Reading Time: < 1 minute

Trust is a strong word that shows how reliable something or someone is. Are you trusting your Maker?

Trusting God is the best thing you can do on earth. This is because God knows and can do all things.

See what the bible says about trust.

Proverbs 3:5 – “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding”.

Trusting in your abilities, connections, friends, families and other things is good but not wise or smart.

This is because your abilities or people you know can disappoint you when you most need them. But God never does.

God is not limited by anything or anyone. He holds times and seasons in His hands. He also has the hearts of kings in the palms of His hands.

He knows the intentions of every person’s heart. He has seen the future you don’t even know if you will see.

God is most trustworthy because of His lack of limitations and boundless possibilities He can create for you.

Learn to trust God always and see Him do the miraculous in your life.

May God bless you for always trusting Him. Amen.

Prayer point:
Lord, give me the heart to trust You for all I will do and need. Thank You.

Action point:
Do you have a burning need in your heart? Take it to God in prayers and trust in Him to do all that you ask for.

I trust the Lord with all my heart and might.

Read yesterday’s article here


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