A Good Heart Is Needed For A Good Marriage

A Good Heart Is Needed For A Good Marriage

Reading Time: 2 minutes

What would make a man cheat on his wife? What on earth could that be? It is simply a bad heart, one devoid of conscience.

What would make a wife cheat on her husband? It is the same thing. A bad heart, and additionally, deliberate seductive attires.

Let’s take a look at the scriptures:

And behold, there met him a woman, dressed as a harlot and sly and cunning of heart.

Pro 7:10 (AMPC)

So the scriptures talk about a dressing and state of heart. These two will show there is a major problem in the offing.

Let’s take a look at other translations.

A woman with an ulterior motive meets him. She is dressed as a prostitute.

Pro 7:10 (GW)

Notice the two things here; an ulterior motive, and a certain type of dressing.

It goes to show that the heart is very important in an adulterous equation.  Once the heart is wrong and it is complemented with seductive dressing, the picture fits who the scripture describes as a harlot.

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This is because, from the scriptures, the dressing of a harlot goes with a wrong heart that will cheat.

Do you catch yourself always wanting to wear something skimpy, something revealing your flesh, showing cleavages, then you really need to watch it as a married woman.

It is the same with men. Are you always wearing show me your muscle shirts, interested in showing off your body and more?

These are indicative of what is in the heart and not just a coincidence.

I pray that God will give us more understanding even as we deliberately work on what we allow ourselves to feed and meditate on.

Be blessed today as always.

I have a good heart.

Oh Lord, give me a good heart

Pro 7:10 (MSG)Just then, a woman met him— she’d been lying in wait for him, dressed to seduce him.

Dress responsibly

Prov 7


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How Unfaithfulness Can Be Spelt As Neglect

How Unfaithfulness Can Be Spelt As Neglect

Reading Time: 3 minutes

How do you know a potential spouse that will be unfaithful when you are not married yet? There are tell-tale signs. When you double date, you are simply in a rehearsal for adultery. Simple!

Why is this so? You see, it takes the same heart! The heart that can accommodate and justify double dating will also glide into the dangerous terrain of adultery and extra-marital affairs effortlessly!

Adultery is a killer. It looks sweet initially, but the consequences are undesirable.

Now, let’s look at some scriptures in the book of Proverbs.

When Solomon starts talking to you about adultery, you had better listen. He had it all and you will never be able to break his record! He had so many women in his harem that he must have used tallies or numbers to identify them.

Stolen waters are sweet, and bread eaten in secret is pleasant.

Pro 9:17 KJV

Adultery seems sweet, but what happens afterwards?

Bread of deceit is sweet to a man; but afterwards his mouth shall be filled with gravel.

Pro 20:17 KJV

You sure don’t want to be served a plate of gravel for food, but that is what a lot of people are cooking for lunch and dinner!

Unfaithfulness in your marriage will also reduce you. It will reduce you to what can be swallowed by the devil. See it here:

For by means of a whorish woman a man is brought to a piece of bread: and the adulteress will hunt for the precious life.

Pro 6:26 KJV

God frowns at adulterous relationships! It is also a stupid sin because the consequences are staring you on your face and you still go ahead. You know it is wrong, yet like the proverbial dog which refuses to heed the hunter’s whistle, you go ahead.

Your conscience pricks you, yet you refuse to unlock yourself from the embrace of the strange woman or the evil man as the scripture aptly puts it. It is simply a stupid sin. See it here:

But whoso committeth adultery with a woman lacketh understanding: he that doeth it destroyeth his own soul.

Pro 6:32 KJV

See other translation:

Adultery is a brainless act, soul-destroying, self-destructive;

Pro 6:32 MSG

Let’s see one more translation

But whoever commits adultery with a woman lacks heart and understanding (moral principle and prudence); he who does it is destroying his own life.

Pro 6:32 AMP

What is my advice?

Let thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy youth.

Pro 5:18 KJV

See it in the Amplified version.

Let your fountain [of human life] be blessed [with the rewards of fidelity], and rejoice in the wife of your youth.

Pro 5:18 AMP

What is God trying to say here? God is trying to identify one of the causes of adultery. What is that? NEGLECT! Don’t neglect your spouse in any way especially where your sexual life is concerned.

The greatest need of a man is jeru trip. The greatest need of a woman is communication and attention. Give this to each other and enjoy each other!

Protect each other by satisfying yourselves. Jeru trip is not a reward system neither is it a punishment tool! According to the amplified version above, when you satisfy yourselves as a married couple, you will be blessed with the rewards of fidelity.

May God grant us more understanding.

I am a wise spouse. I will not shoot myself in the leg.

Pray against the spirit of lust in your family.

Proverbs 6:32-33 (CEV) But if you go to bed with another man’s wife, you will destroy yourself by your own stupidity. You will be beaten and forever disgraced.

Avoid adultery.

Prov 6


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Three Causes Of Unfaithfulness in Marriage

Three Causes Of Unfaithfulness in Marriage

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Three Causes Of Unfaithfulness in Marriage

It’s a sad reality today that adultery is right in the church. Professing believers, deacons and even pastors are flagrantly indulging in adulterous escapades, resulting in unnecessary and unprecedented headaches and agony in families.

An affair is more or less a sexual relationship, romantic friendship, or passionate attachment between two people without the knowledge of the other spouse.

Nobody is totally exempt from adultery. This morning, I am going to attempt to identify a few causes why couples often resort to cheating and unfaithfulness. This is not an attempt to justify this obviously sinful act, but to help us identify areas we might need to pay attention to.

1. The Needs of the Couple
The couple usually will have different needs. Emotional and sexual needs particularly. When these are not met, the person would indirectly seek to meet those needs outside of matrimony. You see, those needs are valid and every couple should strive to meet their emotional and sexual needs. Meeting sexual needs reduces vulnerability to a large extent.

2. Retaliatory Adultery
Some people dabble into adultery simply because they wanted to retaliate or show their spouse that they can sort themselves out. This usually happens as a result of deep-seated offense or bitterness.

The sad part is that the reason for adultery does not extricate the consequences of it. As the scripture noted;

Adultery is a brainless act, soul-destroying, self-destructive;  [33]  Expect a bloody nose, a black eye, and a reputation ruined for good. Pro 6:32-33 (MSG)

3. Wounded and Injured Ego
The reality is that some men go into adultery just to simply repair or mend an injured or wounded ego!Wives, massage your husband’s ego! This is very important!

This is not to say that wives are responsible for unfaithfulness in men. A man who has a bad heart will cheat, injured ego or not. However, we should not be careless in some of these areas.

God bless you. Have a fantastic day!

I love my spouse the God kind of way

Lord, teach me how to love

1 Cor 13:4 (AMP) Love endures long and is patient and kind; love never is envious nor boils over with jealousy, is not boastful or vainglorious, does not display itself haughtily.

Go through the devotional again and make adjustments

1 Cor 13


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Lessons Singles Should Pay attention To

Lessons Singles Should Pay attention To

Reading Time: 3 minutes

1. Singles have all the time in this world. They don’t know the meaning of “busy.” When I hear singles say they are busy, I just smile. They should wait till they are married. A married couple lives busy lives, especially when the kids start arriving.

Lesson – Do all you want to do now, don’t postpone anything. Stop making statements like you will serve God more after marriage. You are going to get busier. I read the whole Bible many times over as a single in one or two months. As a married man, it takes me like six months to do that, and not as frequently as I used to do it. Married couples, make sure you strike a balance in your life. God first, your family, and then your work.

2. Most of the time, singles simply live for themselves. They are accountable to no one and they can go anywhere when they want. An ideal couple lives for each other, placing each other’s desires above all. There has to be a lot of plans and consultations.

Lesson – Singles, live deliberately and not irresponsibly. Make sure you have a mentor or an authority figure you defer to. Married couples, learn to carry along one another in decisions, you are no longer single.

3. Singles who have jeru trip constantly end up confused in their soul and get the relationship broken, because they are violating God’s principles. When God’s principles are violated, the soul enters into confusion. Married people who have jeru trip constantly WITH EACH OTHER and who remain faithful to each other are bonded the more. Jeru trip within marital sanctity is healthy for a couple and it is a marital glue.

Lesson – Singles, don’t slow yourself down with jeru trip or any other sexual sin. Don’t dip your hands into sin, only to come and conclude that there is a generational curse somewhere. Married couples, never deny each other, don’t unwittingly open up yourselves for devil’s attacks in your sexual life.

4. Singles who abstain from jeru trip before marriage and stay clean in other areas of their lives will have God’s favour, blessing, and grace working for them. They will know the true joy and blessings that follow obedient children of God. Married people who deny each other jeru trip or use it as punishment or reward are outrightly living in disobedience and God will not answer their prayers.

Lesson – Singles, there is a blessing in following God. There is a blessing in refusing to compromise. God will honour you for that. Married couples, you can keep the devil at bay by being faithful to your spouse.

5. Singles who double date are rehearsing for adultery. Whatever you rehearse for a long time, you become an expert at.

They are sowing wrong seeds into their lives, and the harvest would not be desirable. Married couples who are adulterous or into extra marital are deceived, and they are sowing seeds of regrets and pain. Adultery is not only sinful, see what the scriptures say about it:

Pro 6:32 AMP But whoever commits adultery with a woman lacks heart and understanding (moral principle and prudence); he who does it is destroying his own life.

Here is Message translation

Pro 6:32 MSG Adultery is a brainless act, soul-destroying, self-destructive;

Be wise and let these lessons sink!

I am a wise single. I learn all the lessons I need for my advancement.

Ask for wisdom to apply all the above lessons rightly.

Prov 6:32 (GW) Whoever commits adultery with a woman has no sense. Whoever does this destroys himself.

Take these lessons to heart

Prov 6


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The Intricacies of Cheating On Your Spouse

The Intricacies of Cheating On Your Spouse

Reading Time: 3 minutes

We’ll be considering the intricacies of cheating on your spouse this morning. It is one thing to find it difficult to sin, a situation where you have to really look and search for sin or the tools of sin to compromise, it is another story, another ball game entirely when the sin is so available, staring you in the face, calling and you, pulling you and wooing you with all kind of entreaties.

It is one thing to be tempted with the sin that doth not so easily beset you; it is another thing entirely to be poked at by the fingers of your weaknesses!

Such is the generation we have found ourselves!

Sin is available! Jeru trip is available at your beck and call.

Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, (Hebrews 12:1 KJV)

We are not in this race of life alone! We’ve got some saints up there in the balcony of heaven, looking down on us and getting excited, when we say No to sin!

It is our responsibility then to lay aside every weight and the sin that doth so easily beset us! We’ve got to lay aside every spiritual fat and parasitic sin!

If you live in a very busy environment and you and your spouse are involved in an intense job, day in day out, you have to go a long way to ensure you keep the devil at bay.

Take for example, both of you work in a place like Lagos state, Nigeria, you leave home as early as 5.30am and sometimes you are not back till 10.00pm because of  traffic congestion.
The proclivity is that you will likely spend more time with your colleagues than with your spouse! It is with deliberate and decisive heart coupled with the fear of God that you make up your mind to be faithful in your marriage.

Here are few points to note:

1. Cheating on your spouse is cheating on your destiny
Why is this so? It is a direct violation of the principles of God, so you end up not having God’s support and favour in your life. It is not worth it.

Why would you cheat on your spouse? What kind of Jeru trip are you looking for that you won’t find in your spouse?

Why play with fire. Will you carry fire in your bosom and not be burned? Will you walk on hot coals and your feet not be singed? I doubt!

2. Cheating on your spouse is a stupid idea.
Now I didn’t say that, God did. I am only echoing what God said.

But whoso committeth adultery with a woman lacketh understanding: he that doeth it destroyeth his own soul. (Proverbs 6:32 KJV)

Now see that in Message translation because KJV seems to be really nice there.

Adultery is a brainless act, soul–destroying, self–destructive; (Proverbs 6:32 Message)

Brainless! That’s not nice at all, but that is the truth!
What the scripture is saying here is that if we can think deeply, we would not dabble into adultery for anything in this world.

We see right there the implication of adultery.

Expect a bloody nose, a black eye, and a reputation ruined for good. For jealousy detonates rage in a cheated husband; wild for revenge, he won’t make allowances (Proverbs 6:33-34 Message)

The next time somebody is trying to talk you into some compromise, go ahead and tell that other person, that would be a stupid idea.

There is something about being faithful. It has tremendous rewards!

To be continued.

May God grant us more understanding.

I am a responsible husband/wife.

Lord, open the eyes of my understanding.

Hebrews 12:1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

Decide to be faithful to your spouse

Heb 12


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