Communication Between Lovers 

Communication Between Lovers 

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Communication Between Lovers 

This is Part 2 of Communicating better with your lover. If you missed Part 1, check it here:

Non-Verbal Communication

Communication goes beyond words; non-verbal cues play a crucial role in conveying feelings and emotions. 

Pay attention to your body language, facial expressions, and gestures when communicating with your partner.

Maintain good eye contact, smile often, and use affirmative gestures to create a positive and warm atmosphere during your conversations. Liars are known to evade eye contact.

Communication Between Lovers 

Time and Space

In a fast-paced world, finding quality time to communicate can be a challenge. However, allocating time for each other is vital for building a stronger connection. Create a space that is free from distractions where you can truly focus on one another.

Designate “unplugged” time, during which you and your partner can engage in meaningful conversations without the interruption of screens or other distractions.

This has to be done deliberately 

Communication Between Lovers 

Empathy and Understanding

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. It’s a fundamental aspect of effective communication. To communicate better in your relationship, put yourself in your partner’s shoes and try to understand their perspective.

When your partner expresses their feelings or concerns, validate their emotions and show understanding. This helps build trust and connection.

Communication Between Lovers

Conflict Resolution

No relationship is without its conflicts. However, how you deal with these conflicts can make all the difference. 

Learning effective conflict-resolution strategies is essential for maintaining a healthy and communicative relationship.

When conflicts arise, focus on the issue at hand rather than resorting to personal attacks. Practice active listening and compromise to find solutions that work for both of you.

Honesty and Transparency

Honesty is the bedrock of trust in any relationship. Open and transparent communication is essential for building a strong and lasting bond with your partner.

Be honest about your feelings, thoughts, and concerns. Sharing your vulnerabilities can lead to a deeper and more authentic connection.

Build trust through sincerity and you will enjoy yourselves more! When trust is broken down in a marriage, it’s like a house whose fence is broken. It would be invaded easily!

May God give us more understanding 


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Laughing Your Way To Victory

Laughing Your Way To Victory

Reading Time: 2 minutes


A little deviation from our wisdom series this morning, I want to show us one way we can maintain our sanity in this present world.

The devil aims at filling our minds with negative things, that is why almost everywhere you look, there is one form of sad news or the other.

Social media, print media and other forms are equally not helping matters. One can almost begin to wonder why you were born in this generation.

The plan of the devil is to weary us till we become sick, tired, and even suicidal. But thanks be to God who gives us the victory in Christ Jesus! Hallelujah!

There is an age-long, profound, medicine found in the bible that I want to prescribe to you this morning. Whenever you feel down, depressed, sick, angry, unloved, or any negative feeling, just use this medication and I assure you, you will be fine.

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. – Pro 17:22

God wants you quick, alive, and active. The devil wants you depressed, gloomy, and broken. The scripture tells us laughter is good. It is healthy. It has some curative powers.

Sometimes, just take off your gaze from the test you failed, the bully in school, the teacher that hardly smiles, the stress of the assembly ground, and just laugh out loud.

As a matter of fact, it has been proven that children are more prone to laughter than adults. Do you also know that God himself laughs?

In heaven the Lord laughs as he sits on his throne, making fun of the nations. – Ps 2:4 [CEV]

So what is your excuse? When last did you have a good laugh?

Go ahead and laugh over that situation because you have the victory already. Glory!

Father in Jesus name, always give me reasons to laugh.

Go ahead and laugh out loud

I choose to laugh always. I am not depressed, sad or gloomy. The joy of the Lord is my strength.


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How To Come Out Of Depression – Part 2

How To Come Out Of Depression – Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Continued from yesterday.

What is the way out?

Rather than weep, lift your voice and cry unto the Lord! He will come through for you! You’ve been jobless for a while? And you are beginning to give up? No, don’t round up your life and make a permanent conclusion because of a temporary situation. The job will still come! Your relationships have not all worked? When you meet the right person, it will work. Rather than feel forsaken and abandoned, use that time to develop yourself! Age is no longer on your side? Agreed, but God is still on your side. When God is on your side, you will laugh last. That very depression is not the way out, in fact, it drives potential suitors away upon seeing your countenance, so cheer up!

What you need to do is to cast down those thoughts. Refuse to agree with what he says. Rather, choose to accept what God says about you. The devil says you are finished. God says He is just starting. Whose report will you believe? If you believe the devil, you will slide into depression, but if you believe in God, you will rise in the joy of the Holy Ghost. That is why the scriptures advise that you should count it all joy. Why? Because there will be victory in the end.

Resort to praise and the heaviness will lift. Start meditating on God’s word and God’s word will come through for you! Despite contradictory and obvious happenstances, switch into praise, praise God to a point till you get the devil confused. Praise God to a point till God has no choice till He deploys every available divine resource in your favour including angelic interventions. Joy is not a function of a situation or circumstance, it is the fruit of the recreated human spirit. It is there all the time. I only need to stir it up! You stir it up with a shout, a dance, or laughter! So, go ahead!  It is the dawning of a new day for you. Shout ‘No more depression! No more, not me!’ Did you feel strength from within? That is what joy does! You get it now.

I have the joy of the Lord always

I break the hold of depression over my life in Jesus name

Pro 12:25 KJV Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop: but a good word maketh it glad.

Take a promise of God’s word and meditate on it.

1 Cor 11-12


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Best Ways To Fall In Love Again As Couples – Part 2

Best Ways To Fall In Love Again As Couples – Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

So yesterday, we looked at how to increase our love walk with each other as couples. I felt we addressed the spiritual aspect more and some people could be asking for something more practical and easy to relate to.  At least, not everybody is a pastor.

More practical ways to show or increase in our love walk as couples.

6. Give undivided attention to your spouse

It is disheartening when as couples your spouse gives you little or no attention at all. You feel you don’t matter and your person is not relevant to your spouses’ life. You feel they can do without you and your input doesn’t count.

This is not a good feeling and must be avoided, if your marriage must work. Learn to give your spouse your undivided attention. The best way to do this, is by listening to what they have to say and looking at them eye ball to eye ball.

Did you miss out on yesterday’s devotional, we’ve got you covered kindly go HERE. For KHC video Devotionals kindly go HERE

7. Take time to recreate together.

My husband is a very busy man and I’m grateful to God for his multidimensional ability in painstakingly using his initiative at his work. It is translating to food on the table. Despite his busyness, he still finds time daily to play and make us laugh.

When you are with someone you love, you should make the atmosphere lively and environment conducive to laugh.

Play, joke, make jests, tell stories that touch the hearts (lol), play games together, etc. Just find something to do together.

To be continued…

I give undivided attention to my spouse

Pray for a closer bonding with your spouse

After all, we don’t want to unwittingly give Satan an opening for yet more mischief – we’re not oblivious to his sly ways! (2Co 2:11 MSG)

Take out time to bond wit your spouse

Matt 12


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When Your Mouth Is Filled With Laughter

When Your Mouth Is Filled With Laughter

Reading Time: 2 minutes

How do I do that, Pastor?

Just go ahead and laugh at what you are going through

Hey, Pastor, you don’t really have an idea.

Yes, that is the more reason I want you to laugh and keep your joy.

When your life looks like there is nothing man can do, when that moment comes when you realize that you will need God’s intervention, then what you should do is laugh.

Why should you laugh!

A child should do what he sees his father do.

When situations set themselves against you, when people take counsel against you, when the heathen rage and the people imagine all kind of evil against you, when enemies rise up against you, and the battle seemed too much and too many for you, what do you do?

Start crying? No!

Start complaining and pity-partying? No!

Just Laugh!

Because that is what your father in heaven will do!

Psa 2:1-4 (KJV) Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?  [2]  The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying,   [3]  Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.  [4]  HE THAT SITTETH IN THE HEAVENS SHALL LAUGH: the Lord shall have them in derision.

God laughs at them because He knows they are losers!

God laughs at them because He knows they can never win over Him!

Your laughter then is an expression of your faith in God that you already won!

When a two-year-old boy starts telling you he is going to fight you and kill you, what do you do? You just laugh because you know the little boy wouldn’t be able to do it, ever!

That is why God laughs! God simply holds them in derision!

Amplified Bible says; God, in supreme contempt He mocks them.

Mock your situation with a heavy dose of laughter because you will have the victory!

They said you will never marry? Just laugh, because you will!

They said you will never find a spouse because all your friends are married?

Just laugh because NOBODY can marry your spouse!

Go ahead and LAUGH!

I choose to be joyful and laugh all through this year

Lord, fill my mouth with laughter

Ps 2:4 [CEV] In heaven the Lord laughs as he sits on his throne, making fun of the nations. 

Go ahead and LAUGH!

Ps 2


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