Signs To Look Out For In That Relationship –Part 2

Signs To Look Out For In That Relationship –Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Continued from yesterday

Now, let’s take a look at the physical symptoms of a guy that will not marry you.

1. He will not introduce you to any authority figures in his life.

He will not introduce you to his Pastor, (you don’t have any business with a man that doesn’t have a Pastor in the first place) nor will he introduce you to his parents. He will refrain from any action that could validate or stamp that marriage commitment. When you see this sign, it is an indication he is not really ready for marriage.

2. He keeps postponing the wedding date several times and keeps on procrastinating.

The date never comes and yet he keeps on telling you he loves you. Well, the date may never come!

3. He will tell you that you are number one on the list of his girlfriends and that you are very lucky.

He will tell you that even though he still sees his other girlfriends; you are the first on his list. You see, you don’t have any business being in this kind of relationship as the trend will continue after marriage and can threaten the marriage itself.

4. He is very jealous and he is very suspicious of you.

He does not trust you because he has a feeling you are doing the same thing he does. To the pure, all things are pure, to the impure all things are impure!

5. He does not want you fiddling with his phones so that you won’t discover the love tantrums going on via SMS and chats.

He sometimes keeps his phones “passworded” or tells you out rightly he doesn’t want you with his phone. 

Don’t get into sinful adventure because of frustration, don’t try to satisfy the cravings and the emptiness of your heart with drinking or partying or sleeping around, run to your maker, the re-writer of history, the one that shows mercy to whom he will, the one that can reconfigure your life, and when you do that in faith, He will surely answer you.


I have God’s direction in my everyday life


Lord, guide my steps and help me to make the right decisions in Jesus name


For thou art my rock and my fortress; therefore for thy name’s sake lead me, and guide me. – Psalm 31:3 (KJV)


Pray to God


2 Chronicles 25


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The Three Most Important Rooms In Your Marriage

The Three Most Important Rooms In Your Marriage

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Three Most Important Rooms In Your Marriage. A few years back, President Buhari was asked about his wife’s interview in which she made some statements that showed her displeasure with her husband’s decisions.

In his reply, President Buhari said he doesn’t know which party his wife belongs to, but he knows she belongs to his kitchen, his living room, and the other room.

The president was taken up on this and many expanded, amplified, and even dragged the statement beyond its original intention.

Let’s take a look at these rooms one after the other.

The Kitchen

In the physical realm, it is so much a vital part of the house. You couldn’t do without it.

Yes, the woman is always there, but a good man will often be found there as well.

In the kitchen, food is prepared.

In the spiritual milieu, the kitchen is where revelation is cooked. It is a place you don’t joke with and both husband and wife have better belong there.

Without constant “cooking” in this place, the inner man will be famished and results will be defective.

The Living Room

Here is a public place for the family. Everybody comes together in the living room. When Daddy wants to talk to everybody, it will probably be in the living room.

Everybody must have a place where you meet with divinity. Everybody must have a place where you meet with God. Everybody must have a living room where you talk to God.

The Other Room

This room is only for Daddy and Mummy. The other room is for those who are married.

Singles should never have the other room, and should never visit the other room. As singles, if you go to the other room, “other” things can take place that you will not be proud of.

Yes, the woman belongs to the other room. The wife can even delegate the kitchen to some domestic help, she can have the luxury of time off from the living room, but her role in the other room cannot be delegated.

Her functions in the other room are so pivotal to her husband’s productivity in the board room.

The temperature in the other room should be kept hot. The other room should be alive.

As a wise wife, you should make sure that your husband never has the luxury of having another “other room” outside the matrimonial home.

When a man is dissatisfied in the other room, disorder and chaos await him.

Christian wives, don’t be over-spiritual!

The gas cooker belongs to the kitchen.

Chairs and seats belong to the living room.

But what is needed in the other room is the bed!

Marriage is honorable in all and the bed undefiled!

On your wedding date, you were licensed to enter the other room. Focus on each other and enjoy yourselves sexually!

God will more likely answer the prayers of a sexually satisfied couple than that of couples denying each other! Read your Bible very well.

God bless you today!

I am wise. I am focused on the things of God. I am not confused


Lord, teach me to be wise

1 Corinthians 7:5 (AMP)Do not refuse and deprive and defraud each other [ of your due marital rights ], except perhaps by mutual consent for a time, so that you may devote yourselves unhindered to prayer. But afterwards resume marital relations, lest Satan tempt you [ to sin ] through your lack of restraint of sexual desire.

Give your spouse a treat 

Psalms 92-93


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Don’t Be Tired of Improving Your Marriage

Don’t Be Tired of Improving Your Marriage

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Marriage is one institution you will never stop improving. No matter how old you are, you never grow too old of getting better at your marriage.

In fact, it is said that like wine, it gets better and sweeter the older it gets. I think it is true. The marriage goes through different stages and like a child you have to be patient with your marriage.

It requires a lot of work, a lot of sowing into the marriage. The formative years of the marriage are the most critical of all. Those years in a marriage which comes with so much labor and hard work.

Those years, you are still trying to understand yourselves; where the differences in temperaments and the male/female differences had to be mastered, where your spouse’s weaknesses really show, where you get pissed up by your spouse’s weaknesses, and where his strength can put you off, rather than celebrate his strength.

You may be at this critical stage in your marriage. I want to encourage you to hold on and be patient.

What God has joined together, let no man put asunder, is what the bible says. Make sure no matter what, you keep on improving on your marriage.

Never grow weary of improving on your marriage. Never grow weary of doing those things you know will improve your marriage. Don’t stop talking. Don’t stop being loving. Don’t stop being tender and kind.

Don’t stop helping your wife achieve her dreams. Don’t stop meeting her needs. Never stop treating her in a special way.

Never stop being a helper. Help him fulfill his dreams. Be romantic. Make him feel like a king. Don’t stop praying. Never stop talking to God about your marriage.

Your marriage is yours to bring the best out of it. It is yours to work out until the beauty therein appears.

God is waiting on you. Heaven believes in you to make it work. So make it work.

God bless your marriage.

I love my spouse

Lord, help me to improve on my marriage


Php 2:13 (KJV)  For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.

Improve on your marriage

Psalms 95, 97-99


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Oil For Today – Day 222

Oil For Today – Day 222

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Today is Oil For Today – Day 222. Let’s lift up our voice one more time as we pray to God! Watch Video on Youtube HERE. Check other days HERE.

Prayer Points For Today

Oil For Today – Day 222

1. Begin to thank God for the nineteenth day of the fast

2. Go ahead and boldly obtain mercy from God concerning all of you and yours 

3. Pray and ask God to help you find grace for today and this week

4. Pray and ask God to help you concenring any need in your life right now

5. Ask God to speedily help you in your relationship or marriage 

6. Pray and ask God to strengthen you for profiting in your business/ministry/career 

7. Begin to come against every spirit trying to frustrate you from receiving help from God and man 

8. Pray against the spirit that confounds and that bring shame 

9. Begin to talk to God about your personal requests

10. Go ahead and thank God.


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How To Show Love When Needed

How To Show Love When Needed

Reading Time: < 1 minute

One of Jesus’ popular messages on earth was centered around love. You should therefore learn how to show love.

Love for God and love for neighbor. Your neighbors includes: your family, friends, teachers and everyone you have an opportunity to meet.

Beyond loving God, God wants you to love everyone of these people and also show them how much you love them.

Showing how much you love your neighbor is proof that you are God’s child and you love God.

How do you show love to these people?

There are several ways to show love to people, I’d help by pointing out a few.

1. By being obedient to your parents.

2. By praying for everyone.

3. By not being a naughty child, either at home or in school.

4. By caring for your friends.

5. By helping out when you are needed.

May God help us to shoe love when needed in Jesus name, Amen.

Help me to be a love being oh Lord.

Action point:
Look out for ways you can show love to those around you.

I show love to all and sundry.

Read yesterday’s article here


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