Dealing With Bad Thoughts

Dealing With Bad Thoughts

Reading Time: 2 minutes

You must learn to deal with bad thoughts, because your thoughts create your words. How do your thoughts create your words?

For example, because someone stepped on your toes in class and refused to say sorry, you begin to dislike the person. 

As you think those bad thoughts, the enemy tells you that you can act out those thoughts physically.

So if you wish for the person to trip and hit her head on the table, you could actually say it out loud.

You could say something nasty, that would make her cry of feel ashamed or something worse.

That’s how your thoughts affect your words. It’s like a volcano that is ready to erupt.

It spills out everything in it without any thought for those around it. It doesn’t care if its lava burns anyone.

More like you. You don’t care if your words hurt the other person. You feel hurt and just want to hurt the other person back.

You want them to feel as much pain as you do too. If not more than you do, as the case is sometimes.

Again you might argue that the other person caused it. Yes, they did you wrong but you had a responsibility to chose your words well.

Careless words stab like a wound. But wise words bring healing Prov. 12:18 ICB

The only way to show God how much you love Him is by obeying Him. Are you obeying God with your thoughts and words?

May God give you the grace to speak sweet and kind words to even those who hurt you. Amen.

Lord, Jesus, I need your help with my words. Help me to deal with my thoughts so I can speak positive and life-giving words, even to those that offend me in Your mighty name I pray. Amen.

Action point:
After dealing with your thoughts and words, how about apologizing to someone you said some unkind words to? Try it.

My words are kind and soothing.

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How To Guide Your Thought Pattern

How To Guide Your Thought Pattern

Reading Time: < 1 minute

You should learn to guide your thought pattern. Let’s take a look at a relay race. Have you ever watched a relay race before? Four people in a team will have to complete a set amount of distance, each covering a distance before passing the baton to the other person.

This continues till the last person takes the baton and finishes the race. The last person holds all the chances of the team either winning or losing the race.

Now, imagine your THOUGHTS, WORDS, and ACTIONS as members of a relay team. Who do you think will start the race? Who will be in the middle and who will end the race?

Be careful about what you think. Your thoughts run your life. Prov. 4:23 ICB

Your THOUGHTS will definitely start the race because they are what inspires or fires up the rest. Their speed is an advantage to the team. They birth the whole process and come from deep within you.

If you don’t teach them to run within the lines of the racetrack, they will run the race as they like and hamper the chances of the team winning the race.

Lord, help my thoughts, words and actions start and finish their relay well in my mind, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Action point:
Check your thoughts always, watch your words, don’t jump into acting instinctively. Pray about these three areas.

My thoughts are guided by the word.

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How To Guard Your Thought Pattern – Part 2

How To Guard Your Thought Pattern – Part 2

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Yesterday, we talked a bit about your thoughts, and learnt that we should guard our thought pattern. Today, we will talk about your words and actions. Your WORDS receive the baton from your THOUGHTS. They continue the race but if your thoughts leave the racetrack, they make your words run the same way.

Your words do as they like also and continue to the race.

Your ACTIONS finish the race. Whatever way your actions pass the baton to them is how they will finish it. If the baton is received wrongly, the race will end in a disaster.

Disaster can only be averted if the race starts well with your THOUGHTS good and passing the same goodness to your WORDS who pass this same goodness, finally to your ACTIONS, who end it healthily.

The only way to have a healthy ending is if you know and remember what the word of God says about your thoughts, words, and action.

To obey God is a sign that you love Him. And God likes it when we obey Him. It makes Him bless us more and more.

Be careful about what you think. Your thoughts run your life. Prov. 4:23 ICB

May the Lord help you with your thoughts, words, and actions. Amen.

Lord, help my thoughts, words and actions start and finish their relay well in my mind. Let me guard my thought well in Jesus’ name. Amen

Action point:
Check your thoughts always, watch your words, don’t jump into acting instinctively. Pray about these three areas.

My thoughts, words, and actions are guided by the word of God.

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Showing Acts of Responsibility

Showing Acts of Responsibility

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Have you started taking responsibility? I remember when I was little and my mother gave me some money to buy fish from the market. When I got to the woman selling the fish, I couldn’t find the money I was given. Guess what happened when I got home? My mother was angry and scolded me for losing the money.

Why do you think my mother was angry? Was she right to be angry? The answer is “yes”. 
It was my responsibility to keep the money well. It was in my possession and I should have kept it well. I was trusted to keep it safe and get what I was sent.

Responsibility means doing what is expected of you and accepting the consequences for either doing or not doing these things. This means that as a child, there are things you are meant to do, say or keep. Things you will be responsible for. And as you grow older these things increase in size and time.

“Each person should judge his own actions. Then he can be proud for what he himself has done. Each person must be responsible for himself.” – Gal. 6:5 ICB

The bible verse above says that you are to judge your own actions, check if you are proud of what you do and that you should be responsible for yourself. In other words, are you proud that you are responsible or not? Judge yourself.

May the Lord give you enlightenment about being responsible. Amen

Lord Jesus, I open my heart as I learn about responsibility. Help me to keep my heart open. Amen.

Action point:
Ask your parents what your responsibilities are if you don’t know them. if you do, as the bible verse said, are you proud of your actions?

I am a responsible child.

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How To Handle Anger – Your Actions Are Important To God

How To Handle Anger – Your Actions Are Important To God

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Your actions are important in dealing with anger. Jesus told the disciples to go into the world and share the Good News with all people.

“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to all creature.” Mark 16:15 KJV

This command is carried out by Christians through evangelism. They move from one place to another telling people about Christ. Now, with the internet all over the place, evangelism has moved from physically moving about to just pressing a button to disseminate a message worldwide. What this means is that your actions are not just about you; they are also about Christ.

Imagine someone says something nasty to you and quickly, you reply to them with much the same words or actions they meted out to you. What if the other person isn’t a Christian? Or a baby Christian? How do you think they will think of you?

“Oh, and he is a Christian.”
“He says he is born-again; look at his actions.”
“His parents are pastors.”
“He is a member of the choir.”

These are some of the thoughts that would cross their minds. These thoughts are judging you (your actions) as a Christian, because you are supposed to show Christ in your actions. Yes, people will push you to do or say things you wouldn’t do normally, but you still have to remember that you are a light that points others to Christ. Your actions matter!

May you receive the strength to hold back and let Christ be revealed through you. Amen.

Before you respond in anger again, remember that your actions matter… and that you are representing God on earth. I pray that your actions will always show forth Christ.

Lord, Jesus, make me a continual light guiding people to you. Help me to resist the urge to lash out in anger. Help me to take charge of my actions. In your mighty name, I pray, amen.

Action point:
Pray and meditate on bible verses that show how to tame your tongue.

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