Three Types Of Men Ladies Need To Know About

Three Types Of Men Ladies Need To Know About

Reading Time: 2 minutes

SINGLES – three types of men ladies need to know about.


They use ladies for their own satisfaction or consumption. They are skilled at searching for beautiful but ignorant and naive ladies. They watch out for rich ladies to service their financial needs. They are in it for what they can get out of the lady.

They look out for ladies living abroad or who have foreign citizenship, who works in juicy places like the Oil and Gas sector to capitalize on.

This is a wrong motive for a relationship and it will always come with its attendant consequences. What the hunter does not know is that he cannot be smarter than God. He is soon consumed in his own lust.

Hunters are manipulators, their headlight is fixed and when they focus on potential prey, they have a way of hypnotizing them.

How do you avoid a hunter?

Stay in God’s word and always seek his face before you take any decision.

Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers: the snare is broken, and we are escaped. –Psalms 124:7 (KJV)

What do you do as a single if you find yourself in this kind of relationship?

Deliver thyself as a roe from the hand of the hunter, and as a bird from the hand of the fowler. –Proverbs 6:5 (KJV)

Disconnect! A relationship is not by force, but by choice. You have the power to choose.

I will not fall into the hands of a hunter or scavenger. I am a fruitful vine.

I refuse to be the object of abuse by any man. I ask that you help our men occupy their place in destiny, Amen.

Deliver thyself as a roe from the hand of the hunter, and as a bird from the hand of the fowler. –Proverbs 6:5 (KJV)

Get yourself out of any abusive relationship

Prov 6


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Faithful Men Are All Dead? Part 2

Faithful Men Are All Dead? Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Continued from yesterday…

“Thank you, sister Angel. I love my boyfriend and he loves me. When we are married, we will go to church.”

“Who told you that you will get married to him?”

“I know! He told me we will.”

“And who told you that you are the only one he is promising?” Angie said.

“Yes, I may not be the only one, but I am the first on his list”

“List? Nancy, why go through this humiliation?

“Which one is humiliation there now? Is there any man out there that can be faithful?”

“You always get what you expect! I will be married to a man who not only loves me but also loves the Lord,”

“Such men are all dead, I beg!”

“No, they are still alive.”

“You are simply inexperienced. You don’t know guys. I currently have three boyfriends and my back is covered. If one fails, I will latch unto another.”

“Your back is not covered.” You are toying with your life and destiny.”

“There you go again, pastoress.”

“But candidly, it is not like God doesn’t want you to have a boyfriend, but He wants everything done His own way.”

“What’s His own way?”

“No sex.”

“That is not possible”

“It is possible. I am an example.” Angie said.

“So, I will not test wetin I go buy for market? Nancy said shaking her head.

“How many times have you been sexually involved with your boyfriend?

“Which of them?

“See your life?”

“I can’t count o… Am I supposed to be recording that? I be secretary?”

“Ok, let’s just say twenty times… So you have been testing? For how long will you test in the market? Will you ever get home? Is the market not your home now?”

“Leave that one, I dey enjoy am, plus lots of bucks.”

To be continued tomorrow…

I choose to do it in God’s way.

Ask for the Grace to stay faithful in a perverse world

Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. Hebrews 13:4 KJV

Decide to follow God

Heb 13


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Finding Who To Marry; A Conversation – Part 2

Finding Who To Marry; A Conversation – Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Continued from yesterday…

Betty: You are not reading your Bible well. It says, a merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance. In order words, when you trust God, your heart will be merry because you know God will do it. If your heart is merry, it will show on your face! Shikena! (Period!)

Angie: So my face is driving men away?

Betty: Yes, men are moved by sight firstly before they are moved by your heart. The moment you turn your beautiful face to that of a masquerade, like every problem in the world is on you, guys don’t wait to confirm what is in your heart before they take off.

Angie: But some are still interested in me like this

Betty: So why are you not married?

Angie: I wonder o…

Betty: You don’t need to go to wonderland; did you not say the other time that all the people that come your way are asking for sex?

Angie: Yes

Betty: Because they are not ready for commitment, all they want is fun, so they don’t mind the way you look as long their lust is satisfied.

Angie: Many of them like that

Betty: And that is how you also delay yourself

Angie: How, Auntie?

Betty: By consenting to give them what they ask for, you think you are securing them, but in essence, they will never marry you like that.

Angie: Why are men so wicked?

Betty: It is not about being wicked, it is because they don’t have fear of God.

Angie: Na the same thing joor! (It is the same thing)

Betty: Guys that don’t have the fear of God will try and persuade you to compromise with them, and when you do, they eventually won’t marry you.

Angie: Why would they do that?

To be continued tomorrow

I will not miss it in marriage.

Lord, help me to trust you.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Pray for insight

John 3


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Dear Husbands, Learn To Take Care Of Your Wife

Dear Husbands, Learn To Take Care Of Your Wife

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Every husband must have loved the wife they married, if not they won’t be in marriage. That you are married shows that you loved each other. Whether the love grew or diminished is now another thing.

If the love has diminished, our aim is to help you find it back. But part of the way to find back this love is to try and care of your wife. Care is spelt being kind and gentle with her. Care also means being deliberate in looking out for the one you love, being concerned for, or about her well-being spirit, soul, and body.

It is about the little things we do to the wife we love that go a long way to show how much we care. There are several other little ways you can show that you care and love your wife, in words and in actions.

For example, telling your wife she is beautiful. This is very simple but it goes a long way in affecting her esteem.

Some wives feel worthless and not able to maximize their potentials because all they hear from their men are negative words. You can replace that with positive words of affirmation.

Words are very important to women. Remember, when she was created the first encounter was with words. She was spoken to by the man in her life. She was told how wonderful she was and how good it is to have her around.

So, it applies that the source of a thing is the sustenance thereof. God showed us that example. For a woman to function optimally, words, positive encouraging words have to be spoken to her.

Another way to care for the woman you love is by showing concern over all her affairs. Show that you care. Show that you are interested. For example, some husbands never care whether their wives have eaten. It’s simple, but my husband asks me if I have eaten from time to time, especially when I am at work.

Ask your wife how she is feeling, especially, if she is the quiet type. You will be surprised by the weight of emotions she’s carrying. Ask her if anything is bothering her. Let her know she has someone to count on. Don’t let that role be taken over by someone else. Be the man and the keeper of her soul. Ask about her welfare spiritually. Does she have certain fears? Ask about her future plans and aspirations. Tell her to go do some checkups medically. Be there for her. Show her care and concern.

God bless your marriage.

I love my wife

Lord, help me to love more

“Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled;” (Hebrews 12:15, KJV)

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Run Away From This Kind of Men – Part 2

Run Away From This Kind of Men – Part 2

Reading Time: 3 minutes

I saw on our Facebook page a comment where somebody said that all men are liars. She said there are no truthful men. It was the same thing Elijah said at a time when he told God that all the people are compromised except him, but God told him there are still 7,000 men who have not bowed to Baal!

The truth is that you will always attract what you believe. A person’s life will always move in the direction of his most dominant thoughts. If you believe all men are liars, that is who will be attracted. It is one of the basic laws. If you believe there are faithful men and there are, you will be found of such people.

I understand a bit where the lady that commented might be coming from. It is possible she has had several negative experiences with men and I feel for her. But you see, experiences will not nullify the truth of God’s word!

This is the lesson here, never allow your experiences to overshadow the truth of God’s word in your life!

Back to our devotional:

Yesterday, I showed you two kinds of men you should run away from.

1. The man I am not in love with
2. The man that tells lies

3. The man that is unfaithful
Well, I have heard some ladies say things like every man is unfaithful. There is no man that doesn’t have other ladies out there. That is not true and that is a justification and encouragement of adultery. That concept is from the pit of hell.

If all men cheat on their wives, then what have we been teaching? Where is the place of the delivering power of God? Where is the place of renewal of mind by God’s word?

I don’t cheat on my wife and I don’t have any lady out there and I know I am not alone!

If I were a single lady, I will run away from a guy who is already rehearsing for adultery during a supposed courtship. I will not accommodate or manage iniquity.

But pastor, if I am too hard, will I get a spouse? You see, it is not about being hard; you shouldn’t be hard on anybody because you are not perfect yourself, but you should seek to obey God! That’s all. Follow God! I am sure God does not want you involved with a guy who wants to marry you and who has still has other girlfriends and you know! God is not in that kind of arrangement!

4. The man that doesn’t love God
If I were a single lady, I will not get involved with a man that doesn’t love God. If he doesn’t love God and has no regard for God, it will invariably affect you one way or the other.

But Pastor, what if I want to change him? You are not a “changer” You are not the Holy Spirit who convicts! Listen to me, there is something about a family that loves God.

Now, I have to balance this out here. What about those that are already married?
Pastor, are you saying I should leave my spouse? NO! Is there still hope for things to be made right? YES!

There could even be situations where you got married as an unbeliever. Now you got born again. Do you leave your spouse? No! You step into intercession and the place of prayers to trust God for your spouse as well. And believe me, God will answer a heartfelt prayer for your spouse, because God is not only interested in individuals, He is also interested in families.

Never give up on God, because God will never give up on you!


I know how to love correctly.

Lord, help me not to fall in love with the wrong person. Teach me when to run away.

Don’t turn your back on wisdom, for she will protect you. Love her, and she will guard you. Prov 4:6 (NLT)

Take an inventory of your love life. Run away when neccessary.

Prov 4


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