Transform Your Marriage With These Ten Ideas 

Transform Your Marriage With These Ten Ideas 

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Transform Your Marriage With These Ten Ideas 

I want to share ten pieces of advice that can contribute to a flourishing relationship or marriage.

1. Cherish Each Other Always

Avoid the trap of taking your spouse’s love and efforts for granted. Whether it’s paying the bills or preparing meals, acknowledging and appreciating each other’s contributions is vital for a joyful marriage.

As lovers in a relationship, learn to compliment and appreciate one another. 

2. Minimize External Influences

External factors, such as in-laws, friends, colleagues, and family, can impact your marriage. While everyone plays a role, exercise wisdom in managing external influences to prevent unnecessary burdens on your relationship.

For singles in courtship, embrace counsels and do to isolate yourselves. 

3. Establish Family Goals

Having a common vision for the family fosters unity. Work towards achieving shared objectives, whether it’s a project, a vacation, or any other aspiration that binds both partners together.

While in courtship, set goals and exclude physical intimacy at that stage. 

4. Check in on Each Other’s Fulfillment

Don’t assume your spouse is always content. Regularly discuss career, goals, dreams, and aspirations to ensure you’re both fulfilled and can support each other’s growth.

5. Foster Transparency, Eliminate Secrets

Avoid the pitfalls of keeping secrets. Open communication builds trust, so be transparent about all aspects of your life, including finances. Shared knowledge prevents misunderstandings.

6. Cultivate Best-Friendship

Strive to be each other’s best friend. Engage in open conversations, share laughter, and enjoy recreational activities together. Marriage is more than a serious commitment; it should also be a source of joy.

7. Open the Financial Book

Maintain transparency in financial matters. Share details about income, expenses, and investments. This transparency not only builds trust but also ensures accountability.

8. Let Forgiveness Prevail

Address grievances promptly, preventing them from escalating into deeper issues. Avoid harboring resentment and practice forgiveness. Controlling your temper and choosing words wisely are essential for a peaceful marriage.

9. Measure Your Words

Words are powerful; they shape your marriage. Be cautious about what you say to your spouse. If you wouldn’t want to experience it, don’t say it. Your words should reflect the love and commitment you share.

10. Seek Wisdom from Respected Mentors

Having a mentor both partners respect can be invaluable. Seek guidance from experienced individuals during challenging times. Their wisdom may provide the insight needed to navigate various aspects of married life.

May these insights contribute to the success and longevity of your marriage. Blessings to you all.

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Spice Up Your Marriage With Laughter

Spice Up Your Marriage With Laughter

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Spice Up Your Marriage With Laughter

Let’s face it, the pressures of life can strip away the joy and laughter from our marriages. When couples succumb to life’s demands, their relationship can transform into a mere cohabitation, lacking the vitality of shared laughter and joy. 

Important conversations become the only discourse, leaving no room for lighthearted moments. Tension looms, and the marriage becomes a tedious routine.

The impact of allowing life’s pressures to take a toll on marriages is profound. Unaddressed pressures can lead to a cascade of issues, from anger and harsh words to late nights, seeking solace in ungodly friendships, and even the risk of emotional entanglements with the opposite sex.

Amidst life’s pressures, couples must learn to lean on each other for spiritual, emotional, physical, and financial support. It’s a time for mutual support and encouragement, where kind words, appreciation, and affirmation play a crucial role. This is also the time when intimacy becomes not just a desire but a need—a means of ministering to each other.

During challenges, laughter becomes a powerful tool. It is therapeutic and healing, adding value to the relationship without costing a dime. 

Couples can creatively infuse laughter into their homes, finding joy amid adversity.

Psalm 2:4 reminds us that “He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh.” 

Learning to laugh in challenging times invites God’s power into the situation. Laughter becomes a declaration of trust in God’s ability to change circumstances. It shifts the focus from the present situation to the belief in God’s capacity to turn things around.

In those moments, couples find the strength to trust in God’s mercy, restoring their fellowship with the divine. Laughter becomes a conduit for grace, allowing couples to draw strength from the throne of grace. Through laughter, couples can rediscover God as their Shepherd, leading them beside still waters and restoring their souls.

May you find refreshing laughter in your marriage during times of pressure, trusting in the Lord’s ability to bring joy and resilience.

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Avoiding Distractions As Lovers And Couples

Avoiding Distractions As Lovers And Couples

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Avoiding Distractions As Lovers And Couples.

We live in a world where it is so easy to be distracted.

It becomes increasingly difficult to focus on particular things per time not to talk of focusing on a particular person.

We get distracted by our changing desires, the information available to us, and the influence of social media.

We are confronted daily with making choices or remaining steadfast to the choices we have made.

Our relationship is not left out in the battle for our focus.

Lovers find it more difficult to commit to the pledge to love each other and end up as husband and wife.

The level of trust is gradually diminishing.

Relationships do not seem to have the old-time solid foundation of trusting each other.

Here are five ways to avoid distractions and focus on the one you love.

1. Celebrate yourselves

Remember the good virtues you first cherished in the one you love.

What you celebrate will increase in value.

If you keep talking about how lovely your boo or bae is, it helps you to be more endeared to him/her.

2. Avoid emotional attachments

Don’t enjoy the company of the opposite sex to the extent that you are getting emotionally attached.

Avoid all forms of emotional attachment no matter how enjoyable it seems. The emotional attachment is a distraction.

3. Avoid seeking pity

Don’t report your boo or bae to the opposite sex to engender pity or sympathy.

A relationship or secret affair may start

4. Stay on the Word

Keep focused on the word God gave you before you started the relationship.

That word becomes the anchor of your soul.

That word is strong enough to keep you away from every form of distraction and keep you focused.

5. Be sensitive

Avoid all forms of unsolicited care, attention, and kind gesture from the opposite sex.

Any gift given by a secret admirer can lead to distraction soonest if not tamed.

Learn to say No, to certain unnecessary kind gestures.

Know how to discern between favor from God and the devil’s trap to distract you from your God-given relationship.

As a guy don’t be unnecessarily kind to a lady who is not your bae especially if you are already in a relationship!

May God give us more understanding!

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Before and After Tying the Knot

Before and After Tying the Knot

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Before and After Tying the Knot

Embarking on the journey of marriage demands careful consideration and preparation to ensure a smooth and joyful experience. Just as travelers aim to travel light, couples should shed any unnecessary baggage that could hinder their marital voyage. This article explores three key areas that individuals should address before saying ‘I do,’ emphasizing the importance of a solid foundation for a blissful marriage.

1. Shedding the Weight of Laziness

Marriage is a venture for the mature – spiritually, mentally, and physically. The vitality and ability to work play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy marriage. For wives, managing the household involves substantial effort, and laziness can detrimentally impact the family dynamic.

The ability to cook, for instance, is not just a skill but a responsibility that, when neglected, can expose a husband to external influences. Even with assistance, wives should not completely delegate their responsibilities, as multitasking becomes essential when children enter the picture.

Husbands, too, must embrace hard work to sustain the family. Poverty often plagues families when the husband lacks motivation, is complacent, or fails to set and achieve goals. Before entering into marriage, individuals must relinquish lazy tendencies and commit to being proactive contributors to their family’s well-being.

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2. Transitioning from Singlehood to Marriage

Marriage necessitates a departure from certain single lifestyle habits. Late nights and prolonged socializing with friends are examples of behaviors that should be left behind. Successfully merging two lives requires a willingness to let go of the old to embrace the new.

Some individuals mistakenly attempt to maintain a bachelor or spinster lifestyle while enjoying the benefits of marriage. For instance, a wife accustomed to simple meals like cornflakes and noodles may need to adapt to prepare more elaborate dishes when her husband desires a higher culinary standard. Compromise is essential, especially when both partners have hectic work schedules.

3. Embracing Responsibility

Responsibility is the cornerstone of a successful marriage. The commitment extends beyond personal desires to encompass the well-being of the spouse and family. Married individuals carry the weight of their family’s concerns in all aspects of life, influencing decisions and actions.

Married life demands a responsible approach, and societal expectations reflect this. Dressing inappropriately, for instance, contradicts the expected behavior of a married person. Travel decisions, too, must be made with consideration for the impact on the family. Being responsible in various aspects of life contributes to a harmonious and fulfilling marital journey.

In conclusion, a successful marriage requires intentional efforts to address crucial aspects before taking the plunge. By shedding laziness, transitioning from singlehood, and embracing responsibility, couples can build a strong foundation for a lifelong partnership. This ensures a journey filled with patience, understanding, and the shared goal of a blissful and enduring marriage.

Conquering Sexual Pressures with Wisdom

Conquering Sexual Pressures with Wisdom

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Conquering Sexual Pressures with Wisdom

In a world filled with complexities, the tug-of-war between succumbing to sexual pressures and resisting its allure is an age-old struggle. Understanding the underlying reasons can empower you to make informed decisions. Let’s delve into the dual facets of desire and means that often fuel these pressures.

1. Desire: Embracing the Temptation

The first catalyst behind yielding to sexual pressures is desire. It emanates from an intense attraction, where the visual allure of the forbidden promises to satiate profound longings. The sin whispers promises of satisfaction, and the heart, captivated by what it sees, is enticed to take a plunge.

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2. Means: A Solution to Pressing Needs

The second motivator is the perception of sex as a means to an end. It becomes a tool to resolve immediate need, be it financial, a pathway to promotion, a sought-after gift, or a form of retaliation. In this context, the pressure is not just a desire but a calculated move to fulfill a specific need.

Navigating the Dilemma: A Choice to Make

Whether driven by desire, means, or a blend of both, it’s crucial to recognize the pressure for what it is, an external force vying for your surrender. Remember, you are the arbiter of your decisions.

1 Corinthians 10:13 provides solace, affirming that no temptation is insurmountable. God, a steadfast ally, ensures you won’t be pushed beyond your limits. Despite being hard-pressed, you are not destroyed, for the divine within you surpasses worldly pressures.

Overcoming Pressure: A Decision Solely Yours

Drawing inspiration from the lives of Joseph and Samson, individuals with great destinies, we see divergent paths chosen when faced with sexual pressures.

Samson’s Regrettable Choice

Despite divine favor and a prophesied birth, Samson succumbed to the momentary delights of sin, forfeiting his destined greatness. His inability to master his desires led to a tragic detour.

Joseph’s Resolute Stand

In contrast, Joseph, lacking supernatural announcements, faced organized sexual pressures with determination. He chose to flee, recognizing the value of his destiny over momentary pleasures. His decisiveness and refusal to compromise became the pillars of his victory.

Mastering Sexual Pressures: A Proactive Approach

Joseph’s method is instructive, dealing with sexual pressures headlong. Make decisions that prioritize the future over fleeting pleasures. Mastering these pressures involves valuing your destiny, and preserving it at all costs.

A Prayer for Strength and Wisdom

In closing, let us seek divine grace, strength, wisdom, and courage to navigate the complex landscape of sexual pressures. May our choices not disappoint heaven, and may God establish and honor us as we stand firm against these pressures.

You will not miss your path, and in Jesus’ name, may you be established and honored by the divine.