Reading Time: 2 minutes

3. The Spiritual Husband

The spiritual husband will put the things of God first place. He takes charge of the family in the place of spiritual oversight and knows how to hear from God.

A man that doesn’t know how to hear God can make the whole family suffer because of wrong decisions. 

Every day, a man is making decisions, but the consequences of his decisions go beyond him, they affect the whole family.

However, ladies don’t just want a spiritual husband. They also want a romantic husband.

4. The Romantic Husband

If he is spiritual but unromantic, he will be a bore! 

Ladies would be like “Is it only Bible reading and speaking in tongues all the time? Going to the movies once in a while nko?

Ladies want a man that knows his onions when it comes to being romantic.

Every wife wants a man that can read the Bible but can also read their moods. They want a man who can interpret tongues and can also interpret non-verbal cues. They want a man who is sensitive to the Holy Spirit and is also sensitive to their needs!

Abi ladies, is that not what you want?

5. The Humorous Husband

Every lady loves her husband who can make her laugh! What is the point of frowning all over the house throughout the day?

Pastor, is it when there is no money that we would be laughing? Well, read your Bible very well.

At destruction and famine thou shalt laugh… – Job 5:22 (KJV) 

Laugh about it and stop looking like Lucozade!

Make your wife laugh!

Those times when your wife is not really happy for whatever reasons, sometimes they themselves don’t even know why you should know what chords to strike that will tickle her.

If all you do is make that lady frown and sad, your relationship or marriage is at risk the day one colleague starts making your wife laugh!

You must know her password. You must learn her love language and learn how to deploy the words strategically to get her out of any pit of depression!

Laughter is like medicine! So, husbands, loosen up.

Guys in courtship, all this frowning all over the place because you are trusting God for money to get a house and settle down is not the way out. Get into God’s word, eat them and let it become a joy and rejoicing of your heart!

As you stay joyful, God will give you ideas that will bring more income, will favour you, and cause an in-flow of funds that will position you to experience God’s supernatural supply system!

I pray that God will give you more understanding!

I will go after wisdom. Knowledge is pleasant to my soul. I enjoy reading God’s word. Discretion will preserve me. Understanding will keep me.

O Lord, flood my heart with the light of your word.

And here’s why: GOD gives out Wisdom free, is plainspoken in Knowledge and Understanding. (Pro 2:6 MSG)

Start searching for knowledge of God’s word now.

Prov 2-4


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