How To Believe God For Things

How To Believe God For Things

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Hello dear, welcome to another time of learning God’s word. Today we will be looking at how to believe God for things. But before we go into that, I trust that you have learnt a lot from these devotionals. Do well to tell your friends about it. It is always good to be in a circle where you all feed on the same thing.

Today’s topic is a very important one, I want to show you how to believe God for things and receive what you believe him for.

God wants you to have what your soul desires even as children, but just like adults, you have to trust and believe him for it.

Have you ever heard of the word FAITH? The bible says without it, it’s impossible to please God.
The bible gives the definition of faith. It can be found in the book of Hebrews.

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. – Hebrews 11:1 (KJV)

Faith is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you do not see. It assures us of things we expect and convinces us of the existence of things we cannot see.

God’s desire is for us to walk in faith, because faith is a journey, he wants you to begin by believing him for a bicycle and then grow into believing him for a house or a car for your parents.

What does it mean to have faith?

Let me give you a practical example.
I know as little children, one of the things you desire to have is a bicycle. Now how do you believe God for it?

1. You pray and ask God for it
Once you pray, believe that God has heard you.

2. Find a bible verse that assures you of what you have received

3. Believe that God is able to give you what you have requested for.

4. Regardless of how long it takes, be sure that you will get it.

5. Don’t allow doubts, the devil or anyone around you to talk you into believing that you are wasting your time.

6. Thank God for it and be conscious of what you have received with hope that it will soon be manifested.

If you follow this through, regardless of how small your faith is, soon you will believe God to help people around you with sicknesses and diseases.

Hoping to hear your testimonies from what you have learnt.

Father, help me to walk in faith. Amen

Action Point:
Pick one thing and believe God for it.

My faith moves mountains.

Read yesterday’s article here


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Three Important Points To Note About Marriage

Three Important Points To Note About Marriage

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Every marriage that seeks to fulfill the mandate of Heaven must seek to do these 3 things.

Every marriage, especially the ones ordained from heaven has a mandate to fulfill. This mandate requires a lot of focus and hard work. A lot of things will be screaming at you to give up pursuing your mandate.

Joyce Meyer said in one of her videos that thank God Dave never gave up on her too quickly. Was Dave frustrated? Yes. Did it seem like it was not worth it? Yes. What if Dave and Joyce had given up on themselves and their marriage? Saying the road was too though? Thank God they made it and are fulfilling the mandate upon their marriage.

Let’s go through these three important things needed in every marriage.

1. Accept your spouse.

In accepting your spouse you accept everything about them, their weaknesses, strengths, challenges, background, past, present future, their body makeup, etc. It is a full acceptance. Once you are married, you are into that person fully.

Someone said, my husband talks a lot, he snores, he is slow… oh good. It’s a whole package.

2. Believe in your spouse.
You not only accept your spouse but you also need to believe in them. Believe they can get better. Believe they can change. Believe their weaknesses can become their greatest source of strength. Believe there are some ‘good’ in them. Believe God’s Mercy will find you and your marriage will work out.

Did you miss out on yesterday’s devotional, we’ve got you covered kindly go HERE. For KHC video Devotionals kindly go HERE

3. Confess your love for your spouse.
This is so powerful because our confessions are so powerful. If you make it a habit to confess and declare those things you want to see in your spouse and in your relationship. The more you confess your love for your spouse the more your love for him/ her grows.  Don’t confess what you don’t want to see or experience in your marriage. Continually fill your mouth with positive things concerning your spouse and your marriage.

God bless our marriage

My marriage will fulfill God’s Mandate on it.

Lord, help to focus on my spouse

Mat 12:34 O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.

I begin to put to practice what I have learned

John 10


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Little Children, Believe In Yourself

Little Children, Believe In Yourself

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Little children, believe in yourself. The book of Philippians has a wonderful verse you can commit to memory as children.

The thirteenth verse of the fourth chapter tells you what you can do as a child or follower of Christ.

“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me”

(Phil. 4:13 KJV)

Let’s see another version so you understand it well. 

Imagine the possibilities you have access to do with this verse. The writer is showing you that you can do all you desire to as long as you have Jesus. Therefore my little children, believe!

Your strength doesn’t come from you, your possessions, friends, families, or education. It comes from Jesus. He gives you the strength to move on and accomplish everything you need to accomplish.

If there is a huge task or challenge in front of you, remember this verse. Say and believe it. Jesus will show you how to carry it out with ease. My little children, believe.

It doesn’t mean that you won’t do your part. You pray and act according to the leading of Jesus.

May Jesus continue to strengthen you. Amen.

Lord, Jesus, please I need your strength to do ……… (mention that thing). Help me. Amen.

Action point:
Write down this verse and recite it. Ask Jesus for His help.

I am helped of God in Jesus name.

Read yesterday’s article here


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