How To Be An Ideal Man –Part 2

How To Be An Ideal Man –Part 2

Reading Time: 3 minutes

SINGLES – How To Be An Ideal Man                

Dear single men, pay attention to today’s devotional. Yesterday we examined God’s perspective of an ideal man; today I want to show you what every virtuous woman looks out for in a man.

The lady speaks;

I want a man, a real man, man enough to be my husband, strong enough to stand in his place as the head of the house and the breadwinner. I want a man who is a king and a servant at the same time.

I want a man whose royalty is rooted in God, I want a man I can be proud enough to call ‘my crown!’ I want a man who despite being a king is humble enough to have the heart of a servant.

I want a man I can call my own! A man I am proud of! I want a man of integrity. I want a man whose words I can go to bed on. I want a man who will protect me. I want a man that will not want me to compromise my virtue in order to satisfy his lust during courtship.

I want a man who will be my head and not my headache! I want a man who will love me properly, accept me as I am, nurture me, and commit to my spiritual development.

I want a man that will stand by me in the labour room. The hands of Zerubabbel started it. It ought to complete it!

I want a man I can vouch for. I want a man that will love me only and no other. I want a man that is thinking of me all the time. I want a man, not a boy.

I want a man that will not bring another to our matrimonial bed. I want a man who fears God so much and will not desecrate the marital covenant because of lust. I want a man that will rather die than become adulterous! I want a man that will respect the covenant and will not throw our home into untold chaos and havoc with his actions. I want a man that can zip up!

I want a man in the house that will usher me into peace when I am not around. I want a man in the house that the house-help is safe with. I want a man who has self-control.

I want a man that can lay hands on me and bless me. I want a man that I can rely on emotionally. I want a man whose shoulders I can lean on. I want a man that will lead our family to God.

I want a leader in the house! I want a man who will make my heart bless him and not make my heart bleed at his appearance. I want a man that will make my heart filled with thanks and not tears. I want a man that will make me be at rest and not under duress! I want a man that will make me his queen and not his doormat! I want a friend, confidant, and companion, not a competitor!

I am a good man / I will find a good man. God will help me!

Father in the name of Jesus, I ask that you flood the eyes of my mind with revelation light. As I study your word give me understanding. Let my relationship be transformed as my mind gets renewed daily.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY              
I will therefore that men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting. -1Timothy 2:8 (KJV)

Check the man in you and sincerely take an inventory to see whether you are pleasing God

Psalms 7-9


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The Anatomy Of A Faithful Man –Part 2

The Anatomy Of A Faithful Man –Part 2

Reading Time: 3 minutes

SINGLES- The Anatomy Of A Faithful Man

Continued from yesterday

Here are a few things to note!

A faithful man is a trustworthy man. He is a truthful man! A truthful man is not deceptive. He is not magma of flowing wickedness within covered with the façade of a nice man and waiting to erupt.

A faithful man loves a lady genuinely for who she is and not for what she gives. A faithful man is not out to satisfy his lust only to discard the lady later.

A faithful man will not insist on pre-marital sex, nay, his love for God will not prevail on the lady to compromise her virtue and offend God.

A faithful man is the protector of the lady’s body. He is not one to take advantage of her femininity!

A faithful man is not a Samson that lacks self-control and would not mind using his anointing to desecrate the one he is meant to take care of.

A faithful man is not a Samson that will preach and move in the Spirit one moment only to end up frolicking with prostitutes and ending up on Delilah’s lap.

A faithful man is not an Amnon that would profess his love one moment passionately and then would rape a Tamar the next moment.

A faithful man is not a Uriah that loves his job more than his wife all in the name of loyalty and then died in the process!

A faithful man is not a Judas that would greet and beg you with a kiss as a friend when all he is out for is your body to be crucified!

A faithful man will not compete with his wife. He is secure and he is happy when his wife is progressing.

A faithful man loves and does not lust. A faithful man does not scheme. He does not suddenly give his life to Jesus in order to marry a naïve and unsuspecting child of God and then takes his life back from Jesus after getting what he wants.

A faithful man will not raise his hands against a lady. The fear of God will not allow it knowing that he would be shooting himself in the leg by doing that!

A faithful man is not a gold-digger. A faithful man is not getting married to a lady because of papers and documents. A faithful man follows God’s direction in his life. A faithful man does not marry for money!

A faithful man does not teach against sexual perversion on the pulpit only to be caught up continually with masturbation, pornography, and fornication and yet without repentance!

A faithful man does not double date. He does not take advantage of the fragile emotions of ladies.

A faithful man does not scheme and he does not pretend.

A faithful man is a Joseph that loves God and will say a big NO to compromise knowing that compromise can truncate his destiny.

A faithful man learns to run away like Joseph in the face of sexual pressure and will not start speaking in tongues at such times. He learns to flee and will not spiritualize it by saying “let us reason together!

The list goes on but I will stop here for now. You can add your definition in the comment box.

Stay blessed!

I am a faithful man/virtuous woman.

Lord, help me to become the person you have created me to be and let the faithful man/virtuous woman in me emerge

Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever. –Psalms 12:7 (KJV)

Commit every issue in your relationship into the hands of God

Job 35- 39


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The Anatomy Of A Faithful Man

The Anatomy Of A Faithful Man

Reading Time: 2 minutes

SINGLES- Faithful man

A few days back, I began writing to you about “The Virtuous Woman”, I know a lot of you must be curious as to whether there is anything like a virtuous man, especially the lady folks.

Well, the scripture never mentions anything like a virtuous man but it did talk about men! And that is what I want us to see this morning.

The scriptures say about women:

Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies. –Proverbs 31:10 (KJV)

Then it says about men:

Most men will proclaim everyone his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find? –Proverbs 20:6 (KJV)

So essentially, the Bible talks about a virtuous woman and a faithful man!

The question is where can one find a faithful man? In fact, The Message translations say:

Lots of people claim to be loyal and loving, but where on earth can you find one? –Proverbs 20:6 (MSG)

The writer of Psalm 12 even sounds like you cannot find such a man again!

Help, LORD; for the godly man ceaseth; for the faithful fail from among the children of men. –Psalms 12:1 (KJV)

Other translations even added pepper on top!

HELP, LORD! For principled and godly people are here no more; faithfulness and the faithful vanish from among the sons of men. –Psalms 12:1 (AMP)

Quick, GOD, I need your helping hand! The last decent person just went down, All the friends I depended on gone. –Psalms 12:1 (MSG)

However, I will like you to know there are still faithful men! It takes a virtuous woman to be found by a faithful man!

There is someone that changes the equation of unfaithfulness. His name is Jesus. He is the only one that can make a difference in the life of a man and who can make the vilest of sinners become a faithful man!

Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward Him and said concerning him, See! Here is an Israelite indeed [a true descendant of Jacob], in whom there is no guile nor deceit nor falsehood nor duplicity! –John 1:47 (AMP)

In the above scripture, Jesus actually found a faithful man! You see when Jesus shows up on the scene, you will find faithful men!

So who is a faithful man? How do I identify one?

To be continued

I am a faithful man/virtuous woman.

Lord, help me to become the person you have created me to be and let the faithful man/virtuous woman in me emerge

Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever. –Psalms 12:7 (KJV)

Commit every issue in your relationship into the hands of God

Job 30-34


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The Kind Of Husband Single Ladies Want To Marry

The Kind Of Husband Single Ladies Want To Marry

Reading Time: 2 minutes

1. The Faithful Husband

Proverbs 20:6 (KJV) Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find?

Most men will tell you all kinds of stuffs while toasting you, but where is really that faithful man?

A faithful man will abound with blessings. If you have a faithful husband, treasure him. If you have a man that will not cheat on you, you are blessed!

We are in a generation where ladies would open their legs without asking for it.

If you are unfaithful, if you are careless, if you have no self control, you will fry yourself alive!

See me, I have made up my mind o… there is no going back by the grace of God!

Making up your mind doesn’t mean you are boasting, it means you are consecrating yourself unto God and by His Spirit to stay true to His word.

I am an Ijebu man. We are very shrewd.

Which one weighs more? Your destiny or seven minutes of sweating and jacking up and down? Just asking ni o!

Enjoying yourself in the pleasure of adultery or fornication versus losing God’s favour and even losing heaven when you are unrepentant! Which one?

2. The Responsible Husband

The responsible husband will ensure his family is taken care of.

He would not spend money drinking around town while his kids are sent home for not paying school fees.

He would do all possible in God to ensure the best is provided for His family.

He is not lazy.

Every woman should pray for a responsible husband.

My heart bleeds to hear of many women who are breadwinners of their families, struggling to make ends meet because they are married to a man who is full of promises and talks but will never do anything.

Marrying a lazy man is an affliction in itself.
Before you walk down the aisle, watch it.

I am led by the spirit of God. My feelings do not control me.

Lord, lead me to the rightful person for me

Romans 8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

Decide to follow God

Rom 8


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Being Faithful With Your Marriage

Being Faithful With Your Marriage

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Every marriage that God instituted is a blessing. It should be viewed as such.

That it is a blessing doesn’t mean it is going to be perfect with no ups and downs. All marriages have their own challenges and we all have to make up our minds to press on and don’t give up.

If we believe it is a gift from God then we need to treat it as such. Treat it with such dignity and honor. Treat your marriage and spouse with respect.

Have respect for marriage. Always be faithful to your partner, because God will punish anyone who is immoral or unfaithful in marriage.

Heb 13:4

It is a special gift from God so have respect for it and treat it with some honor. Part of the respect and honor you give to marriage is being faithful to it as a covenant.

How faithful are you to this gift God gave you? It is a privilege being married and like any gift, you will give an account of how you used it.

Did you miss out on yesterday’s devotional, we’ve got you covered kindly go HERE. For KHC video Devotionals kindly go HERE

How faithful are you in thoughts, words, and actions? How faithful are you in ensuring you trade with this gift and multiply it? You start out in your marriage being small in every way. By being faithful, you multiply.

Faithfulness is not just limited to being moral and avoiding adultery. It is about being accountable and prudent with it. Like a wise businessman, trade with whatever God has given to you.

Do business and make sure you profit with the spouse God gave you. Till your marriage. Focus on making the most of it. Build your marriage and spouse.

Whatever good you desire and admire in other couples is also available to you. Be ready to work hard with your marriage. God is not promising there won’t be pressure, but don’t give up.

Dave Meyer was faithful in working at staying married to Joyce Meyer. It was very tough initially. It went through a lot of difficult times.

Being faithful is sticking with your partner no matter what. Working at it no matter what it takes. It is such a dogged attitude and a bulldog approach to marriage that God rewards.

Tell yourself and your spouse, we are in this for life and for the long haul.

May God grant us the strength to do His will.

God bless your marriage

I have a faithful heart. I don’t give up on my it no matter what

Lord grant me the grace to keep keeping on in my marriage

Heb 13:4 Have respect for marriage. Always be faithful to your partner, because God will punish anyone who is immoral or unfaithful in marriage.

Keep tilling the ground of your marriage

Heb 13


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