The Foolish Lover 

The Foolish Lover 

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Foolish Lover 

Foolishness is not something you want to court in any way. 

Being married to a foolish person is a decision to afflict oneself for a long time. 

It is therefore in order to prayerfully approach marriage. How do you even know a person is foolish? 

We have all made some foolish decisions in the past, or some foolish mistakes, but to habitually live foolishly is no virtue at all.

The Foolish Lover 

Let’s look at a few ways you can know a foolish lover

 Resistance to wisdom and discipline 

Pro 1:7 (AMPC) The reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord is the beginning and the principal and choice part of knowledge [its starting point and its essence]; but fools despise skillful and godly Wisdom, instruction, and discipline. [Psa 111:10]

A foolish lover will have no regard for the pursuit of wisdom. 

A foolish lover takes no instruction from anyone. 

A foolish lover thinks they know it all.

A foolish lover feels insulted when their spouse in advising or correcting them 

A foolish lover has nobody correcting them. Not even their parents.

A foolish lover hates discipline with a passion. They are submitted to know one, and they take instructions from know one. 

Marrying a fool is like entering one chance!

Your only resort would be to continue to pray!

The Foolish Lover 

How do you recognize a fool?

Pro 15:2 KJV The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright: but the mouth of fools poureth out foolishness.

A fool has mouth diarrhea. When they open their mouth, foolishness will emerge.

Take a look at The Message Translation:

Pro 15:2 (MSG) Knowledge flows like spring water from the wise; fools are leaky faucets, dripping nonsense.


Fools are leaky faucets, annoyingly dripping nonsense. 

Imagine living, surrounded by nonsense?

It is the reason you want to “shine” your eyes before making a marital decision, and not just because of some hot legs or some bum!

What if you are already married and you feel…

Rule No 1; Never call your spouse foolish!

Rather prayerfully approach how you can turn things around. Read a book together, discuss sermons after church, lovingly bring up the issue of mentorship…and so on.

Good morning!


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Lovers’ Danger Zone Exposed

Lovers’ Danger Zone Exposed

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Lovers’ Danger Zone Exposed

There is a place lovers or couples should not get to! This place is terrible, defeating, frustrating and despicable to say the least!

It is a place where God does not want you. It is a place where the devil and the “people from your village” want you! 

It is a place where God doesn’t want you because in that milieu, favour s lost, prayers are wasted, efforts are futile and life is unrewarding.

It is a place where the devil wants you because it creates a loophole for him and gives him straight access into your life! 

Lovers’ Danger Zone Exposed

Where is this place?

It is a place where all the butterflies that used to flap their wings at the sight of your loved ones have all lost their wings and can’t fly again! 

It is a place where the sound of joy is gone and only lamentations can be heard.

It is a place where rejoicing has withered and only sounds of apathy are left

It is a place where there is no more agreement between the couple, and all they do is quarrel, throw tantrums, and suspect each other.

It is a place where couples live as singles and singles live as couples! 

Lovers’ Danger Zone Exposed

Singles in courtship or married couples, never get to where you no longer love each other, where you are irritated at each other at the slightest interaction, and where the love has moved from exotic to toxic!

Refuse to cooperate with the devil to cause havoc in your life, rather cooperate with God to bring favour and increase into your life 

Gladly follow the path of forgiveness and stop stifling the faith process, which is the avenue through which God will reach you.

Embrace His mercy by being merciful to one another and overlooking offences, rather than brooding on them! 

Stay together, love one another, and refuse to yield to those lustful and adulterous thoughts that are designed to ruin your love story! 

May your story remain glorious and not become a story that touches the heart! 


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His Tender Love And Care 

His Tender Love And Care 

Reading Time: 2 minutes

His Tender Love And Care 

The greatest thing that can happen to a person is to genuinely have someone that really cares for you! If you have someone like that, who loves you unabashedly, unashamedly, and unrepentantly, then you are blessed!

You can literally rest in that tender love and care knowing that your back is covered. 

But when you have been betrayed over and over again, it becomes difficult to trust again. Sometimes, we have allowed the betrayals we have experienced to obfuscate the tender love and care of God toward us.

His Tender Love And Care 

The below story illustrates how far God can go to show His love for us!

Numbers 11:18-23 (MSG)  
“Tell the people, Consecrate yourselves. Get ready for tomorrow when you’re going to eat meat. You’ve been whining to GOD, ‘We want meat; give us meat. We had a better life in Egypt.’ GOD has heard your whining and he’s going to give you meat. You’re going to eat meat.  

[19]  And it’s not just for a day that you’ll eat meat, and not two days, or five or ten or twenty,  

[20]  but for a whole month. You’re going to eat meat until its coming out your nostrils. You’re going to be so sick of meat that you’ll throw up at the mere mention of it. And here’s why: Because you have rejected GOD who is right here among you, whining to his face, ‘Oh, why did we ever have to leave Egypt?'”  

[21]  Moses said, “I’m standing here surrounded by 600,000 men on foot and you say, ‘I’ll give them meat, meat every day for a month.’  

[22]  So where’s it coming from? Even if all the flocks and herds were butchered, would that be enough? Even if all the fish in the sea were caught, would that be enough?”  

[23]  GOD answered Moses, “
SO, DO YOU THINK I CAN’T TAKE CARE OF YOU? You’ll see soon enough whether what I say happens for you or not.”

His Tender Love And Care 

Moses doubted God if he could take care of them in the wilderness. 600k men besides women and children needed meat!

And God asked, “So you think I can’t take care of you?” Of course, He did, and they took meet till it came of their noses!

God is asking the same question today! 

Your relationship, marriage, or whatever the situation is, do you think God can’t take care of it?

Well, I have good news for you today!

God will take care of you! Rest in His care! Stop worrying and learn to trust in Him! Trusting in Him will unleash the reality of His love and care over you! 

Whatever anguish, agony, or pain you are going through, have a conversation with God this morning and express your trust in His care, and then you will see the reality of that care!

I pray for you, God will take care of you in Jesus’ name!

Good morning! 


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Why Lovers Break Up

Why Lovers Break Up

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Why Lovers Break Up

Happy New Month! This month will be a glorious month for us all. God has been good. We just have six months to go this year! May God honour you and yours this month in Jesus’ name!

We all grow up with certain habits.

If they are healthy habits, praise God.

If they are unhealthy habits, you have a lot of stuff to confront and deal with.

Your habits eventually form you.

Your habits determine your attitude temperature.

For example, a person who grows up in a polygamous setting would have certain habits and outlook on life.

Such a person will be suspicious of everybody. Everybody is a suspect. The fighter in such a person is always on alert. The person lives with his attack and defense on overdrive all the time.

Now, those kinds of habits seem right because the person has had those habits for a long time.

But the reality is that the fact that you’ve had those habits for long does not make them right.

Let’s just pick one deadly habit that would ruin any relationship.

What exactly is it?

When you have a Whisperer as a friend!

Why Lovers Break Up

Proverbs 16:28 (KJV)  
A froward man soweth strife: and a whisperer separateth chief friends.

Wow! Read that again and again!

Let’s break this down.

I think the scriptures are just too loaded. And very practical.

God sure knows His children!!!

A froward man or troublemaker sows strife. We all know that strife is dangerous.

How does he do this?

He does this by “whispering”

A troublemaker sows strife as seed through words, whispering.

Beware of a whisperer.

The Yorubas have a not-too-nice name for it – “Gbeborun!”

A whisperer is ineffective until he or she has a fellow whisperer.

Never allow a whisperer to make you his dumping ground. You are not a refuse ground!

If you are in a relationship and you have a whisperer friend, that relationship may not last because the goal of the whisperer is to separate chief of friends.

His unwritten goal is to break that relationship.

Why Lovers Break Up

Who is a whisperer?

He or she is the gossip!

That is how the Message Translation describes it.

Proverbs 16:28 (MSG)  
Troublemakers start fights; gossips break up friendships.

Do you have a friend who is a gossip? Or are you the gossip?

You will unconsciously mess up your own relationship and others’ relationships if you are not careful.

A whisperer or gossip will end relationships.

The whisperer gossips about everybody, gossips about parents, pastors, friends, and just anybody.

One whisperer can throw a church apart because he or she doesn’t just talk, he SOWS strife and whatever is sown grows!

I will stop here this morning.

Once again, Happy New month… and well, say bye-bye to all whisperers as the new month begins.


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Leaving To Cleave In Love

Leaving To Cleave In Love

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Leaving To Cleave In Love  

Gen 2:24 (KJV)
Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

The words “Leave” and “Cleave” stick out inside the above verse.

An understanding of these words will substantially help us in our marriage!

The word “Leave” means to loosen, relinquish, permit, and forsake

It is a complete departure. But it is in no way a disconnection.

The man has to do the leaving.

Without leaving, there’ll by no means be a successful marriage.  

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All undue interference and manipulation from the dad and mom or in-laws ought to be minimized.

The word “Cleave” means cling or adhere; to catch by pursuit: – abide, follow close (hard, after), be joined (together), and pursue hard

Allegiance has to shift from parents to your spouse.

This is what marriage is.

Leaving To Cleave In Love  

Your spouse comes first from the wedding day.  

Your spouse takes precedence.

Your mum is another man’s wife, not your wife.

Your own spouse needs to be your priority.  

Cleaving means to catch by pursuit, so you never stop pursuing your wife.

You keep at it, even after the wedding.  

In the pursuit lies the cleaving.  

The guy is to cleave unto HIS OWN wife!

Trying to cleave to some other guy’s spouse will bring in marital disaster.

It also means to follow close. Leaving To Cleave In Love  

Be joined and connected to her emotionally and otherwise. When things appear not to be going right, you don’t give up.   This is what it means to cleave.


You don’t pack your stuff and start singing songs of divorce when there is a little provocation.

This is what cleaving is.

It is much like your relationship with God.

You are to cleave unto Him and not try to depart when matters seem not to be going your very own way.

Leaving God and refusing to cleave will complicate issues, and that is the same thing in marriage.

You are to cleave for life!

Any attempt to leave is a tearing part that would be painful. 


Stay with each other no matter what.

Cleaving means that you are dedicated to each other.

It means sharing with each other on the deepest level.

It means enjoying each other and supplying warmth for yourselves.

Ecc 4:11 (KJV) Again, if two lie together, then they have heat: but how can one be warm alone?

I pray that God will grant understanding.

Your marriage will not suffer a crisis.

Your marriage will not lose that godly steam.

I pray that God will pour new wine into your marriage and cause the love between you to come alive!


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