest’.

This level allows us to speak the truth in love. It is a place of honesty without condemnation.

Most couples are finding out that such open, honest and loving communication enhances a much deeper level of intimacy, where couples can share their feelings and thoughts without feeling unsafe. Both have a sense of safety and security. This requires an attitude of acceptance.

You know your spouse understands you even if they don’t agree with you.

We can always agree to disagree without shaming ourselves or making us look less smart. We can have differing opinions and still be friends. No hurts, no guilt, no condemnation and we are still good to go.

We can’t be the same. Remember, acceptance is the key.

We may start out on the first level of communication, but please, don’t let us remain there.

As a couple, we should aim at moving higher in the way we relate, understand, and communicate with each other. This will require a certain level of work and being intentional about getting to understand your spouse.

The higher we grow in our level of communicating with ourselves, the more intimate we grow with our spouse.

I pray God will grant us wisdom and grace and help us all to communicate better in Jesus name.

God bless our marriage

My marriage will be a blessing to many

Oh Lord, teach me how to communicate effectively

Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not. –Jeremiah 33:3 (KJV)

Pray in the Spirit

Job 23-25


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