The Whistle of God Against Your Enemies

The Whistle of God Against Your Enemies

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Whistle of God Against Your Enemies

God is blowing the whistle!

Zechariah 10:8 (MSG)  
I’ll whistle and they’ll all come running. I’ve set them free—oh, how they’ll flourish!

Yes, God will whistle and that spouse will come running!

God will whistle and set you free from all oppression! 

God will whistle and you will flourish in all you lay your hands to do. 

But you see, there are many uses of the whistle!

In a football game, the whistle is put to many uses.

The whistle is used to start play, 1st or 2nd half and after a goal

But it is also used to stop play

1. for a free kick or penalty kick
2. if the match is suspended or abandoned
3. when a period of play has ended due to the expiration of time

Take a look at this scripture before we look at the different scenarios. 

Psalms 9:5 (MSG) 
You blow the whistle on godless nations; you throw dirty players out of the game, wipe their names right off the roster.

God is blowing the whistle on every godless entity harassing your destiny!

God is throwing all dirty players away from your life.

God is wiping off names of deceivers, froward men, liars, strange women off the roster of your destiny!

 No more distractions for you!

1. For a free kick or penalty kick

Every pretentious lover who is planning to commit fouls in your life, God is blowing the whistle on them.

No more will you be cheated on the field of play!

God is the referee!

No longer will you attract time wasters, destiny killers, distraction entities, and wicked men.

Your marital life will no longer be a field of play with countless fouls from energy-sapping players who have no intentions of walking down the aisle.

For married couples, God is blowing the whistle on every side chick, on every man or woman out there distracting your spouse, God is blowing the whistle on them! 

God will referee your marriage and cause the winning goals to be on your side! You will no longer play against each other but work towards a common goal!

Good morning!


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Two Indications That A Marriage Might Crash

Two Indications That A Marriage Might Crash

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Two Indications That A Marriage Might Crash. Our Marriages will not crash in Jesus’ name. However, there are indications or tendencies we should guard against.

These indications are sure signals that marriage will crash.

Two Indications That A Marriage Might Crash. What are they?

1. When the couple lives in deception
No marriage can be built on deception. Deception is a sandy, fragile, frail, and flaky foundation that would seem to hold a marriage for a while, but will give in, and crash eventually. 

Deception brings with it, false promises and this even becomes intense when both husband and wife are deceiving and lying to each other.

It is a matter of time before the loud crash is heard around and beyond. 

Pro 27:6 (KJV)  Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.

It is even worse if the couple knows they are in deception, and they keep encouraging each other rather than seeking help.

2. When the couple lives in isolation
A couple that lives in isolation will die in desolation.

It is not a curse, it is a predictable end.

A couple that has nobody speaking into their lives is at risk.

There must be a place you are drawing from.

Who can you report your spouse to?

If there is nobody, something is not quite right. 

Who mentors your marriage?

Whose marriage models yours?

Find that person prayerfully and stop fighting alone.

There are battles you can fight for days in a marriage that could have been ended by wisdom in a few statements in the heart of someone around you.

Pro 25:12 (KJV)  As an earring of gold, and an ornament of fine gold, so is a wise reprover upon an obedient ear.

A wise reprover is likened to precious jewelry with which you adorn yourself and come out beautifully.

Do you want a beautiful marriage?

Do you desire a beautiful home?

Then my question is, “who is your wise reprover?”

If you have none, then prayerfully find one together and agree on being mentored.

May God give you more understanding! These are the Two Indications That A Marriage Might Crash

Be blessed!

I will go for wisdom 

Pray that God will lead you to the right mentor  

Pro 25:12 (MSG)  And a wise friend’s timely reprimand is like a gold ring slipped on your finger.

Have a heart-to-heart talk with your spouse 

Romans 11


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Timely Reminder For All Married

Timely Reminder For All Married

Reading Time: 2 minutes


One man was avidly studying his wedding certificate for hours. Upon being asked why he said he was looking for the expiry date! Sorry marriage does not expire, there is no reverse gear.

Another man was watching his wedding tape, but this time backward! He saw himself remove the ring, walked out of the church entered his car, and zoomed off. He wished he could do that in real life, but sorry! Marriage is a haven, not an oven. Marriage is to be enjoyed and not endured. There is tremendous power in marriage as a couple.

The devil recognizes this power at your disposal as a married couple. That is why his intention is to throw a monkey wrench at your stuff. There are some precautions you can take in order to ensure that you are one with your spouse and that the power of agreement is not broken.

The Christian life is not hard to live, in fact, it is when you don’t follow God that things get messed up and complicated. That is why Jesus Christ said his yoke is easy, learn about it, it is easier that way.

1. If you want a successful marriage, never insult or abuse your spouse on account of someone else. Preserve your marriage by respecting your spouse inside and outside. This is because, for men, respect is a major issue. Every man is egocentric, although excessive egocentricity is not good.

2. Never empower others against your spouse. Don’t shoot yourself in the leg. You are one in marriage, and that is how God sees it. Support your spouse always.

I will invest in my marriage. My spouse is second to none but God

Lord, teach us to be a skillful couple in loving you and loving ourselves

2Co 2:11 MSG After all, we don’t want to unwittingly give Satan an opening for yet more mischief–we’re not oblivious to his sly ways!

Have a hearty discussion with your spouse on how you can love each other better.

Gen 33-34


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The Way Out of Complicated Issues In Marriage

The Way Out of Complicated Issues In Marriage

Reading Time: 2 minutes

In our many years of counseling married couples, we have had to handle different kinds of issues in marriage. Some of the issues, simple and direct while others are pretty complicated and not direct at all.

The Holy Spirit helps us handle these issues. Some of these issues have their root causes in some generational issues, a complex parental issue, a background issue or a habit that was developed while growing up.

Some husbands are good with silent treatment to their wives. There could be a lot of reasons responsible for this kind of treatment but it takes digging into the issue to get to the root cause.

It will be good to note that there could be different things responsible for such actions. The husband could be frustrated at the wife nagging.
The husband could be having issues at work.
The husband might have difficulties communicating his deepest feelings.
The husband might grow up seeing his dad do the same to his mum.
The husband may be involved in extra marital affairs, thus his cold actions.
The husband might be dealing with issues that the wife knows nothing about.
It could be an act of wickedness on the husband’s part.

So, in the scenario above, let’s assume we are in the shoes of the wife, we have to be tactical in finding out the real cause of our husband’s coldness. E.g if he is cold because he is having an affair and we treat it as having issues at work or overact believing he is mean, we would have ended up majoring on the minor and minoring in the major, and not dealing with the issue.

That is why we have to depend on the Holy Spirit in handling issues in our marriage. Some issues may be complicated while some are not as complicated.

Let’s try to be more patient and think deep through the issues that may arise in our marriage.

Let’s also be prayerful, asking God for the spirit of wisdom and revelation. We also need discernment to discern the root cause of issues.

God bless your marriage.

I am a discerning spouse.

Pray for the spirit of discernment.

Romans 8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

Pray for your spouse

Rom 8


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How To Be Thankful As A Couple

How To Be Thankful As A Couple

Reading Time: 2 minutes

How To Be Thankful As A Couple. There is so much we can be thankful about especially for those who are married.

We all are to be full of gratitude.

I remember in the early years of our marriage, I just decided to give God thanks and before I know what’s happening, two hours have passed.

We need to be creative with our thanksgiving and be grateful for things we normally overlook and take for granted. God moves in our midst when we are truly grateful and offer Him thanks for those things we see Him doing in our lives.

It is easy to judge those ten lepers in Luke 17:11-19. They were obviously being so ungrateful. This minute they were lepers and the next they were cleansed. If they were thinking, they should have first of all been grateful they were cleansed.

And as he entered into a certain village, there met him ten men that were lepers, which stood afar off: And they lifted up their voices, and said, Jesus, Master, have mercy on us. And when he saw them, he said unto them, Go shew yourselves unto the priests. And it came to pass, that, as they went, they were cleansed.

Luke 17:12-14 (KJV)

I guess they became overwhelmed with many other things that needed to be done, the years wasted, the relationships lost, all other things they have lost, etc. They allowed themselves to be overwhelmed in their thoughts and that stole their ability to give thanks to God.

Did you miss out on yesterday’s devotional, we’ve got you covered kindly go HERE. For KHC video Devotionals kindly go HERE

God is excited when we put Him in remembrance and remember where we are coming from, what we were delivered from and how God saw us through whatever challenges we had.

As couples, let us be grateful for each other. Thanksgiving precedes God’s interventions. If you want to see God’s hands over your home and marriage, thank Him for His fingers. When you are grateful, you bring God on the scene.

You have things you should be grateful for. Don’t take any of the goodness of God for granted. Be thankful and praise His Name.

God bless our marriage.

I am grateful and I praise God for my life and marriage

Lord, I consciously set my heart to remember you for your goodness.

Psa 6:5 For in death there is no remembrance of thee: in the grave who shall give thee thanks?

Set out to be creatively grateful for those ‘little things’ God has done.

Ps 102


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