This is How To Make Decisions In Marriage

This is How To Make Decisions In Marriage

Reading Time: 2 minutes

This is How To Make Decisions In Marriage.

The power of decisions in marriage cannot be overemphasized. In life and of course in marriage, there comes a time when “we come to ourselves” like the prodigal son and make decisions. We could be inspired by our situation, events, people’s actions or inaction, the Holy Spirit or the Word of God.

Today, I want to encourage some one to take time and ‘come to yourself ‘ and take a decision for a positive change in your life and marriage.

Make up your mind to be whole. Let the Holy spirit mend all your brokenness.

This is How To Make Decisions In Marriage. Decide not to be a victim any longer. Decide to live life to the fullest in God. Decide to enjoy everyday life. Decide to live for God because ultimately, it is Him you are answerable to. Decide to be the right spouse. Decide to be good. Decide to live the Christ like life. Decide to be compassionate, kind and humble. Decide to be a quick forgiver. Decide to clean up your thought life. Decide to forgive an offense and not dwell on it. Decide not to hurt. Decide to allow God fight for you. Decide to love your spouse fully. 

You fill in the gap and make that decision in your life and marriage that will bring about that change you so much desire

Remember, the power of your decision is great. Let nothing and no one distract you from your decision. 

This is How To Make Decisions In Marriage. May God strengthen us. God bless our marriage

I decide to life the victorious life. I decide to be happy. I decide to be who God said I am.

I receive Grace and strength to make quality decisions

So, chosen by God for this new life of love, dress in the wardrobe God picked out for you: compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, discipline. Be even-tempered, content with second place, quick to forgive an offence. Forgive as quickly and completely as the Master forgave you. And regardless of what else you put on, wear love. It’s your basic, all-purpose garment. Never be without it.  Colossians 3:12 – 14 MSG

Make that decision that will make you better today

Col 3


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Dear Singles, Back-Up Your Prayers With Tough Decisions

Dear Singles, Back-Up Your Prayers With Tough Decisions

Reading Time: 3 minutes

It is good to follow the peace of God in your heart and not just your flesh.

It is good to stay in joy in the Holy Ghost; which is expressed always with your shout, dance, laughter, and singing.

This is how you get into the kingdom. This is how you get a spouse in the kingdom.

It is not just in spending unnecessary money all over the place. It is not just in making a decision because you saw the hips.

This thing goes beyond the pulchritude. It extends beyond the externals. It is not in partying all over the place, it is never in meat and drinks.

The believer that will get anywhere in God must be disciplined. Fast at least once a week. Leave the meat and the drinks alone.

How do you tell me you are a child God and you do all the alcohol, you smoke, party, and you do all that the unbeliever do? Something is not quite right there!

You may succeed in hiding the masturbation, pornography, and all the secret sins from your pastor, but those sins are so loud in heaven! And that is where your blessings come from, not from your pastor.

Do you want to please your pastor while you don’t care what God thinks? That is dangerous!

Fear God o!

Your thoughts are louder in heaven than your voice on earth! The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.

The hips, the lips, and the trips are really important but never concentrate on that alone at the expense of God. When you leave God out, you are inviting crisis and storms.

You can live right with the help of the Holy Spirit. Ask Him to help you!

Then, take decisions. You cannot be asking the Holy Spirit to help you from sexual sin and then on Friday, you pack your load to go and spend the weekend in his place! That is mocking God and His word! And it is not a good place to be.

Your prayers must be backed up by tough decisions. Tough decisions about your destiny! 

Some numbers must be deleted. Some associations must be severed.

You keep saying she is the one seducing you and yet you keep visiting her every night. No, you are the seducer o!

You have been in several relationships. All of them were sexual. All of them broke up. The pattern is clear enough! Stop ignoring the obvious and take charge of your destiny.

It is not only sex that can lead to breakups. There are relationships that were non-sexual and yet broke up!

It could be you rushed into it, it could be your attitudes, it could be anger problem, and it could just be that is not God’s best for you.

There are good men that could be wrong men for you. There could be a good lady, and yet she is the wrong one for you.

The baseline is to get close to God. The Holy Spirit will lead you through His peace in your heart.

Leave the meat, drink, fun, and all of that for a while and concentrate on the threefold cord that runs through the kingdom of God.

May God give you more understanding in Jesus name!

We break the power of iniquity in your life in the name of Jesus. I release God’s peace, shalom, nothing missing, nothing broken, to surround you in Jesus name!

I pray that the joy of the Lord is yours today and forevermore!

I refuse to mock God in any way

Lord, help me to live with your fear in mind

Rom 14:17(MSG) God’s kingdom isn’t a matter of what you put in your stomach, for goodness’ sake. It’s what God does with your life as he sets it right, puts it together, and completes it with joy.

Decide to do it God’s way

Rom 14


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Making The Right Decisions In The New Year

Making The Right Decisions In The New Year

Reading Time: < 1 minute

For a while now, we have been talking about right decisions. Hope you have been following closely. The reason we are dwelling on this topic is because the way you begin the year matters a lot.

It’s noteworthy to point out that it’s four days into the year already, so much has happened in just three days. I hope you aren’t planning to flow with the tides?

What decisions have you made for the year? Or do you plan to live every day as it comes?

If you want a fruitful year, it’s not too late to set your goals for 2022.

Here are a few things you should consider:

1. Wake up early every day to say a word of Prayer before setting out for school;

It is wrong for you to leave your house without first communicating with your maker.

2. Make sure to read your Bible every day;

Do you remember the Sunday school song ‘read your bible and pray every day if you want to grow’?

3. Be committed to showing love to everyone around:

God made everyone, so show love to everyone.

4. Respect your parents and everyone else:

Do you remember what the scriptures say about showing respect to your parents?

Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.Ephesians  6:1

5. Do your best at everything:

Do not live a life of mediocrity. Go for the best.

With these few things, you are set for an amazing year already.

God bless you as you do.

Lord, help me to make the right decisions this new year.

Action point:
Talk to your parents or guardians. Let them help you follow through with your decisions.

I make the right decisions this year in Jesus name, Amen.

Read yesterday’s article here


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Dear Wife, Pray For Your Husband

Dear Wife, Pray For Your Husband

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The phrase ‘pray for your husband’ is not a cliché. It is something you should do as a matter of responsibility. This is because the man, who is the head of the home, is saddled with the responsibility of taking certain decisions from time to time. A wrong decision can put the family ten years behind. Conversely, the right decision can propel the family.

One major area you should focus your prayer on is those surrounding your husband. You see, a man doesn’t just cheat on his wife. Someone close to him must have suggested it to him. A man doesn’t wake up from sleep one morning and begins to beat up his wife. Somebody somewhere around him must have suggested it to him.

It’s good to pray for the business of your husband. How about his friends, business partners? How about those with which he sits on a daily basis to make decisions?

Let’s see a story from the bible.

The king threw a party, and being in high spirits, wanted to show forth his wife’s beauty to all and sundry.

On the seventh day, when the heart of the king was glad with wine, he gave orders to Mehuman, Biztha, Harbona, Bigtha, and Abagtha, Zethar, and Carcas, the seven unsexed servants who were waiting before Ahasuerus the king, ‎That Vashti the queen was to come before him, crowned with her crown, and let the people and the captains see her: for she was very beautiful. ‎But when the servants gave her the king’s order, Vashti the queen said she would not come: then the king was very angry, and his heart was burning with wrath.

Est 1:10-12 [BBE] ‎

The king was very angry, and the next thing he did was consult those who were closest to him.

And the king said to the wise men, who had knowledge of the times,… ‎What is to be done by law to Vashti the queen, because she has not done what King Ahasuerus, by his servants, gave her orders to do?

Est 1:13a,15 [BBE] ‎

Are you trying to tell me the king did not know what was to be done by law? No, he knew exactly what to do. He only needed the input of the wise men who were probably his cabinet members.

If they had advised the king otherwise, he would have done their bidding.

It’s beautiful when you pray for your husband, but don’t stop there. Pray for those surrounding him, so that one day, they won’t advise him to make a decision that will affect you negatively.

“So if it pleases the king, here is a suggestion: Let the king give a royal command and let it be written in the laws of Persia and Media. The laws of Persia and Media cannot be changed. The royal command should be that Vashti is never again to enter the presence of King Xerxes. Let the king also give her royal position to someone else who is better than she is.

Est 1:19 [ERV]

May your royal position not be given to someone else!


I will go the extra mile in praying for my husband.

Ask God to surround your husband with the right people.

Est 1:19 [CEV]Your Majesty, if you agree, you should write for the Medes and Persians a law that can never be changed. This law would keep Queen Vashti from ever seeing you again. Then you could let someone who respects you be queen in her place.

Pray for your husband

Esther 1


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How Your Decisions Today Will Affect Your Marriage

How Your Decisions Today Will Affect Your Marriage

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The transcendency of your present decisions is a blunt truth and reality that should set you thinking before doing anything!

Where you were born was never your decision, it was the decision of your parents, who were even influenced by their own parents.  This brings home the resounding truth, the decisions you are making now, even as a single, will affect your children and your children’s children! This then calls for caution, since your decisions will affect several lives that are still locked up in your loins.

The choice of your spouse, the strength of your service to God, the kind of lifestyle you are living now, all have a significant effect not just on you but on others around you because it’s not only about you.

This is why it becomes really important to consider every decision well before you take them. Even more interesting is the fact that whoever you are identified with or whoever you decide to follow can affect your life, and conversely, whoever follows you will be affected by your decisions.

Take a look at this scripture:

“So Saul died, and his three sons, and his armourbearer, and all his men, that same day together.”

(1Sa 31:6, KJV)

Saul was the one that disobeyed God. He was the one that refused to follow God’s instructions. But he did not die alone.  When he was going to die, his three sons died, his armor-bearer died, and then ALL HIS MEN, of which we do know their number!

All these people who died did nothing wrong other than following a man who did something wrong. Because of one man’s wrong decision, others innocent folk died with him.

Do you now see why you have to study that person well before you marry as it’s not just about you? Ultimately, marriage wedges destinies together and changes the course and direction of life!

Be wise!

God bless you.

Have a great day!

I will not make a wrong decision

Ask the Lord to help you make the right decision.

1 Sam 31:6 (CEV) Saul was dead, his three sons were dead, and the soldier who carried his weapons was dead. They and all his soldiers died on that same day.

Study that person well before marriage.

1 Sam 3


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