The Father’s Love For You

The Father’s Love For You

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Dear child, you must understand the Father’s love for you. Is there anything or anyone that can separate you from the love of God? Your mom or dad? Siblings or friends? Your face or clothes? An angel? What else can you think of?

News flash! There’s nothing or no one that can remove God’s love for you from Your heavenly father’s heart.

He loves you so much. Remember that He sent His most precious son, Jesus, to come to die for you. How could He now allow something or someone to make Him stop loving you? Not even His angels.
You are very precious to Him.

Look at the verse below

“Yes, I am sure that nothing can separate us from the love God has for us. Not death, not life, not angels, not ruling spirits, nothing now, nothing in the future, no powers, nothing above us, nothing below us, or anything else in the whole world will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord”.
Romans 8:38 – 39 ICB

This was apostle Paul writing about the impossibility of God to stop loving us. He wrote that no power here on earth, no situation, nothing will make God stop loving us.

When you sin and feel that God will stop loving you or has stopped doing so, read these verses and know that He can never do so.

Ask for forgiveness and receive it with joy. Do not let the devil or anyone tell you otherwise. Your great Father in heaven wants nothing to separate you from Him.

May the love of God always be with you. Amen.

Dear Father, thank You for Your boundless love for me. I am truly privileged to have Your love.

Action point:
Read and meditate on these verses. Learn to receive God’s love for you.

The love of God envelopes me

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This Is Why You Should Not Be Scared

This Is Why You Should Not Be Scared

Reading Time: < 1 minute

There is a reason you should not be scared. Now, fear is common to everybody. People have fears for animals, places, heights, facing an audience, writing exams, going for an interview, and much more.

The most important thing is to not make our fears cripple us into inaction. That is, do not allow your fears to stop you from doing that which you are supposed to do.

For a child of God, fear is not a problem and shouldn’t be because you have God to pray to.

The psalmist in chapter fifty-six and verse three, tells you how he deals with his fears.

 Psalm 56:3 – “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.”

When you are afraid, trust in God. Why do you do so? God is powerful, strong, reliable, capable, can do, knows, and sees all things.

He is the perfect person that can help you handle your fears. Out of the abundance of His person and power, He will provide you with the solutions to your problems.

Be like the psalmist and trust in the Lord when you are afraid. Do not be scared. May the Lord answer you when you call. Amen.

Lord, I put my trust in You when I am afraid.

Action point:
Remember to call on God when you re afraid.

I refuse to fear. I have God in me.

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Seven Tests To Pass Before You Say I DO -Part 3

Seven Tests To Pass Before You Say I DO -Part 3

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Continued from yesterday

5. The Test of People Skill

That is respect for individuals. People are like ladders. Does he treat people well? How about his mum, sisters, father, colleagues, etc. Is she courteous? Is she respectful? Does she disdain folks with a passion?

6. The Test of Excellence

That is wisdom. Is he hungry for wisdom or does he thinks he knows it all? A friend who isolates himself will crash. He or she cannot be corrected. There are no authority figures that can speak to him or her.

Let me tell you something here. The moment you look at a person and there is nobody you can report him to, there are no regards for parents or pastors, he is just an island by himself, you need to reconsider such friendships.

It is a trap of the devil and such tendencies are symptomatic of an unhealthy outlook to life. 

7. The Test of God’s Fear

He must love God. She must be a God lover. Does he value God and His word? Does she revere God? This is the ultimate acid test. If he doesn’t love God, he cannot love you!

If he treats the things of God shabbily, he will end up treating you the same way. Let him or her be a person that fears God!

It is not enough to say one is born again these days, because the term has been grossly misapplied. It is not even enough to say one is a pastor or a choir leader or administrator in church; the question is does he or she fear God?

It was the fear of God that made Joseph run away from adultery. It was lack of God’s fear that made Samson with all his anointing to get into sexual sins repeatedly until he brought himself down. God gave him a long rope because the scripture says he judged Israel for twenty years.

I have the Spirit of wisdom to discern and choose that which is good for my destiny.

Holy Spirit, fill me afresh with your wisdom in the affairs of my relationship.

Pro 21:5 MSG Careful planning puts you ahead in the long run; hurry and scurry puts you further behind.

Commit your ways unto the Lord

2Chron 24


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How To Detect Pride And Refuse It

How To Detect Pride And Refuse It

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Hello dear one, how are you today? I want to talk to you about pride as a character and what God thinks about it. You will learn how to detect pride.

What is Pride?
Pride is a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from achievements, qualities, of possessions that do one credit, being consciousness of one’s own dignity; it’s the quality of having an excessively high opinion of oneself. It simply is feeling like you are better than everyone else and treating them less.

Now let’s look at what God’s word says.

In a few places in the bible, God expresses his displeasure in prideful people; it is not one of the attributes of God’s children.

Take a look at what the bible says about Pride and why we as God’s children should not get involved in it.

But He gives more grace. Therefore He says: “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” – James 4:6 (NKJV)

God resists prideful people; he doesn’t want them around him. He isn’t pleased with people who exhibit this character. But everyone who is humble, God gives grace.

Don’t you want the grace of God? If you do, then being proud isn’t an option for you.

The fear of the Lord is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate. – Proverbs 8:13 (KJV)

Being prideful is regarded as an evil thing. It’s an attribute of someone who doesn’t fear God. As a child of God you ought to fear God and so you can’t afford to have pride.

When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom. – Proverbs 11:2 (NIV)

Disgrace comes with having pride; it’s not God’s desire for his children to be disgraced. Pride is never the will of God for us as his children.

May God grant us more understanding. Amen.

I reject the spirit of pride in Jesus name Amen.

Action point:
Deliberately refuse to be proud.

I am not proud.

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Holding God By His Word

Holding God By His Word

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Look at another powerful, inspiring, and breathtaking verse in Psalm 139. Today, we are talking about holding God.

Psalm 139:14 – “I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.”

What is this verse telling you? How do you feel when you read this?

You should feel important and unique that your Yahweh says you are as wonderful as all His works.

Let’s break down this verse

“I praise you, for I am fearfully…

This means that you are meant to instill fear in the enemy’s heart because you are made of God.

“…and wonderfully made”

Never has the world seen a unique and one-in-a-lifetime person like you. The world has never experienced you before. Out of all the billions of people on the earth, none is like you.

“Wonderful are your works:”

Everything God made is wonderful, exquisite, and a blessing to all mankind. This same God made you.

“my soul knows it very well.”

The psalmist acknowledges that even his soul knows how great a creation he is. He knows that God didn’t make him ordinary. God made him be a special type of creation, different from all the other creations of God.

Write this verse down and memorize it. When people try to put you down and say you are nothing, tell them how the mighty God made you the most special of all His creations.

May the reality of how God made you always stick with you. Amen.

Lord, thank You for how special You made me. I am special. I am special.

Action point:
Reflect more on this verse and write down the wonderful things you know about yourself.

I am wonderfully and fearfully made

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