God created sexual intercourse to be enjoyed within the marital sanctity. The devil took this and perverted that truth. Today, homosexuals and pedophiles are pushing for rights. The truth of God’s word is being contested, resisted, and opposed like never before. But you see, God’s word cannot be bound!
Stolen bread tastes sweet, but soon your mouth is full of gravel. (Pro 20:17 MSG)
In romantic novels, movies, and soap operas, sex is always painted as sweet. In pornographic films, it is presented as full of ecstasy. This is often presented in the context of cheating, adultery, and the likes. All forms of sexual perversion are presented as sweet.
What you may not know is that a lot of porn actresses are drugged to act these parts. After their filming, most of them rush to the conveniences to throw up. They are forced to continue because of the lure of money.
People are deceived into believing that adultery, oral sex, sleeping with a prostitute and the likes are okay. The Bible never disagrees with the short, temporal sweetness that adultery may present.
Quickie sex with the wrong person looks so sweet, but honey, watch out! The Bible does not mince words. Think about chewing gravel. Yes, sexual acts outside marriage will bring with it its attendant consequences. This kind of intercourse will end up in anguish, bitterness, guilt, dirty feelings and so much more.
Cheating on your spouse may look fun or sweet, especially when you trying to get back at your spouse, but you are planting seeds, and when your harvest comes, you wouldn’t have a nice time.
I always tell couples, please enjoy lovemaking to its fullest. Never deny your spouse of it. Real sweet intercourse can only be found in the marriage context, and how sweet, fulfilling, enriching, and empowering it is.
Conclusively, you should know that God will not judge us generally, so what the trends are and what most people are doing is not a license to join them. We will be judged individually.
The implication of this is that God still expects you to follow His principles and do it right, not only to make heaven and have eternal life but to have the victory here on earth and also to enjoy the maximum blessings that God has for you.
I pray for you this morning, that every distraction be removed from your way in Jesus name!
I pray that God will send that very help you need your way this morning to help you stay on side of God.
You will not miss God’s best for your life in Jesus name!
CONFESSION FOR THE DAY My body belongs to God. I glorify God in my body.
PRAYERS FOR THE DAY I destroy all unclean spirits trying to work through my mind.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Can a man take fire in his bosom, and his clothes not be burned? (Pro 6:27 KJV)
We have been looking at this topic building to last in marriage for some time now and I will be taking the concluding part of the same topic.
I pray and sincerely hope this message will bring couples to ways they can discuss this together to find their own way of implementing the points. There may be ways based on their peculiar situation, they could adapt the points discussed here.
8. Never talk bad about your spouse to anybody
Respect the covenant between you. Let no one be able to come between you. Don’t betray trust. Defend each other. Don’t fight with each other but fight for each other. Don’t fight your spouse because of any other person. Don’t give any other person the privilege of being more special than your spouse. It will backfire. What is between the two of you cannot be compared with any other relationship.
9. Love jeru trip
Enjoy Jerusalem trips. It is pleasure to both of you. Never get tired of each other. Give yourself to one another unhindered
10. Keep the word ‘divorce’ out of your dictionary
Remember your marriage vows. It is till death do us part. There are no problems without solutions. There are issues, challenges but there are ways of handling them. We may not be patient enough or seek God’s face enough to find a lasting solution. God has promised us a way of escape.
Jesus said in John 14:6, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life
Have a bulldog approach to your marriage. Whatever happens, God can restore and make all things new. That doesn’t mean staying in an abusive relationship and environment. Seek all the help you can get for your marriage to be better.
11. Understand each other’s love language
Your love language is like your native mother language, you are most comfortable speaking it and have a free flow with it. Just like you speak the language your spouse understands, you must be willing to learn and understand your spouse’s love language. Don’t insist on your own way of expressing love.
Try to please your spouse. Do whatever he/ she likes and best expresses that you love and care for him/her.
It is either it is gifts, words, touch, actions, or quality time. If it is words, learn to speak tender and kind words to your spouse. Don’t be harsh with your words. Don’t correctly sharply.
If gifts, surprise each other with gifts, do this frequently.
If actions, help to do the dishes, throw the garbage out, wash the car, etc, just offer to do something.
12. Spice up your marriage with little gestures.
Surprise each other with gifts, kisses, and sex. That shows you are thinking of your spouse. Let your spouse know that you are still in love with them.
Kiss passionately, hold hands, cuddle and show public display of affection. Look into each other’s eyes when talking. Be deeply concerned about each other. Look out for yourselves and ask whatever may be happening to your spouse emotionally, physically, or otherwise.
May God bless our marriage as we put these things into practice.
CONFESSION FOR THE DAY I love my spouse wholeheartedly.
PRAYER FOR THE DAY Lord, teach me how to trust my spouse in Jesus name.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; 1Ti 2:1
ACTION PLAN FOR THE DAY Decide to show genuine love to your spouse.
Here is a true story. A woman was having tremendous challenge in her matrimonial home. She had this friend she would always discuss with. The friend told her she is being stupid and that she needed to teach her husband a lesson by packing out. She did.
She packed out and later informed her Pastor what she has done. Her pastor told her to go back to her house before he would say anything. This is after a few days.
Out of respect for her Pastor, she obliged. She got back home with her loads and knocked. When the door was opened, lo and behold, the person she saw was her friend in a towel.
Life is about association. Your level of productivity is often determined by the people you associate with. The same way, your failure is sealed when you walk with foolish people who have no regard for God.
Your relationship decisions are influenced by the choice of your friends. The people you know and you have access to in the days of challenges will determine whether that challenge will crush you or will be crushed.
The relationship and marriage mentors you have will often be the thin line between divorce and victory in marriage.
Most often than not, your relationship or courtship will survive not based on your wisdom alone but on the wisdom you are able to garner from those that have done what you are trying to do. Do you have one?
If you associate for long with a monkey, you will learn how to jump on trees. If you lie down with a dog, you will rise up with fleas. It is all about laws of connections and relationships.
That boyfriend that is always paying for abortion as a result of jeru trip is really an enemy.
That friend that introduced you to that underground jeru trip chain so you can earn dollars is an enemy. You see, your destiny is in contention.
Who is your friend? Your friend is the definition and description of your life. The future of your friend is the picture of your future. Watch the friends you have. Friendship is by choice and not by force.
Can you confidently introduce your friends to your pastor or parents?
Most young people who suddenly find themselves in prostitution were not really decided on doing that, they were introduced by friends.
If your friend is promiscuous, you will eventually become one. If your friend is a goal getter, you will eventually become one. The same way, if your friend is a gold digger, you will eventually become one.
He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.
Pro 13:20 KJV
Message translation
Become wise by walking with the wise; hang out with fools and watch your life fall to pieces.
Pro 13:20 MSG
You must review your friends from time to time. Any friend that is not adding value to you should be disconnected from.
Friendship is an issue of life and so friendship decisions must not be subjected to sentiments. A friend that is always looking out for ‘jists’ on the next bad thing is an enemy in disguise.
Someone once said that your wisdom level is the level of wisdom your circle of friends have. Someone else said that if you are the smartest among your friends, it is time to look for better friends because you are adding to them while you are gaining nothing.
May God grant us more understanding.
CONFESSION FOR THE DAY I will not associate with the wrong person.
PRAYERS FOR THE DAY Lord, help me to disconnect from those who are not adding to me in any way.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed. (Proverbs 13:20 KJV)
ACTION PLAN FOR THE DAY Disconnect from all wrong associations.
Sense is described by Word Web dictionary as “The faculty through which the external world is apprehended”
As Buddy entered his friend’s house, you could tell he was excited. He was grinning from ear to ear he could almost eat Banana from the side of his mouth.
Woah! I have finally found my wife. I am so much in love with her. I asked her out and she said Yes.’
Daniel was happy for him.
‘When did you meet her?’ ‘Two hours ago.’
‘What is her name?’ ‘Lovett, I don’t know her surname.’
‘And you already asked her out?’ ‘Yes.’
‘And she said yes?’ ‘Of course now, what is the meaning of all these questions?’
‘Where is she from?’ ‘I don’t know. She must be from heaven.’
‘What does she do?’ ‘I don’t know, but she has hot legs!’
One other question that every single will be confronted with is the question of common sense.
You see, you are not supposed to fall in love with strangers. True love emanates from the knowledge of the characters involved. You hardly know somebody you just met some thirty minutes ago. True love should spring up from friendship.
God gave you a brain so that you will not disturb him on some issues that you can already find their answers in God’s Word.
‘I am so happy for you Comfort. Is he born again? ‘l don’t know but he goes to church.’
You don’t need somebody that you can’t even vouch for concerning Salvation. You need somebody that loves God!
‘He does not drink alcohol, he only takes Stout.’ ‘He does not do weed, just normal cigarettes. I will convert him after marriage.’
You see, you are not the Holy Spirit. Watch the person you fall in love with. Use your gumption. Spirituality does not mean stupidity or thoughtlessness. The scripture says that discretion will preserve you!
‘I have aborted for him three times, but I cannot leave him. I love him.’ But when he finally ruins your chances of giving birth, he will leave you! Wake up! The reason you cannot leave him or her is not because of love but because of low self-esteem and soul ties, wrong bonding that comes as a result of violating God’s principles as regards jeru trip.
‘I know I am number three on his list.’ So what are you still doing, playing a second fiddle, opening your legs to a man that you know can drop you anytime? You see, hear me, and quote me anywhere, you cannot use jeru trip to buy love. Jeru trip does not guarantee marriage. In fact, it reduces its chances.
Whoever told you that you are ugly? It is money you need! When God blesses you, you will know how beautiful you are! Guys never have problems with appearance, it is always ladies. Haven’t you seen guys with their legs like Hockey sticks, and yet wearing three-quarters short? They don’t care! And they will come and ask you out like that, and you are like, What?
You are not ugly! Beauty is in the beholder’s eyes. You are fearfully and wonderfully created, so says the scriptures. You will be wonderful to some people, and fearful to others, so never mind if someone calls you ‘ugly’ When you meet your spouse, you will be wonderful! So, believe in God and believe in yourself!
CONFESSION FOR THE DAY I will apply discretion in every area of my relationship as God helps me
PRAYERS FOR THE DAY Lord, I ask that you give me wisdom and understanding in my relationship in Jesus name.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Proverbs 11:29 [MSG] Exploit or abuse your family, and end up with a fistful of air; common sense tells you it’s a stupid way to live.
ACTION PLAN FOR THE DAY Have a hearty discussion with your lover today
The temperature of our marriage must be kept hot always. To achieve that takes a whole lot of work and attention. Our marriage is like a garden that needs constant touch and tending. Not so much of hard labour but those everyday tending, that is what will make affection increase in our marriage.
Here are some practical ways to increase affection in your marriage
1. Give undivided attention to your spouse It is disheartening when your spouse gives you little or no attention at all. You feel you don’t matter and your person is not relevant to your spouses’ life. You feel they can do without you and your input doesn’t count. This is not a good feeling and must be avoided if your marriage must work.
Learn to give your spouse your undivided attention. The best way to do this is by listening to what they have to say and looking at them eyeball to eyeball.
2. Take time to recreate together. My husband is a very busy man and I am grateful to God for his multidimensional ability in painstakingly using his initiative at his work. It is translating to food on the table. Despite his busyness, he still finds time daily to play and make us laugh.
When you are with someone you love, you should make the atmosphere lively and environment conducive to laughing, Playing, joking, making jests, telling stories, playing games together, etc. Just find something to do together.
3. Respect each other’s space You have to respect each other’s space. Let your spouse be. During the lockdown, my husband was quite busy putting our services online and doing other ministry stuff to meet a particular schedule. Then he finished his work and all the tension seem to have disappeared, so he wanted to play. It was however a wrong time for me to play. I was praying and studying. He did play for some time but he respected my time to study and pray. We respected each other’s space and were willing to understand and help each other grow.
4. Be each other friend Being each other’s friend has to do with everything including being gist partners, cheerleader, number 1 fan, critic, prayer partner, jester, teaser, confidant, gossip, teacher, mentor, leader, you just name it. Just focus on each other. Do things that please each other. Follow the guiding words of 1 Corinthians 13. Love each other genuinely.
5. Be your unique self Your uniqueness remains your best selling point that endears you to your spouse. Of course, try to be an improvement of who you are but don’t loss your flavor. Your flavor is the taste your spouse can never get anywhere else. Do things that your spouse can remember with only you.
Avoid nagging, being unfriendly, cold, harsh, or abusive. Try also not to be lazy, it takes hard work to build a marriage.
6. Make Jeru trip a priority What Jeru trip does in marriage is that it cements the bonds between the couples together. It helps to reduce stress and tension in the marriage. If you know how to utilize this gift very well to your advantage, it can eliminate strife completely.
For some couples, after a good Jeru trip is the best time to discuss pressing issues. This is when your husband will listen to you well and give your his undivided attention. It is foolishness for any woman to deprive (or man, as the case may be) her husband Jeru trip. Denying him is not the solution rather it will complicate matters.
God bless your marriage.
CONFESSION FOR THE DAY I receive the grace to show affection to my spouse
PRAYERS FOR THE DAY Lord, I ask that you give me wisdom and understanding in my marriage in Jesus name.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Prov 11:29 (GW) Whoever brings trouble upon his family inherits only wind, and that stubborn fool becomes a slave to the wise in heart.
ACTION PLAN FOR THE DAY Have a hearty discussion with your spouse today