How To Keep Love Alive In Marriage – Part 2

How To Keep Love Alive In Marriage – Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

We started on the topic of keeping love alive in our marriages in yesterday’s devotional. Let’s delve in the remaining things we need to keep love alive.

2. Don’t Compare

The grass always seem greener at the other side. Never fall for the comparison trap.

Don’t compare other couples or marriages with your own.

Yes, you can learn from them but never compare.

The truth is you never know that other husband or wife.

Every good marriage you admire sacrificed on their path to get to where they are now.

So rather than compare and blame your spouse for not being like husband A, work on your own marriage, pay your own price and make your own sacrifices.

Did you miss out on yesterday’s devotional, we’ve got you covered kindly go HERE. For KHC video Devotionals kindly go HERE

3. Don’t withdraw

The withdrawal syndrome is one thing that destroys a marriage fast.

It’s a temporary shield you build around yourself to avoid confronting and dealing with issues.

Don’t withdraw into work, yourself, your passion, activity, church project, children, porn, friends, outings or keeping late nights.

When you hide in withdrawal, you have simply created a vacuum for the devil to fill in your home.

You need to understand each other’s temperament and know how to lovingly respect each other’s differences.

Extroverts and introverts are very different and handle issues differently.

Give each other space. Allow your spouse grow without nagging them.

Be patient with your demands. Don’t expect your wife to change over night. Let the fruit of the spirit grow and manifest in your life.

Allow your marriage to grow. Let it blossom.

If you are presently experiencing a not too pleasant moment in your marriage, let grace flow towards you now, releasing peace, strength and courage to you.

I pray for you, may God’s love and a fresh love for your spouse be shed abroad in your heart now in Jesus name.


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Keeping Love And Romance Alive In Marriage

Keeping Love And Romance Alive In Marriage

Reading Time: 2 minutes

It’s beautiful seeing newly wedded couples. The love spark is amazing.

There is a love wave, love current and all the love vibes around them. They set out professing their eternal love for each other.

They are deeply in love and could never imagine hurting each other not to talk of harming themselves whether emotionally or verbally.

The question is what happened? At what point did they start to deviate from the love zone?

Really, no husband or wife starts out over night from being loving to being rash, unkind, abusive and insensitive.

There must have been little actions or in-actions here and there, that crept into their love affair.

The Bible talks about little foxes that destroy the vine, the tender vine.

Our marriages are like these vines that are very tender. Little foxes are like poisons slowly released that will eventually destroy the marriage. We therefore, need to place close attention so that we don’t allow these foxes.

Here are three things not to do if you want to keep love alive in marriage.

Did you miss out on yesterday’s devotional, we’ve got you covered kindly go HERE. For KHC video Devotionals kindly go HERE

1 Don’t blame

‘It’s his fault’
‘She very disrespectful’
‘He’s not kind and loving’
She’s lazy and overly sensitive’
‘He’s always hurting’

Stop the blame game. You have a choice, either you keep blaming and remain hurt, bitter and full of regret and revengeful.

When you keep on blaming the other person you focus on their negatives.

You become blind to their positive sides and you put him/ her on edge.

Remember, when you were in love, it was because you were blind to their negatives and only focused on how good, handsome & lovely they were.

Do the same now. Blaming your spouse continuously is poisonous.

I am not asking you to keep completely silent on your spouse’s weakness but rather confront each other respectfully and lovingly.

Remember you have your own faults too. Forgiveness and mercy is reciprocal in marriage.

To be continued tomorrow


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How To Handle Affairs In Marriage – Part 2

How To Handle Affairs In Marriage – Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Yesterday, we looked at how to handle an affair from the erring spouse part. This is so important because the bulk of the work lies on the spouse that had an affair.

The responsibility is on him/her. The spouse is just to be support and to forgive.

The erring spouse has the responsibility of being brutally truthful, sincere and repentant.

There are some scenarios that the spouse is under demonic influence and finds it difficult to be sincere or truthful. Prayers of God healing by giving him/her a new and clean heart will be necessary. This is because to successfully handle an affair squarely requires sincerity and truthfulness.

Let’s continue today with the other steps. You can read yesterday’s devotionals HERE

4. Attach pain to the experience of having an affair.

Until an affair is associated with pain in the mind and the brain, thorough work is not done. The erring couple must have several quiet moments of self-talk and deep ruminating of the issue. That’s why depending on the situation, the erring spouse must be left alone to have some sober reflections.

This sober reflection is necessary for a certain positive conclusion to be made. Although a lot of prayers are needed in this period. The support of the other spouse is also needed by not criticizing, nagging, and not showing rage or irritability.

A lot of love, emotional support, care, and reassuring words should be given to the erring spouse at such times as this. A spouse should come out of this ordeal stronger, better, and bigger ready to help those in the same predicament.

That’s the way God organized things in the kingdom. What you have overcome, you have the Grace to help set others free.

6. Change the environment.

It might be necessary to that environment where the affair happened. However, this may not always be possible. If you can’t change your environment, you can at least change what YOU do within that compromising environment.

Whether you have lunch breaks together alone with a particular lady, you have to change this. It is to be noted that the affair could be an emotional affair. Don’t be deceived, an emotional affair is as serious as a sexual affair. In God, they are the same.

But I say, anyone who even looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart. Matthew 5:28 NLT

7. Make sure you don’t play the blame game.

What has happened has happened. Don’t cry over split milk. Don’t wallow in self-pity. That is the devil domain. You don’t want to cooperate with the devil to make your freedom difficult.

You must embrace Gods free gift of forgiveness and obey all His principles.

Don’t go to the extreme concerning yourself. David committed adultery and murder yet God called him a man after my heart. God restored him and he was one of the most famous kings on earth.

Don’t doubt God’s love. When He says He has forgiven you He means exactly that. Embrace His love and His forgiveness.

I believe you have found these steps helpful. May God enlighten our darkness in Jesus name.

God bless your marriage.

I am committed to my marriage vows.

Lord, help me to love my spouse appropriately.

Ephesians 5:22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.

If you are having an affair, make amends today

Prov 2


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