Every marriage that God instituted is a blessing. It should be viewed as such.
That it is a blessing doesn’t mean it is going to be perfect with no ups and downs. All marriages have their own challenges and we all have to make up our minds to press on and don’t give up.
If we believe it is a gift from God then we need to treat it as such. Treat it with such dignity and honor. Treat your marriage and spouse with respect.
Have respect for marriage. Always be faithful to your partner, because God will punish anyone who is immoral or unfaithful in marriage.
Heb 13:4
It is a special gift from God so have respect for it and treat it with some honor. Part of the respect and honor you give to marriage is being faithful to it as a covenant.
How faithful are you to this gift God gave you? It is a privilege being married and like any gift, you will give an account of how you used it.
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How faithful are you in thoughts, words, and actions? How faithful are you in ensuring you trade with this gift and multiply it? You start out in your marriage being small in every way. By being faithful, you multiply.
Faithfulness is not just limited to being moral and avoiding adultery. It is about being accountable and prudent with it. Like a wise businessman, trade with whatever God has given to you.
Do business and make sure you profit with the spouse God gave you. Till your marriage. Focus on making the most of it. Build your marriage and spouse.
Whatever good you desire and admire in other couples is also available to you. Be ready to work hard with your marriage. God is not promising there won’t be pressure, but don’t give up.
Dave Meyer was faithful in working at staying married to Joyce Meyer. It was very tough initially. It went through a lot of difficult times.
Being faithful is sticking with your partner no matter what. Working at it no matter what it takes. It is such a dogged attitude and a bulldog approach to marriage that God rewards.
Tell yourself and your spouse, we are in this for life and for the long haul.
May God grant us the strength to do His will.
God bless your marriage
I have a faithful heart. I don’t give up on my it no matter what
Lord grant me the grace to keep keeping on in my marriage
Heb 13:4 Have respect for marriage. Always be faithful to your partner, because God will punish anyone who is immoral or unfaithful in marriage.
Keep tilling the ground of your marriage
Heb 13