Should I Trust my Dreams? What do you do when you have dreams? Are dreams authentic enough to be acted upon?
I remember as a young man in my teen years, I was harassed with so many dreams. I was born again, but I didn’t know my rights. I would dream and find myself eating in dreams. I didn’t know whether it was negative or positive, but I was not fond of it at all.
I approached my pastors for help. They would pray but it continued. I met another pastor who said that I should forget about it and that maybe I didn’t eat well before I slept.
Another said if I take any deadly thing, it would not hurt me.
I believe all that, but I didn’t like that feeling. Should I Trust my Dreams?
One day, I got angry. I would have none of this again. I was a meeting as a University student. The Secretary General of the fellowship then (OVCF) was ministering in the person of Barrister Asorona Lawal.
Under a heavy anointing and word of knowledge, he called me out and said that oppression is over, waving his handkerchief at me.
And indeed, it was over. I use to read Psalm 91 every night then.
All those useless dreams stopped, in their place and I started dreaming about my future, about ministry, and about good things.
The reality was that I had a gift to dream. It is not one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, but you see it is a vehicle for the gift of the Spirit. For example, a word of knowledge can come through the vehicle of a dream.
I continued to dream, but these were now revelatory dreams. I knew so much through dreams and visions of the night.
In my final years in the university, I had over a hundred dreams of seeing myself ministering in meetings, healing meetings, churches, crusades, and all that. That God was calling me was not in doubt.
Before I proposed to my wife, I dreamt about her over fifty times in a period of over a year in different ways that I was convinced she was the one meant for me.
I had dreams and revelations about anything and everything. I would see myself holding my meetings before the meeting and everything that would happen would have been acted out.
I had dreams about my siblings who wanted to take the wrong steps in marriage. I saw people before I met them.
Then there were times I would have dreams, that practically had no meaning.
I told you all that to let you know that dreams can come from three sources:
1. From God
2. From the devil
3. From you (from a multitude of thoughts)
Gen 37:9 (KJV) And he dreamed yet another dream…
Should I Trust my Dreams? God can reveal His heart to you concerning relationships and marriage, but you cannot rely on your dreams alone!
The primary way that God will lead you is through inner witness.
God can also warn you about taking the wrong step in relationships and marriage in dreams.
But listen to this. You cannot trust all your dreams when you are not filled with God’s word and God’s Spirit.
It is God’s word that can cleanse your dream life. If you are not grounded in the word, the devil will exploit that gift and send conflicting messages to get you confused.
That is why an unbeliever can often have revelatory dreams, but his dream life will be convoluted, with confusing signals because the God factor is missing in his life.
The baseline is this, whatever gift you have, you must stay and live in God’s word consistently to keep that gift untainted.
You cannot build your ministry, life, relationship, or marriage around a gift alone. You cannot go ahead and ask a lady out because of one dream.
Let the word of God stabilize your dream life.
And if you don’t dream at all, you are not less spiritual. You only need to discover the pattern through which God speaks to you and learn to rely more on the inner witness.
God doesn’t love those that dream more than those who don’t dream. God is not partial. Everybody can access God’s plan and heart through the Spirit of God and through that inner witness.
Let me conclude with this:
Never take a consequential decision because of just one dream. Always pray in the spirit about any dream and for God to tell you the full import of those dreams that can often come in symbols, puzzles, and parables.
I pray that God will grant you more understanding.
Yesterday we looked at first discovering what your dream is concerning your future exploits. Today let’s look at how you can dream big.
First, pray to God for help because He knows all about your life, even before you were born…
“…you saw me before I was born. The days allotted to me had all been recorded in your book, before any one of them began”. Psalms 139: 16 GNB.
From the above verse you can see that God knows all about you. He knows what you will become, how you will do so, how far you will do so and more. That’s why He is the person you should speak to concerning this issue (your dream).
Also, as you think of what you want to become, how big do you see yourself walking in that role? If you have a gift for art, how far do you see your artworks going? Where will you display them? Will you have your own gallery or not? Will you create your own line of drawing or painting brushes or palettes? Learn to dream big!
Dreaming big is not being proud, it’s being truthful to yourself and what God has shown you about what your future holds.
“The Lord asked me, “Jeremiah, what do you see?” I answered, “A branch of an almond tree.” “You are right,” the Lord said, “and I am watching to see that my words come true.” Jer. 1:11-12 GNB.
Just like the Lord spoke to Jeremiah, He is also speaking to you. He has given you images, pictures, visions of what He has deposited in you and wants you to do. Be like the prophet Jeremiah and see what God is showing you.
Dream big! Dream the big dreams God has put in you. Don’t think otherwise. He is watching to see if you are following the dreams He has put in you.
May the eyes of your understanding be opened and may you see with the eyes of the Lord, Amen.
God, help me to see what You are showing me. Give me the grace to dream big. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Action plan:
Begin to write down the ideas you have about your dreams. Writing them helps you to keep in touch with your dreams.
A lot of people are at a loss when it comes to this issue of knowing who to marry. A large number are bothered that God has not ‘shown’ them anybody particularly or ‘spoken’ to them in clear terms, yet they have fallen in love with someone and they feel the peace of God about it. Can that be God? No dream, vision, voice, or any spectacular direction, yet it looks like it is God. Is that possible?
A lot more have believed the lie of the devil that God is not really with them in their relationship because they did not hear God tell them who to marry or see anything.
Well, God did not promise to show all of us a dream or vision. He did not promise that He would speak to all of us in an audible voice or in some spectacular way.
However God did promise that He would LEAD all of us!
My dear, that is all you need. Stop bothering yourself. You don’t need to hear a voice. You don’t need to see a dream. You don’t need to fall into a trance before knowing who to marry. The person that sees five dreams in a day is not more spiritual than you that sees nothing. In fact, for all I care, you that don’t dream at all may be more alert to hear God, because the one that hears God through dreams only will be knocked to sleep each time he needs to hear God. Imagine a brother that needs to make a decision, and then he tells you, give me some time, let me go and sleep!
Deliver yourself; stop being intimidated by some overly excited dreamer, allow God to lead you to who to marry the way He wants to. If you are given to dreams, that is great, but don’t feel superior to others around you.
So how do I know I am a child of God when I don’t dream, and I don’t have any spectacular encounter?
Here is the answer.
For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. (Romans 8:14 KJV)
There can be leading without some audible voice. All you need to do is to follow. The Lord is my shepherd!
Thank God for who He is that can abandon ninety-nine other sheep to look for me!
The real deal then is to be led.
God can lead you into a relationship without hearing a single voice or seeing any vision!
But you know you are led.
So, how do I know if I am being led?
How do you know you are really born again? How do you know Jesus really exists? Have you see him before? How do you know there is a God in heaven? Did you hear His audible voice or did you see Him in your vision seated on His throne with Cherubims and all that? Why then do you believe in Him?
Because you simply know within yourself that God is. You may not be able to prove it, but you just know in your ‘knower’ that God exists. You know in your ‘knower’ that Jesus died for your sin. You were not there in Golgotha with him physically, but you just know it happened deep within you.
That is what is referred to as ‘Inner witness.’
Inner witness! That is the primary way God speaks to His children. No voice, no vision, no trance, nothing, but just this knowing that comes with an unexplainable peace, too deep and assuring that you cannot put it into words!
Don’t let the devil come to you and tell you that the reason you have a troubled marriage is because you didn’t have any dreams or hear a voice about who to marry!
Do you know that when you have had twenty-five dreams about a particular lady and yet this inner witness is not there, you are not supposed to proceed? This inner witness, the peace of God, is most important!
See it described in the scripture
And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:7 KJV)
I like it particularly in Amplified version
And God’s peace [shall be yours, that tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ, and so fearing nothing from God and being content with its earthly lot of whatever sort that is, that peace] which transcends all understanding shall garrison and mount guard over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Did you see that? That peace of God, that transcends every understanding shall garrison and mount guard over your hearts and minds. Garrison! Mount guard! Those are military terms. That is exactly what happens when you allow the peace of God and you are led by Him. His leading is a like a soldier protecting you. You know why? God will never lead you wrong! Glory to God! He will not lead you into misery! Thank God for His leading.
God is the one that can re-order our steps when we have made mistakes; He is the one that will lead us into our wealthy place. Stay with God and you will never regret. Don’t be led by your feelings which can be fickle, be led by the Holy Spirit, and you will be protected!
This morning, as God’s servant, I speak God’s leading into your life. I speak His peace into your life! May you experience His leading in Jesus name!
CONFESSION FOR THE DAY I am a child of God. I am led of God
PRAYER FOR THE DAY Pray that God lead you by His peace
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY God’s Spirit beckons. There are things to do and places to go! (Romans 8:14 Message)
ACTION PLAN FOR THE DAY Read Kenneth Hagin’s book – ‘Following God’s plan for you life’