When The Perfect Isn’t Perfect For You

When The Perfect Isn’t Perfect For You

Reading Time: 2 minutes

When the Perfect” Isn’t Perfect for You

There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end, it leads to death.” Proverbs 14:12 (NIV)

Have you ever been in a relationship where everything seems to be okay on the surface, but there is just this little voice inside you that says something is not right? Maybe you have been in it for so long, that everything is going smoothly, and you stopped questioning it.

Have you asked yourself; Is this the person God has for me? It’s so easy to get into the flow and move with it.

A biblical account that beautifully illustrated how God’s choice often defies human expectation was when Samuel thought Eliab was the perfect choice for a king because he had the look, the stature, and the presence. But God saw differently: “People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7).

This story reminds us that good is not always God’s best. Like Samuel, we must learn to trust God’s wisdom over our perceptions. Instead of making decisions based on what seems right, we should seek God’s guidance, knowing that His choice will always be greater than our expectations.

Life has a way of presenting us with this picture-perfect view of choices to make in life. Sometimes, in relationships, friendships, or even career paths, we meet people who often seem to be everything that we would have prayed for: kind, loving, responsible, and even God-fearing. But then, as time unfolds, we really get to find out that just because they are a good person does not make them the right person. The difference is found in the divine alignment.

A good person can have great qualities, but the right person is someone God has specifically aligned with your destiny. The right person won’t just make you happy, they will help you grow into the person God has called you to be (Jeremiah 29:11).

Sometimes, we get caught up in our own checklist of what we think we need, but God’s plan is always bigger and better than our expectations. A good person may be kind and loving, but if they’re not meant to walk your journey with you, they could slow you down instead of helping you move forward. Perhaps the clearest sign of all, while a good person may seem perfect on paper, the right person will bring a deep, unshakable peace in your spirit that only God can give (Colossians 3:15).

Good isn’t always God. Just because something looks perfect doesn’t mean it’s meant for you. What seems right in your eyes may not be what’s best for your future. Instead of chasing what looks good, seek what is God-ordained. Pray, listen, and trust His leading because His choice is always better than yours.

Your Days of Grieving Are Over

Your Days of Grieving Are Over

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Your Days of Grieving Are Over

This year is such a strategic and special year! It is a year in which the enemy of your soul will want to fight your joy so much, and yet it is that year in which you must protect your joy so much!

God promises that your days of mourning are over. However, you must now make an effort to comply with that scripture.

Let’s look at the scriptures.

Isa 60:20 (KJV) Thy sun shall no more go down; neither shall thy moon withdraw itself: for the LORD shall be thine everlasting light, and the days of thy mourning shall be ended.

Your days of mourning are over!

Mourning, as the scripture refers to it, encompasses broken relationships and the accompanying hurt and agony.

Unhappiness in relationships and sadness within a marriage, stemming from incessant quarrels and squabbles, are also part of this process.

Let’s take a look at The Message Translation.

Isa 60:20 (MSG) Your sun will never go down, your moon will never fade. I will be your eternal light. Your days of grieving are over.

I adore that phrase. Your days of mourning are behind you!

On your part, you’re now cooperating with the scripture by refusing depression and despondency in your life with every fiber of your being!

You must consciously cultivate the spirit of joy and prevent anything from trying to steal it from you!

This year is so pivotal that you can’t let anything dampen your joy!

You have a responsibility to safeguard that joy and keep it safe!

Why would you go to such lengths?

It’s your strength!

The joy of the Lord is your strength! Protect your place of strength and ensure its safety. This guarantees constant and unwavering victory in life and all other aspects of your existence!

The days of mourning are over!

If anything is causing grief at this moment, God Himself will intervene in Jesus’ name!

Good morning!

Top 56 Valuable Lessons from The 56-Year Marriage of Joyce and Dave Meyer – Part 2

Top 56 Valuable Lessons from The 56-Year Marriage of Joyce and Dave Meyer – Part 2

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Top 56 Valuable Lessons from The 56-Year Marriage of Joyce and Dave Meyer – Part 2

The Marriage of Dave and Joyce Meyer has been for over 56 years. In their Video, Talk It Out, they share candidly about the highs and lows of their journey together. Joyce notes early on in their 5-date courtship, they didn’t truly know each other. Yet through divine intervention, they found themselves bonded for life.

Based on this conversation with celebrated life coach and bestselling author Joyce Meyer and her husband Dave, here are some Valuable Lessons from The 56-Year Marriage of Joyce and Dave Meyer. This is Part 2. Read Part 1 Here.

Forgiving Quickly to Avoid Strife.

29. Satan wants strife but God wants peace. Joyce shares how realizing this, and refusing to get offended has helped. Forgiving and letting things go is key to avoiding discord.

30. Joyce and Dave warn against expecting overnight fixes. Trials often intensify before peace emerges, so persevering shows faith in God’s unseen hand at work.

31. The key is learning to accommodate each other. For example, while Dave may think Joyce’s processing style is “just wasted breath,” refraining from dismissive comments and listening respectfully goes a long way. Likewise, Joyce can try viewing situations from her husband’s logical perspective, even if she needs further discussion.

32. With patience and compromise, couples can diffuse tensions simply by acknowledging how their brains work differently.

33. Holding onto offenses is one of the surest ways to damage a marriage.

34. Joyce shared how she struggled with this early in her relationship with Dave but realized harboring resentment only benefits the devil.

35. The sooner spouses forgive small slights and absorb the word of love from First Corinthians 13, the smoother their union will go. “Love keeps no record of wrongs” is a radical concept in relationships but brings tremendous peace when applied.

36. Forgiveness also requires making a daily choice not to dwell on past hurts.

37. As Joyce said, the more one ruminates on offenses, the deeper the roots of bitterness take hold. But nipping issues in the bud through quick forgiveness keeps relationships clean and harmony intact. This helped the Marriage of Joyce and Dave Meyer a lot.

38. With practice, this can become second nature for even the most sensitive partners. Remember – it’s not about condoning bad actions but releasing the right to retaliate so love can reign free.

Seeing the Best in Each Other.

39. Dave lets Joyce be herself fully. Joyce has learned to see Dave’s logic as balancing her emotions, not opposing her. They’ve found humor in each other instead of aggravation.

Marriage of Joyce and Dave Meyer

40. Beyond communication gaps, every couple has their endearing idiosyncrasies that can push buttons if left unchecked. The Marriage of Joyce and Dave Meyer indeed is a great inspiration across the world.

41. Joyce humorously pointed out little habits of Dave’s, like noisily eating cereal or purposefully banging dishes louder when irritated, that get under her skin. However, she realized God made them with these distinct traits intentionally, perhaps for their own amusement.

42. We must appreciate our spouses as whole individuals rather than demanding they change harmless peculiarities.

Prioritizing Safety in Toxic Situations

43. While God hates divorce, abuse is never okay. If danger exists, safety comes first by distancing oneself until help is found. Otherwise, prayer and God’s guidance are vital.

44. While the above advice focuses on minor marital tensions, dangerously toxic relationships require a different approach to prioritizing safety.

45. Joyce rightly cautioned those in abusive situations to remove themselves and children from harm’s way, as God never intended endangerment. Additionally, prayerfully considering counseling or legal protection may become necessary steps of wisdom.

46. The role of prayer cannot be overstated even in these dire circumstances.

47. Communing continuously with Christ brings His empowerment, perspective, and discernment for the next steps.

48. Rather than facing challenges alone in one’s strength, total reliance on God’s guidance through Scripture and stillness lifts the heavy burden.

49. His perfect love casts out all fear as His plan and protection unfold. With His intervention, seemingly impossible problems dissolve. Love is a constant factor in the Marriage of Joyce and Dave Meyer.

Applying God’s Love.

50. Focusing on patience, kindness, and protecting the relationship helps. Seeing each other through God’s loving eyes transforms perspectives.

51. His Word shows us how to think of our spouse and ourselves.

52. Joyce emphasized consistently seeking God first in all matters, from minor annoyances to profound crises.

53. His love far surpasses any human love and fills what is lacking when spouses apply it through obedience, prayer, and wisdom

54. Together with Dave for decades, she stands as proof of the peace and joy available when Christ forms the foundation of a union.

55. With His help, couples can rise above natural tendencies to impatience, resentment, or control

56. In summarizing this discussion on marriage, the key lessons are to go into marriage with clear communication about expectations, to accept your spouse for who they are rather than trying to change them, and to rely on God’s wisdom in navigating disagreements and difficult seasons


While differences will arise, focusing on each other’s positive qualities and prioritizing individual responsibility for happiness can help strengthen the bond. With patience, compromise when needed, and a commitment to a lifelong partnership, a marriage has the potential to grow deeper in love and understanding over decades.

Top 56 Valuable Lessons from the 56-Year Marriage of Joyce and Dave Meyer

Top 56 Valuable Lessons from the 56-Year Marriage of Joyce and Dave Meyer

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Top 56 Valuable Lessons from the 56-Year Marriage of Joyce and Dave Meyer

Joyce and Dave Meyer have been married for over 56 years. In their Video, Talk It Out, they share candidly about the highs and lows of their journey together. Joyce notes early on in their 5-date courtship, they didn’t truly know each other. Yet through divine intervention, they found themselves bonded for life.

Based on this conversation with celebrated life coach and bestselling author Joyce Meyer and her husband Dave, here are some invaluable insights on how to build a strong, God-honoring marriage.

1. Joyce and Dave Meyer discuss the ups and downs of their early marriage and how their thinking has changed over the years.

2. Dave knew marriage was forever so he never thought about changing Joyce or leaving if things didn’t improve.

3. They had to learn about each other through experiences and God helped Dave deal with difficult situations. Over decades, Joyce and Dave Meyer learned to accept each other fully as God designed.

4. Dave applies relevant scriptures like Ephesians 5:28 to situations rather than dwelling on problems.

5. Joyce explains she came from a difficult childhood which manifested in erratic, emotionally volatile behaviors in their first years of marriage. She recalls giving Dave the silent treatment for weeks at a time when upset.

6. Dave remained steadfast, understanding where Joyce’s hurt originated while navigating ups and downs to learn about her. He displayed remarkable strength and commitment to their vows.

Common Mistakes in Marriage.

7. Trying to change your spouse instead of letting them be who they are. Realizing their unique qualities complement one another affirms God’s plan for oneness in marriage.

8. Joyce acknowledges trying to change Dave was misguided since transformation must come from within.

9. From the start, Dave viewed marriage as permanent, avoiding the “threat” mindset some have of changing or divorcing a spouse.

10. Focusing on what’s wrong with your spouse instead of what’s right is a common mistake.

11. Thinking you have to be happy for your spouse to be happy instead of each being responsible for their own happiness.

Handling Differences of Opinion.

12. It’s normal to have different opinions and likes in a marriage.

13. Compromise by allowing each person to decorate their own space.

14. It’s okay to disagree as long as you don’t think your spouse is wrong for having a different view.

15. Joyce recommends couples make a side-by-side list of each other’s positive and negative traits. For her and Dave, the good vastly outweighed the bad. By shifting mental focus to a spouse’s virtues, small flaws seem insignificant.

Dealing with Financial Disagreements.

16. Joyce and Dave Meyer advised that you talk through finances and goals before marriage to avoid surprises.

Joyce and Dave Meyer

17. Needs can change over time so revisit financial agreements.

18. Understand each other’s perspectives and fears around money.

Dave’s Experience with Saving Money as a Youth.

19. Dave shares how he learned the value of saving money from a young age. He explains how at 16 years old, he saved one thousand dollars cutting grass and selling items to buy his first car.

20. Dave emphasizes the importance of prioritizing spending money on important goals.

Accepting Each Other as God Made Us.

21. Joyce and Dave Meyer are different. Dave is more logical while Joyce processes things verbally.

22. One frequent source of disagreement between spouses is having differing communication styles.

23. Joyce mentioned how she likes to verbally process situations by talking through all the angles, while Dave prefers a more direct, logical approach. It’s not that either way is wrong, but recognizing these distinctions is important. They’ve realized God made them this way and focusing on each other’s strengths has helped.

24. When Joyce was unhappy, Dave modeled finding joy regardless through stable faith.

25. As Christians, we are not to let others dictate our moods but lead by example. Joyce was inspired to mirror Dave’s contentment.

26. Misunderstandings often arise when partners don’t understand each other’s methods of thinking and reasoning through problems.

27. Surrender fully to God’s design for oneness. Appreciate differences as completing each other.

28. Apply biblical solutions in tough times, not human reasoning. Prioritize your spouse’s well-being through humility, patience, and consistent prayer.

We will continue with Part 2 of Top 56 Valuable Lessons from the 56-Year Marriage of Joyce and Dave Meyer tomorrow.

How To Have An Exuberantly Beautiful Love Life

How To Have An Exuberantly Beautiful Love Life

Reading Time: 4 minutes

I want to show you some things this morning from God’s word. By taking heed to these things, you can appropriate all necessary to make God answer your prayers and prepare yourself for an exuberantly beautiful love life.

The ways of God are not our ways! In fact, the ways we think and process things are far different from the way God thinks and processes things. The challenge is that our success in relationship, marriage, and life is the degree to which our thoughts and ways are aligned to God’s ways and thoughts!

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-9 KJV)

When a man begins to think like God, it is the beginning of incredible success and astounding victories in life. No wonder the Bible says, we have the mind of Christ.

So here are few things, though not exhaustive, that you need to take heed to in your bid to maximize your relationship with God and to get aligned to the ways and thoughts of God. This will help improve your love life significantly.

1. Your relationship with God
This comes top on the list. It is the first order of things. Without this, you cannot really go far in God! There has to be a relationship with God before your relationship or marriage can work the way God wants it to. It is this relationship with God that fraternizes you with the thoughts and the ways of God. Have you consciously accepted Jesus into your life? That is the beginning of success in your relationship and marriage! There are no two ways to it!

2. Your love for God
Then, of course, your love for God is important. It is your love for Him that propels you and fuels you to go after Him! Your love for God should be reciprocal to His love for you because He actually loves you first!

As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. (Psalms 42:1 KJV)

3. The motive of your love
You don’t develop a relationship with God because of what you want Him to do for you or what you want to get from Him, you develop a relationship with Him because you love Him! You need to get this! God does not look at actions first; He looks into the heart. He goes to the deepest intricacies of your heart and locates the motive for every action. Nobody can fool God; nobody can succeed at fooling God.

4. Your love for His word
Your love for God drives you into His word. As you search His word, it fuels your love for Him the more. It is like an endless cycle of knowing God more through His word. As you know more of His word, you begin to know how He thinks and how He acts.

5. Your obedience to His word
As you become a student of the word, He will begin to show you a lot of things. When you make up your mind to obey in pragmatic ways, you begin to learn His ways. It is in stepping out on His instructions that you start learning what works and what doesn’t work with God.

But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil. (Hebrews 5:14 KJV)

6. Your refrain from iniquity
Your decision to stay away from any wrong has a long way to go in determining your answers to prayers. There is no way you can get anything from God if you are habitually stuck in something you know God does not want. The life of God that you have in you will not make you comfortable in habitual sin. It is one thing to make a mistake; it is another thing to be living habitually in sin.

Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world (1 John 2:15-16 KJV)

7. Your disconnection from the old
One of the reasons our prayers are not being answered is because we hold on to the old ways of doing things and old ways of thinking.  But in order to move forward, we have to disconnect from mindsets and established routines as a result of our experiences in the past. You cannot use your experience to conclude on the ways of God. That one particular prayer point was not answered for eleven years does not mean you cannot get the next prayer answered in a few days!

Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. (Isaiah 43:18 KJV)

8. Your acceptance of the new
Your ability to think out of the box, to think beyond the norms, and to not box God will go a long way in determining your success in the things of God.

Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. (Isaiah 43:19 KJV)

God is about to make a way. It is different from the ways you know. You must be willing to believe and accept that which God wants to do in your life, and He will be able to do it. That is faith.

9. Your confessions and utterances
Your words and utterances must be aligned to God’s word in your heart. Your mouth becomes your might in the things of the Spirit. You cannot be saying you believe something and yet your utterances contradict your supposed disposition. In the things of God, your confession is a profession; it is work because it is working out something!

Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;) (Hebrews 10:23 KJV)

10. Your associations and covering
Lastly, disconnect from all ungodly associations. Do away from people that suffocate your faith and inject fear into you instead. Surround yourself with encouragers and people that lift your spirit with God’s word. Get somebody over your life to serve as a spiritual covering.

May God grant you more understanding.

I prioritize my walk with God so my love life does not suffer

Ask for wisdom to balance your love life

Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. (Isaiah 43:19 KJV)

Is your love life under attack? Talk to your mentor

Isaiah 43


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