How Lovers Can Communicate Better

How Lovers Can Communicate Better

Reading Time: 2 minutes

How Lovers Can Communicate Better

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Back to our discourse for today. The greatest lover of our souls is God Himself! What has He been trying to do? It’s just one thing! To keep communication with us! 

In a world filled with constant distractions, communication is the cornerstone of any successful relationship. Effective communication is not just about talking; it’s about understanding, empathizing, and connecting with your partner on a deeper level. 

This devotional aims to provide you with invaluable insights into how lovers can communicate better, enhancing the quality of their relationship and, ultimately, bringing them closer together.

How Lovers Can Communicate Better

The Power of Active Listening

A major aspect of effective communication is active listening. It’s not merely waiting for your turn to speak but genuinely absorbing what your partner is saying. 

I used to be right on this table! I would just be looking for something with which to give a resounding logical reply without actually listening! Can you imagine? Listen well and deliberately and you will connect more with your spouse! 

When you actively listen, you show respect and empathy, which are key ingredients for successful communication.

Practice active listening by maintaining eye contact, nodding in agreement, and asking open-ended questions. This creates an open and inviting atmosphere for your partner to express themselves.

How Lovers Can Communicate Better

Choose Your Words Wisely

Words can cut and lacerate! Words can proceed as weapons of massive destruction tearing everything apart that it collides with. It can also be an agent of peace, a tool of tranquility, and a wrath killer! How are you using words with your spouse?

Words have a profound impact on our relationships. A thoughtless phrase can lead to misunderstandings and even conflicts. To communicate better with your partner, it’s essential to choose your words wisely and speak with kindness and consideration.

Before speaking, take a moment to reflect on your thoughts and emotions. This will help you communicate in a calmer and more composed manner.

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The Power of Words: Shaping Your Destiny

The Power of Words: Shaping Your Destiny

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Power of Words: Shaping Your Destiny

In today’s devotional, we delve into a timeless principle rooted in scripture, one that holds the key to daily victories in our work, relationships, marriages, and life. This principle is none other than the profound impact of the words we speak.

Proverbs 13:2-3 (KJV)
(2) A man shall eat good by the fruit of his mouth: but the soul of the transgressors shall eat violence.
(3) He that keepeth his mouth keepeth his life: but he that openeth wide his lips shall have destruction.

The Life-Altering Power of Spoken Words

The words that flow from your lips possess an extraordinary ability to shape the course of your life. 

In the words of Jesus Christ himself, 

It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life” (John 6:63, KJV).

From the moment of birth, the very act of making sounds signifies the commencement of life. As infants grow into toddlers, the development of language is a significant milestone, marking their progress. 

Words are the tools that enable us to express our thoughts and intentions. Even in romantic relationships, the exchange of words is the foundation upon which love and commitment are built.

The Power of Words in Relationships

Marriage, a sacred covenant, relies heavily on words. On the wedding day, vows are exchanged, binding two individuals in love and commitment. Yet, the importance of words doesn’t diminish after the ceremony. 

In fact, in marriage, the continuous exchange of loving words is essential to maintain and nourish the relationship. Words have the power to uplift, encourage, and fortify the bond between partners.

The Spiritual Significance of Words

In the spiritual realm, the influence of words is even more profound. The devil understands the potency of words and often attempts to inundate our minds with negative thoughts, hoping we will give voice to them. Once spoken, these negative words can become our reality. However, we rebuke such negativity in the name of Jesus.

Choose Your Words Wisely

Today, I implore you to reflect upon the words you utter daily. The scripture from Proverbs 13:2 teaches us that by controlling our mouths, we safeguard our lives. 

Avoid making statements that can potentially mar your life. Phrases like “I don’t understand my life” or “I am very confused” should not be part of your vocabulary. These words can invite negative forces into your life.

Words in Relationships

In your relationships, particularly with your significant other, be cautious of the words you use. Refrain from calling your partner derogatory names or making hurtful remarks. Words have the power to uplift or wound, and it’s vital to use them with love and respect.

Potential spouses, remember that your words can either build or destroy your partner. Treat each other with kindness and consideration. There is a significant difference between being a supportive spouse and one who inflicts pain with words.

Words and Parenting

Parents play a crucial role in shaping their children’s futures. What you call your children can act as a prophecy for their lives. Avoid negative labels and instead encourage and support your children to become their best selves.

Seek Help When Needed

If you find yourself enduring verbal abuse in a relationship, whether as a single person or within a marriage, don’t accept it as the norm. Seek help and counseling, as abusive words can have severe emotional consequences. Remember, marriage does not inherently change anyone; it is essential to address such issues before they escalate.

The Final Word

In conclusion, words hold immense power over our lives. They can either create or destroy. Choose your words wisely and speak life into your destiny and the lives of those around you.


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The Effect of Faith In Marriage –Part 2

The Effect of Faith In Marriage –Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes


Continued from yesterday.

Let’s look at this scripture below well. We will see the faith process. Whether you are believing God for babies, contract, prosperity, or general well-being the process of faith must be completed.

For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. –Mark 11:23 (KJV)

Let me analyze the faith process here.

1. You must speak to your mountain. Don’t speak about it, speak to it. Address it because you have authority.

2. Speak and give direction to the mountain.

3. Don’t allow doubt in your heart.

4. Believe that you have what you SAY.

5. Then, You will have what you say.

6. Thank God in advance. The faith process is not complete until you thank God by faith for your answers.

The big question is, what are you saying about the situation you are trusting God to see changes?

Do you pray?  Declare God’s word and then begin to worry?

Its time as believers to begin to exercise our faith against the attacks of the enemy. Any issue the enemy brings our way is an attack on our faith.

We can deal with the enemy by exercising our faith.

Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.  –Ephesians 6:16 (KJV)

With our shield of faith we quench every fiery darts the wicked one throws at us.

When we have issues in our marriage, issues with our spouse, or our in-laws, it is not the person that is the issue. It is the wicked one stirring up issues to steal your joy, peace, prosperity and health.

Rise up in the authority of the Lord and hold up the shield of faith against the fiery darts of the wicked one. There is victory on the other side of faith.

God bless your marriage in Jesus name.

I have faith in God, my words align with what I believe God for

Pray and ask God to give the grace to be steadfast in faith

For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith. –Romans 1:17 (KJV)

Study Hebrews 11

Exodus 5-6


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Listening To The Voice of God

Listening To The Voice of God

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Let’s enjoy the story about Funmi, as we look at listening to the Voice of God. Funmi asked her mother for some money but her request wasn’t granted. When her mother went to the kitchen, Funmi quickly took money out of her mother’s purse. 

She felt good knowing that she had money to spend with her friends at school. Her friends always had lots of money to spend at school and she didn’t want to be any different. 

But she kept having a feeling. As much as she was happy, the feelings of happiness were slowly dwindling.

What could it be, she wondered. Soon, she began to feel bad about taking the money.

A voice kept telling her it was wrong of her to have taken the money. It kept telling her she had stolen the money.

But I didn’t steal the money, Funmi said to herself. It’s my mother’s money and she has lots of it.

Funmi was hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit.

When you sin, the Holy Spirit convicts you of it. He speaks to your heart and tells you what you did wrong.

When the Holy Spirit speaks to you and can convict you to the point where you change your ways or confess your wrongdoings, you are still in a safe zone. You still have a conscience. 

Funmi didn’t spend the money at school that day or went with her friends to buy things. She felt bad about taking the money and knew what she had to do – tell her mother the truth, ask for her forgiveness, and never steal again in her life.

May the Holy Spirit give you a healthy conscience. Amen.

Sweet Spirit of God, thank you for the power to convict me of all sins. Please give me a heart that will listen and obey you in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Action point: 
Has the Holy Spirit ever spoken to you about something wrong you did? How did you respond? Did you do what He said or not? Decide to always listen to and obey His instructions.

My conscience is not seared. I listen and obey the Holy Spirit. 

Read yesterday’s article here


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One Important Ingredient Every Marriage Needs

One Important Ingredient Every Marriage Needs

Reading Time: 2 minutes


“Hullo dear, have you slept?”
“No, I have not, I am listening! I heard the last thing you said.”
The truth is that you have dozed off. 

It has happened to me many times, and I am sure it has happened to you as well. My wife is talking to me on the bed, and I have dozed off. I am trying to listen to her because it is a legitimate need of hers, but the son of man is tired!

Somebody said women speak more words than men. A man speaks an average of ten thousand words in a day, but a woman speaks about twenty-five thousand words! There are exceptions, though.

The man is back from work and he has probably exhausted his 10,000 quota since he derives his self-esteem and fulfillment from work.

By the time he is coming back home, he is done for the day, words have been spoken with friends, colleagues, clients, employers, employees, on the phone and so on. He wants to come back home, eat, listen to news, check a few mails, make love to his wife and sleep!

The wife too has probably exhausted 10,000 words at work, but by the time she is home, she still has 15,000 words bubbling in her! It is even worse if she is a housewife! She has nobody to talk to and so people around her say she nags, making repetitions and all that. 
The fact is that she needs to talk!

So the wife asks her husband 
“How was work today?” 
He answers “Fine!” If he is in a good mood, he adds a few more words like, “oh baby, my day was cool, Thank God!”

She is worried he is not talking, but the guy is in no mood to talk.

The husband asks the wife, “how has your day been? And he regrets afterwards!
That was all she needs to unleash the words that have been brewing in her like a molten magma. The volcanic eruption of words is so massive; the guy wants to walk away. So she starts from when she woke up, and goes on and on, and the man is wondering:
“What did I ask, what is she narrating!”

You see, that is a woman for you and you must not mute her or shut her up! Let her talk! Don’t make a mistake of shouting her down all the time or quieting her! It is a legitimate need of hers.

When a woman has no fear of God and this legitimate need of hers has not been met, she might succumb to the traps of the devil and get that legitimate need met through illegitimate means, which of course will be detrimental to the marriage and the home!

There are people out there who are waiting to capitalize on your insensitivity to your wife and take advantage of that emotional gully created by lack of communication.

You see, a lady becomes emotionally connected to the person she talks to!

To be continued…

My mouth is full of right words. The opening of my mouth is unto wisdom and grace.

Spirit of God, fill my mouth with right words over my spouse, children and family

(Pro 18:4) The words of a man’s mouth are as deep waters, and the wellspring of wisdom as a flowing brook.

Fix a time for a hearty discussion

Matt 14


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