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SINGLES- The Anatomy Of A Faithful Man

Continued from yesterday

Here are a few things to note!

A faithful man is a trustworthy man. He is a truthful man! A truthful man is not deceptive. He is not magma of flowing wickedness within covered with the façade of a nice man and waiting to erupt.

A faithful man loves a lady genuinely for who she is and not for what she gives. A faithful man is not out to satisfy his lust only to discard the lady later.

A faithful man will not insist on pre-marital sex, nay, his love for God will not prevail on the lady to compromise her virtue and offend God.

A faithful man is the protector of the lady’s body. He is not one to take advantage of her femininity!

A faithful man is not a Samson that lacks self-control and would not mind using his anointing to desecrate the one he is meant to take care of.

A faithful man is not a Samson that will preach and move in the Spirit one moment only to end up frolicking with prostitutes and ending up on Delilah’s lap.

A faithful man is not an Amnon that would profess his love one moment passionately and then would rape a Tamar the next moment.

A faithful man is not a Uriah that loves his job more than his wife all in the name of loyalty and then died in the process!

A faithful man is not a Judas that would greet and beg you with a kiss as a friend when all he is out for is your body to be crucified!

A faithful man will not compete with his wife. He is secure and he is happy when his wife is progressing.

A faithful man loves and does not lust. A faithful man does not scheme. He does not suddenly give his life to Jesus in order to marry a naïve and unsuspecting child of God and then takes his life back from Jesus after getting what he wants.

A faithful man will not raise his hands against a lady. The fear of God will not allow it knowing that he would be shooting himself in the leg by doing that!

A faithful man is not a gold-digger. A faithful man is not getting married to a lady because of papers and documents. A faithful man follows God’s direction in his life. A faithful man does not marry for money!

A faithful man does not teach against sexual perversion on the pulpit only to be caught up continually with masturbation, pornography, and fornication and yet without repentance!

A faithful man does not double date. He does not take advantage of the fragile emotions of ladies.

A faithful man does not scheme and he does not pretend.

A faithful man is a Joseph that loves God and will say a big NO to compromise knowing that compromise can truncate his destiny.

A faithful man learns to run away like Joseph in the face of sexual pressure and will not start speaking in tongues at such times. He learns to flee and will not spiritualize it by saying “let us reason together!

The list goes on but I will stop here for now. You can add your definition in the comment box.

Stay blessed!

I am a faithful man/virtuous woman.

Lord, help me to become the person you have created me to be and let the faithful man/virtuous woman in me emerge

Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever. –Psalms 12:7 (KJV)

Commit every issue in your relationship into the hands of God

Job 35- 39


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