Prerequisite For A Successful Marriage

Prerequisite For A Successful Marriage

Reading Time: 2 minutes

There are a lot of things that must be put in place for a marriage to succeed. There are conscious and deliberate inputs that must be in place so that marriage can bring bliss and not blisters.

Here are some of those things.

1. Prayers
A family that prays together stays together. A husband and wife that pray together will overcome the flesh easily. Prayer protects, shields and connects you to your inheritance in God.

As husband and wife, pray for one another rather than tear one another apart. Intercede for each other. What the devil wants is a tearing apart, do not cooperate with him. Wake up in the middle of the night and pray together. The power of agreement is better harnessed as a couple.  

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In the first few years of our marriage, my wife and I would wake up by 12.00am and pray in the Spirit. I am persuaded that those prayers advanced our lives and ministries.

There is a purpose for coming together in marriage. It is not just for making love and then dying at the age of ninety. There is a purpose in the heart of God. That purpose is not to be decided, it is to be discovered. When you discover that purpose, you just stepped into your wealthy place. You can only discover in the place of prayers.

The devil will do all he knows to do to make sure you don’t pray.

I will stop here today and continue tomorrow.

Be blessed!

I will pray for my loved one


Lord, teach me to pray

Jas 4:7 (KJV) Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.


Pray in the spirit

John 6


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Your Wedding Versus Marriage

Your Wedding Versus Marriage

Reading Time: 2 minutes

As they walked down the aisle, Kunle holding his bride, and their faces punctuated with laughter and sheer joy. Betty and Kunle are finally getting married and both of them were so happy.

They had looked forward to this day. Preparations were in top gear as they pumped millions into ensuring the day was glorious. They left no stone unturned, and both of them even borrowed some money for the D-Day. The day was colourful, and people went home belly-full. Everybody eat to their satisfaction as they hired the best caterer in town.

By the time they arrived at the honeymoon venue, they were both exhausted. And now, a new chapter of their life begins.

That day was super and that was it. The wedding was over and marriage began. Reality sets in. Few weeks after the wedding, the pressures showed up in their numbers and with the pressures are different scenarios.

My point this morning? We all put in a lot of preparation and resources into one day often at the detriment of the real thing. We spend millions on feeding guests while we cannot spend a couple of thousands required to take a good marriage counseling.

Here are a few things to note

1. Do not overstretch yourself because of a one-day event.
It is foolishness to borrow and feed people while you spend the next six months in debt and are unable to feed yourselves properly.

2. Work more at the comfort of your spouse after the wedding.
Some couples will sit on some golden beautiful settee on their wedding days and then arrange plastic chairs in the living room afterward. Who are we really trying to impress?

3. You and your intended spouse should draw a budget and work within the budget.
Agree on how you want the day to look and prioritize your home after the wedding

4. Lastly, do not allow folk in the family to draw you into unnecessary spending.
Be wise. Be circumspect.

I pray God to grant you more understanding

I am wise and circumspect.

Ask for divine wisdom to plan your wedding

Matt 19:16 (AMP) So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, let no one separate.”

Prepare for your marriage

Prov 4


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Why Your Wife May Not Be Cooperative In Bed

Why Your Wife May Not Be Cooperative In Bed

Reading Time: 2 minutes

There are many reasons why your wife loses interest in bed with you.

This attitude is not to be ignored because it can potentially bring harm to marriage.

It can push a man without self control into the zone of adulterous escapades, and of course, that comes with its unpleasant and attendant consequences that are detrimental to the family and home.

When this happens over and over again, that marriage is in serious danger of being exploited by the devil. 

What seems like occasional refusals can quickly degenerate to a point where the wife closes up her spirit and the husband starts looking elsewhere.

When you look at the scriptures, it advocates that you should not deny each other sexually.

As a counselor, I have to counsel not too few a couple on this area.

What are those reasons why a wife can suddenly lose interest, especially if she has been cooperative before?

1. When she is repeatedly hurt and disappointed

Yes, the man is the head of the house and he is supposed to have the final say.

But when the man refuses to let his wife talk all the time, shuts her up and mute her voice, it can make her withdraw emotionally.
When she is withdrawn emotionally, she cannot enjoy jeru trip like she should.

She is not a prostitute. And because she is not, a sexual experience for her is a total experience that affects every part of her.

If she is unhappy while at it, she can have the feeling of being raped.

And when this happens continuously, she would associate pain to an experience that you are supposed to enjoy and which is supposed to transport you to a land of delight like never before.

I believe this is one of the reasons Apostle Peter said:

1Pe 3:7 (CEV) If you are a husband, you should be thoughtful of your wife. Treat her with honor…

Being thoughtful about her off bed will make her cooperate more on the bed. Invest in her emotionally. Stop hurting her over and over again. The moment you lose her emotionally, you will not enjoy yourself as well.

I am not justifying this attitude on the part of the wife, because this attitude is not the appropriate response to an insensitive husband. 

Maybe he just does not understand how to treat a woman or how you want to be treated specifically.

That is not a sin in itself, he only needs to learn. So, talk to him. Explain, rather than withdraw, go quiet and sulk. Communicate. Express your frustrations without nagging and work together to build your home.

May God grant more understanding!

Be blessed!

I will cooperate with my spouse

Lord, let your love be shed abroad in our home

1Pe 3:7 (GW) Husbands, in a similar way, live with your wives with understanding since they are weaker than you are. Honor your wives as those who share God’s life-giving kindness so that nothing will interfere with your prayers.

Invest in your marriage

Matthew 27


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How To Overcome Hurt In Marriage – Part 2

How To Overcome Hurt In Marriage – Part 2

Reading Time: 3 minutes

I discussed the topic “How To Overcome Hurt In Marriage” yesterday and today, I will be concluding on the topic.

We established that the enemy often seeks to use the weapon of hurt to wrought his 3 fold agenda in marriages which is to steal, kill and destroy. No marriage is immune to the strategies and attacks of the enemy. He will often steal from our marriages, kill and snooze out life from our marriage and totally destroy all that our marriage stands for.

Hurt is a blessing blocker. When you are hurt, your heart cannot receive from God.

Getting rid of hurts and making sure your heart is guarded against any form of hurt that may arise. See the spiritual implication of hurt and what it can potentially do to your marriage.

If you don’t learn to handle your hurts the right way, it will lead to bitterness, which can lead to rage which can lead to all sorts of vices like murder.

There is a right way and a wrong way of handling hurts. Make sure you are not a victim to the deadly poison of hurt.

Some wrong and unhealthy ways to handle hurt include:

1. Vengeance or retaliation.
This is when you allow the hurt to get at you so much that you act back based on the hurt. Retaliation could come in various ways, wanting to hurt your spouse back, or inflict pain.

2. Closing your heart
We have a tendency to block our hearts as a way of protecting our hearts from further hurts.

3. Rehearsing or replaying the hurt
We may also be in the rot of replaying the words or event that hurt us.

I know there are different levels and degree of hurt, but whichever, we have a responsibility of guarding our heart and we have a choice not to be hurt.

The best way to guard our heart against hurts is taking communion. Try it because it works so well. Take communion and plead the blood of Jesus over your heart.

Also take authority over the hurt. Exercise authority over words that cause hurts. Guard your heart against the effect of hurt using these two scriptures

Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
Luke 10:19 KJV

No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord.
Isaiah 54:17 KJV

Anytime there is a quarrel between couples and there are exchange of harsh words, you will do well to guard your heart against this hurt.

Even after you have made up and started talking, if not properly dealt with , you could still be nursing the hurt. Get rid of the hurt and don’t allow any root of bitterness defile you.

Let your heart be void of offence, bitterness or hurt against your spouse, siblings, parents, God, life, etc

God bless your marriage.

I refuse to be hurt. I refuse to be bitter.

Lord, help me to forgive those who hurt me.

No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord .
Isaiah 54:17 KJV

Decide to get rid of offense

Luk 10


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How To Go About Communication During Love Making?

How To Go About Communication During Love Making?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

We will be looking at communication during love making. By communication, I mean both verbal and non-verbal communication. During love making, should there be talking? Or it should be as silent as a graveyard?

Another question is, should the room or any where you choose be dark, poorly lighted or fully lighted? That another question we will be looking at today.

All these questions are what you may be asking or is on your mind and we will together throw more light on them.

Well, your comments will be highly appreciated and welcome. Let’s know what happens in the ‘other room’. This can help another couple out there.

In my opinion what happens in ‘the other room’ is as the couples want it. However, being rigid to a particular mould is what may not be too good for the marriage. In my own marriage, we do more of non verbal communication to verbal.

Because our foreplay is usually very long (I strongly recommend this for couples except for quickies). We delight ourselves in each other during foreplay, where we get to explore our bodies. This time, we are free to talk, play and tease ourselves. But during intercourse, we don’t talk much, but a lot of moans! And then we also talk after.

My husband feels (and I agree with him because it works for us,) that talking breaks his flow and concentration. We like to savour every moment. It helps us enjoy each other more. That may be entirely different with you! Talking may just be your trigger!

Some people believe all kinds of dirty talks are allowed and that it is those dirty talks that make them reach orgasm. Let’s have your view.

For the second question, do you like it pitch dark, partially or fully lighted?

I remember when we were newly married, I used to like it when the lights are off. That was when I was shy. But I am no longer particular after I have been married for twenty-two years.

My husband has always liked it when the light are on. And his explanation was simple, “Don’t you know that men are moved by sight?”

As I said earlier, variety is the spice of marriage. We have the lights on now and sometimes, partially lighted.

Let’s hear your opinion. What is going on in your own marriage?

I am waiting for your responses.

My marriage is blessed.

Lord, help me to love my spouse unconditionally

Prov 5:19 (ESV) As a loving hind and a pleasant doe, let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou ravished always with her love.

Discuss with your spouse based on the topic of today

1 Chronicles 7 – 10