Dear precious child, yesterday I began talking to you about what it means to Fear God. The fear Of God is the beginning of wisdom, and God wants you as his child to be wise, this is why the bible further explains what it means to fear God.
To fear the Lord is to hate evil; I hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech. –Proverbs 8:13 (NIV)
Yesterday we discussed two of these points mentioned in our focus verse:
1. The fear of God is to Hate Evil.
2. The fear of God is to Hate Pride and Arrogance.
Let’s continue today with the remaining two!
3. To Fear God is to Hate Evil Behaviour.
What exactly is evil behaviour? Things such as lying, stealing, gossiping, malice, unforgiveness, etc, these and more are more things like this are evil behaviour. There is a long list of commandments called the Ten Commandments that God gave the children of Israel through Moses. This is an indication that God wants us to act right all the time, if we as his children say we fear him, then you and I must hate any behaviour that is evil.
4. To Fear God is to Hate Perverse Speech.
Perverse speeches are wrong words, words that don’t build, but rather tire down, slang that are not godly. Children of God shouldn’t be found speaking vulgar languages or using slang that doesn’t represent Jesus. You are God’s ambassador on earth; everything you do should represent God.
This is the end of our lesson on what it means to fear God, make sure you put to use what you have learned.
PRAYER: Father in the name of Jesus, I pray that I have the fear of God in Jesus name.
ACTION PLAN: Decide to put in your best in all you do today
DECLARATION: I have the fear of God, I hate evil all the days of my life.
Dear child, you have been taught that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Whoever wants to be wise must first start by learning what it means to fear God, and deliberately walk in that fear, putting God first before every decision.
Today I’d like to show you more things about the fear of God. Let’s take a look at our focus verse for today!
To fear the Lord is to hate evil; I hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech. –Proverbs 8:13 (NIV)
This verse listed some things God wants us his children to take note of. The fear of God means to; hate evil, to hate pride and arrogance, to hate evil behaviours, and to hate perverse speech. Let’s pick these things one after the other, shall we?
1. The fear of God is to Hate Evil.
The word evil means being wicked, and harming people. The God we serve is a good God, his thought for everyone is to do us good. You can’t be a child of God and think of harming the people around you. The proof that you are a Christian is that you love your neighbour, and everyone around you just like Jesus commanded.
2. The fear of God is to Hate Pride and Arrogance.
Pride and Arrogance are similar words; it is the quality of having an excessively high opinion of oneself, having an exaggerated sense of one’s own importance or abilities. Humility and kindness are very important virtues for us as God’s children, you might be smarter or prettier than the people around you, but that doesn’t mean you are better than they are. Jesus lived a humble life on earth, that’s what every child of God should do too.
To be continued…
PRAYER: Father in the name of Jesus, I pray that I have the fear of God in Jesus name. Amen
ACTION PLAN: Decide to put in your best in all you do today
DECLARATION: I have the fear of God, I hate evil all the days of my life.
This is a major one! He was offered free intercourse, but he ran away! He refused to get bitter about God because of his experiences and did not allow depression and conflicting emotions to push him into the clutches of available compromise with Potiphar’s wife!
(7) As time went on, his master’s wife became infatuated with Joseph and one day said, “Sleep with me.”(8) He wouldn’t do it. He said to his master’s wife, “Look, with me here, my master doesn’t give a second thought to anything that goes on here–he’s put me in charge of everything he owns.(9) He treats me as an equal. The only thing he hasn’t turned over to me is you. You’re his wife, after all! How could I violate his trust and sin against God?”(10) She pestered him day after day after day, but he stood his ground. He refused to go to bed with her.(11) On one of these days he came to the house to do his work and none of the household servants happened to be there.(12) She grabbed him by his cloak, saying, “Sleep with me!” He left his coat in her hand and ran out of the house. – Gen 39:7-12 MSG
Joseph said; I cannot sin against God! He had the fear of God. This is one of the reasons he became the greatest in Egypt! From prison to a ruler! What Singles Can Learn From Joseph
You see, righteousness exalts! Never ever allow the devil to tell you that you are missing out because you are a child of God. Never envy those who don’t have a relationship with God. David made that mistake too and he envied unbelievers, but he said when he got into God’s presence, then he understood their ends.
Joseph ran away! This is what you do in the face of sexual compromise! That is not the time to start speaking in tongues when he or she has removed his or her clothes! Run away! Flee! That is why God created legs for you!
Don’t come around and say somebody seduced you. Run! Five minutes before the compromise, you will always know what is about to happen. Don’t wait there trying to see what will happen when all the angels have already fled so that their eyes will not behold evil!
What else will happen between a guy and a lady alone in the room, with no light and no candles around 9.00 pm? Run! That is how to preserve your destiny! Run! That is how to fulfill your destiny! Run! Pack out of the house, you are not yet married! Run away because your destiny is greater than the compromise you are entangled with! Free yourself by God’s Spirit and run!
Take a cue from Joseph. But if I leave him, he won’t give me money again! If I leave him, he won’t pay my school fees again, and so on and so forth. That was also the place Joseph found himself. He ran away, and then seemed to land in the prison! But God did not leave him and that is the important thing. Righteousness will eventually exalt you and give you a better platform than exchanging your body for some paltry sums!
CONFESSION FOR THE DAY I am a dreamer. I will not stop dreaming!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY Pray that God will give the strength to say No in the face of compromise
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Gen 39:2 KJV And the LORD was with Joseph, and he was a prosperous man; and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian.
Hello dear child, today I want to talk to you about the fear of God! When I say “Fear” I don’t mean being scared of God, rather what I mean is living in a consciousness that God exists and living our lives to honour and respect his words.
God is mighty, he created the whole universe, and can you imagine how great he is?
As his children, he has given us certain commandments to follow; now, having the fear of God is what makes you obey God’s commandments.
These commandments are all listed in the Bible, Love is the greatest of all!
A few of God’s commandments are:
Thou shall not lie!
Thou shall not steal!
What actually makes us keep this, asides from knowing your parents frown at it, is the fear of God!
The Bible places so much importance on the fear of God, such that, it calls it the beginning of wisdom!
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding. –Proverbs 9: 10(KJV)
Thereyou have it!
Do you want to be wise? If yes, then you have to fear God.
Do you also want a holy understanding? The secret is a life that fears God!
Let me show you another scripture,
Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. –Ecclesiastics 12: 13 (KJV)
The bible says here that the whole duty of man is to fear God, and that is the conclusion of the whole matter. Today precious darlings make it a point of duty to fear God always. Be bless. Amen.
PRAYER: Father in Jesus name, help me to fear you at all times.
ACTION PLAN: Obey the word of God always.
DECLARATION: I am a child of God, a fear God, and obey his commandments all the time.
The fear of getting the right spouse who wouldn’t treat you harshly or abuse and jilt you is a terrible source of pressure.
There is also the fear of not meeting and having your right spouse in time.
The right way to handle this fear and its pressure is to focus your mind on the truth that God has the right spouse for you, and he or she will come at God’s appointed time.
Fear can immobilize and incapacitate. Fear can also cause you to hasten unnecessarily into dangerous terrains.
Whichever way, you need to know that God has not given you the Spirit of fear. Don’t end up marrying an unbeliever because of fear of getting old.
You cannot try to fix a pressure by violating God’s injunctions. It’s not going to work that way! You cannot jump ahead of God’s timing and expect things to work out. At the end of the day, what you venture into out of fear keeps the process elongated.
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. – 2Ti 1:7 KJV
Cast out the Spirit of fear and trust your father to give you the best.
If you missed yesterday’s devotional, you can read it HERE
Comparison Traps
Another dangerous source of pressure is comparing yourself with your friends and colleagues, especially when they are all either engaged or married.
You can either be strengthened or intimidated by your friends; do not be intimidated.
Understand that you are uniquely different from every other person; your destiny is quite different from theirs, so your life’s story is also different.
A friend’s success should not determine your direction. It is comparison traps that often drive one into adulterous relationships all in the bid to ‘belong’ or to meet financial pressures.
Avoid this trap as much as possible, because when you keep trying to be like everybody else, you will be like nobody else at the end of the day.
For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise. – 2Co 10:12 KJV
CONFESSION FOR THE DAY I refuse to stay under pressure of any kind. I am in control through the Spirit of God.
PRAYERS FOR THE DAY Lord, strengthen me daily to withstand every kind of pressures in Jesus name.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Jas 1:13 MSG Don’t let anyone under pressure to give in to evil say, “God is trying to trip me up.” God is impervious to evil, and puts evil in no one’s way.
ACTION PLAN FOR THE DAY Identify all sources of pressures and work towards eliminating one at a time.