Tackling Marital Challenges Head-On

Tackling Marital Challenges Head-On

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Tackling Marital Challenges Head-On

It is no doubt that everyone married knows that marriage come with some challenges. It is either you are facing a particular challenge now, you have just overcome a challenge or you will pass through a challenge in future. Everyone will have to face one form of marital challenge or the other.

It is not the challenges that are the issue, but how we handle or face them. Our perspective about them and how prepared we are with enough wisdom to face them is what really matters.

Challenges are champions’ meat. What break some, are what make others.

Apostle Paul affirm.and confirms that there are marital troubles

1 Corinthians 7:28 KJV
But and if thou marry, thou hast not sinned; and if a virgin marry, she hath not sinned. Nevertheless such shall have trouble in the flesh: but I spare you.

As believers, God expects us to soar above these challenges of life as much as we do our marriage.

Identifying these challenges can help us in facing them head long.

Here are some marital issues

1. Communication issues

This is definitely a major baggage in marriage that has to be handled very wisely. The presence of this issue, could be a blessing in disguise drawing couples closer if handled wisely. If not, poor communication can lead to misunderstanding, conflicts, emptional.distance, unfulfilled life, strife, constant quarrels, unhappiness, frustrations, delay and the list goes on.

Communication is the bedrock of any marriage, and I believe any couple who desires to make meaningful impact should concentrate and focus on getting this foundation right. Not doing this can mean they are building their marriage on sand.

Couples that have  communication issues should settle down with the Holy Spirit and find lasting solution rather than accusing and blaming each other.

2. Financial strain

Finances is also very important in marriage. How much of it is available, how it is being managed and multiplied can be an issue. 

When there is no financial fulfillment it could be a real challenge. The couples should talk about this and learn some basic principles of money. They should take steps towards financial freedom mentally, spiritually, physically and otherwise. They should be financially intelligent to avoid the strain caused by finances

I will stop here


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Pastor, I Need Help In My Marriage

Pastor, I Need Help In My Marriage

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Ever since the fall of man from grace and God’s Glory, man has been involved with one form of struggle or another. Especially in marriage, man has lived to deal with numerous challenges. Most of these challenges and struggles have left our marriages less than the original intention in God’s heart for marriage.

The picture in God’s heart for every marriage is for both man and woman to live like the trinity, like the Godhead, in perfect unity.

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.  – Gen 1:27 (KJV)

The concept of unity is the original intention of God in marriage. Where this picture or intention is not known, struggles and disunity will be experienced.

Most of us struggle in our marriage and experience heartaches. Spouse cheating, adulterous affairs, spouse not being open, hiding from each other, cold, financially unfaithful, unfriendly, egoistic, dead spiritually, not meeting each other’s needs, lack of intimacy, lack of love and respect, emotional adultery, and so on.

Did you miss out on yesterday’s devotional, we’ve got you covered kindly go HERE. For KHC video Devotionals kindly go HERE

Not having the original picture that God had in His heart is what brings about all these struggles in marriage.

To put an end to all struggles in marriage, we need to engage the help of the Holy Spirit in helping us see the right picture as was in God’s heart in the beginning. We have to go back to the original intent in the heart of the Father.

Yes, every other thing we try to do will make meaning only after we have a revelation of the Oneness concept.

A blissful marriage is possible. Not that you will not have your differences or different opinions, you will still have because you are different and differently made to fulfill and occupy different roles.

The only way to enjoy peace and harmony is to get back to God’s original intention and God will help us all in Jesus mighty name.

God bless your marriage.

My marriage will not be an adage.

Oh Lord, restore my marriage to the original mandate.

Gen 1:28 {MSG}God blessed them: Prosper! Reproduce! Fill Earth! Take charge! Be responsible for fish in the sea and birds in the air, for every living thing that moves on the face of Earth.”

Go back and study God’s plan for your marriage.

Gen 1


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Overcoming Your Marital Challenges Through Patience

Overcoming Your Marital Challenges Through Patience

Reading Time: 2 minutes

In today’s devotional, we’ll be looking at “Overcoming Your Marital Challenges Through Patience”. We may have so many ‘buts’, but one thing remains which stands sure and that is you are married.

Yes, married for life and married till death do you part. But marriage requires a lot of patience, hard work, and some more patience. This is what we need to overcome marital challenges that will come our way.

Like the movie, I and my husband saw some time ago. It was a pathetic story of a young lady who married her high school lover, got married against the advice of her sisters all in the name of love. She kept spending all she had for this guy who kept on promising things will be better.

She was the one funding the guy’s education and finally when she thought the guy would get a job to help her, he was busy with a project. The lady worked two jobs just to make ends meet. They spent all her mum’s money left for her till they were bankrupt.

This guy couldn’t get a job because he was an ex-convict. He devoted all his life to his project with the promise things will get better. The lady was frustrated. And one day out of her frustration decided to file for a divorce coupled with the fact that she suspected him of adultery.

After eighteen years of waiting for all his wonderful promises, she decided to call it quit. She was tired and frustrated. After some months of the lady giving upon him, his project hit it big. Her once not so good for nothing husband became a millionaire. She tried to get back but it was too late.

Her ex-husband was married to the same lady she accused him of having an affair with. She went through a season of guilt, shame, jealousy, and rage. All the things her ex-husband promised her were now to be enjoyed by another woman.

She loves her husband but… she could no longer wait. She was frustrated, tired, and overwhelmed. She could no longer wait and she had wrong advice from her sisters.

Please, whatever you are going through in your marriage, know that with a lot of patience you can overcome. You will still have your dreams come through. Don’t give up on your marriage. Don’t be like this woman who eventually killed herself out of jealousy. She labored but another ate the fruit of her labour. That will not be your portion

God bless your marriage

I am patient 

Lord, help me to be wait for your salvation in my marriage

Rom 12:12 (KJV)  Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;

Begin today to acknowledge the person of the Holy spirit.

2 Chronicles 5


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