Finding Clarity in Love: Counsel on Relationship Doubts

Finding Clarity in Love: Counsel on Relationship Doubts

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Finding Clarity in Love: Pastor Dunamis’s Counsel on Relationship Doubts


In the heart of a village, under the shade of the great Baobab tree, lived a young maiden named Tola. Her love story with Jude, a strong and kind-hearted warrior, was the talk of the village. They eagerly anticipated their union under the blessings of the elders and ancestors. However, Tola was plagued by doubts, stemming from her sisters’ failed marriages and her mother’s constant reminders of these misfortunes. Seeking guidance, Tola turns to Pastor Dunamis, a wise elder renowned for his understanding of the heart and spirit.

The Root of Tola’s Doubts

Tola’s doubts were not baseless. She had two sisters—Dami, and Bisi—whose marriages had all ended disastrously. Dami’s husband left her for another woman, and Bisi’s ended in sorrowful separation. These experiences cast a long shadow over Tola, making her question if her love with Jude would suffer a similar fate. To complicate matters, Tola’s mother, constantly reminded her of her sisters’ failures, intensifying her fears.

Jude’s Frustration

While Tola wrestled with her doubts, Jude grew increasingly frustrated. He cherished Tola deeply and was eager to start their life together. However, her indecision troubled him. Jude’s sister, Adaku, tried to ease his worries by discreetly suggesting another young woman in the village. This only added to Jude’s confusion. Moreover, his parents pressured him to marry and continue the family lineage, adding to his impatience and worry about Tola’s commitment.

Seeking Pastor Dunamis’s Counsel

Tola decided to seek counsel from Pastor Dunamis, a wise elder, married for many years and had seen many seasons and understood the complexities of the heart. Pastor Dunamis shared his insights gained from a lifetime of experiences, guiding others with the depth of his marital and spiritual understanding. When Tola expressed her fears, Pastor Dunamis listened intently and offered his insights.

Understanding Doubts in Relationships

Pastor Dunamis explained that doubts are like shadows that dance with the flames, capable of creeping into any relationship. He outlined several instances when doubts arise:

1. Lack of Blessings: When a relationship is not blessed by the Almighty, doubts can emerge.

2. Unrealistic Expectations: When expectations for marriage are unrealistic, reality can lead to doubts.

3. Dishonoring Sacred Bonds: Violating sacred bonds with dishonorable acts can lead to confusion and doubts.

4. Twisted Views: A distorted view of life and marriage can cloud judgment.

5. Lack of Spiritual Guidance: Entering a relationship without seeking spiritual guidance can cause doubts.

6. External Reliance: Relying solely on seers and diviners without inner conviction can lead to instability.

clarity in love

7. Escaping Past Pains: Using a relationship to escape past pains can introduce doubts.

8. Opposition from Elders: Facing opposition from authority figures can cause doubts.

9. Great Challenges: Encountering significant challenges without proper navigation can lead to doubts.

Can Doubts Be Completely Eliminated?

A young villager named Kenneth asked if doubts could be completely eliminated. Pastor Dunamis responded that doubts are a natural part of life, much like the ebb and flow of a river. It is how one handles these doubts that matters. He emphasized seeking guidance, listening to the whispers of the Almighty, and maintaining an open heart.

Handling Doubts in Marriage

Also, a married couple, sought advice on dealing with doubts that had crept into their ten-year marriage. Pastor Dunamis advised them to lean on each other, seek spiritual guidance together, and remember their vows. He explained that facing storms together strengthens the bond and helps overcome challenges.

Guarding Against Doubts

Pastor Dunamis advised never to take a step without knowing it is the path set by the Almighty. When doubts arise, stand firm, knowing they are tests to strengthen resolve. He emphasized taking time, listening to the wisdom of elders, and regularly reading ancient stories for stability and wisdom.

Handling Existing Doubts

For those already experiencing doubts, Pastor Dunamis recommended seeking confirmation from the Almighty, spending time in meditation and prayer, and fasting to quiet the mind. He advised staying away from actions that dishonor the Almighty, seeking forgiveness if one has strayed, and realigning with sacred ways. For married couples, he urged them not to rush into separation but to seek guidance and overcome challenges together.

Finding Peace in Decisions

Pastor Dunamis concluded by emphasizing that decisions blessed by the Almighty bring an unexplainable peace that reassures the soul, despite uncertainties. If this peace is absent, it is a sign to pause, reflect, and realign with divine guidance.

Tola’s Realization

With Pastor Dunamis’s wisdom resonating within her, Tola felt a profound sense of clarity and renewed hope. She realized that her sisters’ misfortunes did not have to dictate her future. Embracing spiritual guidance, wise counsel, and patience, she decided to navigate through her uncertainties. Tola recognized that her mother’s fears were not her destiny. Instead, she resolved to forge her unique path with Jude, guided by their shared love and the wisdom of Pastor Dunamis and the Almighty.


Tola’s journey teaches that doubts are natural but can be managed with spiritual guidance, wise counsel, and inner conviction. By seeking clarity and embracing patience, individuals can navigate the complexities of relationships and make decisions that lead to lasting happiness and stability.

Secrets of Finding Love Revealed: From Rejection to Revelation

Secrets of Finding Love Revealed: From Rejection to Revelation

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Secrets of Finding Love Revealed: From Rejection to Revelation


In a village surrounded by rolling hills and lush greenery, a young woman named Deborah was known for her beauty and intelligence. Despite her many admirable qualities, Deborah remained unmarried at twenty-nine, yearning for companionship and the joys of family life. This story explores her journey from rejection to revelation, where she learns the true essence of love and companionship.

The Quest for Companionship

Deborah’s single status was not due to a lack of suitors. Over the years, many men sought her hand in marriage, including Ade, the charming trader; Kola, the hardworking farmer; and Tobi, the scholarly teacher. However, Deborah found reasons to reject them all, feeling increasingly isolated and questioning whether her standards were too high or if true love was merely a myth.

Seeking Wisdom

Driven by frustration and the whispers of the village women, Deborah decided to visit her older and wiser friend, Aunty Nike, who had been happily married for fifteen years. Aunty Nike’s home was a sanctuary of wisdom where many came to seek guidance. Deborah arrived as the sun began its descent, casting a golden glow over the village.

The Heart of the Matter

Aunty Nike, with knowing eyes and a warm voice, engaged Deborah in a heartfelt conversation. She emphasized that Deborah was not to find a man but to be found, sparking curiosity and desperation in Deborah. Aunty Nike explained that Deborah needed to prepare her heart and become a ‘wife’ in her mindset and disposition, highlighting the importance of inner readiness and maturity.

Deborah’s Transformation

Following Aunty Nike’s advice, Deborah embarked on a journey of self-improvement. She read books on marriage, sought guidance from mentors, and immersed herself in daily devotionals. Over time, she transformed into a confident, giving, and peaceful woman, ready for a meaningful relationship.

Daniel’s Trials and Tribulations

In another part of the village lived Daniel, known for his kindness and generosity. His past relationships, marked by heartbreak and unappreciation, led him to believe that his kindness was a curse. Disheartened, Daniel almost gave up on finding true love.


The Moment of Truth

At a community event, Daniel met Deborah. Drawn to her confidence and inner beauty, he found comfort in their shared stories of past rejections and heartaches. Their relationship blossomed, built on mutual respect, shared values, and deep understanding.

A Village Celebration

Their wedding day became a village-wide celebration. Deborah, remembering Aunty Nike’s words, realized she had become a wife in her heart long before being found. Their marriage, built on mutual respect, understanding, and love, inspired the entire village.

Lessons from the Past

Deborah’s story, along with Aunty Nike’s wisdom, became a cherished lesson in the village. The village women, inspired by Deborah’s transformation and happiness, sought Aunty Nike’s guidance to prepare their hearts for love. Daniel’s story highlighted the value of genuine kindness and generosity in a relationship.


Deborah’s journey from rejection to revelation underscores the importance of inner transformation, wisdom, and divine timing in finding true love. By preparing her heart and mind, Deborah found a meaningful and fulfilling relationship with Daniel. Their story teaches that true love begins with self-preparation and readiness to recognize and appreciate the right qualities in a partner.


Preparation of the Heart

True readiness for marriage comes from inner preparation, not just physical readiness or age.

Inner Transformation

Becoming a wife or husband involves personal growth and maturity, which attract the right partner.

Wisdom and Knowledge

Seeking knowledge and understanding about relationships and marriage is crucial for preparation.

Trust in Divine Timing

Believing that the right partner will come at the right time when you are truly ready.

Mutual Respect and Understanding

Strong marriages are built on mutual respect, shared values, and deep understanding.

The Value of Kindness

Genuine kindness and generosity are valuable traits that are appreciated by the right partner.

Aunty Nike’s Guidance

Deborah learns that becoming a ‘wife’ in heart and mind is essential for being found by the right partner.

Daniel’s Journey

Daniel’s past heartaches lead him to appreciate Deborah’s inner transformation and readiness for a true partnership.

Village Wisdom

Deborah and Daniel’s story becomes a cherished lesson in the village, inspiring others to seek inner growth and readiness.

Personal Growth

Both Deborah and Daniel undergo significant personal growth, leading them to a fulfilling and happy marriage.

Bruno and Ivy: Navigating Conflict Through Soft Responses

Bruno and Ivy: Navigating Conflict Through Soft Responses

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Bruno and Ivy: Navigating Conflict Through Soft Responses

In the heart of the vast African savanna, nestled between the golden grasslands and the serene blue sky, lay the village of Umoja. Known for its unity and peace, the village was home to Bruno and Ivy, a couple whose household was often filled with the sound of quarrels.

Bruno, a woman of fierce spirit, had words as sharp as the thorn bushes lining the village paths. Ivy, her husband, was a man of pride, his ego as tall and unyielding as the mighty baobab tree. Though their love for each other was undeniable, their arguments were like thunderstorms, loud and tumultuous, shaking the foundations of their home.

Bruno’s Sharp Tongue

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the village, Ivy returned home from the fields, weary and aching from a long day’s work. All he wanted was a moment of peace and a simple meal. However, he was greeted by a scene of chaos. Their children were arguing loudly, and Bruno was nowhere to be seen.

“Ivy, where have you been?” Bruno’s voice cut through the noise as she emerged from their sleeping quarters, her face a mask of frustration. “I’ve been dealing with the children all day! You think just because you work in the fields, you have the right to come home and rest while I handle everything here?”

Ivy, already exhausted, felt his temper rise. “Bruno, I’ve been working under the scorching sun all day. The least you could do is manage the children without yelling at me the moment I walk in.”

Bruno’s eyes flashed with anger. “Manage? You call what I do all day ‘managing’? You have no idea what it’s like to keep this household together while you’re off in the fields. Maybe if you helped out more, you’d understand!”

The Village Elder’s Wisdom

One day, as their arguments reached a peak, they received an invitation from the village elder, requesting their presence at an urgent gathering under the ancient baobab tree.

The sun was setting as they made their way to the tree, casting long shadows that danced ominously across the savanna. The air was thick with anticipation and unease.

The elder began to speak, his voice calm and soothing, a stark contrast to the tension that often hung in Bruno and Ivy’s home. “Today, by the guidance of the Holy Spirit,” the elder began, “I wish to share a lesson that will help eliminate quarrels and strife, malice, hurts, and offenses in our marriages. This lesson is about the power of a soft answer.”

“It may seem simple, but the things that lead to great success in life often are. Yet, simplicity does not make it easy. If it were, our homes would not be troubled by conflict. It is our pride, ego, human tendencies, selfishness, and lack of patience that make it difficult.”

Understanding the Power of Responses

“What I am talking about is our responses,” the elder began, his voice resonating under the shade of the ancient baobab tree. “How we communicate with our spouse is crucial. Our response gives direction to what happens next. The initial words spoken are not as important as our responses.”

He paused, letting his words sink in, before continuing with a quote from the ancient scriptures, “A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.”

“As couples,” the elder continued, “we must pay extra attention to how we respond. Bruno, as a wife, never allow your response to be out of anger. Learn what a soft answer means. Ivy, as a husband, it is better to turn away wrath in your marriage than to prove your point. Even when your spouse speaks harshly, respond with a soft answer.”

Applying the Lesson

It was a scorching afternoon in Umoja. Ivy trudged wearily back from the fields, his throat parched and sweat-soaked clothes clinging uncomfortably to his body. His thoughts were fixed on the cool drink that awaited him at home, a small comfort after hours spent under the relentless African sun.

As he approached their modest hut, Ivy’s anticipation turned to frustration when he noticed the absence of his usual refreshment. He pushed open the door with a sigh, expecting to find Bruno bustling about their small kitchen. Instead, the hut was unusually quiet, save for the faint sound of their youngest child’s whimpering.

“Bruno, where is my drink?” Ivy’s voice echoed through the walls, his irritation palpable. “Have you forgotten your duties as my wife?”

Startled by Ivy’s sharp tone, Bruno emerged from the shadows of their sleeping quarters, her face etched with concern and weariness. The sight of her husband, disheveled and clearly agitated, sparked a defensive response within her. Normally, she would have met his outburst with equal force, defending her actions and asserting her own needs.

The Power of a Soft Answer

But today was different. Today, Bruno felt the weight of exhaustion and concern for their sick child pressing down on her. Remembering the elder’s words about the power of a soft answer, she took a deliberate breath, trying to steady her emotions.

soft answer

“My love,” Bruno spoke softly, her voice barely above a whisper yet carrying the weight of sincerity. “Our child fell ill suddenly. I’ve been with him, trying to ease his discomfort. I apologize for not having your drink ready. Let me fetch it for you now.”

Ivy, caught off guard by Bruno’s unexpected response, felt the tension in his shoulders begin to ease. He had been so focused on his own discomfort and expectations that he had failed to consider what Bruno might be dealing with.

“I understand,” Ivy replied, his voice softer now, filled with a mixture of guilt and relief. “I’m sorry for snapping at you, Bruno. Thank you for taking care of our child. I’ll fetch the drink myself.”

Transformation Through Practice

Their voices, once raised in frustration like crashing waves against the shore, now softened into a gentle cadence that mirrored the breeze weaving through the baobab leaves outside their window. Each word they exchanged carried the weight of their shared journey—the highs and lows of their day, the challenges that tested their resolve, and the deep wellspring of love that bound them together beyond the moments of discord.

Lessons Learned

1. Power of Soft Responses

Soft answers prevent conflicts and foster understanding, which is essential for maintaining harmony in marriages.

2. Simplicity vs. Challenge

While simple in concept, implementing soft responses requires overcoming human tendencies like pride and impatience.

3. Impactful Responses

Our responses shape interactions; gentle responses diffuse anger while harsh words escalate conflicts (Proverbs 15:1).

4. Guidance for Couples

Both spouses benefit from understanding and practicing soft responses, avoiding anger-driven reactions.

5. Challenges and Commitment

Mastering soft responses requires deliberate effort, decision-making, and persistence despite temptations to respond harshly.

6. Final Advice

Couples are advised to consistently choose gentleness and empathy, prioritizing harmony over the need to prove themselves right.

The Tale of Three Couples: The Whispering Winds of Doubt

The Tale of Three Couples: The Whispering Winds of Doubt

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Tale of Three Couples: The Whispering Winds of Doubt


In the heart of the ancient land of Ife, where rivers sang melodies and trees whispered secrets, lived three couples whose stories intertwined in a tapestry of love, doubt, and divine guidance. This tale explores the challenges and resolutions faced by these couples as they navigate the complexities of their relationships.

Bola and Ola: The Dance of Doubts

Love and Doubt

Bola, a beautiful maiden with sparkling eyes, was deeply in love with Ola, a brave and kind warrior. They dreamt of a future together, filled with marriage and children. However, Bola harbored doubts that whispered to her in the quiet of the night, casting shadows over her heart.

Seeking Wisdom

One evening, Bola confided in Mama Kofo, a wise old storyteller known for her tales by the village fire. “Mama Kofo,” Bola began, “I love Ola with all my heart, but doubts plague my mind. I fear our union may not be blessed.”

Divine Guidance

Mama Kofo, her eyes twinkling with wisdom, nodded. “Doubts are like the winds, my child. They can bring a cool breeze or a fierce storm. Have you sought the guidance of God? Have you listened to the Holy Spirit?”

Bola, with tears in her eyes, admitted she had not. Mama Kofo advised her to seek God’s wisdom and not let doubts steer her ship. Bola took this advice to heart, finding peace in seeking divine guidance.

Ekene and Chiamaka: The Uneasy Path

Unease in Love

Ekene, a skilled hunter, was courting Chiamaka, a beauty admired by the village. Despite his affection, Ekene felt a persistent unease, a gnawing doubt that something was amiss.

Mentor’s Counsel

Ekene approached Baba Ojo, his revered mentor. “Baba Ojo,” Ekene said, “I am troubled. Though Chiamaka is wonderful, I feel something is not right. This doubt follows me like a shadow.”

Praying for Clarity

Baba Ojo explained that doubt could be a messenger, either warning of danger or testing resolve. He urged Ekene to pray to God and seek His counsel. Initially fearful of the answer, Ekene eventually prayed, finding clarity and understanding that his unease was a call to understand Chiamaka better and root their love in truth.

Emmanuel and Juma: The Silent Struggles

Hidden Doubts

Emmanuel and Juma were married with a little boy, appearing perfect to the outside world. However, behind closed doors, they questioned if they were truly meant for each other, with silent struggles and unspoken doubts.

Seeking Help

They sought counsel from Aunty Kemi, the village elder known for her understanding of love and relationships. “Aunty Kemi,” Emmanuel began, “our marriage is seen as beautiful, but we are questioning if we are meant to be. Doubts cloud our hearts.”

Strengthening the Bond

Aunty Kemi listened patiently and explained that doubt in marriage is common, but facing it is crucial. She advised them to pray together and seek God’s guidance, reminding them of the love that initially brought them together. Emmanuel and Juma prayed and communicated openly, realigning with their true path and strengthening their bond.

The Lesson of the Whispering Winds

As the three couples sought divine guidance, they learned that doubts often arise for various reasons. Sometimes they are warnings, other times they are tests of faith. Through prayer, seeking the wisdom of God, and listening to their inner convictions, they found clarity.


Lessons Learned

Bola discovered that her doubts were a divine reminder to seek God’s blessing for her union with Ola. Ekene realized his unease was a call to understand Chiamaka better and ensure their love was rooted in truth. Emmanuel and Juma found their doubts were an invitation to reconnect and strengthen their bond through prayer and mutual understanding.

The Festival of Clarity

To celebrate the newfound wisdom, the village organized a grand festival known as the Festival of Clarity. Filled with music, dance, and storytelling, it became an annual event where people shared their stories of overcoming doubts and finding true love and purpose.

Honoring the Elders

During the festival, Mama Kofo, Baba Ojo, and Aunty Kemi were honored as the village’s wise elders. They continued to share their wisdom, guiding the villagers through the complexities of life and love.


Seek Divine Guidance

Always seek divine guidance when facing doubts for peace and clarity.

Trust Inner Convictions

Listen to your gut feelings as they often signal important issues.

Communicate and Reconnect

Open communication and mutual prayer can strengthen relationships.

Embrace Patience and Wisdom

Take time to make decisions and seek advice from trusted sources.

Maintain Purity and Order

Strive for purity in actions and intentions for a healthy relationship.

Understand the Source of Doubts

Identify and understand the root cause of doubts to address them effectively.

How Bisola Filled Her Husband’s Life With Joy

How Bisola Filled Her Husband’s Life With Joy

Reading Time: 3 minutes

In an ancient African village surrounded by lush hills and flowing rivers, lived a wise and beautiful woman named Bisola. Known for her radiant smile and peacekeeping abilities, Bisola was the heart of her community. Her wisdom and joy were sought by many, and she held the important role of being the wife of Chidi, a respected warrior and village leader. Their love story is a timeless tale of respect, joy, and devotion.

The Beginning of Their Love

Their love story began on a warm evening during the village’s annual harvest festival. The air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers and the sound of laughter and music. Bisola, dressed in a flowing gown adorned with vibrant patterns, moved gracefully through the crowd, her smile lighting up the night.

Chidi, returning from a successful hunt, was captivated by the sight of Bisola from a distance. Her elegance and joy drew him in, and he approached her, his heart beating faster with each step. As their eyes met, time seemed to stop.

Feeling a deep connection, Chidi introduced himself respectfully. Bisola, slightly blushing, responded warmly. They spent the evening talking, sharing their dreams and adventures. As the night grew darker, they found a quiet spot by the riverbank, where Chidi confessed his feelings and asked Bisola to marry him under the stars. From that night on, they were inseparable, destined to lead and nurture their village together.

Building a Strong Foundation

Respect and Support

Bisola knew that respect was crucial for their marriage. She honored Chidi as the head of their household, both in public and private. She always spoke highly of him, showing her admiration through words and actions. This mutual respect was the cornerstone of their relationship, fostering a deep bond.

Unity in Decision-Making

Bisola understood the importance of allowing Chidi to make the final decisions for their family. She offered her insights but supported his choices, knowing that unity was their strength. By not usurping his authority, she strengthened their bond and the respect the village had for them.


Open Communication

Bisola remained cheerful and expressive, always sharing her thoughts with Chidi. She communicated openly, ensuring they faced life’s challenges together with understanding and love. Her joyful heart was a source of strength for both of them.

Playfulness and Joy

Chidi, despite his warrior exterior, had a playful side that Bisola adored. She nurtured this part of him, engaging in light-hearted games and playful banter. This playfulness brought joy to their lives and kept their love vibrant.

Patience and Peace

Bisola was mindful of her words, avoiding nagging and contentious behavior. She chose patience and understanding, creating a sanctuary of tranquility that Chidi cherished.

Embracing Intimacy

Bisola recognized the importance of intimacy in their marriage. She embraced intimate moments with eagerness and excitement, ensuring their connection remained passionate and alive.

Prioritizing Her Husband

In Bisola’s heart, only God stood above her husband. She assured Chidi that he was her primary earthly love, strengthening their bond and reaffirming his place in her life.

The Power of Prayer

Every day, Bisola prayed for Chidi, asking for wisdom, strength, and blessings. Her prayers were heartfelt, and the village often spoke of their power, attributing Chidi’s success to her devout supplications.

Bisola’s Enduring Legacy

Bisola’s actions and wisdom became legendary in the village. She taught the other women that a happy husband leads to a harmonious home and a prosperous community. Her story was passed down through generations as a timeless tale of love, respect, and devotion. Bisola’s legacy lived on, guiding others on how to create and sustain a joyful and respectful union.

Key Lessons from Bisola’s Story

 1. Always be eager to respect and defer to your husband.

 2. Do not always insist on your own opinion; allow him to make the final decisions.

 3. Maintain open communication; be cheerful and expressive.

4. Engage in playful activities to nurture joy in your relationship.

 5. Avoid nagging and contentious behavior; choose patience and understanding.

 6. Embrace intimate moments with eagerness.

 7. Prioritize your husband above all others, except for God.

 8. Pray for your husband daily, believing in the power of devout supplications.

Beyond the Scalpel – The Miraculous Journey of Dr. Chika

Beyond the Scalpel – The Miraculous Journey of Dr. Chika

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Beyond the Scalpel – The Miraculous Journey of Dr. Chika


In a small village nestled beneath a hill in Africa, lived a widow named Amaka and her son Chika. Their story is one of resilience, faith, the miraculous, and the transformative power of education and forgiveness. After the loss of her husband Nnamdi, Amaka and her son faced significant challenges but remained steadfast in their faith and determination.

Eviction and Hardship

Shortly after Nnamdi’s death, Amaka and Chika were cast out of their home by Nnamdi’s greedy relatives. The family of Nnamdi, driven by greed and devoid of compassion, had cast them out from the home Nnamdi had built. The relatives, believing they had the right to claim his property, seized everything, leaving Amaka and Chika with nothing but the clothes on their backs.

Homeless and destitute, they sought refuge under a tree in the village, where they faced the indifference of their neighbors. Amaka struggled to find food and work, relying on the charity of a few kind souls. Despite these hardships, she remained determined to provide for Chika.

Finding Work and Stability

Desperation drove Amaka to seek work, and she found employment as a housemaid for a wealthy family. Although the pay was meager and the work exhausting, it allowed her to keep Chika in school and put some food on the table. Amaka’s hard work and determination began to pay off, as Chika excelled in his studies.

Each day, Amaka would leave early in the morning and return home tired but eager to hear about Chika’s day at school. Despite her exhaustion, she always encouraged him and emphasized the importance of education, and faith, and always to expect the miraculous.

Education and Faith

Chika’s exceptional intellect did not go unnoticed. A wealthy benefactor sponsored his education at a private secondary school in the village, where he continued to excel. Amaka’s faith and prayers remained a constant source of strength, and she instilled in Chika the virtues of serving God and the importance of education.

Through their darkest days, Amaka’s unwavering faith inspired Chika. She taught him the value of perseverance and faith, and their bond grew stronger as they navigated their challenges together. Chika’s hard work and dedication paid off when he received a scholarship to study medicine at the university.

Reconciliation and Forgiveness

During a critical moment in Chika’s medical career, he encountered his estranged uncle Henry, the very man who had cast them out years ago. Henry was in desperate need of surgery, and Chika, guided by his mother’s teachings of compassion and forgiveness, decided to help him. This act of kindness led to a reconciliation between the family members.


Amaka’s capacity for forgiveness was a turning point in their lives. She forgave Henry, demonstrating the power of grace and setting an example for Chika. This moment reinforced Chika’s understanding that his calling was not just to heal bodies but also to heal hearts and souls.

Achievements and Legacy

Chika’s influence continued to grow as he balanced his medical career with his spiritual calling. He authored books and hosted a radio program that reached millions. His story of overcoming adversity and achieving greatness inspired many. Chika’s dedication to both medicine and faith was further solidified during a humanitarian mission where he experienced a miraculous event, underscoring his divine mission.

Amaka lived to see her son’s achievements and the fulfillment of her dreams. Her unwavering faith and perseverance had transformed their lives and left a lasting legacy.


The journey of Amaka and Chika is a testament to the power of resilience, faith, and education. Through hardship and adversity, they remained steadfast in their beliefs and ultimately achieved greatness. Their story serves as an inspiration, demonstrating that with faith, hard work, and forgiveness, one can overcome even the greatest challenges.

Amaka and Chika’s Hardship

Even in the face of betrayal and loss, resilience and determination can help you survive and overcome extreme adversity.

Struggle for Survival

Hard work and sacrifice are essential to providing for loved ones and ensuring their future well-being.

Educational Excellence

Dedication to education can open doors to new opportunities and pave the way for success.

Faith and Prayer

Unwavering faith and persistent prayer can provide strength and hope during difficult times.

Mother-Son Bond

A strong, supportive relationship between parent and child can be a powerful source of motivation and resilience.

Career in Medicine

Compassion and skill in one’s profession not only lead to personal success but also positively impact the lives of others.

Forgiveness and Reconciliation

Forgiving those who have wronged you can lead to healing and the restoration of relationships.

Threads of Love Between Chidi and Adama – A Romantic Journey

Threads of Love Between Chidi and Adama – A Romantic Journey

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Threads of Love Between Chidi and Adama – A Romantic Journey


In the lush and vibrant village of Owawa, known for its wise elders and rich traditions, lived two young lovers, Chidi and Adama. Their romantic journey, filled with cultural richness and spiritual depth, stands as a testament to the enduring power of love and the sacredness of marriage.

Meeting at the Festival of the Harvest

Chidi and Adama first met in their early twenties during the annual Festival of the Harvest, a grand celebration that brought villagers together to honor the bounty of the land. The festival, with its music, dance, and vibrant colors, was the perfect setting for their romantic journey to begin.

Adama’s Grace and Skill

Adama, known for her beauty and grace, moved through the festival with a natural elegance. She was an accomplished weaver, and her intricate patterns were admired by many. Her creations often became the highlight of the festival’s market, drawing attention from all around.

Chidi’s Musical Talent

Chidi, a skilled drummer, provided the heartbeat of the festival with his powerful rhythms. His music brought joy and energy to the event, captivating everyone who heard it. Chidi was also known for his kindness and strength, qualities that endeared him to the village.

An Unspoken Connection

During one of Chidi’s performances, Adama was drawn to the stage by the power of his drumming. Mesmerized by his talent, she moved closer, and their eyes met, creating an instant and unspoken connection between them.

The First Meeting

That evening, Chidi approached Adama at her stall, captivated by her presence. Introducing himself with a warm compliment about her work and a smile, he began a conversation that revealed their shared values and dreams.

Bonding Over Shared Dreams

They spent the evening sharing stories and aspirations. Chidi dreamed of teaching children to play the drums, while Adama hoped to open a school to teach young girls the art of weaving. Their mutual respect and admiration grew, laying the foundation for their deepening relationship.

The Proposal and Marriage

Over the following months, Chidi and Adama’s bond grew stronger. When Chidi decided to ask for Adama’s hand in marriage, he did so with great love and respect, presenting gifts and a promise to honor her. Adama’s family, recognizing Chidi’s sincerity, gladly gave their blessing.

romantic journey

A Sacred Covenant

Their marriage was not just a union of love but a sacred covenant, blessed by the village elders. This covenant was a reflection of the greater bond with the Spirit of God, emphasizing the importance of faithfulness and mutual support.

Challenges and Redemption

Despite their deep love, Chidi and Adama faced challenges. Pride and stubbornness led to frequent conflicts, straining their relationship. In her frustration, Adama began to seek solace outside her marriage, nearly making a grave mistake.

A Turning Point

On the brink of infidelity, Adama was stopped by the innocent words of a child, who reminded her of the story of Bathsheba and David. Realizing the gravity of her actions, Adama turned back, seeking forgiveness from Chidi and the Spirit of God.

Renewed Commitment

Chidi and Adama confessed their mistakes to each other, praying for strength and guidance. They renewed their vows, promising to honor their sacred covenant and support each other through their romantic journey.

An Inspiration to the Village

Chidi and Adama’s renewed dedication brought blessings to their lives and served as an inspiration to the entire village. Their story of love, faith, and redemption was passed down through generations, teaching the importance of honoring sacred bonds.


Chidi and Adama’s journey illustrates the power of love and the importance of spiritual guidance in overcoming life’s challenges. Their romantic journey, rich with cultural and spiritual significance, remains a timeless reminder of the strength found in honoring sacred covenants and supporting each other with love and respect.

Lessons from the Story of Chidi and Adama

The Sacredness of Marriage

Their marriage is depicted as a sacred covenant, emphasizing that marriage is not just a union of two people but a commitment that involves spiritual and communal dimensions.

Pride and Stubbornness Can Harm Relationships

The story shows how pride and stubbornness can lead to conflicts and strain relationships, serving as a caution to be mindful of these traits.

The Power of Forgiveness and Redemption

Both Chidi and Adama make mistakes but find a way back to each other through forgiveness and a renewed commitment, demonstrating that redemption is possible with genuine effort and repentance.

Mentoring and Accountability

The wisdom of the elders and the spiritual guidance from the Spirit of God play crucial roles in helping Chidi and Adama navigate their challenges, underscoring the value of seeking wisdom and spiritual support.

Temptation and Consequences

Adama’s near infidelity and the intervention that stops her highlight the dangers of temptation and the importance of staying true to one’s commitments.

The Significance of Spiritual Covenants

The story draws parallels between the marital covenant and the spiritual covenant with God, emphasizing the sacredness and depth of commitments made before God and the community.

Epic Clash of Shadows and Light

Epic Clash of Shadows and Light

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Epic Clash of Shadows and Light

In the quiet town of Koja, a remarkable story of faith, light, perseverance, and divine intervention unfolded. Manuel, a civil servant, and his wife Kofo, a trader, welcomed their daughter Ada with joy, defying societal norms by prioritizing her education. Their happiness grew with the birth of their son, Ade, completing their family portrait.

However, their bliss was short-lived. A visit to Manuel’s estranged uncle in the village set in motion a series of events that would test their faith to its limits. Unbeknownst to the family, the uncle, consumed by jealousy and resentment, sought the help of a dark herbalist to curse young Ade.

The effects were immediate and devastating. Ade fell ill with a mysterious ailment that defied medical diagnosis and treatment. The once-happy family found themselves plunged into a world of fear, uncertainty, and despair. They moved from hospital to hospital, consulted various doctors, but Ade’s condition only worsened.

In their darkest hour, Manuel and Kofo switched on the light by turning to their faith. They prayed fervently, fasted, and sought spiritual counsel. They forgave those who had wronged them, recognizing that harboring unforgiveness could hinder their prayers. Despite the lack of visible improvement, they clung to hope, reciting healing scriptures and trusting in God’s timing.

Their unwavering faith was rewarded in a miraculous way. One night, Ade had a vivid dream where Jesus, appearing as a doctor, performed a spiritual surgery on him. The young boy woke up completely healed, to the astonishment and joy of his parents. Their prayers had been answered in the most unexpected and extraordinary way.

The family’s trials, however, had taken their toll. Ada’s education had been severely affected, and their finances were strained. Yet, they persevered. Ada worked tirelessly, taking odd jobs and even deferring her university admission. Her determination paid off when she secured a scholarship that allowed her to study abroad with her father.

This opportunity became the turning point for the family. Ada excelled in her studies, winning more scholarships and eventually starting a successful company with her father. She found her faith, married, and built a beautiful life – a testament to how God can turn adversity into blessing.

The story of Manuel’s family teaches us powerful lessons about faith, resilience, and the transformative power of prayer. It reminds us that even in our darkest moments, there is light. Their journey from curse to blessing, from despair to triumph, serves as an inspiration to all who face seemingly insurmountable challenges.


Their experience emphasizes the importance of family unity, forgiveness, and unwavering faith in the face of adversity. It showcases how spiritual guidance and mentorship can provide strength and direction during difficult times. Most importantly, it illustrates how God’s protection and deliverance can manifest in unexpected ways, turning what was meant for evil into something profoundly good.

In the end, Manuel’s family emerged stronger, more united, and with a deeper appreciation for the power of faith. Their story echoes the words from John 1:5, “The Life-Light blazed out of the darkness; the darkness couldn’t put it out.” It stands as a powerful reminder that with faith, perseverance, and divine intervention, even the darkest of shadows can be overcome by the brilliance of light.

Lessons from Manuel’s Story

1. Faith in Adversity

Their story teaches the importance of holding on to faith, even when circumstances seem dire.

2. Power of Prayer

Consistent, fervent prayer can bring about miraculous changes and divine intervention.

3. Forgiveness

This emphasizes the importance of forgiveness in maintaining spiritual health and receiving blessings.

4. Family Unity and Oneness

Their close-knit bond and collective efforts in prayer and care exemplify the strength found in family unity.

5. Resilience

Despite numerous setbacks, they persisted, showing that resilience can lead to eventual victory.

6. Impact of Spiritual Leadership

Seeking counsel from their pastor and following spiritual guidance was pivotal in their journey, emphasizing the value of spiritual leadership and mentorship.

7. God’s Protection and Deliverance

The eventual downfall of their uncle, who planned evil against them, reinforces the belief that God protects and delivers His people from their enemies.

This story was conceived by Pastor Sophia Okunowo and developed by Pastor Dunamis Okunowo, your favorite relationship and marriage counselors and therapists. Don’t keep this life-changing story to yourself – share it with your friends, family, and social networks. Let’s spread the love and build a community of thriving relationships!”

The Dark Shadow of My Childhood Trauma

The Dark Shadow of My Childhood Trauma

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Dark Shadow of My Childhood Trauma


In a small African village, Adamma is known as the promiscuous girl, judged harshly by her community. Her reputation conceals a history of childhood trauma and pain, inflicted by those who should have protected her. This is the story of her journey towards healing and redemption, guided by the compassionate therapist, Uncle Chidi.

The Weight of Judgment

Adamma’s reputation as a promiscuous woman precedes her, and she is constantly judged by the people in her village. The whispers and disdainful glances follow her everywhere, adding to her emotional burden.

The Reality of Her Actions

What the community doesn’t see is the pain behind her actions. Adamma’s promiscuity is a façade, a mask she wears to protect herself from the harsh judgments and to hide the deeper scars of her childhood trauma.

Early Abuse

Adamma’s childhood trauma began with abuse from her uncle, cousin, and even a teacher. These betrayals left deep emotional wounds that she struggled to cope with throughout her life.

Coping Mechanisms

In response to her childhood trauma, Adamma used her body as both a weapon and a shield, engaging in promiscuous behavior as a way to cope with the pain and to seek validation.

A Compassionate Listener

Uncle Chidi, a therapist from a neighboring community, arrives in the village and takes an interest in Adamma’s well-being. Unlike others, he doesn’t judge her; instead, he listens to her story with empathy and understanding.

Therapy Sessions

Under the ancient Iroko tree, Uncle Chidi conducts therapy sessions with Adamma. These sessions become a sanctuary where she can unravel her painful past and begin the process of healing from her childhood trauma.

Confronting the Past

With Uncle Chidi’s guidance, Adamma confronts the names of her abusers and externalizes her anger. This confrontation is a crucial step in her healing journey.

childhood trauma

Learning to Forgive

Adamma learns that forgiveness is not about absolving her abusers but about freeing herself from the burden of anger and resentment. This lesson is pivotal in her path to liberation.

Shedding the Old Skin

Adamma slowly sheds her old identity as a promiscuous girl and begins to see herself as a survivor. She learns to embrace her vulnerability and find strength in her pain.

Genuine Connections

Her journey attracts genuine connections into her life. She meets Bola, a kind-hearted farmer, and together they build a life based on mutual respect and understanding.

Family and Hope

Adamma marries Bola and they raise a family, creating a legacy of love, compassion, and understanding. Her children grow up hearing stories of resilience and forgiveness.

Beacon of Hope

Adamma becomes a beacon of hope in her village, listening to others’ stories and offering encouragement just as Uncle Chidi did for her. She helps others see that healing from childhood trauma is possible, even in the darkest of times.


Adamma’s transformation from a figure of judgment to one of resilience and strength is a testament to the power of compassion, vulnerability, and forgiveness. Her journey underscores the importance of safe spaces, supportive figures, and the healing power of storytelling. In facing her pain head-on, Adamma not only heals herself but also becomes a source of hope and inspiration for others.

The Lessons.

1. Judgment and Compassion

True understanding comes from compassion, not judgment.

2. Vulnerability

Embracing vulnerability is a path to healing and growth.

3. Forgiveness as Liberation

Forgiveness is a gift we give to ourselves, not just to others.

4. The Impact of Unresolved Trauma

Unresolved trauma can manifest in harmful behaviors, but facing it can lead to healing. Adamma’s promiscuity was a coping mechanism for her unresolved childhood traumas.

5. The Importance of Safe Spaces

Safe, non-judgmental spaces are crucial for effective healing and self-expression.

6. The Role of a Supportive Figure

A compassionate guide can help navigate the path to self-discovery and healing.

7. Finding Self-Worth Beyond Mistakes

One’s past does not define one’s future; redemption is possible.

8. Seeking Fulfillment Through Authentic Connections

True fulfillment comes from genuine relationships, not superficial encounters.

9. The Healing Power of Storytelling

Sharing one’s story can be a powerful tool for both personal healing and helping others.

10. The Interconnection of Pain and Strength

Strength often emerges from the confrontation of pain and adversity

My Mother Rejected Me, My Father Was Nowhere

My Mother Rejected Me, My Father Was Nowhere

Reading Time: 3 minutes

My Mother Rejected Me, My Father Was Nowhere


Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV): “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

In the heart of the African savannah, within a small village, lived a woman named Judith, known for her sharp tongue and unkind heart. Judith was married to Chidi, a quiet businessman who was often away, leaving Judith dissatisfied and seeking a lavish lifestyle. They had a daughter named Helen, who, influenced by her mother’s harsh ways and her father’s absence, felt rejected and struggled with a lack of affection and guidance.

The Unkind Mother

Judith’s behavior was characterized by constant comparisons with others and a disregard for her family’s needs. Her unkindness extended to her daughter, Helen, who grew up feeling rejected and craving her mother’s approval. Despite her father Chidi’s efforts to provide for the family, his frequent absences left a void that Judith failed to fill with love and nurturing.

Helen’s Struggles

Helen’s childhood was marked by a lack of affection and a desire to seek validation. One poignant incident on her tenth birthday highlighted her mother’s neglect. Helen’s heart hardened over time, leading her to seek validation through material possessions and relationships with older, wealthy men. Her life became a pursuit of fleeting pleasures, which left her feeling empty, unfulfilled and rejected.

The Role of Mama Adama

Amidst the turmoil, Helen’s grandmother, Mama Adama, never ceased praying for her. Known for her deep faith, Mama Adama believed in the power of mercy and the strength of prayer. Her prayers and unwavering hope played a crucial role in Helen’s eventual transformation.

A Life-Changing Diagnosis

Helen’s reckless lifestyle led to a severe health crisis. Diagnosed with a terminal illness, and rejected by all, she faced her mortality with despair. However, it was during this darkest hour that a miraculous event occurred, bringing healing and hope to her life. This divine intervention was a response to Mama Adama’s fervent prayers.

The Miraculous Healing

Helen’s miraculous recovery baffled doctors and brought about a significant change in her outlook on life. She experienced a divine presence that filled her with peace and renewed faith. This miracle marked the beginning of a transformation that affected not only Helen but her entire family.

Reconciliation and Redemption

With her newfound health, Helen sought forgiveness from her parents and committed to living a life of kindness and humility. Judith and Chidi, moved by their daughter’s change, also sought to amend their ways. Judith, in particular, learned the importance of love and nurturing, seeking guidance from her mother and the village elders.


The Power of Community

The village played a vital role in the family’s transformation. The support and wisdom from the community helped Judith and Chidi reconnect with their roots and offer kindness where they once gave none. The story of their transformation became a testament to the power of faith, love, and communal support.

Lasting Lessons

Helen’s story left a lasting impact on the village, teaching valuable lessons about the importance of family, the power of prayer, and the need for love and nurturing. It became a cherished tale passed down through generations, reminding everyone that no heart is too hard to be softened by love, and no life is beyond redemption.


The story of Helen, Judith, Chidi, and Mama Adama underscores the transformative power of love, faith, and community. It highlights the importance of family bonds, the consequences of neglect, and the miraculous potential of unwavering faith. Their journey from neglect and materialism to reconciliation and redemption serves as a powerful reminder of the enduring strength of love and the possibility of second chances.

Key Points

1. Family First, Always

Prioritizing genuine family bonds over material wealth is essential.

2. Love and Nurturing Matter

Kindness and a nurturing environment are crucial for healthy growth.

3. Your Actions Have Consequences

One’s actions shape not just one’s life but also others’ lives.

4. Don’t Compare, Just Appreciate

Constant comparison breeds unhappiness; appreciate what you have.

5. Supernatural Backup

Strong support systems and genuine care make a significant difference.

6. Second Chances Exist

It’s never too late to turn around and make things right.

7. Materialism Isn’t Everything

True fulfillment comes from within and meaningful relationships.

8. The Power of Faith

Mama Adama’s faith brought miraculous change to the family.

Epic Tale of Faith and Miracles: King Ayomide’s Journey

Epic Tale of Faith and Miracles: King Ayomide’s Journey

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Epic Tale of Faith and Miracles: King Ayomide’s Journey


In the ancient African city of Ilese, King Ayomide ruled with wisdom and strength. Despite his respected position, he faced a profound sorrow: his four beautiful wives, chosen from across the land, could not bear children. This left the king and the entire empire deeply concerned, as there were no heirs to continue his legacy. In a turn of events, three of the wives chose to leave, believing the king to be the one unable to father children. Only Queen Adefolake remained loyal, believing in faith and miracles.

Encounter with Faith

One day, a traveling preacher arrived in Ilese, speaking of God’s power, promise, faith and miracles. He approached King Ayomide with a prophecy, saying, “Your faith will be tested, O King, but put your trust in God, for He will always show up in your hour of need.” These words deeply resonated with King Ayomide and Queen Adefolake, who began to question whether their barrenness was a curse from the gods or a test of faith from a higher power.

A Crossroads of Belief

Traditionally, the people of Ilese consulted the oracle for guidance, believing in the power of ancestral spirits and rituals to shape their destiny. The oracle was revered as the intermediary between the people and their gods, and its decrees carried significant weight. However, the preacher’s message of God’s love and power caused the royal couple to reconsider their beliefs. In private, King Ayomide wrestled with the decision: to continue venerating the oracle or to embrace the teachings of Jesus Christ.

A Bold Decision

The pressure mounted as the palace buzzed with speculation and fear. Some advisors warned of dire consequences if the king turned his back on the oracle—a wrathful punishment that could claim his life and plunge the kingdom into chaos. Despite these warnings, King Ayomide chose to put his trust in God, embracing His faith and miracles. Ignoring the ominous warnings and the counsel of his chiefs, he declared his allegiance to Jesus Christ and committed himself and Queen Adefolake to a life of prayer and devotion.

Miraculous Events

As days turned into weeks, the tension within the palace grew palpable. Whispers of rebellion and dissent among the courtiers circulated. Yet, King Ayomide remained resolute, his resolve for faith and miracles drew from the teachings of the preacher and the unwavering support of Queen Adefolake. Then came the day of reckoning when the oracle’s priests confronted the king with solemn warnings of impending doom. But nothing happened. Instead, a profound peace settled over King Ayomide’s heart—a peace that affirmed his decision and strengthened his resolve.

Answered Prayers

True to God’s promise, in His appointed time, Queen Adefolake became pregnant, a miracle that filled the kingdom with joy. For nine months, the people of Ilese rejoiced, eagerly awaiting the birth of the heir. When the time came, Queen Adefolake delivered two healthy baby boys, Adesina and Adedayo. The entire empire celebrated this joyous occasion, praising God for His blessings.

Betrayal and Despair

However, the three former wives, consumed by envy and bitterness, plotted a sinister scheme. One moonless night, cloaked in darkness, they crept into the royal chamber and stole the sleeping infants from their cradles. The palace guards, loyal but unsuspecting, were deceived by the stealth of the wives. By the time their treachery was discovered, the three wives had disappeared into the night, leaving behind a distraught king and a devastated community.

Faith Amidst Grief

King Ayomide, in anguish, declared a bountiful reward for anyone who could find and return his beloved sons. The kingdom was thrown into mourning, but King Ayomide remembered the preacher’s words: “Put your trust in God, for He will always show up.” Rejecting the counsel of his chiefs to consult the oracle, he declared a time of fasting and prayer throughout Ilese. He called upon the entire community to join him in seeking God’s intervention, urging them to put aside their mourning garments and lift their hearts in faith.

faith and miracles

Jubilation in Faith

During this time, King Ayomide made a bold declaration: amidst the fasting and prayers, he announced seven days of jubilation and praise unto God. This proclamation bewildered his chiefs and the people of Ilese. Yet, the king insisted, “Our celebration is an act of faith and miracles. We are not rejoicing in the loss but in the assurance that God is with us, even in this darkest hour.” Despite initial confusion, the people of Ilese obeyed their king, joining in fasting, prayer, and songs of faith and miracles.

A Miraculous Change

As the days of jubilation unfolded, a miraculous change began to sweep through the kingdom. The air seemed lighter, and the people’s hearts were lifted by their collective act of faith. Even the most skeptical of the chiefs could not deny the palpable presence of hope and divine assurance that settled over Ilese. Meanwhile, the three wives, fearing the consequences foretold by the oracle, returned the royal twins to the palace.

Restoration and Gratitude

The return of Adesina and Adedayo brought immense relief and joy to the kingdom. King Ayomide, filled with gratitude and awe at God’s faithfulness, ordered the traitorous wives to be cast into the deepest dungeons as punishment for their betrayal. In recognition of God’s mercy, King Ayomide declared that henceforth, the people of Ilese must serve God all their days. The city erupted in jubilation, celebrating the safe return of the twins and the reaffirmation of their faith under God’s divine protection


1. Faith in God:

King Ayomide’s steadfast faith in God’s promise, despite overwhelming challenges, demonstrates the power of trusting in divine guidance even in times of despair.

2. Choosing Faith over Fear:

When faced with adversity, King Ayomide chose to trust in God rather than seeking immediate worldly solutions. This teaches the importance of placing faith above fear and uncertainty.

3. The Power of Prayer and Fasting:

Through prayer and fasting, King Ayomide and the people of Ilese sought divine intervention. This underscores the strength found in communal prayer and spiritual discipline during trials.

4. Celebrating in Faith:

King Ayomide’s decision to declare days of jubilation and praise amidst mourning reflects the faith-driven celebration of God’s promises, even before seeing tangible outcomes.

5. Divine Providence and Deliverance:

The safe return of Adesina and Adedayo underscored God’s faithfulness and intervention in protecting the innocent and thwarting evil intentions.

6. Gratitude and Humility:

King Ayomide’s gratitude and humility in recognizing God’s mercy and deliverance reinforce the importance of thankfulness and humility in times of blessing and trial alike.

The Stepmother’s Secret: How She Was Exposed

The Stepmother’s Secret: How She Was Exposed

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Stepmother’s Secret: How She Was Exposed

In a small village nestled between rolling hills and lush forests in the heart of Africa, lived a man named Kofi. Known for his wisdom, kindness, and unwavering faith, Kofi was a respected figure in his community. This is the story of his life, the tragedy that befell his family, the trials they faced when a new woman entered their lives with ill intentions, and how the stepmother’s secret was exposed.

Life Before Tragedy

Kofi was happily married to Ama, a woman of gentle spirit and nurturing nature. Together, they had two children, Kwame and Akua. Ama was not only a devoted wife and mother but also a pillar of strength in the community, always ready to lend a helping hand.

The Tragic Loss

One stormy night, Ama tragically lost her life while gathering herbs for a sick neighbor. The village mourned with Kofi and his children, who were left to navigate life without her. Kofi’s faith in God became his anchor, guiding his family through their grief.

The Arrival of Afia

Years after Ama’s death, Kofi met Afia, a woman with a tragic past. Despite warning signs from God, Kofi, driven by loneliness and longing for companionship, married her. Afia’s beauty and charm clouded his judgment, leading him to overlook his unease.

Disruption of Harmony

Afia’s arrival brought darkness into Kofi’s home. She resented Kwame and Akua, seeking to turn Kofi against them. One of the stepmother’s secrets was that she visited a local herbalist for potions to manipulate Kofi’s mind, filling his ears with lies about his children’s ingratitude and disobedience.

The Revelation

Despite Afia’s cruelty, Kwame and Akua remained steadfast in their faith. One Sunday, after a service with Pastor Mensah, they were filled with the Holy Spirit and had a revelatory dream. They saw their stepmother’s secret and were told to keep praying and not confront their father.

stepmother's secret

Divine Guidance

Kwame and Akua’s dreams instructed them to trust in God’s plan. They prayed fervently and read the Bible together, drawing strength from their faith. They endured Afia’s harsh treatment with grace, knowing justice would come in God’s time and their stepmother’s secret would soon be exposed.

The Confession

One night, while Afia was away with her lover, Kwame and Akua felt a deep sense of peace. The next day, during a village gathering, Afia’s lover confessed their affair publicly, and to Kwame and Akua, exposing their stepmother’s secret. The villagers and Kofi were shocked, and Afia admitted to her actions.

Kofi’s Repentance and Reconciliation

Kofi, heartbroken and repentant, sought forgiveness from Kwame and Akua. Despite their suffering, the children forgave their father, thanking God that their stepmother’s secret was finally exposed and their family bond was restored. The villagers, who had once welcomed Afia, now turned their backs on her.

Lessons Learned

Faith and Resilience

Kofi’s family’s journey highlights the importance of faith, patience, and resilience. Their story shows that love and forgiveness can overcome even the greatest trials.

Divine Justice

Afia’s downfall serves as a reminder that justice, though sometimes delayed, is inevitable. Kwame and Akua’s experience of divine intervention underscores the belief that a higher power is always watching over and guiding the faithful.


Kofi, Kwame, and Akua emerged from their trials stronger and more united. Their story is a testament to the power of faith, love, and resilience. It serves as an inspiration to trust in divine justice and remain steadfast in the face of adversity.

Key Points

• Cheaters Never Prosper:

Afia’s deceit led to her downfall, showing the consequences of dishonesty.

• Patience and Forgiveness Win:

Kwame and Akua’s patience and love highlight the power of responding to hatred with grace.

• Pray and Slay:

The siblings’ dedication to prayer provided them strength, emphasizing the importance of spiritual connection.

• Justice Will Be Served:

Afia’s exposure and punishment affirm that justice is inevitable.

• Bounce Back:

Kofi and his children’s resilience demonstrates the ability to rebuild and emerge stronger after adversity.

• Divine Intervention:

The revelations received by Kwame and Akua emphasize the presence of a higher power guiding them.

• Ignoring Red Flags:

Kofi’s dismissal of warning signs about Afia shows the dangers of ignoring intuition.

Rescued from Shadows: Chioma’s Encounter with a Ritualist

Rescued from Shadows: Chioma’s Encounter with a Ritualist

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Rescued from Shadows: Chioma’s Encounter with a Ritualist: Chioma’s Encounter with a Ritualist


In a vibrant Nigerian village, a young lady named Chioma finds herself in a perilous situation due to her impatience and ambition. Her journey from a high-maintenance lifestyle to a path of redemption illustrates powerful lessons about the dangers of materialism and the importance of faith, love, and integrity.

Want to see full story in action? Check below:

Chioma’s Desires and Decisions

Chioma is an ambitious and impatient young woman who dreams of a lavish lifestyle. She prefers the company of wealthy, older men, believing that they can provide her with the luxury she desires. Despite repeated warnings from her family and friends, she disregards their concerns and continues to date older men solely to sustain her high-maintenance lifestyle. Chioma’s single-minded pursuit of wealth blinds her to the potential dangers of her choices.

Family’s Concerns and Prayers

Throughout her tumultuous journey, Chioma’s grandmother never ceases to pray for her. Day and night, she lifts Chioma up in prayer, beseeching God for her protection, guidance, and redemption. Her family’s concerns grow as Chioma’s relationships become increasingly risky, but their warnings fall on deaf ears.

Meeting Chief Okoro

Chioma meets Chief Okoro, a wealthy and influential man known for his mysterious ways. Despite numerous warnings and rumors about his secretive lifestyle, Chioma is drawn to his wealth and the luxurious life he promises. Her family and friends plead with her to reconsider, emphasizing the potential dangers of her choice. However, Chioma, blinded by the allure of luxury, refuses to listen.

The Lure of Luxury

Chioma enjoys the lavish gifts, extravagant parties, and the envy of her peers. However, beneath the surface, Chief Okoro harbors dark secrets. Unbeknownst to Chioma, his wealth is sustained through dark and dangerous means as he is a ritualist. Her quest for a fast life leads her straight into a serious and perilous predicament.

The Turning Point

Chief Okoro promises Chioma a trip to London, a city she has always dreamed of visiting. Eager to embrace this glamorous opportunity, Chioma agrees, ignoring her doubts. As they make their way to a final meeting to arrange their travel plans, Chioma feels uneasy but brushes it aside. Upon arrival at a secluded location, Chioma is led into a dimly lit room where Chief Okoro’s true intentions become apparent. She is drugged and kidnapped, realizing too late the gravity of her situation.

Ade’s Intervention

Ade, a young hunter, hears Chioma’s cries for help while tracking a deer in the forest. Ade, who has been praying for a wife and believes in a divine message that he will save his future wife, rushes to Chioma’s location. Without hesitation, he abandons his hunt and fights off Chief Okoro’s henchmen to rescue her. His bravery and determination shine through as he overpowers the henchmen and saves Chioma from the ritualist’s den.

A New Beginning

Chioma’s being rescued from shadows marks a turning point in her life. She realizes the folly of her previous pursuits and embraces a life of love and faith with Ade. Ade supports her transformation, helping her grow in faith and character. Together, they build a humble but fulfilling life based on mutual respect and faith in God.

Justice for Chief Okoro

Months later, Chief Okoro is brought to justice. Chioma bravely testifies against him, revealing his atrocities and how she was rescued from shadows. During the trial, it is revealed that Chief Okoro is Ade’s estranged father, adding a dramatic twist to the narrative. Despite this revelation, Ade forgives Chioma, and their bond strengthens as they face the challenges of their intertwined pasts with courage and faith.


Chioma and Ade’s story becomes a testament to the power of God’s grace and the transformative journey of redemption. They live a life filled with love, faith, and true happiness, inspiring others in their village to seek true love and righteousness. Their story highlights the importance of integrity, the power of prayer, and the value of genuine love and sacrifice.

Lessons Learned

1. Don’t Chase Clout Over Character:

Chioma learns that chasing wealth and status without considering values and integrity can lead to dangerous situations.

2. Love Means Sacrifice

Ade’s actions show that real love involves sacrificing for someone’s well-being, even when it’s tough.

3. Prayer Works

Chioma’s grandmother’s unwavering prayers significantly impact Chioma’s life, illustrating the power of faith and spirituality.

4. Expose the Dark Stuff

Discovering Chief Okoro’s shady past highlights the importance of facing and overcoming ugly truths to move forward.

5. Forgive and Move On

Ade’s forgiveness towards Chioma, despite their intertwined pasts, underscores the healing power of forgiveness.

6. Choose Values over Trends

Chioma’s shift from a flashy lifestyle to one based on love and faith with Ade demonstrates that real happiness comes from staying true to one’s values.

My Marriage Was A Mirror of My Father’s Abuse

My Marriage Was A Mirror of My Father’s Abuse

Reading Time: 6 minutes

My Marriage Was A Mirror of My Father’s Abuse

Ada, a young woman of both beauty and intellect, found herself thrust into a marriage of obligation rather than choice. Her union with Okeke, the son of a wealthy trader, was born from her family’s desperate need to settle hospital bills for her ailing brother. Despite her hopes for a loving partnership, Ada encountered a reality far removed from her dreams.

Okeke, a man hardened by privilege and entitlement, wielded his authority over Ada with a callousness that left scars deeper than physical bruises. From the early days of their marriage, he asserted dominance over every aspect of Ada’s life. His disdain for her dreams and aspirations was palpable, and his treatment of her swung between icy neglect and explosive rage.

Ada, determined to make her marriage work despite the challenges, silently bore the brunt of Okeke’s unpredictable temper. She had always been taught that a woman’s duty was to endure, to keep the peace at any cost. Her own dreams of love and companionship faded into the background as she focused on surviving each day.

When their son Chika was born, Ada hoped that the arrival of their child would soften Okeke’s heart, but it only seemed to amplify his cruelty. Okeke viewed Chika as an extension of himself, a legacy to mold in his own image. He showed little interest in fatherhood beyond the superficial, leaving Ada to navigate the complexities of parenting alone.

As Chika grew older, he became a witness to his parents’ tumultuous relationship. He saw the fear in his mother’s eyes and the cold detachment in his father’s demeanor. Despite Ada’s efforts to shield him from the worst of Okeke’s outbursts, Chika’s young mind couldn’t help but absorb the tension that permeated their home.

Tragically, Okeke’s life was claimed by a terminal illness when Chika was just five years old. In the aftermath, Ada found herself thrust into a new nightmare. Okeke’s family, always suspicious of her humble origins and blaming her for their son’s illness, made it clear that she was no longer welcome in their midst. With Chika in tow, Ada was forced to leave the comfort of the only home she had known, picking up the pieces of a shattered life.

Desperate and destitute, Ada was vulnerable when Emeka, a man from her community, offered her a lifeline in the form of marriage. Emeka was kind at first, offering the stability and security that Ada desperately craved. Yet, beneath his charming facade lurked a darkness that Ada had grown all too familiar with.

Emeka’s abuse started subtly, with cutting remarks and possessive behavior. Ada, scarred by her previous experiences, initially dismissed it as her own paranoia. But as their marriage progressed, Emeka’s true nature emerged in full force. He controlled Ada’s every move, isolating her from her friends and family, and subjected her to verbal and physical abuse behind closed doors.

Chika, now a sensitive and withdrawn boy, bore witness to the renewed cycle of violence in his mother’s life. He saw her bruises and heard her tearful apologies, feeling powerless to protect her from Emeka’s wrath. The once vibrant and athletic boy retreated into himself, finding solace only in books and solitary activities that shield him from the harsh realities of his home life.

Despite her own suffering, Ada remained determined to shield Chika from the worst of Emeka’s abuse. She patched up his wounds, both physical and emotional, and whispered words of comfort in the darkness of their shared bedroom. But as Chika grew older, resentment and anger simmered beneath his calm exterior. He despised Emeka for the pain he inflicted on his mother, yet felt helpless against the looming presence of his stepfather.

Amidst the chaos of their home life, Chika discovered an outlet for his frustrations on the sports field. His natural athleticism and determination caught the attention of his school’s coaches, propelling him into the spotlight as a rising star in various track and field events. Ada watched with bated breath as her son found temporary reprieve in his achievements, hoping against hope that it would provide him with an escape route from their turbulent reality.

Chika’s talents soon earned him accolades beyond their small town. He represented his school, then his state, in regional competitions, his speed and agility becoming a source of pride and hope for Ada. When he was selected to represent his country in an international competition, it felt like a miracle—a chance for Chika to break free from the suffocating grip of their past.

But even as Chika soared to new heights on the track, the scars of his upbringing continued to haunt him. The specter of his stepfather’s abuse lingered in his subconscious, shaping his interactions and relationships in ways he couldn’t fully comprehend.

It was during this tumultuous period that Chika met Abigail, a fellow athlete with a kind heart and a gentle spirit. Abigail saw beyond Chika’s stoic facade, recognizing the pain and vulnerability that lay beneath. They found solace in each other’s company, their shared passion for sports providing a bond that transcended words.

Yet, as their relationship deepened, Chika found himself wrestling with unfamiliar emotions. The bitterness and anguish he had endured at the hands of Emeka seemed to seep into his own soul, tainting his interactions with Abigail. He withdrew into himself, pushing her away with harsh words and thoughtless actions, mirroring the hurtful patterns he had witnessed all his life.

Abigail, bewildered and hurt by Chika’s sudden transformation, confronted him with compassion and honesty. She refused to accept his abusive behavior, challenging him to confront the demons that threatened to derail their budding relationship. It was a wake-up call for Chika, a painful reckoning with the legacy of pain and violence that had shaped his understanding of love and intimacy.

With Abigail’s unwavering support, Chika took the first tentative steps towards healing. He sought therapy and counseling, unraveling the tangled knots of his past traumas with each session. It was a journey fraught with setbacks and breakthroughs, moments of despair followed by glimpses of hope.

As Chika delved deeper into his own healing process, he discovered a newfound purpose in helping others who had experienced similar hardships. He volunteered at local shelters and youth centers, offering guidance and support to young boys and girls who, like him, had known the sting of abuse and neglect. His athletic prowess became a tool for empowerment, inspiring others to believe in their own strength and resilience.


Meanwhile, Ada found her own path to healing and empowerment. Through sheer determination and unwavering faith, she rebuilt her life from the ground up. She pursued higher education, securing a stable job that provided financial independence and stability for herself and Chika. With each obstacle she overcame, Ada grew stronger in spirit, reclaiming the sense of agency that had been stripped away during her tumultuous marriages.

As Chika and Ada’s individual journeys of healing converged, their bond as mother and son deepened into a partnership built on mutual respect and admiration. Chika’s transformation from a frightened boy into a compassionate and empathetic young man filled Ada’s heart with pride and gratitude. Together, they celebrated each milestone—Chika’s academic achievements, his continued success in athletics, and his burgeoning career as a mentor and advocate for abuse survivors.

In time, Chika found the courage to confront Emeka, not out of vengeance, but out of a desire for closure and forgiveness. Their meeting was fraught with tension and painful memories, but Chika emerged from it with a newfound sense of liberation. He no longer carried the weight of his stepfather’s abuse like a millstone around his neck. Instead, he embraced his own journey of healing, knowing that he had the power to break the cycle of violence that had threatened to consume him.

With Abigail by his side, Chika forged a path forward—one defined by compassion, understanding, and a commitment to justice. Together, they founded a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting survivors of domestic abuse, offering resources and refuge to those in need. Their work became a beacon of hope in their community, inspiring others to speak out against injustice and champion the rights of the vulnerable.

As Chika and Abigail’s love story blossomed into marriage, Ada found herself at peace, knowing that her son had found a partner who cherished and supported him unconditionally. She watched with pride as Chika and Abigail welcomed their own children into the world, raising them in a home filled with love, respect, and empathy.

Ada, too, found love in her later years—a kind and gentle man who saw her strength and admired her resilience. Their union was one of equals, built on mutual trust and shared values. Together, they embarked on new adventures, savoring the simple joys of companionship and companionship.

1. The Cycle of Abuse and Healing:

Ada and Chika’s story vividly illustrates how abuse can perpetuate itself through generations if left unaddressed.

2. Have Courage to Seek Help:

Both Ada and Chika demonstrated immense courage in seeking help to break free from their past traumas.

3. Breaking the Silence:

Ada and Chika’s openness about their experiences with abuse helped break the silence surrounding domestic violence.

4. Choosing Healthy Relationships:

Abigail’s unconditional love and support became a catalyst for Chika’s healing, while Ada found happiness in a relationship built on mutual respect and equality.

5. Empathy and Compassion:

Chika’s transformation into a mentor and advocate highlights the profound impact of empathy and compassion.

6. Forgiveness and Closure:

Both Ada and Chika’s journeys involved confronting their pasts, including forgiving those who had hurt them.

7. Self-discovery and Personal Growth:

Ada and Chika’s paths to healing were journeys of self-discovery and personal growth.

My Love Story: From Love to Scam

My Love Story: From Love to Scam

Reading Time: 6 minutes

My Love Story: From Love to Scam

In the vibrant city of Lagos, Nigeria, where the pulse of life beats through crowded streets and bustling markets, lived Loveth, a driven and ambitious young woman navigating the complexities of modern dating. As a talented marketer with dreams of launching her own digital agency, Loveth’s days were filled with meetings, strategy sessions, and the constant buzz of city life. Yet, amidst her professional pursuits, she found herself increasingly isolated in her personal life, as no love story had been written about her.

Her close-knit circle of friends, once her pillar of support, had dispersed across the globe in pursuit of their careers. Weekends that used to be filled with laughter and shared adventures now passed quietly, with only the hum of her laptop and occasional phone calls to punctuate the solitude. Loveth craved companionship—a connection that could bridge the gap between her career aspirations and her longing for emotional fulfillment.

One evening, as she sat alone in her cozy apartment overlooking the city skyline, Loveth found herself scrolling through profiles on a popular dating app. The glowing screen cast a soft light across her face as she swiped left and right, her heart skipping a beat with each new profile that appeared. She had heard stories—both heartwarming and cautionary—about online dating, but Loveth, ever the optimist, believed in the possibility of finding and perhaps writing her love story in the digital age.

It was then that she came across Ade’s profile—a handsome, well-dressed entrepreneur based in Accra, Ghana. His photos exuded confidence and warmth, and his bio spoke of his passion for travel and his successful ventures in the tech industry. Intrigued, Loveth swiped right, initiating a connection that would alter the course of her love story.

Their initial conversations were effortless, filled with witty banter and shared interests. Ade’s messages were thoughtful and engaging, each one deepening the bond between them. They spoke about their dreams and aspirations, their favorite cuisines, and their love for West African culture. As the days turned into weeks, Loveth found herself looking forward to their late-night video calls, where they would discuss everything from business strategies to personal philosophies.

Loveth’s friends, concerned about her growing attachment to someone she had never met in person, gently voiced their apprehensions. They warned her about the dangers of online dating—stories of deception, financial scams, and broken hearts. But Loveth swept up in the excitement of newfound connection, dismissed their concerns. She believed she had found a kindred spirit in Ade, someone who understood her ambitions and shared her values.

Months passed, and Loveth’s feelings for Ade deepened. They made plans to meet in person, discussing potential travel dates and imagining their future together. Loveth shared her hopes and dreams with Ade, trusting him with intimate details of her life that she had rarely divulged to others. She was captivated by his charm, his intelligence, and the way he made her feel seen and valued. Seems her love story was eventually coming into play.

Yet, amidst the intoxicating rush of emotions, there were subtle signs that Loveth chose to overlook. Ade’s explanations for postponing their meetings grew increasingly elaborate, citing business trips and unexpected emergencies that kept him away. He assured Loveth of his commitment and apologized profusely for the delays, promising that their time together would come soon and their love story would be great.

One evening, as Loveth sat alone in her cozy apartment, the soft glow of her laptop illuminated her face as she scrolled through messages and notifications. Among them was a message from Ade. Ade’s messages were always filled with enthusiasm and ambition, qualities that resonated deeply with Loveth, a driven and ambitious young woman herself.

Ade’s latest message sparked excitement as he shared news of a lucrative business opportunity in Ghana. He painted a vivid picture of a thriving market ripe for investment, promising substantial returns and the potential to establish a business empire together. Loveth, buoyed by her trust in Ade, fueled by her own entrepreneurial spirit, and determined to scribble her love story, saw this as more than just an investment opportunity—it was a chance to forge a meaningful partnership and achieve financial success.

love story

Despite the late hour, Loveth eagerly engaged with Ade, discussing the details of the venture and envisioning a future where their combined efforts would lead to prosperity. Ade’s persuasive words and convincing arguments swayed Loveth’s decision, and without consulting her business partners or conducting due diligence, she agreed to invest a substantial sum of money from her company’s funds into the venture.

In her eagerness to support Ade and seize what seemed like a golden opportunity, Loveth overlooked crucial steps that prudent business practices would demand. The investment was a significant risk, not just financially but also ethically, as she had committed company resources without proper authorization or a clear understanding of the venture’s risks.

Days turned into weeks, and Loveth awaited updates and progress reports from Ade. Each time she inquired about the status of their investment, Ade reassured her with promises of imminent success and lucrative returns. However, as time passed and the promised deadlines approached, Loveth’s initial excitement began to wane, replaced by growing unease and uncertainty.

It wasn’t until a routine audit by her company’s financial advisor that discrepancies began to surface. The advisor, scrutinizing recent transactions and expenditures, flagged the substantial withdrawal from company funds that Loveth had authorized for the investment in Ghana. Concerned about the lack of documentation and detailed records supporting the investment, the advisor approached Loveth with probing questions.

Faced with the scrutiny and the realization of the potential consequences, Loveth’s world began to unravel. She realized the gravity of her impulsive decision and the breach of trust she had committed against her business partners and stakeholders. The company’s financial stability was now at risk, compounded by the uncertainty surrounding the legitimacy and viability of the investment in Ghana.

As the implications of her actions became clearer, Loveth faced a difficult reckoning. She was confronted not only with the financial ramifications but also with the ethical dilemma of her breach of fiduciary responsibility. Her trust in Ade had clouded her judgment, leading her to prioritize personal ambition over the prudent management of company resources.

In the ensuing weeks, Loveth navigated the fallout of her decision with a mixture of regret, determination, and a resolve to make amends. She cooperated fully with the company’s investigation into the matter, providing transparency and accountability to mitigate the financial losses and restore trust among her colleagues and partners.

Days turned into weeks, and Loveth’s anticipation for their meeting grew stronger. Yet, each time she pressed Ade for concrete plans, he deflected with vague excuses and promises of soon. It wasn’t until Loveth’s tech-savvy friend, Chidi, raised concerns about Ade’s authenticity that she began to question the truth behind his facade.

With Chidi’s help, Loveth embarked on a meticulous investigation into Ade’s background. What she discovered shattered her world—a trail of deceit and deception that led to revelations about Ade’s true identity. He wasn’t the successful entrepreneur he claimed to be; instead, he was a seasoned scammer wanted across multiple African countries for financial fraud and manipulation.

Heartbroken and devastated by the betrayal, Loveth confronted Ade through a tense and tearful video call. His demeanor shifted from charming to defensive, as he attempted to justify his actions with hollow apologies and empty promises. Loveth, shaken to her core, demanded answers and accountability, grappling with the harsh reality of her naivety and misplaced trust.

As news of Loveth’s ordeal spread among her friends and colleagues, she found herself grappling with a mix of emotions—shame, anger, and a profound sense of loss. Her once-promising career seemed overshadowed by the financial setback caused by Ade’s scam. The dreams they had shared and the love story they hoped to write now lay shattered, replaced by a daunting road to recovery and rebuilding.

Yet, amidst the wreckage of her shattered dreams, Loveth found strength in her resilience. She bravely shared her story with others, using her experience as a cautionary tale about the dangers of online dating and the importance of vigilance. Through counseling and the unwavering support of her friends and family, Loveth slowly began to rebuild her life, piece by piece.

Her journey of healing was marked by moments of introspection and self-discovery, as she learned to trust herself and her instincts again. She found solace in her work, pouring her energy into building her digital agency and mentoring young women in the tech industry. Through her vulnerability and courage, Loveth emerged stronger and wiser, determined to turn her pain into purpose and re-write her love story.

In the urban sprawl of Lagos, Loveth’s love story served as a cautionary reminder of the dangers lurking behind screens and the importance of navigating the digital world with vigilance and discernment. It was a story of resilience, redemption, and the enduring power of hope amidst adversity—a story that echoed across the city streets, a testament to Loveth’s unwavering spirit and determination to reclaim her life.


1. Vigilance in Online Relationships:

Loveth’s love story underscores the importance of exercising caution and vigilance when forming relationships online. While technology has made it easier to connect with others, it’s crucial to verify information and be wary of red flags, such as evasiveness or inconsistency in communication.

2. Trust, but Verify:

Trust is an essential component of any relationship, but it should be accompanied by verification. Loveth’s experience highlights the pitfalls of placing blind trust in someone without verifying their background, intentions, and claims.

3. Awareness of Online Scams:

The story serves as a stark reminder of the prevalence of online scams and the tactics used by fraudsters to exploit vulnerable individuals. Awareness of common scams and staying informed about online safety measures can help prevent falling victim to deception.

4. Seeking Advice from Trusted Sources:

Loveth’s hesitation to heed warnings from her friends about the risks of online dating illustrates the importance of seeking advice from trusted sources. Consulting with friends, family, or professionals can provide valuable insights and perspectives that may uncover potential risks.

5. Recovery and Resilience:

Despite the devastating impact of the scam on Loveth’s finances and emotions, her journey of recovery highlights the resilience of the human spirit. The love story emphasizes the importance of getting up after falling.

From Neglect to a Vicious Life: Sade’s Untold Story

From Neglect to a Vicious Life: Sade’s Untold Story

Reading Time: 6 minutes

From Neglect to a Vicious Life: Sade’s Untold Story

In the heart of Yoruba land, lay the bustling city of Lagos. Life in Lagos was a blend of vibrant market scenes, the rhythmic sounds of traditional drums, and the soft, comforting murmur of the Bar Beach. It was here that Sade’s story unfolded, marked by neglect, sorrow, rebellion, and eventual redemption.

Sade, a delicate girl with eyes that held the depth of neglect and unspoken sorrows, often found herself lost in the shadows of her parents’ ambitions. Her small frame seemed to shrink even further in the vast emptiness of their modest home, where laughter and warmth were as scarce as water in the dry season.

Her father, Mr. Williams, was a transporter whose life was measured in miles rather than moments. His weathered hands gripped the steering wheel of his battered truck from dawn to dusk, navigating treacherous roads that snaked between distant cities. The constant rumble of the engine had become more familiar to him than the sound of neglect from his daughter’s voice. When he did return home, his eyes were heavy with exhaustion, barely registering Sade’s eager face before he collapsed into a dreamless sleep.

Mrs. Williams, a petty trader at the bustling local market, lived in a cacophony of bartering and gossip. Her days were a blur of haggling over yams, peppers, and second-hand clothes, her shrill voice rising above the din as she fought for every kobo. The market had become her world, its rhythms dictating her life more surely than the rising and setting of the sun. In the rare moments when she thought of home and its neglect, it was with a mixture of guilt and justification – surely her hard work would pay off someday, giving Sade the life she deserved.

Their relentless pursuit of a better life had become an all-consuming obsession, leaving no room for the present, no time for the small joys of family life. Sade had become an afterthought, a vague future beneficiary of their sacrifices rather than a living, breathing child in need of love and attention.

In their absence, Sade was left in the care of her older cousins, a decision made more out of necessity than consideration. These cousins, themselves products of neglect and hardship, saw Sade not as a child to nurture but as a burden to bear. Their resentment manifested in subtle cruelties – a sharp word here, a missed meal there, and sometimes, in the dark of night, far worse transgressions that Sade dared not speak of.

As days bled into weeks and months, Sade’s world shrank to the confines of her loneliness. She learned to move silently through the house, to make herself invisible, to swallow her tears and longings. Her eyes, once bright with childish wonder, grew deep and sorrowful, holding secrets too heavy for her young heart to bear. In the rare moments when her parents were home, Sade would watch them from afar, a stranger in her own family, yearning for a connection that seemed forever out of reach.

The shadows of Lagos’s lush forests paled in comparison to the darkness that engulfed Sade’s young life. Her cousins, entrusted with her care, became the architects of her nightmares. Ade, the eldest at seventeen, led the pack with a malevolent glint in his eyes. His sister, Funmi, two years his junior, was no less cruel, her soft voice a deceptive mask for her sadistic nature. The youngest, fourteen-year-old Bode, followed his siblings’ lead, eager to prove his own capacity for cruelty.

Their abuse began subtly – a pinch here, a harsh word there – but quickly escalated into a reign of terror. In the dead of night, when the city was cloaked in darkness, they would creep into Sade’s room. Ade’s calloused hands would clamp over her mouth, muffling her screams as Funmi and Bode took turns inflicting their twisted desires upon her small, fragile body.

“If you breathe a word of this to anyone,” Ade would hiss, his breath hot against her ear, “we’ll throw you into the Bar-Beach. The water spirits will drag you down, and no one will ever find your body.”

The weight of this secret crushed Sade’s spirit. At five years old, she bore a burden that would break even the strongest adult. Her once melodious laughter, which had rung through the compound like little bells, fell silent. The sparkle in her eyes dimmed, replaced by a haunted, faraway look. Joy became a foreign concept, fear her constant companion.

At school, the change in Sade was stark. Mrs. Adeyemi, her kindergarten teacher, watched with growing concern as the once vibrant child withdrew into herself. Sade’s colorful drawings of smiling families were replaced by dark scribbles and torn pages. During playtime, she would huddle in a corner, flinching at the slightest touch from her classmates.

“There’s something wrong with Sade,” Mrs. Adeyemi confided to the headmaster. “I’ve tried talking to her, but she just stares at the floor. I fear something terrible is happening at home.”

The headmaster nodded gravely. “We must inform her parents. This behavior is not normal for a child her age.”

But their concerns fell on deaf ears. When confronted, Mr. Williams waved off their worries with a tired hand. “Children go through phases,” he said dismissively. “We’re working hard to give her a good life. She’ll be fine.”

Mrs. Williams, her mind preoccupied with the day’s sales, barely registered the teacher’s words. “Sade has always been a quiet child,” she insisted. “You’re making something out of nothing.”

As her parents remained blind to her suffering, Sade retreated further into her shell. Each day became a battle for survival, each night a descent into terror. The carefree child she once was vanished, replaced by a hollow-eyed ghost who moved through life in fearful silence, carrying the weight of unspeakable horrors on her tiny shoulders.


Years passed, and Sade’s resentment towards her parents grew. By the time she entered the higher institution, she was a wild dog let loose, seeking to punish her parents through her own destruction. She dove headfirst into a life of hedonism—clubbing, smoking, and engaging in all manner of reckless behavior. She spat on the name of God, despising everything He represented. Invitations to school fellowship were met with disdain. Her heart hardened with each passing day.

On campus, Sade joined a notorious cult known as the Jezebels. Their reign of terror was unmatched; they caused chaos and instilled fear among students and faculty alike. Sade’s transformation into a force of rebellion was complete.

Her roommate, Angela, was a stark contrast. Angela was a devout Christian, her faith unwavering. She prayed fervently for Sade, often with her fellowship friends, despite Sade’s antagonistic behavior. Their coexistence was tense, and it reached a boiling point when Sade decided to exact her revenge on Angela.

In a fit of rage, Sade conspired with her boyfriends to ambush Angela. One evening, as Angela walked back from lectures, singing worship songs and praying, the boys moved in to attack. But something inexplicable happened. As they closed in, they saw Angela moving, but her legs had vanished. Fear gripped them, and they fled, convinced she was a witch.

Terrified, Sade plotted another way to rid herself of Angela. She laced some meat pies with rat poison and offered them to Angela. Angela accepted the food and ate it without hesitation. When nothing happened to her, Sade was shaken to her core. Angela then showed her the scripture that spoke of divine protection: “If they drink any deadly thing, it will not hurt them.”

Sade’s walls of anger and rebellion crumbled. She broke down and confessed her sins to Angela, who listened with compassion. Through Angela’s guidance, Sade discovered the love and mercy of Christ. It was a long journey, but step by step, she found healing and forgiveness.

Years later, Sade returned to Lagos, not as a wild rebel, but as a beacon of hope. She reconciled with her parents, who were filled with regret and sorrow for their neglect. The city that once witnessed her suffering now saw her as a testament to the transformative power of faith and redemption. Sade’s story became an inspiration, a reminder that even in the darkest times, light can find a way through.

Lessons Learned.

1. Parental Neglect can lead to Emotional and Psychological Damage. When parents fail to provide the necessary love, attention, and protection, children can suffer deep, lasting wounds.

2. Neglect often leaves children vulnerable to abuse, as seen with Sade, who suffered at the hands of her cousins.

3. Sade’s neglected state led to a noticeable decline in her academic performance and social behavior. Parents should not neglect, but be sensitive to such declines.

4. Sade’s attempt to punish her parent’s neglect by engaging in destructive behaviors only led to further harm to herself. Never try to punish people with your actions.

5. Her involvement with the Jezebels and her subsequent actions demonstrate how one bad decision can lead to another, creating a downward spiral that is hard to escape. Watch your company!

6. Despite Sade’s rebelliousness and the wrongs she committed, God’s love remained steadfast.

7. Angela’s faith and persistent prayers for Sade underscore the importance of intercessory prayer and the belief that God can change even the hardest hearts. Do not neglect anyone. Keep praying!