Your Guide to Beating Temptation

Your Guide to Beating Temptation

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Your Guide to Beating Temptation

Over the years, I’ve helped both single people and married couples with their problems. Let me tell you, dealing with issues related to sexual sins is one of the toughest challenges out there.

The grip of sexual sins can feel unshakeable, trapping people in cycles of guilt, shame, and compulsion. It’s a battle that tests your willpower and faith to the core. Many who seek guidance find themselves torn between fleeting desires promising quick satisfaction and the deeper longing for spiritual purity.

Imagine trying to climb a huge mountain; that’s what it’s like for anyone dealing with sexual sins. They get so caught up in it, like an ant trapped in a spider’s web, and it’s really hard to break free but beating temptation is very possible in God.

Breaking free from addiction and beating temptation demands a holistic strategy: prayer, accountability with trusted friends, and practical changes in daily life. It’s a journey that requires patience and empathy, understanding that setbacks aren’t failures but opportunities to recommit to recovery.

When I first started at KHC, it was super frustrating. Even after a lot of counseling and prayers, many people would just go back to their old habits. It felt like we weren’t making any progress.

We were all pretty confused until God revealed to me that sexual sins are often like spiritual traps. With God’s help, I’ve been able to guide people toward beating temptation with a kind of supernatural freedom from the spirit of perversion and deception behind these behaviors.

I’ve seen people cry and repent, only to fall back into sexual sins later. I’ve even counseled pastors who preached against these sins but struggled with them personally.

One time, I got a call about a leader who was making inappropriate advances on a church member during prayer at his branch.

I’ve also seen people fast for forty days to fight against sexual sins, but then they would just go back to their old behaviors.

Beating Temptation

Remember what it says in the Bible: “Sin won’t control you, because you’re not under the law but under grace” (Romans 6:14). No matter what you’ve been through, this truth stands strong. Jesus gave His life to free us from sin’s power.

Back in the day, people in the Old Testament used to cover their sins with animal sacrifices. Every time they messed up, they had to offer up an animal to make things right with God. But things changed when Jesus came. His death on the cross wasn’t just another sacrifice—it was the ultimate game-changer in beating temptation. His blood didn’t just cover our sins temporarily; it wiped them out completely. Imagine that—all your mistakes, gone, erased by His sacrifice.

So, now we’re not stuck under the weight of our wrongs. We’re free to embrace God’s grace, to experience real forgiveness and restoration. It’s not about trying to be perfect or earning our way to heaven; it’s about accepting what Jesus did for us and letting His love transform our lives.

So, let’s live like we’re truly forgiven like we’ve been given a fresh start. Because in Jesus, we find true freedom from sin and a new way of living that’s filled with hope and purpose.

Next, remember to ask God for forgiveness. He not only forgives but also forgets. It’s important to know that God doesn’t judge you; instead, He encourages you to turn away from sin.

Many people trapped in sexual compromise aren’t necessarily promiscuous but have endured abuse or trauma. It’s crucial to seek healing and not let past hurts control your future.

You don’t have to be controlled by sinful desires. With the Holy Spirit’s help, you can overcome these struggles and step into the future God has planned for you by beating temptation easily.

Take time today to pray for forgiveness and grace. Reflect on Psalm 125:4, and think about how you can make choices that honor God throughout your day.

Put The Body Under To Avoid Going Under

Put The Body Under To Avoid Going Under

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Man is a tripartite being. We are spirits, we live in a body and we have a soul.

The spirit communicates with God. The body communicates with the realm of the physical. The soul houses the will, the emotions and the intellect.

When we give our life to Jesus and we come to know Him, the spirit is regenerated, the soul is in the process of being renewed, but the body will be saved when Jesus comes back.

However, the voice of the body or flesh is loud. So loud that if left to operate, it will superimpose its lusts and cravings over the spirit, thereby leading into a cycle of failure and divers problems. The flesh has no gain or profit therein. None!

You will find that here in the scriptures.

It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

Joh 6:63 (KJV)

Amplified Bible says the flesh has no benefit. Take a look:

It is the Spirit Who gives life [He is the Life-giver]; the flesh conveys no benefit whatever [there is no profit in it]. The words (truths) that I have been speaking to you are spirit and life.

Joh 6:63 (AMPC)

Living in the flesh and taking instructions from the body conveys no benefit. That is quite instructive.

The next probable question is what then do we do to the body?

We are to discipline the body. And we do that by putting the body under!

But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.

1Co 9:27 (KJV)

You put the body under by not listening to its cravings and instructions. If you keep listening to the voice of the body, you can point others to God while not making it! That will not be our portion in Jesus name.

Decide to stop all habitual sins. Listen to your spirit rather than take instructions from the body.

May God grant you more understanding in Jesus name, Amen.

I put my body under.

Help me to put my body under oh Lord.

1 Corinthians 9:27 (TPT) but I train like a champion athlete. I subdue my body and get it under my control, so that after preaching the good news to others I myself won’t be disqualified.

Walk in the spirit.

1 cor 9


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Accept Discipline With Humility As A Child

Accept Discipline With Humility As A Child

Reading Time: 2 minutes

It takes the grace of God for you accept discipline with humility. The most natural way you would likely react would be to reject it instantly. Maybe, you spent longer than you should at a friend’s place and your mother grounds you.

“But, it was just 30 minutes” you say to her. Instantly your brows build up a storm on your face, your mouth shoots out, you fold your arms and turn an almost 180 degree away from your mother. This is not how to accept discipline with humility.

“Not just 30 minutes only, you also didn’t wash the dirty plates in the sink before you left,” your mum replies.

Just 30 minutes, but you stayed longer than you should and didn’t wash the plates also.

The first thing you should have said was “I am sorry, mummy.” That’s how to accept discipline with humility.
That alone would first make your mother calm down.

“I will wash the plates immediately.”
Another sentence that will douse the situation again. Then you can start to give your reasons for staying long, that is if they are tenable. If they are not don’t say anything. Accept discipline with humility.

Saying sorry is a sign of true humility. It shows you are sorry for your actions and are open to making amends for what you have done.

Here is what the bible says about people who are humble

“The Lord hates those who are proud. You can be sure that they will be punished. Psalms 149: 4 ICB.

“God is against the proud but he gives grace to the humble” James 4:6 ICB.

God doesn’t like pride because it is a sin. Pride in your salvation through Christ and as a God’s creation is good. Learn humility; accept discipline with humility.

Being proud is saying that you are above mistakes and therefore can’t and shouldn’t be corrected. As a child, you need to be always corrected.

May God give you a heart that is open to correction. Amen.

Lord, give me the spirit of humility through Your Holy Spirit. Teach me to accept discipline with humility. In Your mighty name I pray, amen.

Action point:
Remember to always apologise first before giving excuses.

Read yesterday’s article here


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Do What You Should Do As An Act Of Discipline

Do What You Should Do As An Act Of Discipline

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Now that you know what you should do, do it! Do what you should do! What is the change that you need to embrace? What is that thing or those things you need to start doing?

Knowing what to do and not doing it is a sin. Look at it here in the book of James

“And when a person knows the right thing to do, but does not do it, then he is sinning.” James 4:17 ICB.

Refusing to do the right thing shows both arrogance and ignorance of the things of God. Like we learnt in the last post that God hates the proud, God also hates feigned ignorance. So do what you should do.

Sometimes you can pretend to be ignorant of what you are supposed to do so as to fool the other person. You may fool the person, but not God. Remember that He knows and sees all things.

You are also telling God that you are not a sinner and saying God is a liar. But God doesn’t lie

If we say that we have not sinned, then we make God a liar. We do not accept God’s true teaching. 1 John 1:10 ICB

Making the changes that are needed is a sign that you value and respect the other person. Therefore learn to do what you should do.

When you apologise and start to do what you have promised to do, it builds more love between you and the other person. It also speaks well about you. You are seen as truly repentant and humble.

A word of caution though – don’t just do what you should do because you are asked to. Do it because it is the right thing to do. Don’t do it physically while in your heart you are rebelling, grumbling and hating every minute of what you are doing.

May God help you do what needs to be done. Amen.

Lord, give me the heart to do what I should do. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Action point:
Check your heart when you do what you are told to do.

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Accept Discipline As A Show Of Love

Accept Discipline As A Show Of Love

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Yesterday we began to look at discipline. Today, we will see how you as a child should accept discipline. The first thing you need to know is that your parents love and want the best for you. It’s only a child that is loved by a parent that is corrected and disciplined. So you need to accept discipline as a show of love.

Think of it like this; why would your parents remind you to brush your teeth every night before going to bed? They are not asking you to brush your teeth or that of your sibling or even theirs. It’s your teeth and you will carry them for the rest of your life in whatever condition you put them in.

So, if you brush them twice daily, you will enjoy perfect dental health in future. And if you don’t listen to their advice, you will have bad dental health as well as reap the consequences of it. The consequences include: a bad self-image, rotten teeth and gums, bad breath and more. You see that? So you need to accept discipline as a show of love.

Your parents discipline you out of the love they have for you, not hate like you would like to think. Just like God telling us not sin because sin in the end has consequences that can never benefit us in any way. It can only harm and destroy us.

“If you do good, I will accept you. But if you do not do good, sin is ready to attack you. Sin wants you. but you must rule over it.” Genesis 4:7 ICB

Also, knowing discipline is done from a place of love (when you accept discipline as a show of love) gives you the power to grow from being a person that doesn’t know how to do something to someone who does now. When you learn how to arrange and keep your clothes well, you have grown into a well-organised person.

“I correct and punish those whom I love. So be eager to do right. Change your heart and lives. Rev. 3:19 ICB.

Reciprocate the love of your parents by releasing yourself to discipline. And by doing so, you are creating for yourself an adult life filled with excellent values that help add to your society and church. Say to yourself right now: I accept discipline as a show of love.

I pray that your heart will be open and ready for discipline. Amen.

Lord, help me to see the actions of my parents towards me in light of the love they have for me. Help me to also obey you and receive your discipline because I know you love me too much to see me remain in sin.

Action Plan:
How about apologizing to your parents for disobeying them and thanking them for their love for you.

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