Reading Time: 2 minutes

Have you started taking responsibility? I remember when I was little and my mother gave me some money to buy fish from the market. When I got to the woman selling the fish, I couldn’t find the money I was given. Guess what happened when I got home? My mother was angry and scolded me for losing the money.

Why do you think my mother was angry? Was she right to be angry? The answer is “yes”. 
It was my responsibility to keep the money well. It was in my possession and I should have kept it well. I was trusted to keep it safe and get what I was sent.

Responsibility means doing what is expected of you and accepting the consequences for either doing or not doing these things. This means that as a child, there are things you are meant to do, say or keep. Things you will be responsible for. And as you grow older these things increase in size and time.

“Each person should judge his own actions. Then he can be proud for what he himself has done. Each person must be responsible for himself.” – Gal. 6:5 ICB

The bible verse above says that you are to judge your own actions, check if you are proud of what you do and that you should be responsible for yourself. In other words, are you proud that you are responsible or not? Judge yourself.

May the Lord give you enlightenment about being responsible. Amen

Lord Jesus, I open my heart as I learn about responsibility. Help me to keep my heart open. Amen.

Action point:
Ask your parents what your responsibilities are if you don’t know them. if you do, as the bible verse said, are you proud of your actions?

I am a responsible child.

Read yesterday’s article here


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