Reading Time: < 1 minute

Just like the psalmist, you should learn to declare God’s word over your situation. That is what will make a difference.

“The Lord is my shepherd;”

David knew what a shepherd does and the great length he will go to provide for the sheep. And no wonder he followed with the next statement to back up his declaration.

“I have all that I need.”

A sheep knows that it doesn’t have to worry about what to eat or drink for the day because the shepherd already has an idea of where the choicest of grasses and sparkling streams are.

It doesn’t have to see these things before following the shepherd. All it knows is that once the shepherd starts to walk in a direction, the next thing to do is to follow him.

This is a power-packed verse that you should know and recite at all times. Especially in times when you have a need and it doesn’t look like the need will be met.

Just say the words and truly believe that God is your Shepherd and He will give you the best of what you need. Say it as the psalmist did.

May the Lord meet you at the point of all your needs. Amen

the Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need. (Psalm 23:1 NLT)

Action point:
Say the verse with all the faith you have and believe.

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing good. I declare God’s word.

Read yesterday’s article here


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