Practical Ways To Break Free From Soul Ties

Practical Ways To Break Free From Soul Ties

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Yesterday, we spoke extensively on the issue of soul ties. I explained how they are formed.

This morning, I will show you practical ways to break free from soul ties and mistakes of the past.

As singles, you should learn to put your body under. Your body ought not to dictate to you. Rather, you are to allow your spirit to gain ascendancy over your body! It is very possible to stay off a sinful lifestyle because the scripture is emphatic when it said, “Sin shall not have dominion over you.”

How do you break soul ties from past sexual mistakes?

1. Ask God to forgive you of the mistake

2. Repent and make up your mind not to do it again.

3. Fast and pray and ask God to severe every bonding and soul ties

4. Disconnect from such a person. Stop all the calls, chats, and pings.

5. Psalm 23 says, “He restoreth my soul!” Ask God to restore your soul

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6. Stop living in sin. Jesus told that woman, “Go and sin no more!”

7. Patiently wait for the salvation of God in your relationship. Don’t be hasty. Cooperate with God’s plan.

8. Believe that God has a plan for you and that the plan will become a reality.

9. Keep reading and studying God’s word. Your mind will be renewed over time. For example, if you can follow this devotional consistently, your mind will be renewed in this area and you will get to know a lot of things and be prepared for marriage. A lot of people have testified to that.

I pray for you this morning that God will grant you more understanding.

Right now, I exercise my authority as God’s servant, I break every form of soul ties that may exist in Jesus name.

I destroy every plan of hell over your destiny, I declare you free from consequences of past mistakes and I ask in the name of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit, that your soul be restored now to God’s desire for you as an individual and in your relationship in Jesus name!

I am free because whosoever the son of man shall set free is free indeed!

I destroy and severe every form of soul ties in Jesus name

“Or do you not know and realize that when a man joins himself to a prostitute, he becomes one body with her? The two, it is written, shall become one flesh. But the person who is united to the Lord becomes one spirit with Him.” (1Co 6:16-17, AMP)

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How Soul Ties Are Formed And How To Break Free

How Soul Ties Are Formed And How To Break Free

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Sade and Tony have been engaged for only three months. But in the short time they were together, they could not remember as many times as they have had premarital sex. They practically used it to greet each other anytime they get to see.

But when they quarreled after three months, they parted their ways and went differently.

Somehow, they kept thinking of each other. They had moved on differently and each of them even have new relationships but they kept on thinking of each other.

What happened to them?

The reality is that they have what is called “soul tie!”

This is what sex does! How does this happen?

In marriage, sex brings a bonding between the couple, because that is one of the purposes of sex. It cements the couple and joins them together at the highest possible level. Their souls become knitted together. They become one. They are glued together, and God says nobody should put them asunder.

But outside marriage, there is also a bonding. It is just that it is another kind of bonding. It is an illegal bonding that gives access to the operation of demonic entities in one’s life. It is called soul ties.

This is what the scripture is talking about here:

“Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbid. What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh.”

(1Co 6:15-16, KJV)

Can you see that?

In sex before marriage, the two people also illegally become one body! They are not married, but there is an illegal bonding that gives access to legal operations of demonic activities because of disobedience.

Did you miss out on yesterday’s devotional, we’ve got you covered. Kindly go HERE. For KHC video Devotionals, kindly go HERE

Message Translation puts it this way:

“There’s more to sex than mere skin on skin. Sex is as much spiritual mystery as physical fact. As written in Scripture, “The two become one.””

(1Co 6:16, MSG)

So we see that this is spiritual. As a matter of fact, when you get involved in sex with someone, you are actually having sex with everybody that person has had sex with! It is not uncommon to see a person suddenly stealing after being intimate with someone that steals!

There is nothing like casual sex. Nothing is casual about it, it is spiritual. There is nothing like one night stand. One night stand can lead to an eternity of woes and damnation.

There is nothing like a quickie outside marriage. One quickie and one’s destiny can be quickly set back by five years or more! This is just the reality!

You see, you need to understand that as a child of God, the devil is trying to trip you. And a lot of people have been tripped. Yes, you can ask for forgiveness, and God will forgive you and cleanse you but when you keep getting careless and you make this a habitual lifestyle, then you are cooperating with the devil for your destruction. It is as truthful as that.

So, what do you do?

I will conclude tomorrow. Don’t miss it.

I am free because whosoever the son of man shall set free is free indeed!

I destroy and severe every form of soul ties in Jesus name

“Or do you not know and realize that when a man joins himself to a prostitute, he becomes one body with her? The two, it is written, shall become one flesh. But the person who is united to the Lord becomes one spirit with Him.” (1Co 6:16-17, AMP)

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How To Love Your Fiancée With Tender Loving Care

How To Love Your Fiancée With Tender Loving Care

Reading Time: 3 minutes

There is nothing wrong with loving your wife or wife-to-be. There is nothing wrong with thinking about her. In fact, the scripture advises you to do that. Before you say hurray, however, there is a way you love your fiancée and there is a way you love your wife.

Let thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy youth. Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou ravished always with her love (Proverbs 5:18-19 KJV)

This is talking to married people and not singles in courtship. It didn’t say, rejoice with the fiancée of thy youth or with your wife to be…

So verse 19 clearly establishes that God does not want you fondling and caressing each other. That is always the beginning of compromise.

When two people who are genuinely in love start petting each other, they will always do more and more each time they meet until they find themselves entangled in the web of compromise. It is called the law of progression and it happens all the time.

I know how your body feels when you are in love. I was once in love back then on the campus in the early nineties, and oh my God! Your body is mostly on fire!

You can continue to spiritualize it and deceive yourself that nothing can happen until you find yourself messing up. Or you can tell your fiancée, please, you have got to help me. I am in love with you and this is how my body feels. We must not compromise. Always caution me, if I am being inappropriate! And sometimes, it is the lady that needs to say that to the guy!

You see, when you do that, you are consciously protecting your destiny and preserving your relationship with God, which is what will make your relationship work out and lead to marriage!

How do you love a lady appropriately?

1. You are the protector of her body and her virtue
A good man will say from the very first day, “I love you dearly and because of that, I have a strong physical desire each time I see you, but we will not compromise. We will obey God’s principles in order that our courtship is protected. We will put our bodies under.

I will not allow my body to take charge and give me direction, I will allow my spirit to gain ascendancy and I will not lose my testimony. You make up your mind to wait and not compromise. That way, trust will be established and your intending marriage will be founded on a good foundation.

2. Never lift your hands against her
I have heard cases of singles in courtship that have been beaten severely by their fiancé. I have also had a few cases of ladies who slap the guys.

Well, you shouldn’t cope with any form of physical abuse on any level in your courtship. Don’t suffer silently thinking it will get better after marriage.

Deliver yourself like a bird and fly! If he is used to donating a few slaps here and there for you, and you still cling to him in sexual lust, something is seriously wrong. It is either he controls you with his money or there is a soul tie effected through pre-marital sex.

Whichever way, you need to deliver yourself quickly! Don’t go through all of life been treated like a doormat. You have a destiny to fulfill and don’t allow anybody to play the role of “God” in your life.

I am not being inappropriate. I know how to love my fiancee

Pray that God will give you the grace to always put your body under

For the ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord, and he pondereth all his goings. (Proverbs 5:21 KJV)

Decide how you want to love your fiancee

Num 3-4


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How To Severe Soul Ties And Be Made Free From Illegal Relationships

How To Severe Soul Ties And Be Made Free From Illegal Relationships

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Soul ties can be brought about by compromise.

One of the purposes of making love with your spouse is to establish bonding at the highest level. However, when this is done with someone you are not married to, a bonding also takes place, but it is an unhealthy bonding because it is spiritually illegal, a direct violation of God’s injunction, a sin unto God, and unto one’s body. Rather than soul harmony that happens with married couples, what happens is a soul tie that tends to suck one more into the compromise.

What if I make just one mistake; is a soul tie formed? The answer is yes because the devil doesn’t need many mistakes, he only needed one to get you into trouble. You give the devil an inch, he takes a mile!

That is why the Bible says:

Eph 4:27 AMP
Leave no [such] room or foothold for the devil [give no opportunity to him].

Just one mistake of David with Bathsheba, an intrigue and tragedy of murder, lies, deception and death of a baby were what ensued.

So what do I need to do to break a soul tie?

1. The first thing you have to do is to genuinely repent of the mistake and decide to stop the act.

When you say you have repented of a particular sin, and the next day, you visit the same person and announce that you only came to say hello, knowing fully well that one thing will still lead to another, then you have not really repented. When you say you have repented and then he comes visiting the following week, and then you start cooking Rice and Beans for him when it is already late in the night, then you are just playing games with your destiny, because you sure know what will happen afterward.

And you know, God cannot be mocked. You can fool your pastor or parents, but don’t even think you can fool God. Don’t even nurse that idea because it is not possible. You need to understand that God does not only listen to the words of your mouth as you cry and say that you will never do it again, He looks into your heart and knows whether you are just acting or you are truly and genuinely repentant. This then determines the release of His mercy that can suspend judgment and overrule damning consequences. His mercy endureth forever.

What does it mean to repent?

It means a change of mind and a turn around. You don’t go back there again!

You want to break soul ties? The first thing is to repent genuinely.

2. The second thing to do is to forgive yourself and forgive the person that has wronged you.

When you are genuinely repentant, God forgives and forgets!

Heb 8:12 KJV
For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.

Take a look at the Message translation:

Heb 8:12 MSG
They’ll get to know me by being kindly forgiven, with the slate of their sins forever wiped clean.

That is God for you! He is a merciful God. He is your father. He will forgive….well that is understandable…but forget? How is that possible?

I am not talking about amnesia here, that is a disease of forgetfulness. I am talking about when you genuinely repent, the blood of Jesus cleanses you and gives you right standing with God as if you have never committed that sin! It is not as if the sin is still lurking somewhere in some hibernated corners of God’s brain (if there is anything like that) where it can be retrieved later, like restoring a file from recycle bin, it is that the sin is permanently and divinely shredded and does not exist again. There would be no records again and you become like you were before God before you ever committed that sin!

You are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus! Your slate is wiped clean, your life becomes anew, and you become new specie!

Well, of course you know that genuine repentance is not when you are habitually hooked to a particular sin…and you keep asking for forgiveness everyday. That is not true repentance, you are just trying to pacify your conscience and it is a dangerous state to be in.

So upon genuine repentance, God forgives and forgets! But do you know where the problem is? You have to forgive as well. Forgive the person that wronged you if that is the case, and then forgive yourself! That is very important. This stage is necessary in order to break soul ties and move on with your life! After asking God for forgiveness, stop going back to ask again because there is no record again. You have been cleansed, so rise up as the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus that you are!

I pray for you this morning that you will indeed come to the knowledge of that which Christ has done for you in Jesus name. Every where there has been illegal soul ties, God will deliver you.

I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus

Pray that wherever there have been wrong soul ties, God will deliver you.

For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. (2 Corinthians 5:21 KJV)

Study the word ‘Righteousness’ in the New Testament

Prov 4-6


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