Reading Time: 2 minutes

Hello dear one, guess what? Today we will be considering a very important topic. I will be teaching you about prayer today. You will be learning how to pray, and I am very excited about it; I hope you are too?

Have you ever heard the song “Prayer is the Key, prayer is the master key”?

Prayer is the key that we as children of God use to unlock the treasures we want from our Father.

Jesus himself taught about prayer. In the New Testament, he showed us how important it is to pray.

First off, what is prayer? Prayer is simply communicating with God.
That simply means you talking to God, and he replying you in the same vein. How awesome is that?

Prayer isn’t only for grown up people; it’s for every child of God.

Why is it so? That’s because weather old or young, we all need to talk to God and hear him talk back to us.

As God’s child, you need to learn to always talk to him, just like you talk to your Mum and Dad, and even your friends.

How often should we pray as children of God?

Let me show you a bible verse that answers this question, in fact, these are Jesus exact words.

And he spake a parable unto them to this end that men ought always to pray, and not to faint; – Luke 18:1 (KJV)

Wow, Jesus is saying here that we ought to pray always. That means all the time. The concluding part says and not faint. It means we shouldn’t get tired of always praying.

How do you get to pray always?
This is by the help of the Holy Spirit. Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you how to pray, that’s very simple to do.

Just say this;
“Precious Holy Spirit, please teach me how to pray, help me to pray always and help me to be able to hear from God when I pray.”

That’s it! When next you pray, start by saying “Dear Heavenly Father…” and let every other word flow from your heart. Talk to God the way you talk to your friend, and be patient to hear him speak back to you.

Holy Spirit, please help me to stay in prayer always; Amen.

Action Point:
Decide to pray all the time

I pray always

Read yesterday’s article here


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