Enjoying God’s Mercy Early

Enjoying God’s Mercy Early

Reading Time: < 1 minute

No one is too small to enjoy God’s mercy. No one is too young to be a partaker of God’s mercy. The mercy of God is part of His promises to all his children, so you are not exempted.

See what the bible says about mercy.

O satisfy us with Your mercy and loving-kindness in the morning [now, before we are older], that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.- Psalm 90:14 AMP

Children, everyday of your lives, pray and ask for the mercies of God.

Gos wants to satisfy you with His mercies now, before you are older. It’s His desire to do so. Isn’t that wonderful?

Pray that as you go to school, and go through each day, the Lord will satisfy you early with His mercies.

You should also confess God’s words into your lives always.


Prayers for children:
The Lord will satisfy me early with His mercies. Amen.

Prayers for parents:
Lord, let me and my family be partakers of your mercies, In Jesus name.

Action plan:
Parents, let us always teach our children the word of God, also, we should pray with it for them.

The mercies of God are made evident in the lives of my children.

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I Believe What God Says

I Believe What God Says

Reading Time: 2 minutes

In some parts of the bible, we find places where the author writes “…saith the Lord.” Do you believe what God says?

And thou shalt say unto Pharaoh, Thus saith the LORD, Israel is my son, even my firstborn: Ex 4:22 KJV

At other places, God Himself speaks, saying “I will…”

Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. Isa 43:19 KJV

These are words that tell us about the promises and power of God.

When you come across such phrases in the bible, what comes to your mind? Do you think these words are still applicable today? Is God still saying “I will?” Are the words written by those writers still in effect? Do they mean that God is still saying?

Everything written in the bible is still as powerful as they were in bible times. God is still saying the same thing. His promises are continuous. He hasn’t changed. Nothing about Him has and never will.

When next you come across such words, believe that God is still saying them to you and everyone. If it is a place where God made a promise, claim it for yourself and others. That is how to believe and enjoy His promises. He even tells us that He honours His words more than His name.

I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name. Ps 138:2 KJV

He wants us to believe in Him and His words. We are greatly rewarded when we do so.

What a wonderful God we serve!

I claim every promise you made to me even before I was born in Jesus name. Amen.

Action plan:
Try to find two instances each for where a writer records, “…says the Lord” and God saying “I will.” Read the full chapters and meditate on them.

My children are studious. They read, study, and meditate on God’s word daily.

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Trusting In Your Maker

Trusting In Your Maker

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Trust is a strong word that shows how reliable something or someone is. Are you trusting your Maker?

Trusting God is the best thing you can do on earth. This is because God knows and can do all things.

See what the bible says about trust.

Proverbs 3:5 – “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding”.

Trusting in your abilities, connections, friends, families and other things is good but not wise or smart.

This is because your abilities or people you know can disappoint you when you most need them. But God never does.

God is not limited by anything or anyone. He holds times and seasons in His hands. He also has the hearts of kings in the palms of His hands.

He knows the intentions of every person’s heart. He has seen the future you don’t even know if you will see.

God is most trustworthy because of His lack of limitations and boundless possibilities He can create for you.

Learn to trust God always and see Him do the miraculous in your life.

May God bless you for always trusting Him. Amen.

Prayer point:
Lord, give me the heart to trust You for all I will do and need. Thank You.

Action point:
Do you have a burning need in your heart? Take it to God in prayers and trust in Him to do all that you ask for.

I trust the Lord with all my heart and might.

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God’s Word For You Dear Children

God’s Word For You Dear Children

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Another wonderful bible verse you should learn is from the book of Philippians. It is God’s Word to you. In chapter four and verse thirteen, you know what you can do as a follower of Christ.

“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Phil. 4:13 KJV)

Imagine the possibilities you have access to do with this verse. The writer is showing you that you can do all you desire to as long as you have Jesus.

Your strength doesn’t come from you, your possessions, friends, families, or education. It comes from Jesus.

He gives you the strength to move on and accomplish everything you need to accomplish.

If there is a huge task or challenge in front of you, remember this verse. Say and believe it. Jesus will show you how to carry it out with ease.

It doesn’t mean that you won’t do your part. You pray and act according to the leading of Jesus.

May Jesus continue to strengthen you. Amen.

Lord, Jesus, please I need your strength.

Action point:
Write down this verse and recite it. Ask Jesus for His help.

I am helped of God in Jesus name.

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Holding God By His Word

Holding God By His Word

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Look at another powerful, inspiring, and breathtaking verse in Psalm 139. Today, we are talking about holding God.

Psalm 139:14 – “I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.”

What is this verse telling you? How do you feel when you read this?

You should feel important and unique that your Yahweh says you are as wonderful as all His works.

Let’s break down this verse

“I praise you, for I am fearfully…

This means that you are meant to instill fear in the enemy’s heart because you are made of God.

“…and wonderfully made”

Never has the world seen a unique and one-in-a-lifetime person like you. The world has never experienced you before. Out of all the billions of people on the earth, none is like you.

“Wonderful are your works:”

Everything God made is wonderful, exquisite, and a blessing to all mankind. This same God made you.

“my soul knows it very well.”

The psalmist acknowledges that even his soul knows how great a creation he is. He knows that God didn’t make him ordinary. God made him be a special type of creation, different from all the other creations of God.

Write this verse down and memorize it. When people try to put you down and say you are nothing, tell them how the mighty God made you the most special of all His creations.

May the reality of how God made you always stick with you. Amen.

Lord, thank You for how special You made me. I am special. I am special.

Action point:
Reflect more on this verse and write down the wonderful things you know about yourself.

I am wonderfully and fearfully made

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I Am Preserved By Mercy

I Am Preserved By Mercy

Reading Time: < 1 minute

This morning, I am here to tell you about the mercy of God. This is a very powerful concept that will change your life; great things happen by mercy.

Let’s look at the dictionary definition of the word mercy first.

The Oxford dictionary defines mercy as compassion or forgiveness shown towards an enemy or person in one’s power.

I am sure in one way or the other, you need the forgiveness of your parents and you definitely need the compassion of God.

The mercy of God is so vital that David literarily cried for it several times in the bible.

Withhold not Your tender mercy from me, O Lord; let Your loving-kindness and Your truth continually preserve me! – Psalm 40:11 AMP

What a prayer!

Go ahead and ask for the mercy of God this morning.

This mercy can correct years of mistakes and reset destinies. It can wipe generational issues away and set you on a new course.

Perhaps, you have noticed one or two things about your parents which you are not too comfortable with. Some may be their own doing, some not by their own doing.

You can use the mercy of God to align the future of your family into what you see in the scriptures.

As you go out on your day to day activity, pray that the mercies of God will continually preserve you.

Pray for God’s mercy over your lives, academics, and everything you lay your hands to do and as you pray, believe that your prayers are answered and it will be so.

Lord, let your mercies continually rest upon me in Jesus Name. Amen.

Action Plan:
Pray and confess God’s words always.

I am continually preserved by God’s mercies.

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How To Exercise Your Faith As A Child

How To Exercise Your Faith As A Child

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Faith is defined as the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen according to the writer of Hebrews.

This means literarily that you have what you do not have. You don’t have it physically, but you know that you have it. That’s faith.

The faith walk isn’t only for adults. As a matter of fact, you will be better an adult, when you start developing your faith from now.

Faith is simply trust in God.

See how the psalmist puts it;

Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God. – Ps 20:7 [KJV]

The truth is that God is happy when we trust him, when we exercise our faith even as children.

It is not too early to start believing God for things. There is no law that says until you are all grown up before you start to exercise your faith.

What are those things you need? Gift items, toys, games, et cetera, you can believe God for it right away.

God loves it when we trust him, so he is eager to grant our desires whenever we walk in faith.

You can believe that God will bless your parents and they will have the funds to make it available, or that someone somewhere will be moved to get whatever you need for you.

Bottom line is that you too can exercise your faith, and you can start now.

Start now and see the goodness of the Lord.

Lord, help me to act in faith. Amen.

Action point:
Start now.

I act in faith. I am not too young to believe God for supernatural supply. My needs are met.

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Living Life By The Manual

Living Life By The Manual

Reading Time: < 1 minute

As humans on earth, our ever loving Father never created us to navigate this earth aimlessly. He made us and gave us a manual to live by everyday of our lives.

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. – Joshua1:8 ESV

The scripture above is an instruction God has given us to follow always. The word of God is a manual we need to lead a Godly and successful life.

I believe you must have seen other adults read the bible in public or private places. That’s because nobody wants to get lost in this race of life.

We should always read and confess the word of God everyday of our lives.

Additionally, we should pray that the Spirit of God will dwell in us and grant us understanding of what we are reading. You can call on your parents or guardians to help you with this prayer and I am sure they will be glad to do so.

One more prayer you can equally pray as you daily go through your manual is that you will be conformed to the life God has ordained for you to live.

Lord, fill me with your spirit. Let me live according to your plans for my life in Jesus name; Amen.

Action Plan:
Go through your manual before leaving your house

I am a doer of the word. I confess and obey the word of God at all times.

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The Importance of Bodily Exercises

The Importance of Bodily Exercises

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Praying is a type of spiritual exercise. As you pray, you are exercising your spiritual muscles, strengthening them. You are building them up. As you build your prayer life with prayer, you also build your body with physical exercises. It’s one way of keeping your body fit and trim.

Keeping fit gives you a pleasant appearance, your clothes seat well on your body and your self-esteem grows. You just love the way you look. This feeling adds to your mental health and you can’t help but be happy.

God loves it when you are happy. Your happiness is worship to Him. And when you are happy, your praise to Him comes not only from your lips but from your whole heart and soul.

Remember, your body is not your own. It was given as a gift. All gifts are meant to be treasured, kept well and used accordingly. 

You should know that your body is a temple for the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is in you. You have received the Holy Spirit from God. You do not own yourselves. -1 Cor. 6:19 ICB

Exercise to keep your body fit as a way of honouring God with your body. Do not do it to please anyone at school or to join any group. Don’t do it out of peer pressure.

If you don’t need to exercise because of health challenges, then don’t do it. God understands and still loves you. There are other ways to keep your body holy for Him.

May the Lord give you the ability to keep fit always. Amen.

Action plan:
Start small and don’t rush it. Gradually increase the routine as you keep up. Engage the help of someone as well.

Lord, help me to keep my body for you.

I will keep my body for God.

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Learn How to Pray

Learn How to Pray

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Hello dear one, guess what? Today we will be considering a very important topic. I will be teaching you about prayer today. You will be learning how to pray, and I am very excited about it; I hope you are too?

Have you ever heard the song “Prayer is the Key, prayer is the master key”?

Prayer is the key that we as children of God use to unlock the treasures we want from our Father.

Jesus himself taught about prayer. In the New Testament, he showed us how important it is to pray.

First off, what is prayer? Prayer is simply communicating with God.
That simply means you talking to God, and he replying you in the same vein. How awesome is that?

Prayer isn’t only for grown up people; it’s for every child of God.

Why is it so? That’s because weather old or young, we all need to talk to God and hear him talk back to us.

As God’s child, you need to learn to always talk to him, just like you talk to your Mum and Dad, and even your friends.

How often should we pray as children of God?

Let me show you a bible verse that answers this question, in fact, these are Jesus exact words.

And he spake a parable unto them to this end that men ought always to pray, and not to faint; – Luke 18:1 (KJV)

Wow, Jesus is saying here that we ought to pray always. That means all the time. The concluding part says and not faint. It means we shouldn’t get tired of always praying.

How do you get to pray always?
This is by the help of the Holy Spirit. Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you how to pray, that’s very simple to do.

Just say this;
“Precious Holy Spirit, please teach me how to pray, help me to pray always and help me to be able to hear from God when I pray.”

That’s it! When next you pray, start by saying “Dear Heavenly Father…” and let every other word flow from your heart. Talk to God the way you talk to your friend, and be patient to hear him speak back to you.

Holy Spirit, please help me to stay in prayer always; Amen.

Action Point:
Decide to pray all the time

I pray always

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Listening To God Speak

Listening To God Speak

Reading Time: 2 minutes

James didn’t like how his brothers treated him. They always teased him about his love for reading and studying. They called him names like “effico”, “bookworm” and more. He wished he could just tell them what was on his mind. They weren’t that perfect too. He knew their flaws too and what they did in secret. What would God speak to him?

At church, he learnt about forgiveness. The Sunday school teacher used the story of Joseph to explain how to forgive.

That was going to be hard for James. So, he approached the teacher and told him about what he was facing at home. The teacher explained the reason why he had to forgive his brothers just like Joseph did.

By the time they were through, James learnt why he had to forgive and how to do so. It was a relief to him. He wasn’t going to continue in unforgiveness towards his brothers.

When you speak to other believers about an issue, you get more knowledge. They help you to understand what you are feeling, why it is wrong or right, and what to do about it. When the believer is older than you, you get to hear about their or other people’s experiences on issues like yours.

So, find a believer like yourself and share your fears or issues with them.

God bless you as you do so. Amen.

Dear God, help me find true believers that can point me towards the right path with issues I am facing or will face, in Jesus name. Amen

Action plan:
Locate an elderly Christian believer and ask them to be your mentor.

My children are open-minded. They seek advice from fellow believers. They do not keep the wrong associations.

Declaration (children):
The Lord speaks to me through his word. My ears are opened to God’s word.

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Little Children, Learn To Do The Right Things

Little Children, Learn To Do The Right Things

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Hello, dear one let me tell you about a certain girl. In this story about Mirable, you should learn the value of doing the right things.

Mirabel, a six-year-old girl in primary four is a very intelligent child. She always comes out as the best student after every session. Her position as the best student has remained unchallenged since she was in nursery school. Mirabel isn’t only intelligent but she is also loved by everyone. Everyone wants to be her friend. At lunch, in school, everyone wanted to be at her table because she is so adorable and pleasant.

I am sure you also want to be like Mirabel, don’t you?

I didn’t also mention that she is a Christian, who acted accordingly, doesn’t tell lies or take what doesn’t belong to her. You will never hear her insult anyone or be rude to anyone. She is such a good girl.

That’s the secret of her excellent performance.

See what the bible says in Psalms 45:7

Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest wickedness: therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows. – Psalms 45:7(KJV)

Let’s see a much simpler version

You love the right and hate the wrong. And that is why God, your very own God, poured fragrant oil on your head, marking you out as king from among your dear companions. – Psalms 45:7(MSG)

What this simply means is if you want to stand out amongst your peers as a child of God, you have to love doing the right things.

What are the right things?

  1. Honouring your parents and everyone around you
  2. Don’t be a liar
  3. Don’t take what doesn’t belong to you
  4. Read God’s word
  5. Pray all the time

These are very simple things that if you can be diligent with, God will anoint you with the oil of gladness and he will place you above your peers.

Lord, help me to do the right things; Amen.

Action point:
Ask the Holy Spirit for help

I chose to do the right things

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Understanding Gratitude To God And Man

Understanding Gratitude To God And Man

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Ideally, when someone gives you a gift or offers a compliment, you ought to say thank you (that’s gratitude). Why?

Because it shows courtesy, that you are well brought up and not a country bumpkin.

Also, it’s a sacrifice on the person’s side. They decided to give you out of love or they saw that you needed something.

Even with a compliment, the person took his or her time to really look at you and decide to appreciate you for how you dressed, your hair, how clean your nails are, or how nice you smell. They noticed you.

The least you can say is thank you with a very genuine and friendly smile.

If someone pays you a compliment about how good your grades are, say thank you.

The Bible tells us to be thankful and that when we are grateful for what we have, we will receive more.

There are lots of people out there looking for who to notice them and would be grateful to just have one person say to them “you look good.”
Remember to say thank you the next time you get a gift or compliment.

God bless you. Amen.

Lord, I am grateful for all I have. Thank you for providing for my needs. Thank you for the compliments I have gotten and will get. Help me to always appreciate whatever I receive from others. Amen.

Action plan:
Consciously be aware of people’s compliments. Ensure you reply with a smile and “thank you.”

My children are grateful. They show appreciation in all they do.

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Understanding Self Control – Part 2

Understanding Self Control – Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Hello dear, today I will be telling you a story about two children. I trust you will learn from what they did in understanding self-control.

Anne is a five-year-old girl who loves chocolates, but her mum only gives her chocolates once in a while. There is this new girl in Anne’s class who also loves chocolate and brings it to school all the time.

It was already Wednesday and Anne’s mum had not given her any chocolate that week. She wanted at least just a little taste of it, as it felt so long since she tasted chocolate. Here comes the new classmate with two big chocolate bars, and Anne was tempted to beg for just a bite. Since she knew begging was wrong, she choose to have self-control over that situation and walk away, resisting the urge to beg.

Another story is Joe’s story. Joe is a 7 years old boy in primary four. One day, he got into a fight with one of his classmates. This classmate of his called him names, provoking Joe who gave him a punch on the face in return.

Between Anne and Joe, who do think showed self-control?

Anne! That’s correct.

I told you yesterday that Self-control is the ability to control one’s emotions or behaviour, especially in difficult situations. Understanding self-control is important.

I also showed you what the Bible says about self-control

… Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self-control. Proverbs 25:28 – (NIV)

You see, God has made this easy for you and me. How do I know?

 See what the Bible says;

For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. 12 It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, – Titus 2:11-12 [NIV]

One amazing thing I want to show you today is that the Holy Spirit can actually help you have self-control. It’s one of the fruits of the spirit listed in the Bible.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, (23) gentlenesses, and self-control. Gal 5:22-23 (NIV)

If you find yourself acting like little Joe in our story, pray and ask the Holy Spirit to help you.

Lord, help me in understanding self-control, and to live a self-controlled life. Amen

Action point:
Ask the Holy Spirit for help

I have self- control

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Understanding Self Control

Understanding Self Control

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Hi Champ. It’s a beautiful day to learn some wisdom. Lend me your ears and pay close attention to today’s topic. we’ll be learning about Self-control.

What is self-control?

It is the ability to control one’s emotions or behaviour, especially in difficult situations.

From this definition, you see that it’s very important for us as children of God to have self-control.

Let’s see what the Bible says about it.

… Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self-control. Proverbs 25:28 – (NIV)

Literally, if a city’s walls are broken down, it means it lacks security. It can be attacked at any point. Imagine if the walls of your house were broken down, it leaves you unprotected and in danger of harm.

God wants us as his children to live a self-controlled life. In fact, the bible cautions us to have self-control to avoid falling into the devil’s temptations. It is one of the things that his grace helps us to do

See what the Bible says in Titus 2:11-12(NIV)

For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled,  upright and godly lives in this present age,

The Holy Spirit works in us to make this possible.

How do we live self-controlled lives?

Join me tomorrow as I break this down for you

Lord, help me to live a self- controlled life. Amen

Action point:
Ask the Holy Spirit for help

I have self- control

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Not Too Young To Rule

Not Too Young To Rule

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Children, there is something I want to bring to your hearing this morning. You must have heard the phrase ‘not too young to rule’. Yes, that is what I want to talk to you about.

Many times, we relax and allow things to slip past our fingers because we have this notion that we are too young to do certain things.

We tend to procrastinate things till when we are much older. Truth be told, there are certain things we can’t do by virtue of age, physical stature, law, and so on, but there are still certain things we can venture into while still young.

Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: KJV- Isa 55:6 

One good you can do to yourself is to seek the Lord in your tender age. having a good foundation of the Lord, of scriptures, God’s promises, from now helps shapen the type of person we become when we grow up.

As parents, we are to ensure our children seek God early in life. No one is too young to seek God.

The bible records that Josiah became King at a very tender age and he ruled well.

The above verse tells us that there comes a time when the Lord may not be found. Hence, it is wise for us to align ourselves in the way of the Lord from now.

As long as you can call on your parents, then you should be able to call on God. God will answer because he is interested in children.

I will seek the Lord early in life. Amen

Lord, help me to see you early.

Action Point:
Start Something today

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Declaring God’s Word Over Your Situation

Declaring God’s Word Over Your Situation

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Just like the psalmist, you should learn to declare God’s word over your situation. That is what will make a difference.

“The Lord is my shepherd;”

David knew what a shepherd does and the great length he will go to provide for the sheep. And no wonder he followed with the next statement to back up his declaration.

“I have all that I need.”

A sheep knows that it doesn’t have to worry about what to eat or drink for the day because the shepherd already has an idea of where the choicest of grasses and sparkling streams are.

It doesn’t have to see these things before following the shepherd. All it knows is that once the shepherd starts to walk in a direction, the next thing to do is to follow him.

This is a power-packed verse that you should know and recite at all times. Especially in times when you have a need and it doesn’t look like the need will be met.

Just say the words and truly believe that God is your Shepherd and He will give you the best of what you need. Say it as the psalmist did.

May the Lord meet you at the point of all your needs. Amen

the Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need. (Psalm 23:1 NLT)

Action point:
Say the verse with all the faith you have and believe.

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing good. I declare God’s word.

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How To Believe God For Things

How To Believe God For Things

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Hello dear, welcome to another time of learning God’s word. Today we will be looking at how to believe God for things. But before we go into that, I trust that you have learnt a lot from these devotionals. Do well to tell your friends about it. It is always good to be in a circle where you all feed on the same thing.

Today’s topic is a very important one, I want to show you how to believe God for things and receive what you believe him for.

God wants you to have what your soul desires even as children, but just like adults, you have to trust and believe him for it.

Have you ever heard of the word FAITH? The bible says without it, it’s impossible to please God.
The bible gives the definition of faith. It can be found in the book of Hebrews.

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. – Hebrews 11:1 (KJV)

Faith is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you do not see. It assures us of things we expect and convinces us of the existence of things we cannot see.

God’s desire is for us to walk in faith, because faith is a journey, he wants you to begin by believing him for a bicycle and then grow into believing him for a house or a car for your parents.

What does it mean to have faith?

Let me give you a practical example.
I know as little children, one of the things you desire to have is a bicycle. Now how do you believe God for it?

1. You pray and ask God for it
Once you pray, believe that God has heard you.

2. Find a bible verse that assures you of what you have received

3. Believe that God is able to give you what you have requested for.

4. Regardless of how long it takes, be sure that you will get it.

5. Don’t allow doubts, the devil or anyone around you to talk you into believing that you are wasting your time.

6. Thank God for it and be conscious of what you have received with hope that it will soon be manifested.

If you follow this through, regardless of how small your faith is, soon you will believe God to help people around you with sicknesses and diseases.

Hoping to hear your testimonies from what you have learnt.

Father, help me to walk in faith. Amen

Action Point:
Pick one thing and believe God for it.

My faith moves mountains.

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Holding God By His Word

The Power of Words Over Our Children

Reading Time: < 1 minute

The bible makes us understand the immense power of words. Words can build up your future or break down your life.

Prov. 13:2 “Be careful what you say and protect your life. A careless talker destroys his life.” (GNB)

This verse cautions us to watch what we say as our words are so powerful to create what we say.

Our words can make or break us. What we say is what we see and become. The words you speak have an impact on your life.

The more you keep complaining about a situation, the more it worsens. Rather, choose to say positive words about it.

You don’t deny that there is a problem, but you choose to look at it through positive lenses.

Use words that show you believe the situation will get better and won’t last forever. You have to keep believing that and let your actions show you believe.

You can choose to say things like
“I am grateful that my parents are giving me an education.

I will meet and make nice, God-fearing friends here.

Things will work out well for me.” and so on.

So, when next you feel like complaining about a situation or someone, remember to choose your words wisely.

God bless and keep your words safe.

Lord God, thank you for your grace that helps me speak wisely. I will continually speak positive, pleasant, and life-giving words as from today. In Jesus name. Amen.

Action plan:
Start to speak positively about your life

My children speak edifying words because they know the power of words.

My children are mindful of what they say. Their lips are guided into all truth.

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Teaching Children The Mercy of God

Teaching Children The Mercy of God

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The mercy of God is an important component of human life. Let’s look at the story of John and his mum as we seek to understand the mercy of God.

John’s heart boomed in his chest as he stood looking at his mother. He didn’t mean to break the five bottles of freshly pressed orange juice meant for the women’s meeting at church tomorrow. One of the bottles sat on the bread wrapper and as he pulled the bread out from the fridge, disaster struck.

“I am sorry, mummy,” he said.

He waited for his punishment. He couldn’t meet her eyes as she looked long and hard at him.

“It’s okay” she said. “Just clean it up.”

That was it. He couldn’t believe his ears. Instantly, he got the mop and bucket and began to clean.

Minutes later, mummy hears Loveth crying. John had hit her for removing one of the tires from his toy car. It was a mistake.

“But I didn’t do anything to you when you broke the bottles of juice?”

John acted like the wicked servant in Matt. 18: 21-35 as told by Jesus.

The wicked servant refused to be merciful to his fellow servant after receiving mercy from his master. He owed his master more, compared to what his fellow servant owed him.

Much like John’s mistake compared to his sister’s. He could have just told Loveth “It’s okay. Just fix it.” Much like mummy said to him.

Why do you think John and the servant in the story acted as they did? They did so because they weren’t grateful for the mercy they received. They forgot that their offense was worth punishing for but who they offended decided they were worth not punishing.

The story teaches us two things:

Firstly, we should be grateful for God’s mercy because we’ve all come short of mercy. And it’s only through Jesus’ death on the cross that we have the right to receive mercy from God.

Secondly, as we have received this mercy, we are meant to reciprocate it to others ‘You should have mercy on your fellow-servant, just as I had mercy on you.’ Matt. 18:33.

What do you think mommy would do to John? Well, the master in the story was angry when he found out what happened and had the wicked servant thrown into jail until he could pay back what he owed Matt. 18: 34.

Jesus said that is how God will deal with us if we don’t have mercy on others.

Who are you going to forgive today?

Dear God, I thank you for showing me mercy. Amen

Action point:
Continually ask God to help you to do this continually.

My children are merciful. As they receive mercy from God, they give mercy out to others in Jesus name. Thank you, Lord.

My children show mercy. They are considerate and loving to their neighbours.

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