A snare is a device or trap employed to capture or confine an animal against its will. Historically, fowlers (bird hunters) utilized snares to capture birds.
In Psalm 124:7-8, the term “snare” is employed metaphorically to convey a situation characterized by peril, oppression, or confinement.
Psa 124:7-8 (AMPC) We are like a bird escaped from the snare of the fowlers; the snare is broken, and we have escaped! [8] Our help is in the name of the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.
The psalmist is comparing God’s rescue to a bird escaping from a hunter’s snare.
In a broader sense, the snare can represent any kind of trap, temptation, or bondage. The passage expresses gratitude for God’s deliverance and protection.
Guess what? This is exactly your story!
You’ve escaped!
Not only did you escape, but the trap was invalidated, rendered useless, null, and void!
You’re free!
Jesus has done something incredible for you and me. We’ve been freed from all sorts of traps, temptations, and bondages! Praise be to God!
You’re meant to live a triumphant life, not a defeated one like you’re still trapped!
And guess what? The next verse says your help comes from the Lord!
Live in the reality of the help that God has given you.
In your relationship and marriage, celebrate what God has done for you!
Soar like an eagle and don’t get caught up in the messes of this world.
We have a similar promise in Psalm 91, which says the same thing we have in God!
Psa 91:3 (KJV) Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.
Effective immediately, embrace the reality of that freedom and accept all the divine assistance that God bestows upon you in the name of Jesus.
The spiritual husband will put the things of God first place. He takes charge of the family in the place of spiritual oversight and knows how to hear from God.
A man that doesn’t know how to hear God can make the whole family suffer because of wrong decisions.
Every day, a man is making decisions, but the consequences of his decisions go beyond him, they affect the whole family.
However, ladies don’t just want a spiritual husband. They also want a romantic husband.
4. The Romantic Husband
If he is spiritual but unromantic, he will be a bore!
Ladies would be like “Is it only Bible reading and speaking in tongues all the time? Going to the movies once in a while nko?
Ladies want a man that knows his onions when it comes to being romantic.
Every wife wants a man that can read the Bible but can also read their moods. They want a man who can interpret tongues and can also interpret non-verbal cues. They want a man who is sensitive to the Holy Spirit and is also sensitive to their needs!
Abi ladies, is that not what you want?
5. The Humorous Husband
Every lady loves her husband who can make her laugh! What is the point of frowning all over the house throughout the day?
Pastor, is it when there is no money that we would be laughing? Well, read your Bible very well.
At destruction and famine thou shalt laugh… – Job 5:22 (KJV)
Laugh about it and stop looking like Lucozade!
Make your wife laugh!
Those times when your wife is not really happy for whatever reasons, sometimes they themselves don’t even know why you should know what chords to strike that will tickle her.
If all you do is make that lady frown and sad, your relationship or marriage is at risk the day one colleague starts making your wife laugh!
You must know her password. You must learn her love language and learn how to deploy the words strategically to get her out of any pit of depression!
Laughter is like medicine! So, husbands, loosen up.
Guys in courtship, all this frowning all over the place because you are trusting God for money to get a house and settle down is not the way out. Get into God’s word, eat them and let it become a joy and rejoicing of your heart!
As you stay joyful, God will give you ideas that will bring more income, will favour you, and cause an in-flow of funds that will position you to experience God’s supernatural supply system!
I pray that God will give you more understanding!
CONFESSION FOR THE DAY I will go after wisdom. Knowledge is pleasant to my soul. I enjoy reading God’s word. Discretion will preserve me. Understanding will keep me.
PRAYERS FOR THE DAY O Lord, flood my heart with the light of your word.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY And here’s why: GOD gives out Wisdom free, is plainspoken in Knowledge and Understanding. (Pro 2:6 MSG)
ACTION PLAN FOR THE DAY Start searching for knowledge of God’s word now.
As couples, there are areas we need to make improvements with our lives because we have the capacity to do and be more than it presently is. We need to grow so we can accomplish more and become more fulfilled in life especially in our marriage.
1. Spiritually
As a couple, we should grow together in the Lord. Our spiritual growth is of utmost importance and we should take it as such. Even Jesus Christ grew and waxed strong in spirit.
And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, and was in the deserts till the day of his shewing unto Israel. – Luke 1:80 [KJV]
You need to strive at growing spiritually first on a personal level.
Some husbands are of the opinion that their wives are supposed to grow more than they and be their intercessors. They go around and commit all manner of sins and expect the prayers of their wives to cover them. This is not right. Every husband should be the head of his family in every ramification.
We grow together spiritually when we are able to hear, walk and work with God on the same frequency in our marriage. Not that God is asking your husband to do a particular thing and you don’t have the slightest clue because you are still a babe in Christ.
We grow spiritually when we give attention to the things of God. Daily study of the Bible, prayers, meditations of God’s word, et cetera, all sum up our spiritual growth. Let couples be seen serving God together. It’s such a blessing when husband and wife hold hands to pray and wreak havoc to the kingdom of darkness together.
This year, we should make it our priority to serve and know God more. Let us give time to seeking and searching for the Lord. Wisdom is the principal thing we have to seek before anything.
2. Mentally
Our mental health is so important and we need to pay attention to it. Why we need to aim at this development as couples is that, if we don’t grow together, we will not be able to relate well to our spouse on the same level. We have mental capabilities that are yet untapped and we need to explore this aspect of our lives.
Our mental capacity is our ability to think well and process events well. It is the creative part of us. It is also our intellectual capacity. Some couples have the husband further his education and develop his mental capacity while the wife remains at the school certificate level.
We should as couples grow together and be on the same mental level so we can discuss issues together without the fear of losing our spouse in the discussion. The wife or husband should stop feeling intimidated whenever one spouse is discussing intelligently with other people of the opposite sex.
We should be able to engage our spouses mentally. Mental development is essential especially since men are logical. We can develop our mental capacity by going back to school (if need be), taking online courses, engaging in brain-stimulating events, learning new skills, reading news and other intellectual pieces, being current through reading and learning.
Don’t be rigid and old school. Learn new things and new ways of doing things.
The world has gone digital, don’t be analog in your mind. Don’t become obsolete or you will be laid aside by your contemporaries.
Let’s work on this aspect of our lives because it has effects on our marriage.
God bless our marriage!
CONFESSION FOR THE DAY I develop every aspect of my life because Jesus died for every aspect of it.
PRAYER FOR THE DAY Lord, help me to give attention to every area of my life.
THOUGHTS FOR THE DAY Lk1:80 And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, and was in the deserts till the day of his shewing unto Israel
ACTION PLAN FOR THE DAY Start developing these areas of your life
Decide to be better in the coming year. As the year runs out, it’s time to take stock of how you have spent the year. Look at what you have achieved and what you have not achieved.
It is time to start preparing for another year and how to be better.
Areas to prepare for include:
a. Your spiritual life:
How did it go? How was your relationship with God? How much of fellowship with the Holy Spirit did you have? How much of God’s word were you able to store up?
b. Academics:
Did you improve in your grades? Did you make more friends in school? Did your teachers commend you over your general wellbeing?
c. Health:
How often did you see the physician? Were you conscious of your food intake? Did you fill your stomach with junks and unhealthy foods?
Other areas include personal growth, social endeavors, and so on.
Do a breakdown or get the help of an adult to do so.
Yesterday, we lookedat what every man wants in his spouse that women need to pay attention to. Today, it’s the other way round, we’re looking at what a wife wants from her husband, so let’s go!
1. A head, not a headache This is one of the vital things a wife wants from you. A man is supposed to be his wife’s head, not her headache. What is the head supposed to do? The eyes are located in the head, so one of the principal responsibilities of a man as the head is to cast a vision for the family and give direction as well. The mind is located in the head, so the man is supposed to be a thinker and be responsible.
Being the head does not mean she is subservient to you, for there is nothing the head can do alone. It is the body that holds the head and so the head needs the cooperation of the neck and the body to function in its assignment.
The husband provides leadership to his wife the way Christ does to his church, not by domineering but by cherishing. (Ephesians 5:23 Message)
There are some singles ladies in courtship that are already having sleepless nights by virtue of who they are involved with. This is not the plan of God for you, and when you see negative trends like that, the man is not likely to change after marriage. Don’t close your eyes to all the red lights because you want to get married desperately.
2. A protector, not a manipulator A man is supposed to be the protector of the lady, even in a dating situation. But what is rampant today is a brazen display of manipulation and high degree insincerity. We have men today who are not really interested in marriage but just in jeru trip. A wife wants to feel safe and protected
As a lady, there is no point courting such a man because if you are not careful, he will soon have his way while you are left heartbroken. A manipulator knows how to feed your weaknesses just to get what he wants. A husband that manipulates knows how to logically blame the wife for everything.
3. A caring husband, not a scary one There are wives that can’t talk in their matrimonial home. They are permanently muted. For such women, the fear of their husbands is the beginning of wisdom! There are even ladies who are in courtship and they have no say. Now, this is very defective and it is not God’s order! The man that loves God and loves his family does not scare. You don’t rule your home with an iron fist, you rule with love.
A situation where the boy is playing football, but upon hearing the blast of dad’s car horn, dives through the window, the wife rushes to the kitchen to get food ready…. all because the lion of the tribe of his house has come! Children raised in this kind of atmosphere always rebel in the end. Be caring, rather than be scary!
4. A praying husband, not a preying one It will interest you to know that every lady wants a spiritual man. Every lady wants a man that will wake her up to pray. Every lady wants a man that can lay hands on her and bless her. Now, you don’t have to be a pastor to do that. You only need to have a relationship with God.
Tomorrow, I will show us more things a woman wants from her husband.
May God bless our marriage.
CONFESSION FOR THE DAY I receive the wisdom of God to advance my marriage
PRAYERS FOR THE DAY Father, help me to be a husband indeed.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life (Proverbs 31:11-12 KJV)
ACTION PLAN FOR THE DAY Support your spouse all the way.