Lessons From the Five Loaves and Two Fishes

Lessons From the Five Loaves and Two Fishes

Reading Time: 2 minutes

One of the greatest miracles Jesus performed in the bible was when he fed more than five thousand people with five loaves and two fishes.

I am sure you have read this story in your bible storybook. How awesome do you think that must have been for Jesus disciples and the people that ate the bread and fish?

Let me show you what I learned from this story of five loaves and two fishes.

“…We have here only five loaves of bread and two fish,” they answered.  “Bring them here to me,” he said. And he directed the people to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over. The number of those who ate was about five thousand men, besides women and children. –Matthew 14:17-21 (NIV)

1. Jesus directed the people to sit down. As children of God, God wants you to be orderly, even Jesus needed people to be orderly before he performed the miracle.

2. Jesus gave thanks to God. Thanksgiving is very important for us as God’s children, learn to give thanks at all times. That’s how to multiply your sweet and biscuit, thank God for providing for your parents, and then thank your parents for buying you things you like. Always be grateful.

3. The disciples obeyed Jesus. Obedience is very important; God wants you to obey your parents and those older than you. In fact, there is a blessing attached to obeying your parents, the bible says if you do, your days will be long.

After over five thousand people ate from five loaves and two fishes, there were leftover of twelve baskets full, don’t you want that kind of blessing for you and your parents? Be orderly, give thanks and stay obedient and God will keep blessing your parents because of you.


Father in the name of Jesus, help me to be orderly, obedient and always thankful in Jesus name. Amen.

Action Plan:

Take time to thank God for your parents.


My children are full of gratitude and obedient at all times.

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Respecting Your Parents As Children

Respecting Your Parents As Children

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Hello dear, it’s another time to learn from God’s word. Today, we will be talking about respecting your parents.

Respect simply means, the ability to recognize and appreciate the rights, beliefs, practices, and differences of other people.

It simply is acting in a way that shows you care about others’ feelings and well-being.

One of the ten commandments given in the Bible says; Honor (respect) your father and mother so that your days will be long.

That’s to further show you that it is the will of God for you to respect your parents.

How Can You Show Respect To Your Parents?

1. Always obey their instructions

2. Do not at any point talk back at them

3. Keep a good attitude when you are corrected

4. Do your house chores accordingly

5. Pray for them always

6. Talk to them often, ask about their jobs

7. Help out at their business places if you are allowed

8. Pay attention to what you are taught in school, so they can get value for the money they spend on you

9. Respect them in the presence of family and friends

10. Be a good child always.

I hope that with these tips, you will be able to please your parents in the coming days.

See you here tomorrow, have a fun-filled day! Amen

Ask for the Grace to remain obedient to those above you.

Action Point:
Show some respect to your parents.

I am an obedient child.

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How Children Can Learn By Obedience

How Children Can Learn By Obedience

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Hello dear, trust you had a good night’s rest! Today, I will be sharing with you a very important topic. We’ll be talking about obedience!

What is obedience?

Obedience means to do whatever is asked of you out of respect and love for whoever gives the instruction.

It is always good to obey whatever you are told to do. Obedience isn’t doing part of what you are told to do, if you do that it’s counted as disobedience.

As God’s child, he wants you to be obedient at all times, and in all things.

Do you know that Adam and Eve disobeyed God and they were sent out of the garden of Eden? Disobedience always comes with bad consequences.

Not only do you have to be obedient to God, but you also have to obey your parents, teacher, and everyone above you.

When you disobey these people, just like Adam and Eve you will be punished for your wrong acts.

Why you should always be obedient?

1. God loves obedient children and he desires that you obey him at all times

2. Disobedience brings punishments. There is always a punishment for every act of this obedience

3. Your parents will always be proud of you. If you obey your parents they will always be happy with you and also proud of you.

4. God commands that you are obedient. It is God’s commandment that you are obedient at all times.

5. There is always a reward for obedience.

Dear Lord, help me to be obedient at all times. Amen

Action point:
Decide to be obedient henceforth.

I am an obedient child.

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Dear Single, Does Your Lover Truly Love You? – Part 2

Dear Single, Does Your Lover Truly Love You? – Part 2

Reading Time: 3 minutes

How will you know if your lover truly loves you or not?

  1. He will love God first

This is the first acid test to know whether a man would really love you appropriately or understands what love is.

Listen to me, guys, you will never be able to love a lady the right way until you love God first.

You don’t love a woman with money alone or with fame, otherwise, the love tangos of celebrities should have been successful, but that is not always the case. The fundamental cause of marriage failure among them is that they don’t know God.

God is love and love without God is no love, it becomes lust

Is he a God-lover? If he has issues with loving God, he will have issues with loving you. True love can only be shed abroad in your heart by the Spirit of God.

It is only the God factor in a man that won’t allow him to lift up his hands against his wife in the days on anger.

Will those days come? Yes, they will come, but what will restrain a man from the tendency of beating and battering his wife is that fear of God.

So then, Pastor, how do you know a man that loves God?

a. He would want to obey God always.
If you love God, you will keep His commandments. That is what Jesus said. He wouldn’t be insisting on pre-marital sex.

b. He will serve God with his time. He wouldn’t be too busy to serve God in any capacity.

c. He will serve God with his finances. He will not struggle with tithe. That is how you know a man that really loves God.

d. He will listen to his pastor or mentor. If a man loves God, he wouldn’t have problems with the servants of God.

Did you miss out on yesterday’s devotional, we’ve got you covered. Kindly go HERE. For KHC video Devotionals, kindly go HERE

e. He doesn’t joke with his devotional life. He knows that is the source of his strength in God.

f. He will not manipulate your emotions or try to use you. The fear of God in him would not allow all that.

g. He will not be “okay” with habitual sins. He will be uncomfortable with offending God in anyway.

h. He will not be able to accommodate strife for too long. He will be forgiving and will not be comfortable quarreling for extended number of days without feeling bad about that attitude.

I can go on and on but those are just a few.

At the background of all these, however is the fact that nobody is perfect, and nobody will have it all. You will never be able to see a man that has it all. We are all “works of project” in the making.

So there may be mistakes here and there, but you will see signs of genuine repentance and willingness to make adjustments.

At the height of all these, do you have peace? If you have peace, then go ahead, irrespective of some imperfections. When I say, imperfections, I don’t mean consistent habitual sins!

I am led by the Spirit of God

Lord, teach me in the way to go and guide my feet into your plans

“No one who abides in Him [ who lives and remains in communion with and in obedience to Him—deliberately, knowingly, and habitually ] commits (practices) sin. No one who [ habitually ] sins has either seen or known Him [ recognized, perceived, or understood Him, or has had an experiential acquaintance with Him ].” (1Jn 3:6, AMP)

Read 1 Cor 13

1 cor 13


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My Children Are Taught God’s Law

My Children Are Taught God’s Law

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Children are taught, and therefore they can be taught God’s Law. God is interested in the way we handle and train our children.

He gave laws to the people of Israel and commandments to the descendants of Jacob. He instructed our ancestors to teach his laws to their children.

Psa 78:5 (GNB)

God is a God of continuity. He perpetuates His covenant and extends it to our children.

He expect us as parents to teach our children and show them Gods ways.

In fact, he commands us to do so. It is a responsibility and a God given assignment we must not fail to do.

We keep teaching our children God’s word as a matter of priority. What we teach them is what they become. They give us peace when they are taught God’s ways. Children are taught, and therefore they can be taught God’s Law.

May God help us train our children well. Amen

Lord, help me to teach my children your law.

Action point (parents):
Be intentional about teaching God’s word to your children.

I teach my children God’s way. They do not depart from these teachings. They are rooted and grounded in the Lord. My children are godly. They are used of the Lord. They dream, see visions of the Lord and prophesy.

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