I Want A Handsome Man

I Want A Handsome Man

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I Want A Handsome Man

She woke up with a start.  

Impulsively and almost uncontrollably, she bellowed “The blood of Jesus!”

His face scared her a little.

She had forgotten she got married a day before!

I want a handsome man!

He has to be fine!

I want a TDH – Tall, Dark, and Handsome!

Yes, all these are okay, handsome men are cool.

Besides, who wants to marry a man who makes you scream “the blood of Jesus” when you wake up in the morning as you behold his face?

You want to wake up in the morning, take a look at his face, and be filled with the Holy Ghost afresh, burst out in singing in tongues!

Isn’t that more wonderful?

However, handsomeness is not only about the face but also about the heart!

What is the point of a handsome face sitting upon a wicked heart? Click To Tweet 

And yet, this has been the lot of not a few!

There are handsome men who are wicked.

There are handsome men who are cheats.

There are handsome men who are evil.

There are handsome men that are rapists.

There are handsome men who are adulterers.

But there are handsome men who are good men and faithful men.

That is what you should pray for, that is what you should trust God for, that is what you should aspire for, and that is what you should settle for.

The face is the pulchritude, the heart is the hidden man.

Find out about the hidden man before you fall in love with the face.

His behaviors will not come from his handsome face, they would take source from the heart.

Beware of the heart that despises God.

Never fall in love with such hearts.

Beware of the heart that mocks God.

Beware of the heart that belittles your God.

Beware of the heart that disregards your God.

If he can disregard your God, he will disregard you!

Beware of a handsome face sitting upon an ugly heart.

The ugliness would eventually extend to the face in no time.

Beware of the handsome man who wants you to compromise your faith in order to satisfy his rush of adrenaline.

Beware of the one that can combine an ugly heart with a handsome face.

Fine man, but he beats his wife!
Handsome man, but irresponsible!

Lord, give me a spouse handsome within and without.

Lord, give a spouse beautiful within and without.

I pray for you, God will honor your prayers!

You will not regret your actions in Jesus’ name.

You will not spend the major part of your life agonizing and living in pain over a fine face, but an ugly heart.

God will guide you, lead you, and honor you in Jesus’ name.

You will not miss it!

For those who are already married, God will make your union a beautiful one within and without.

Psa 144:12-14 (KJV)  
That our sons may be as plants grown up in their youth; that our daughters may be as corner stones, polished after the similitude of a palace:  [13]   That our garners may be full, affording all manner of store: that our sheep may bring forth thousands and ten thousands in our streets:  [14]   That our oxen may be strong to labour; that there be no breaking in, nor going out; that there be no complaining in our streets.

So shall it be in Jesus’ name!

Your home will be blessed.

Your children will be blessed.

The works of your hands shall be blessed.


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How To Be An Ideal Man –Part 2

How To Be An Ideal Man –Part 2

Reading Time: 3 minutes

SINGLES – How To Be An Ideal Man                

Dear single men, pay attention to today’s devotional. Yesterday we examined God’s perspective of an ideal man; today I want to show you what every virtuous woman looks out for in a man.

The lady speaks;

I want a man, a real man, man enough to be my husband, strong enough to stand in his place as the head of the house and the breadwinner. I want a man who is a king and a servant at the same time.

I want a man whose royalty is rooted in God, I want a man I can be proud enough to call ‘my crown!’ I want a man who despite being a king is humble enough to have the heart of a servant.

I want a man I can call my own! A man I am proud of! I want a man of integrity. I want a man whose words I can go to bed on. I want a man who will protect me. I want a man that will not want me to compromise my virtue in order to satisfy his lust during courtship.

I want a man who will be my head and not my headache! I want a man who will love me properly, accept me as I am, nurture me, and commit to my spiritual development.

I want a man that will stand by me in the labour room. The hands of Zerubabbel started it. It ought to complete it!

I want a man I can vouch for. I want a man that will love me only and no other. I want a man that is thinking of me all the time. I want a man, not a boy.

I want a man that will not bring another to our matrimonial bed. I want a man who fears God so much and will not desecrate the marital covenant because of lust. I want a man that will rather die than become adulterous! I want a man that will respect the covenant and will not throw our home into untold chaos and havoc with his actions. I want a man that can zip up!

I want a man in the house that will usher me into peace when I am not around. I want a man in the house that the house-help is safe with. I want a man who has self-control.

I want a man that can lay hands on me and bless me. I want a man that I can rely on emotionally. I want a man whose shoulders I can lean on. I want a man that will lead our family to God.

I want a leader in the house! I want a man who will make my heart bless him and not make my heart bleed at his appearance. I want a man that will make my heart filled with thanks and not tears. I want a man that will make me be at rest and not under duress! I want a man that will make me his queen and not his doormat! I want a friend, confidant, and companion, not a competitor!

I am a good man / I will find a good man. God will help me!

Father in the name of Jesus, I ask that you flood the eyes of my mind with revelation light. As I study your word give me understanding. Let my relationship be transformed as my mind gets renewed daily.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY              
I will therefore that men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting. -1Timothy 2:8 (KJV)

Check the man in you and sincerely take an inventory to see whether you are pleasing God

Psalms 7-9


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How To Show Respect To Your Spouse

How To Show Respect To Your Spouse

Reading Time: 2 minutes


Against contrary opinions, respect in marriage is mutual. People are of the opinion that respect for the husbands is a big deal. Yes, it is. Just as men do not want to be disrespected in private or public, so also do women need a dose of respect.

Men can readily tell what a bruised ego is and in this part of the world, an average man will not tolerate being disrespected in any form, method, shape, or size. In other to have a relationship that is healthy and mutually beneficial, respect has to be mutual.

Some of us don’t even know when we are being disrespected. The gospel of men’s dominance has been preached for so long that women feel they are not worth much, that they are just worthless, less than good, helpless, weaker vessels.

Contrary, women have tremendous strength, ability, knowledge, wisdom, and great dexterity. It takes great strength to be a mother and give birth to a child. To keep a home, multitask, submit to your husband and stay married. All these take great strength.

But if we are going to have a healthy marriage relationship, we would know that submission to one another in the fear of God is essential. A man not submitted to Christ is a difficult man and hard to submit to.

This is not teaching or telling wives not to submit to their husbands. It is addressing the fact that marriage is meant to be mutually beneficial to both the husband and the wife.

What are the practical ways to show respect to yourselves in marriage?

I will write about that tomorrow.

My marriage is blessed in all ramifications.

Pray that God will enable you to pay the price for the fullness of His blessings in your home.

Heb 13:4 [AMP]Let marriage be held in honor (esteemed worthy, precious, of great price, and especially dear) in all things. And thus let the marriage bed be undefiled (kept undishonored); for God will judge and punish the unchaste [all guilty of sexual vice] and adulterous.

Read a book on marriage

Gen 43-45


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How To Be Sure Of Your Choice In Marriage

How To Be Sure Of Your Choice In Marriage

Reading Time: 3 minutes

SINGLES – How To Be Sure Of Your Choice In Marriage

Being directed or led by God is the most important issue before marriage; when you are not led, it only leads to misery, pains, sorrow, and regrets.

My prayer is that you will not experience these. If your answer to that prayer is amen, now is the time to be sure that the person you are in love with is God’s choice for you.

Just because you are in love with someone does not give you enough basis to enter into a lifetime covenant with the person. It’s very easy to fall in love, all it takes is that person having all the qualities you admire, being physically attractive, spending time together, giving him/her a special place in your heart, thinking about him/her a lot and you’re already in love.

You’ll agree with me that it’s possible to fall in love with more than one person but only one person is qualified to be your wife/husband.

Once you have identified your spouse, you are no longer permitted to desire others, but to only admire them.

GOD then used the rib that he had taken from the Man to make Woman and presented her to the Man. The Man said, “Finally! Bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh! Name her Woman for she was made from Man.” Therefore a man leaves his father and mother and embraces his wife. They become one flesh. –Genesis 2:22-24 (MSG)

The above scripture shows that God himself was very much involved in bringing the man and the woman together.

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. –Romans 8:14 (KJV)           

The question is, do you have God’s spirit? Are you born again? If yes, how are you working on your relationship with God? How consistently do you study God’s word?

What service do you render in a local assembly? How well you answer these questions will determine how well your spirit is developed to receive directions from God, not only in matters of your relationships but in all areas.

You must also make sure that the three aspects of you agree with the choice of your life partner.

Man is essentially a spirit; you have a soul and live in a body. Do these three (spirit, soul, and body) agree in perfect harmony.

Is there peace?  Is he/she intelligent and emotionally mature?

Are you friends? Someone said friendship in marriage is about one soul living in two bodies.

Physically, does he/she meet your standard of beauty? Are you attractive to each other?

Go to any length to find adequate answers to these questions. Ask him/her a lot of questions. Find out where he/she is going. Can you fit in?

Is the guy a good leader? How well has he led himself? Can he lead you well?

Becoming sure is all about erasing every doubt or question in your heart about the person, the relationship, and the future. No one can be sure for you. Until you’re totally sure and convinced, don’t say YES!

Don’t tie the nuptial knots until all the knotty issues are resolved. I pray that God will send help your way in Jesus name!

I have direction from God. In my relationship decisions, I am being led by the Spirit of God. I am not confused in Jesus Name. I will not fall in love with the wrong person. The Spirit of God will help me to be sure.

I destroy every spirit of distraction and deception in Jesus name.

Take me by the hand; Lead me down the path of truth. You are my Savior, aren’t you? Psalms 25:5 (MSG)

Think deeply about your relationships and take an inventory



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Who Exactly Is A Husband? –Part 2

Who Exactly Is A Husband? –Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes


Continued from yesterday…

The son is playing football initially, but the moment he hears the dad’s car horn, he jumps into the living room, opens Modern Biology textbook and starts reading. 

Dad comes in and sees son sweating like Christmas goat. He asks why he is sweating like that and the boy has no choice but to point to the Modern Biology textbook, ‘it’s the Amoeba sir!’

The wife hurries into the kitchen and puts food in the microwave oven, while dad clears his throat. The lion of the tribe of his house has come!

That is not an ideal home, something is defective!
When those children have the slightest opportunity to be outside the home, they will misbehave.

There is something about having a home that radiates with God’s love. The husband and wife must work together to achieve this.

A husband comes home drunk. He comes home late. He beats his wife in front of his children. He scolds his wife in front of his children. He keeps malice with his wife and sometimes with his children. He does not provide for his family. He is involved in extra-marital affairs. He does not eat his wife’s food. The list is endless.

Those behaviours are not ‘house binding’ but ‘animal husbandry!’ The man is unwittingly sowing wrong seeds into his home and when the harvest comes? The scripture aptly says when you sow wind, you will reap whirlwind!

Dear husband, be good. You will enjoy yourself and your family that way. Don’t compromise. Don’t cheat on her. Be faithful!

When you are faithful to your wife, you will enjoy the fullness of God’s blessings, favour and approval. Learn the art of conflict resolution.

Be patient with her! I pray God bless and keep your home and marriage in Jesus name. Amen!

I am a great husband. I love my wife like Christ loves the church.

Lord, grant me the grace to be a good husband to my wife and a great example to my children.

Bless your fresh-flowing fountain! Enjoy the wife you married as a young man! –Proverbs 5:18 (MSG) 

Write out seven special things you can do daily in the coming week to rekindle your marriage and affirm your wife.

Ezra 3


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