Kisses of Enemies And Wounds Of Friends

Kisses of Enemies And Wounds Of Friends

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Kisses of Enemies And Wounds Of Friends. Ade met Sally and professed his love. He was all over her. Six months later, Sally was heartbroken. Ade became her enemy. There have been several kisses, but they were kisses of an enemy.

Mr. and Mrs. Johnson have married two years ago. Mr. Johnson had a bad habit that only his wife knows. His wife was on his case, until he began to make changes. His ego was bruised, and his pride was punctured, but he got better. He was wounded, but they were wounds of a friend.

The scripture is filled with God’s wisdom. There is enough wisdom in God’s word such that, if followed, crises in relationships and marriages will be minimized.

Let’s take a look at the scripture

Pro 27:6 (KJV) Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.

There is an obvious contradiction in the verse above. I would have understood if the Bible says “The kisses of a friend and the wounds of an enemy. But the scripture says “Wounds of a friend and the kisses of an enemy.”

The friend comes with wounds. The enemy comes with kisses. Kisses of Enemies And Wounds Of Friends

Your lover or spouse will often come with wounds, yet he meant well. Corrections and confrontations will burst you ego, will dissolve your pride and will challenge your weakness zone! You will feel wounded either in courtship or marriage because that which you are used to is being unsettled.

Never refuse instructions from your spouse because your spouse knows you in and out.

Pro 15:32 (KJV) He that refuseth instruction despiseth his own soul: but he that heareth reproof getteth understanding.

Get ready to be wounded by those who love you! The one decorating you with kisses only is actually an enemy! The one that doesn’t correct you and tells you what you want to hear all the time is an enemy.

True love can be tough. God chastises those He loves! It pleased God for Jesus to be wounded so that we might be saved. It took a kiss from Judas for Jesus to be betrayed.

A kiss came from the devil because the Bible says Satan entered Judas. But a wound came from God to Jesus. He was wounded for our transgressions!

Your friend is a “wounder” and your enemy is a “kisser! Know this and know peace!

When you understand these dynamics, you will know that your spouse is not an enemy, the one who is not your spouse but is taking advantage and telling you stuff is actually an enemy! This is where we will stop on Kisses of Enemies And Wounds Of Friends. May God grant you more understanding!

I will not cooperate with my enemy

Ask God to show you the motives of people around you

Pro 15:32 (MSG) An undisciplined, self-willed life is puny; an obedient, God-willed life is spacious.

Appreciate those who correct you

Prov 15


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Being Best Friends In Marriage

Being Best Friends In Marriage

Reading Time: 3 minutes


It is often said that a friend in need is a friend indeed. The value of friendship is known in hard and tough times. Nothing is as soothing as when a friend speaks to you in your down moments. When his or her words are like cold water to a thirsty soul.

If the effect of a friend could be that felt, how much more is the effect of a spouse? Of course, our spouse is supposed to be our best friend; who we are vulnerable with, with who we can share the joy and the privilege of being naked and not ashamed.

I think every spouse should ask themselves this question: “Am I a friend to my spouse?” Can your spouse confidently say, he/she can find a friend in you?  Does your spouse find you easy to talk to?

Every spouse should ask these soul-searching questions and try to find answers to these questions.

It’s easy to point accusing fingers at your spouse, but are you also fulfilling your end? Quit playing the blame game and face reality, walk and work together to make a formidable team.

Can two walk together, except they be agreed? -Amos 3:3 (KJV)

Come in agreement with each other. Forgive every hurt and pain. Marriage is where we hurt deeply.

Some spouses are so hurt they vow never to forgive. If you have any knotty situations, talk things over with your mentors. Sometimes, the issues in marriage require the authority of someone higher than you, just a word, a prayer or a prophetic utterance can solve the issue.

Some people have destroyed their marriage because of staying on their viewpoint of being right. In marriage, it is not always about who is right or wrong, but our willingness to allow God’s purpose to be done.

Jesus our model didn’t insist on being right. He willingly suffered for us, the righteous for the unrighteous. He loved us while we were yet sinners and died for us so we can be made sons of God.

The mandate on our marriage must be fulfilled. Let’s get over with all forms of bitterness, malice, and unforgiveness, these are toxic to our being best of friends with our spouses.

A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. –Proverbs 18:24 (KJV)

This scripture is very profound. You must show yourself friendly to have your spouse as your friend.

The issue is some of us don’t even know to be friends; we must aim at being friends with our spouses. I believe the Holy Spirit, the spirit of truth and revelation will help us if we ask Him to.

Here are some ways to be friends with your spouse:

1. Maintaining the right attitude and positive disposition is important.

2. Kind words and loving words; every human being responds to love.

3. Believing the best of each other.

4. Being fun to be with.

5. Not pointing attention to the weak areas of your spouse.

6. Encouraging our spouse.

7. Avoiding criticism, accusation, and blaming.

8. Being very understanding.

These are a few tips for being there for your spouse.

God help us indeed.

May God bless our marriages.

I am my spouse’s best friend, I am loving and kind towards him/her

Lord, help me to keep my marriage covenant

A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. –Proverbs 18:24 (KJV)

Study the word ‘one flesh’

Galatians 1-3


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God Wants You To Help Your Friends

God Wants You To Help Your Friends

Reading Time: 2 minutes

God indeed desires that you help your friends. One of the values you have to learn early in life is being compassionate and lending a helping hand to whoever needs help. It’s one of the ways of showing love to those around us.

This is God’s desire for us as his children, to be always willing to help out where ever there is a need.

Let’s see what the bible says!

Never walk away from someone who deserves help; your hand is God’s hand for that person.  Don’t tell your neighbor, “Maybe some other time, “or, “Try me tomorrow,” when the money’s right there in your pocket. Don’t figure ways of taking advantage of your neighbor when he’s sitting there trusting and unsuspecting.  – Proverbs 3:27-29 (MSG)

God’s word teaches us not to walk away from someone who needs help. Why is that? God needs our help to help people around us, not that you go around talking to strangers; your parents have to be aware of whoever you are helping.

We are God’s vessels on earth and so he uses you and me to answer the prayers of others when we render a helping hand to those around us.

The bible also says, when your neighbor comes to you for help, don’t tell the person to come back, don’t turn him or her down when you can actually help at that moment.

Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, when it is in your power to act. Do not say to your neighbor, Come back later; I’ll give it tomorrow “when you now have it with you.

As a child of God, don’t go looking for ways to hurt or harm others. That’s not the attitude of a child of God.

Jesus wants you to love everyone just like he loves you.  How do you do this?

By obeying God’s word, and following what the bible says.

Precious Holy Spirit, please teach me how to always help others when I can. Amen

Help someone today

I am a child of God, I am  available to be used by God.

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The Holy Spirit and You

The Holy Spirit and You

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Let’s examine Tola’s story as we seek to understand the concept of the Holy Spirit and you. After successfully stealing some money from her mother’s purse, Tola felt good knowing that she had money to spend with her friends at school.

Her friends always had lots of money to spend at school and she didn’t want to be any different.

But she kept having a feeling. As much as she was happy, the feelings of happiness were slowly dwindling.

What could it be, she wondered. Soon, she began to feel bad about taking the money. 

A voice kept telling her it was wrong of her to have taken the money. It kept telling her she had stolen the money.

But I didn’t steal the money, Tola said to herself. It’s my mother’s money and she has lots of it. 

Tola was hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit.

When you sin, the Holy Spirit convicts you of it. He speaks to your heart and tells you what you did wrong.

When the Holy Spirit speaks to you and can convict you to the point where you change your ways or confess your wrongdoings, you are still in a safe zone. You still have a conscience.

Tola didn’t spend the money at school that day or went with her friends to buy things. She felt bad about taking the money and knew what she had to do – tell her mother the truth, ask for her forgiveness, and never steal again in her life. 

May the Holy Spirit give you a healthy conscience. Amen.

Sweet Spirit of God, thank you for the power to convict me of all sins. Please give me a heart that will listen and obey you in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Action point: 
Has the Holy Spirit ever spoken to you about something wrong you did? How did you respond? Did you do what He said or not? Decide to always listen to and obey His instructions.

My conscience is not seared. I listen and obey the Holy Spirit. 

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Who Are You Walking With?

Who Are You Walking With?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Who are you walking with, dear child? Friendship in life is very important. As children, the kinds of friends you keep go a long way to determine the kind of future you will have.

Have you ever considered the word ‘friend’? did you notice that the last words are spelled ‘end’? this simply means your friend will determine your end.

How do you want to end in life? That question can only be answered by your choice of friends.

But Amnon had a friend, whose name was Jonadab, the son of Shimeah David’s brother: and Jonadab was a very subtil man. – 2 Sam 13:3 [KJV]

The summary of the story we see above is that Amnon wanted to do something, but he couldn’t. by the time he told his friend, he suddenly had the energy to do what he couldn’t do initially.

See how Amplified Bible describes Jonadab.

But Amnon had a friend whose name was Jonadab son of Shimeah, David’s brother; and Jonadab was a very crafty man. – 2 Sam 13:3[AMP]

The company you keep determines what accompanies you! In the final analysis, you will act like the company you keep, smell like the company you keep, and in fact, you look like the company you keep.

My question for you this morning, dear children, is this; who are your friends or associates? Who are you walking with? Who are those that will determine your end?

If you walk with a crafty person, you will learn his ways. If you walk with passionate people, you will catch their passion. If you walk with people who are on fire for God, you will catch their fire as well.

Here is my concluding verse.

Don’t fool yourselves. Bad friends will destroy you. – 1 Cor 15:33 [CEV]

May God help you to make the right decisions. Amen.

I make the right decisions in the name of Jesus.

Prayer Point:
Lord, help me to make the right decisions.

Action Point:
Review your friends in the light of this article.

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