Holding God By His Word

Holding God By His Word

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Look at another powerful, inspiring, and breathtaking verse in Psalm 139. Today, we are talking about holding God.

Psalm 139:14 – “I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.”

What is this verse telling you? How do you feel when you read this?

You should feel important and unique that your Yahweh says you are as wonderful as all His works.

Let’s break down this verse

“I praise you, for I am fearfully…

This means that you are meant to instill fear in the enemy’s heart because you are made of God.

“…and wonderfully made”

Never has the world seen a unique and one-in-a-lifetime person like you. The world has never experienced you before. Out of all the billions of people on the earth, none is like you.

“Wonderful are your works:”

Everything God made is wonderful, exquisite, and a blessing to all mankind. This same God made you.

“my soul knows it very well.”

The psalmist acknowledges that even his soul knows how great a creation he is. He knows that God didn’t make him ordinary. God made him be a special type of creation, different from all the other creations of God.

Write this verse down and memorize it. When people try to put you down and say you are nothing, tell them how the mighty God made you the most special of all His creations.

May the reality of how God made you always stick with you. Amen.

Lord, thank You for how special You made me. I am special. I am special.

Action point:
Reflect more on this verse and write down the wonderful things you know about yourself.

I am wonderfully and fearfully made

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Living Life By The Manual

Living Life By The Manual

Reading Time: < 1 minute

As humans on earth, our ever loving Father never created us to navigate this earth aimlessly. He made us and gave us a manual to live by everyday of our lives.

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. – Joshua1:8 ESV

The scripture above is an instruction God has given us to follow always. The word of God is a manual we need to lead a Godly and successful life.

I believe you must have seen other adults read the bible in public or private places. That’s because nobody wants to get lost in this race of life.

We should always read and confess the word of God everyday of our lives.

Additionally, we should pray that the Spirit of God will dwell in us and grant us understanding of what we are reading. You can call on your parents or guardians to help you with this prayer and I am sure they will be glad to do so.

One more prayer you can equally pray as you daily go through your manual is that you will be conformed to the life God has ordained for you to live.

Lord, fill me with your spirit. Let me live according to your plans for my life in Jesus name; Amen.

Action Plan:
Go through your manual before leaving your house

I am a doer of the word. I confess and obey the word of God at all times.

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Finding Who To Marry; A Conversation – Part 2

Finding Who To Marry; A Conversation – Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Continued from yesterday…

Betty: You are not reading your Bible well. It says, a merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance. In order words, when you trust God, your heart will be merry because you know God will do it. If your heart is merry, it will show on your face! Shikena! (Period!)

Angie: So my face is driving men away?

Betty: Yes, men are moved by sight firstly before they are moved by your heart. The moment you turn your beautiful face to that of a masquerade, like every problem in the world is on you, guys don’t wait to confirm what is in your heart before they take off.

Angie: But some are still interested in me like this

Betty: So why are you not married?

Angie: I wonder o…

Betty: You don’t need to go to wonderland; did you not say the other time that all the people that come your way are asking for sex?

Angie: Yes

Betty: Because they are not ready for commitment, all they want is fun, so they don’t mind the way you look as long their lust is satisfied.

Angie: Many of them like that

Betty: And that is how you also delay yourself

Angie: How, Auntie?

Betty: By consenting to give them what they ask for, you think you are securing them, but in essence, they will never marry you like that.

Angie: Why are men so wicked?

Betty: It is not about being wicked, it is because they don’t have fear of God.

Angie: Na the same thing joor! (It is the same thing)

Betty: Guys that don’t have the fear of God will try and persuade you to compromise with them, and when you do, they eventually won’t marry you.

Angie: Why would they do that?

To be continued tomorrow

I will not miss it in marriage.

Lord, help me to trust you.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Pray for insight

John 3


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Here Is What It Takes To Build A Home

Here Is What It Takes To Build A Home

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Here Is What It Takes To Build A Home. There is a popular scripture I love so much. It is in the book of proverbs

Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands. – Pro 14:1 

From this scripture, it is seen that the building of homes is directly the responsibility of the woman. But not just any type of woman, the woman has to be wise. It takes wisdom to build.

So that means there is wisdom to build, and there is the foolishness that plucks down or tears down. How is this wisdom acquired? If it just read a woman, we will know that once you are born a female, then you automatically possess this wisdom to build.

That means there are some women who do not have the wisdom to build their marriages and homes. There are no two ways to do it. It is either you are building your home or you are tearing it down. There is no middle way to it.

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If you have wisdom, then you have it and if you don’t have it, you don’t have it.

The question we need to ask ourselves is; am I a wise woman?

The bible gave us the blueprint of asking for wisdom. We have a right to ask God for wisdom

My mentor told me how she will go about eating Suya and one day, a car almost hit her. The incident was reported to her husband who out of anger said she was behaving stupidly.

She felt slighted and offended. She talked to the Holy Spirit about the matter, and the Holy Spirit confirmed what her husband said. The Holy Spirit told her she is not only stupid but also foolish and not operating in wisdom. She was shocked at this and almost couldn’t believe her ears. She then decided to ask God for wisdom.

Until you consciously ask God for wisdom, don’t assume you have wisdom. Until you can say for sure when you were given wisdom by God, don’t assume you have wisdom.

My mentor prayed for wisdom for six months, every day for 3 hours. No wonder she had an encounter with the spirit of wisdom.

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. – Jas 1:5 

We have to ask and keep on asking. There are over 223 scriptures in the Bible where the word wisdom appears. We can take one aspect of wisdom and pray it into our life.

There are different aspects of wisdom. There is wisdom to deal wisely in the affairs of life. Wisdom is worth praying for because if you don’t have wisdom, you are left with foolishness, and foolishness tears down.

May we not out of foolishness, tear down that which we have built.

May God help us!

God bless our marriage in Jesus name.

I love my spouse wholeheartedly.

Lord, give me the wisdom to build my house.

Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands. Pro 14:1 

Decide to be more committed in your marriage.

Pro 14


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Showing Acts of Responsibility

Showing Acts of Responsibility

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Have you started taking responsibility? I remember when I was little and my mother gave me some money to buy fish from the market. When I got to the woman selling the fish, I couldn’t find the money I was given. Guess what happened when I got home? My mother was angry and scolded me for losing the money.

Why do you think my mother was angry? Was she right to be angry? The answer is “yes”. 
It was my responsibility to keep the money well. It was in my possession and I should have kept it well. I was trusted to keep it safe and get what I was sent.

Responsibility means doing what is expected of you and accepting the consequences for either doing or not doing these things. This means that as a child, there are things you are meant to do, say or keep. Things you will be responsible for. And as you grow older these things increase in size and time.

“Each person should judge his own actions. Then he can be proud for what he himself has done. Each person must be responsible for himself.” – Gal. 6:5 ICB

The bible verse above says that you are to judge your own actions, check if you are proud of what you do and that you should be responsible for yourself. In other words, are you proud that you are responsible or not? Judge yourself.

May the Lord give you enlightenment about being responsible. Amen

Lord Jesus, I open my heart as I learn about responsibility. Help me to keep my heart open. Amen.

Action point:
Ask your parents what your responsibilities are if you don’t know them. if you do, as the bible verse said, are you proud of your actions?

I am a responsible child.

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