Top 10 Things a Man Wants in a Woman

Top 10 Things a Man Wants in a Woman

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Top Ten Things a Man Wants in a Woman.

This is Part 1

Regarding relationships, men and women often have different expectations and desires. While individual preferences may vary, there are certain qualities that many men find attractive and desirable in a partner. Here are the top ten things that often top a man’s wish list for a woman:

1. Confidence

Men are undeniably drawn to confident women who exude self-assurance and aren’t afraid to showcase their worth. This confidence is not only sexy but also incredibly empowering, as it radiates a sense of self-acceptance and inner strength. When a woman is confident, she carries herself with poise and grace, making her even more beautiful and appealing to the opposite sex.

Confidence gives a woman an aura of independence, making her more attractive and desirable. It’s not about being arrogant or entitled but rather about deeply understanding one’s strengths, weaknesses, and values. A confident woman is unapologetically herself, unafraid to take risks, and willing to speak her mind. This infectious self-assurance makes her more charismatic and captivating to be around.

Moreover, confidence can enhance a woman’s physical appearance, making her features more striking and her presence more commanding. When she feels good about herself, she’s more likely to take care of her physical health, dress in a way that makes her feel confident, and carry herself with a sense of pride. This, in turn, can make her more attractive to men, as they’re drawn to her positive energy and self-assured demeanour.

What else are the Things a Man Wants in a Woman?

2. Emotional Intelligence

High emotional intelligence is desirable in a partner, and men are particularly drawn to women who possess this quality. Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to recognise, understand, and manage one’s own emotions, as well as being empathetic and supportive towards the feelings of others. A woman with high emotional intelligence is better equipped to navigate the complexities of relationships, communicate effectively, and provide emotional support to her partner.

Men are attracted to women who can understand and validate their emotions rather than dismissing or minimising them. They want a partner who can create a safe and non-judgmental space for them to express themselves without fear of being criticised or belittled. A woman with high emotional intelligence can do just that, offering a listening ear, a comforting presence, and a supportive attitude that makes her partner feel seen, heard, and understood.

Things a Man Wants in a Woman

Moreover, a woman with high emotional intelligence is better equipped to manage conflicts and disagreements healthily and constructively. She can remain calm and composed, even in the face of adversity, and work towards finding a resolution that benefits both parties. This ability to navigate conflicts effectively is a major turn-on for men, indicating maturity, empathy, and commitment to the relationship.

Furthermore, a woman with high emotional intelligence is more likely to empathise and understand her partner’s needs, desires, and fears. She can put herself in his shoes and see things from his perspective, which fosters a deeper sense of connection and intimacy. This empathy also enables her to be more supportive and encouraging, helping her partner feel more confident and motivated.

A woman with high emotional intelligence is a valuable partner, offering a unique combination of emotional support, empathy, and conflict-resolution skills. Men are naturally drawn to these qualities, creating a sense of safety, trust, and connection essential for a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

What else are the Things a Man Wants in a Woman?

3. Good Communication Skills

Effective communication is the backbone of any successful relationship, and men are particularly drawn to women who can express themselves clearly, openly, and honestly. When a woman can communicate her thoughts, feelings, and desires concisely and respectfully, it creates a sense of trust, understanding, and connection essential for a healthy and fulfilling partnership.

Men want a woman who can articulate her needs, desires, and boundaries without being aggressive, passive-aggressive, or vague. They want to know where they stand, what she’s thinking and feeling, and how they can support her. When a woman can communicate effectively, it eliminates misunderstandings, reduces conflicts, and fosters a sense of mutual respect and understanding.

Effective communication also helps to build intimacy and emotional connection. When a woman can express her emotions, desires, and fears openly, it creates a sense of vulnerability and trust, allowing her partner to feel closer to her. Men are drawn to women who can be open and honest about their feelings, as it will enable them to connect on a deeper level and provide emotional support.

Moreover, effective communication is a two-way street. Men want a woman who can express herself clearly, listen actively, and respond thoughtfully. When a woman can listen without judgment, ask clarifying questions, and respond empathetically, it creates a sense of safety and understanding, allowing her partner to feel heard and validated.

In addition, effective communication helps to prevent conflicts and misunderstandings. When a woman can clearly communicate her needs and desires, it reduces the likelihood of miscommunication and conflict. Men want a woman who can address issues as they arise rather than letting them simmer beneath the surface, causing resentment and tension.

We will continue on Top Ten Things a Man Wants in a Woman tomorrow.

3 Types of Men Women Don’t Want

3 Types of Men Women Don’t Want

Reading Time: 2 minutes

3 Types of Men Women Don’t Want. Life is about change and adjustments. This devotional is not to spite men, but to call us to the responsibility God has given us as head of the home. It’s a huge responsibility.

If you fall into any category of men below, it’s time to change.

3 Types of Men Women Don’t Want

1. The night crawler
You are no longer single. You are now married, and that reality needs to settle.

Why would a husband keep late nights? It just doesn’t speak well. If your wife has not been cooperative, the best response is to seek counsel and a solution and not some form of late-night moves.

Keeping your wife awake when she should be sleeping due to needless late-night paroles is not a good idea.

There are some environments that would naturally encourage cheating on her, you should not be found in such places again.

For those single, understand that you really don’t change after the wedding. So all bad habits should be expunged as a single. 

2. The manipulator
Here, the man uses his money or any other thing to coerce the wife into obedience.

At the end of the day, what you get is not obedience but a bitter, hurt, offended, and wounded wife. And that can be dangerous under the same roof.

These are abnormal relationships between couples. What God ordained is a loving, healthy relationship that will provide an enabling environment for the children to be raised.

As singles in relationships, don’t introduce money and gifts as rewards or punishments. The relationship will become money-driven and true love will escape into the air.

3. The non-spiritual husband
Here, the man simply refuses to provide spiritual leadership for his wife and family.

He is evasive, full of excuses, and never puts God first place in their affairs.

He will never read his Bible. He will never pray.

The reality is that without a conscious and deliberate relationship with God, man will be incapacitated in providing any spiritual leadership.

Eyes are located in the head, so the man as the head of the house is supposed to give sight and vision to the family. The navigation system for the family and the compass lie with the man.

But the man can’t even see beyond his nose without God. His capacity for vision will be minimized.

For singles, ask a lot of questions and get to know properly who you are walking down the aisle with.

I will stop here this morning. These are the 3 Types of Men Women Don’t Want.

May your marriage be blessed.

I am wise 

Lord, help me to be a great husband  

1Pe 3:7 (GW)  Husbands, in a similar way, live with your wives with understanding since they are weaker than you are. Honor your wives as those who share God’s life-giving kindness so that nothing will interfere with your prayers.

Honour your wife 

Rev 18 – 19

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The Anatomy Of A Faithful Man

The Anatomy Of A Faithful Man

Reading Time: 2 minutes

SINGLES- Faithful man

A few days back, I began writing to you about “The Virtuous Woman”, I know a lot of you must be curious as to whether there is anything like a virtuous man, especially the lady folks.

Well, the scripture never mentions anything like a virtuous man but it did talk about men! And that is what I want us to see this morning.

The scriptures say about women:

Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies. –Proverbs 31:10 (KJV)

Then it says about men:

Most men will proclaim everyone his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find? –Proverbs 20:6 (KJV)

So essentially, the Bible talks about a virtuous woman and a faithful man!

The question is where can one find a faithful man? In fact, The Message translations say:

Lots of people claim to be loyal and loving, but where on earth can you find one? –Proverbs 20:6 (MSG)

The writer of Psalm 12 even sounds like you cannot find such a man again!

Help, LORD; for the godly man ceaseth; for the faithful fail from among the children of men. –Psalms 12:1 (KJV)

Other translations even added pepper on top!

HELP, LORD! For principled and godly people are here no more; faithfulness and the faithful vanish from among the sons of men. –Psalms 12:1 (AMP)

Quick, GOD, I need your helping hand! The last decent person just went down, All the friends I depended on gone. –Psalms 12:1 (MSG)

However, I will like you to know there are still faithful men! It takes a virtuous woman to be found by a faithful man!

There is someone that changes the equation of unfaithfulness. His name is Jesus. He is the only one that can make a difference in the life of a man and who can make the vilest of sinners become a faithful man!

Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward Him and said concerning him, See! Here is an Israelite indeed [a true descendant of Jacob], in whom there is no guile nor deceit nor falsehood nor duplicity! –John 1:47 (AMP)

In the above scripture, Jesus actually found a faithful man! You see when Jesus shows up on the scene, you will find faithful men!

So who is a faithful man? How do I identify one?

To be continued

I am a faithful man/virtuous woman.

Lord, help me to become the person you have created me to be and let the faithful man/virtuous woman in me emerge

Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever. –Psalms 12:7 (KJV)

Commit every issue in your relationship into the hands of God

Job 30-34

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Timely Reminder For All Married

Timely Reminder For All Married

Reading Time: 2 minutes


One man was avidly studying his wedding certificate for hours. Upon being asked why he said he was looking for the expiry date! Sorry marriage does not expire, there is no reverse gear.

Another man was watching his wedding tape, but this time backward! He saw himself remove the ring, walked out of the church entered his car, and zoomed off. He wished he could do that in real life, but sorry! Marriage is a haven, not an oven. Marriage is to be enjoyed and not endured. There is tremendous power in marriage as a couple.

The devil recognizes this power at your disposal as a married couple. That is why his intention is to throw a monkey wrench at your stuff. There are some precautions you can take in order to ensure that you are one with your spouse and that the power of agreement is not broken.

The Christian life is not hard to live, in fact, it is when you don’t follow God that things get messed up and complicated. That is why Jesus Christ said his yoke is easy, learn about it, it is easier that way.

1. If you want a successful marriage, never insult or abuse your spouse on account of someone else. Preserve your marriage by respecting your spouse inside and outside. This is because, for men, respect is a major issue. Every man is egocentric, although excessive egocentricity is not good.

2. Never empower others against your spouse. Don’t shoot yourself in the leg. You are one in marriage, and that is how God sees it. Support your spouse always.

I will invest in my marriage. My spouse is second to none but God

Lord, teach us to be a skillful couple in loving you and loving ourselves

2Co 2:11 MSG After all, we don’t want to unwittingly give Satan an opening for yet more mischief–we’re not oblivious to his sly ways!

Have a hearty discussion with your spouse on how you can love each other better.

Gen 33-34

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Three Types Of Men Ladies Need To Know About – Part 2

Three Types Of Men Ladies Need To Know About – Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

SINGLES – Three Types Of Men Ladies Need To Know About

Continued from yesterday…


They capitalize on the weaknesses of ladies with low self esteem. They weaken already weak ladies. They take advantage of their weaknesses.

They have a way of locating needy ladies and low self esteem ladies who will offer their body endlessly in order to get love which will forever remain elusive. 

The scavenger is not looking for love or romance, he is simply looking for intercourse, and he will feign love and care to get what he wants. The day he stops getting that, he moves on, and the lady is left heartbroken.

What the scavenger does not know is that life is all about seed, time and harvest! He has unwittingly sown bad seeds and the harvest will spring up in time.

How do you avoid a scavenger? Learn new creation realities. Know who you are in Christ. Meditate on his word and develop God-confidence.
What do you do as a single if you find yourself here? Stop offering your body! Your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. Start over and get out of all ungodly relationships


These are the real men and I know this is where you belong! They cultivate their women, make them blossom, fruitful and bring out the best in them.

Ladies, you are like a fruitful vine, tender, yet full of great potentials. You have the responsibility of watching where and who plants you.

The environment (relationship) you agree to get involved with determines whether you will blossom or not.

Is the guy you are going out with a hunter? Is he always draining you financially, telling you it’s ok, promising to marry you? Is he a scavenger? He knows your story of abuse, low self esteem, that you have been deflowered and he feels he is the next person to sleep with you?

Make sure you do not enter into a relationship until you can vouch that the guy is a ‘gardener’, ‘a real man’, a ‘groom’, someone who will cultivate you, lead you and take you on a journey of self discovery and self confidence.

You can do it by God’s grace, if you trust and seek his help.

Always remember this, the wisdom you need to resolve the present issue lies with God.

I pray for you this day that God will surround you with His love.

Ladies, you will blossom in Jesus name. You will burst forth with full manifestation of your gifting in Jesus name.

Men, receive grace and wisdom to be the best that God has called you to be over your wife and your home! Three Types Of Men Ladies Need To Know About

I will not fall into the hands of a hunter or scavenger. I am a a fruitful vine.

Father I receive help to be all you desire me to be. I refuse to be the object of abuse of any man.

‘Thy wife shall be like a fruitful vine by the sides of thine house’ Ps.128:3

Get yourself out of any abusive relationship. Seek advice and help where necessary.

Ezek 16-20

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